InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My beloved, my mate, my only ❯ Ch. 7 What a friend should do ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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Last time….
Oblivious to Kagome's internal distress the bare-chested youkai was drawing his haori around her shoulders bidding her to place her arms in the sleeves slightly nudging her to pay attention. He knew she was starring at his chest intently and he couldn't help but feel a surge of male pride at her reaction. He could hear her accelerated heartbeat and smell the scent of her slight arousal mixed in with her natural scent of a field full of flowers after a rainstorm. It was intoxicating. Unable to distance himself from her, he leaned into her hair instinctively, breathing in her scent deeply. His mind clouded with thoughts of the small woman before him, he whispered into the lush curtain of her hair.
“My koiishi.”
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Ch. 7 What a friend should do
Kagome couldn't help the shiver that raced up her spine at the sound of his silken voice. Feeling his warm, hard body pressing up against her, she instinctively wanted to cuddle up against him. The priestess realized she was wrapped up in his haori and no longer stood naked before him, but she couldn't help and feel the ecstatic pounding of her heart beat against her ribcage at his nearness. Why did he affect her so much? Never had she felt this way with any other man, not even when she had thought she was madly in love with Inuyasha. In no way had the hanyou ever made her want to jump up and kiss him senseless or want to take one of his large clawed hands in hers and place it on her body and guide it down to her-
The sound of hair raising hissing directed toward them broke their trance instantaneously.
“I have yet to see the woman carry your mark upon her. The onna's smell alone gives testimony that she has not been claimed by the west.” Haruki, the first neko youkai, spoke with a sneer interrupting their bonding purposefully.
Touga was quickly loosing patience with these cats. He no longer cared if they were allies or not, he would make sure to shut them up without delay. Hastily making sure that his haori covered the young woman he turned his gaze back to the two neko youkai. They know doubt thought that because of their connection to the Southern Lord they would get away with their infuriating behavior.
Gently picking up the priestess in his arms bridle style and holding her against his chest protectively, he made his way back toward the rivers edge to face the two who dared interrupt the moment he was sharing with the lovely woman.
The way the Taiyoukai's full attention was now focused in a narrow-eyed glare directly at them, made their hackles rise in fear. They knew the Western heir had very few, if any, youkai who could equal him in power and strength, and it would be suicidal to become one of his enemies. Yet, they couldn't help but be skeptical at this sudden relationship. As the Southern Lords grandsons they would have been privy to the mating of the one of the most powerful youkais. And surely the West would have celebrated such an occasion announcing their new Lady to the rest of the kingdoms.
Standing on land once more the inuyoukai placed the miko gently on her feet pushing her behind him as he faced the fools who dared question him. He took his time looking them over in undisguised disgust. Did they truly believe themselves to be his equals to question him over a female?
Touga prepared to make them wait a few more minutes before he deemed them worthy enough to speak to. Yet upon seeing the look of lust that crossed their features when they looked at the miko, who now stood next to him instead of behind him in his wet haori, he quickly lost all rational.
Touga's reiki rose up and flared in anger at their slow perusal of the woman who accompanied him. His youki swirled around him crackling in a mighty current of wind as his eyes began to bleed red; his violet stripes of status suddenly becoming jagged and his canines elongating to allow the beast within more capability to tear their prey apart. His beast snarled his displeasure and reminded Touga of their insolence, urging him to assert his dominance over the two feline who in no way equaled his rank or strength. How dare they glare so openly at his female. Did they think there would be no repercussions for their impudence?
“You do not question this Touga, nor his soon-to-be-mate.” He snarled out in anger. “If you should ever come near her again, or should you even think to look at her and your eyes wonder below her face, I will not hesitate to remove your head from your body.” He said menacingly, a growl marring his normally smooth tone.
As any normal cats would do upon running into a very pissed off dog, they ran. Their enhanced speed taking them from the clearing faster than the miko's eyes could follow.
Kagome giggled upon seeing their hasty departure. They looked utterly frightened as well they should be, even she was a bit intimidated by Touga's power. Yet she had not once been frightened of him or his powerful aura, he was only trying to protect her after all. Being a priestess, Kagome should have been feeling at least a little nauseous or somewhat apprehensive of Touga's angered reiki flaring so closely to her holy aura, but surprisingly she felt normal.
Her priestess powers had not even once warned her of any danger nor did they rise up to defend her of any perceived threat. Perhaps because she did not see Touga as someone who would ever hurt her intentionally.
She couldn't help herself. Her giggles turned into full blown laughter as she remembered the look on their faces.
Touga's eyes had returned to their normal golden hue and his aura had calmed as he looked at her with his own amusement. Frankly, he was surprised the beasts hadn't argued their case but had just simply fled, the fear of death evident in their eyes.
“Thank you Touga!” The miko exclaimed with gratitude while jumping up to place her arms around his neck in a hug. “You got here right on time! They looked hilarious running for their lives with their tail tucked between their legs. Serves them right for trying to look at me like some steak!” She huffed.
Touga was surprised at her show of gratitude but was not about to comment on his good fortune. Did she not realize she was still wet and his haori clung to her like a second skin and perhaps revealed more than it covered? Well if she did not, he was not about to remind her.
He returned her hug wrapping his own arms around the cheerful woman holding her up in the process. “You're very welcome. Anything for my mate.” He said smiling at her suddenly good mood.
“Or you mean soon-to-be-mate Touga-sama.” She corrected with delight still clinging to him. She was shameless. She knew it, but somehow she couldn't seem to unwrap herself from around his neck, he felt too good. She felt too good being held in his arms. Even if she was just wearing his haori and nothing else, her modesty at the moment was nonexistent.
“Kagome, I think you can drop the honorific now. We are so very well acquainted after all. Don't you think?” He questioned while lifting a brow and looking pointedly at the wet haori that clung to her slender form; yet his eyes were ogling something far more specific.
Seeing where his eyes were directed a crimson color stained her cheeks. She hadn't quite realized that his haori was plastered to her body and was slightly open revealing a generous amount of her breasts. She quickly took hold of the two sides and shut them tight her eyes never meeting his. No wonder the stupid nekos had been starring at her so hungrily.
Without realizing it though she was still holding unto Touga's neck with one arm and had not completely let go of him. Kagome had no real desire to release her hold on him; even if she was hanging on to him half naked.
`She only looks more attractive when she blushes.' Thought the inuyoukai as he saw her modesty manifest itself once more. `If only I could feel more of her skin, it looked so incredibly soft and silky-smooth. Ahh…I would be a very contented youkai indeed.' Before his thoughts could drift to more worthwhile endeavors, he decided to hold the miko to his chest while he led them back to where she had left her clothing.
She continued to giggle quickly forgetting her mishap as he started to walk off with her, her small feet dangling off the ground. She hugged his neck tightly as he carried her off and clung to him like a child who hangs unto to her father for fear that he would leave her behind. Though, she was confident that she never once saw him as a father but more of a…a…well she wasn't sure what she saw him as, only that she was positive that she was attracted to him.
For Kami's sake she was older than he was! Ok only in human years but it had to count for something right? So there was nothing wrong with being attracted to a beautiful and smart, powerful, interesting, and extremely sexy youkai was there?
He chuckled right along with her feeling carefree and lighthearted, two things he had never felt before. His life has always been about diligently training his body as well as his mind. About politics and war tactics. About learning to handle the unexpected, the unforeseen and even the unexplained. Never had he learned to laugh, to play, to or just be a male enjoying himself in the company of an undeniably alluring female. That is until now.
“Touga-kun, I have an idea.” She said as he put her down gently next to the rock that still held her clothing.
He raised an eyebrow, something he had been doing a lot lately, and wondered at the new nickname.
“Is…is it ok if I call you that, I…I could call you something else if you like maybe-”
“It is perfectly fine Kagome. I was only surprised. You see, I have never had anyone call me that before. It was rather….odd to hear, that is all -I like it though.” He smiled sincerely, a fang poking from the corner of his top lip.
The miko was suddenly mesmerized watching the gleaming canine wondering what it would feel like if she touched it with her finger -or her tongue- and his boyishly charming smile left her dazzled. He was looking at her, she knew, probably waiting for an answer of some sort, yet at the moment she couldn't quite remember what they had been talking about. Had he asked her a question?
“A friend?” She asked somewhat confusedly and in a daze. `Get a hold of yourself Kagome, not like Inuyasha and every other youkai you know don't have fangs. Yeah…except they don't have his gorgeous face and attitude to go with it.' She mused. Seeing his smile disappear and the questioning look in his eyes, she swiftly brought herself out of her reflections and remembered their previous conversation.
“Heh, heh, heh…I mean….Haven't any of your friends ever called you Touga-kun before?” The miko sweat dropped. She really hoped he wouldn't ask her what the hell was wrong with her.
“No- I do not have the kind of `friends' you believe me to have. I have acquaintances, I have allies, and I have those who wish to gain something from me whether my power, protection, title, or simply to have the pleasure of warming my bed. No more.”
He said it so matter-of-fact that she couldn't help but wonder if Touga thought this was a
normal way of life. (Though she had to forcibly ignore the comment about women warming his bed.)
Had he never had a true friend in his entire life then? It really saddened her.
But more importantly it convicted her. Kagome decided then and there that she would be the first to be his most loyal and devoted and truest friend. She would do anything in her power to make him happy. He would remember her, even far after she would leave his side. It troubled her again to think that she would not look upon his stunningly handsome face again, that she would not hear his beautiful voice and hear any wisdom gained to him by years of immortality. She heaved a great sigh.
She had to stop this depressing line of thinking immediately, it was not going to help her in any way. Kagome just needed to make the best of the time spent in his company, and that time would start now.
“Touga-kun, I am not one of these people you speak of. I would be happy to be considered your ally, I…well actually do need your help to find my way home, but I do not seek anything else from you. Ok…actually that's somewhat of a lie, I do want other things from you.” She said smiling at him coyly.
“I would love your company. I would love to see your beautiful and charming smile. Lets see to hear your infectious and wonderful laughter. To share your wit and fascinating conversation. To hear your knowledge and wisdom, and your-” His jovial laughter made her stop her `what I want in a friend' countdown.
She looked at him nervously wondering why he had suddenly gone from laughing at her antics to a serious and thought-provoking mood in the blink of an eye. Had she said something wrong? Maybe she shouldn't have joked with him and told him what else she wanted from him.
“Is that all you wish of me?” Asked the inuyoukai with an attractive smirk while walking toward the now flustered miko.
“Uhh…umm…wha…what do you m…mean?” She stammered out sounding more disconcerted than she'd like. Did he know what he was doing to her? And more importantly, was he doing it on purpose?
He continued to close in on her till he was only a hands breath away. Carefully he leaned down, hovering above her, his magnificent golden-honeyed eyes roaming over her face taking in every detail with fascination. Craning her neck back, she locked eyes with him, swallowing, as she tried to desperately return her breathing to normal. She licked her suddenly dry lips, her pink tongue darting out to moisten them. This small action seemed to draw his attention immediately, his eyes roaming over the contours of her lips, his brows creased as if he were thinking something through.
“Kagome.” He breathed her name huskily.
Her eyes widened, hearing the way he said her name ever so seductively, and only inches from her lips.
Then suddenly, his voice returned to its normal silky baritone as he asked her a question.
“Didn't you say, you had an idea earlier? Would you like to tell me what it is now?” The inuyoukai said while taking a step back to allow her room to answer. He really wanted to laugh at the way the girl looked, so delightfully flushed and with such a confused look in her eyes.
Maybe he should have just kissed her instead of reminding her that she had a plan for what was left of their afternoon. He really had wanted to place his lips on hers, even if only for a brief moment, yet he couldn't help but remember that she had said she wanted to be his friend. Never once had she mentioned that she would like for him to court her. Besides she was the first real friend he had ever had, the inuyoukai couldn't just go and ruin their tenuous friendship now could he?
And it would almost be impossible to take a step into something more than companionship. There were very many reasons. But the most important ones had to be that she was not of his time, she was human, and she was leaving him as soon as they could figure out a way for her to do so. Best not to start something that would end up hurting them both.
Though, these logical conclusions certainly wouldn't stop him from wishing it were otherwise.
Her titillating voice brought him out of his thoughts with a start.
“Oh…yeah…yeah…I did. I mean I do have a plan. But maybe…umm…maybe its just not a good idea…I mean you probably wont wanna do it anyway and then you'll get all wet again and- hey…you're dry already…wow that was fast! How'd you do that? Is it some kind of youkai thing, because if it is I'd sure love to have that power. Ya know to be able to get super dry in the blink of an eye and stuff and well…yeah…”
After he was able to dissect her hastily spoken words, he figured that she was probably embarrassed for some odd reason if she was be rambling so. Perhaps she was unnerved because he had almost tried kissing her again.
Hm. He realized that he had to try this kissing thing soon or else be left with increasing curiosity. The inuyoukai suddenly wondered if and how many times the miko had kissed another male.
That thought didn't sit well with him. Best not to assume too much and simply ask her. `Yes that's exactly what I'll do.' He thought with renewed enthusiasm. `I'll just remind myself to ask her at a later time.' But for now, he would get her to tell him this plan of hers.
“Miko- Tell me what you would like to do.” He said firmly giving her a glimpse of his normally commanding presence.
“O..Ok.” Kagome cleared her throat and tried to get her mind to work after it had nearly turned to mush. What was wrong with her? Shouldn't she be urgently trying to look for a way home? Instead here she was flirting around with Touga hundreds of years before even Sesshoumaru was thought of, and she was about to ask him to go swimming with her?
Yet, she had practically promised herself that she would be his first real friend and she really wanted to show him what it would be like to just kick back and have fun. So…
“Well would you like to go swimming with me Touga? Just for a little while of course…since you know…I am still a little hungry. But we don't have to if you don't want to. I guess I just wanted you to fool around with me a bit.” Hastily realizing her embarrassing mistake she tried to remedy it quickly before he even had the opportunity to reply.
“I mean…not fool around with me or anything but just you know play with me….Ohhhh” The reddened miko groaned miserably and wondered if she were going to forever be saying stupid things to Touga.
Or if he was forever going to be laughing at her instead of with her.
“I don't believe I have ever laughed or even smiled this much before in my entire laugh miko!”
“And,” he added, “I would be honored to play with you.” He said while giving her a lopsided smirk at the implication.
`Ok so I guess that makes me feel a little better.' She thought, her spirits lifting again. She really did want him to just relax and have fun but first-
“Alright but first you have to turn around while I change.”
The confused look he gave her made her decide to explain a bit further.
“I can't possibly get into the water wearing just your haori. Well not again anyway.”
Kagome saw a devilish tinkle in his eye. She recognized it immediately as one she had seen many times before on Miroku. No doubt he was imagining her naked in the water with him and kami only knows what they would be doing. He was a young male after all. Aren't they ALL prone to some sort of sexual fantasies whether youkai, hanyou, or human?
“Just turn around so I can change and then we'll get in the water ok.” She said a bit more harshly than she'd like.
Touga was not sure what the miko was planning on changing into. Perhaps she was going to change back into that odd kimono she had been wearing. Not like it covered her skin very much anyway so perhaps she would swim in that. He turned around giving her ample time to change into her strange garments before asking if she was ready to get in.
He was really beginning to look forward to this. He had never gone swimming before for the simple enjoyment of it, or even with anyone else for that matter. And definitely never with a futuristic miko who happened to be extremely appealing to his eyes as well as his nose.
Meanwhile, Kagome was able to get her black lace bra and panties on in record time, she wasn't going to go in naked after all. The miko had had enough of males ogling her all afternoon, or even longer than that if you counted Miroku's and even Inuyasha's occasional, `I thought I heard danger & since you were vulnerable and naked bathing, I came to the rescue,' mishaps . The miko knew she was going to be swimming in her underwear but it was as if she were wearing a bikini so it would hardly be indecent.
“Maybe you shouldn't get into the water after all Touga-kun.” Kagome said smugly to the youkai behind her.
“Why is that miko?” The inuyoukai asked dejectedly wondering why she would suddenly change her mind.
“…you might smell like WET PUPPY AFTERWARD!!” She screamed while running off and jumping into the water before he could reach her.
Touga turned around, eyes open wide, just as the priestess ran off and jumped into the water. Had he heard her right?
The miko had just made a grave mistake. You never turn your back on an inu. And, you never, ever run from one either.
He followed on her heels jumping into the water behind her. She screamed and laughed as he grabbed her around the waist and prepared to throw her farther into the water. But as his arm slipped around her smooth and flat stomach he noticed something very important…he was touching her bare skin.
“Kagome!” He exclaimed with surprise yet still not relinquishing his hold on her.
“What are you wearing?”
“Oh this?” The miko answered flirtatiously. She couldn't help herself. Kagome couldn't remember the last time she felt so feminine and attractive. Sure, youkai were always complementing her and telling her she looked good enough to eat but that didn't count. It was nice to feel desired and to know she had had an effect on the most gorgeous youkai she had ever laid eyes on.
And if that youkai happened to be Inuyasha's and Sesshoumaru's dad, then so be it.
`If Inuyasha can always go off and flirt with my `sister' (ok the person who I was reincarnated from), then I can certainly flirt with his dad. So there!' The miko reasoned to herself.
“Well this is like a bathing suit of my time.” The futuristic priestess tried explaining. “There are many public swimming areas where loads of people go for recreation, you know for fun. Since nobody wants to see everyone else naked they invented some bathing suits to cover up uhh…the most important parts on your body. Does that make sense?”
The Western heir swallowed as he took in her complete `ba-thi-ng suit.' It hardly covered any of her body and was far more provocative than if she were to be completely naked. It made his imagination run wild. He could only envision the strange silky texture of it between his fingers as he sliced each one of the pieces of cloth off her body slowly replacing his fingers with his mouth.
That would not be hard to accomplish seeing as how he was only wearing his hakamas and those could easily be discarded since he had left his boots on the rivers shore. He would only need to pull her body closer to his and-
“Touga, are you all right? You seem a little…out-of-it.”
“Hum…oh yes, yes perfectly fine. But as for you my dear miko…” He decided to put some space between them for her own safety, so he threw her far into the middle of the river; without using all of his strength of course, he didn't want to hurt her.
“TOUG AHHHH!! She screamed while splashing under the water. He was definitely going to get it now. No more miss nice-miko. She came back up sputtering water and glared at him heatedly promising retribution.
They continued to play in the water pushing, diving, throwing, and generally just relaxing and having fun. Their laughter echoed in the still forest around them, even the trees swayed in the gentle breeze as if seeming to be as relaxed as the taiyoukai who frolicked happily in the water with the priestess.
As the sun marked the end of its role upon the land, and the stars and moon took its place, the pair of soggy friends made their way back into the small clearing to start the small firewood the miko had left prepared. Touga had indeed come back with several skinned rabbits, (before he had smelled the offensive smell of neko), so those were easily cut into long strips and placed on sticks to roast by the fire.
Kagome tried to dry as best she could seeing as how she had no towels or even an extra set of clothing. Her hair and undergarments remained damp as she sat close to the warm fire, a contented silence falling between the two. She had already taken notice that Touga's own clothing and long beautiful ponytail were dried courtesy of his reiki. How she wished she could dry herself so easily.
“Well I guess I'm going to go to sleep now Touga-kun. I'm sure we're going to have an exciting day tomorrow when we reach the youkai village. You know I didn't even know something like that existed. I've never even heard of one before but I guess they would be around seeing as how there are many civilized youkai.
So anyway I'll just lay down over here by the fire and go to sleep. Goodnight.” She said yawning behind her hand. She was dead tired and wondered if Touga was going to keep watch all night. He probably would just as Inuyasha did most of the time.
She found a nice grassy spot that had almost no lumps and laid down on her side. Oh how she missed her sleeping bag. She closed her eyes wondering what tomorrow would bring.
“Sleep well Kagome.” He answered softly realizing that her breathing had already evened out signaling her slumber.
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She couldn't breathe. Her lungs were screaming for oxygen and the muscles in her legs were contracting with each step she took. Kagome knew she had to stop running soon and just be forced to give in to her exhaustion.
The snake youkai was close, too close, and would soon be biting through her with his enormous venom dripping fangs. She could almost feel the poison enter her body making her cry out in fear.
“No,” she panted, “I cant die like this. There's still so much left for me to do. Naraku isn't defeated yet. And…and I want to experience love, real love not a crush or disappointed but to fall in love with someone so strongly that no one and nothing can stand in our way. And I want for him to fiercely love me in return and place me above all others.”
The snake slithered up to her coiling his large body around her frail human one squeezing out her life force.
“No!!” She cried too exhausted to even try to use her holy powers. “Please don't!” She screamed as the youkais fangs pierced her flesh.
“Touga!” She breathed raggedly, her blood and lungs ablaze with the poison making it difficult to take in air.
Before her eyes closed in defeat, she heard him calling out to her. “Kagome!!” He seemed so far away. “Kagome!!” He called out again only this time the sound was much closer. She knew that he would not make it to her in time. She would never see his face again. She would close her eyes for the last time and her one regret would be that she never played out her `what if' scenario with Touga.
“Kagome!!” His voice was so close now. If only she could reach out to him she knew she would be alright. “Koi, listen to me please.”
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“Wake up sweetheart. Come on you're alright…I'm right here.”
“Tou…Touga…is that really you?” Kagome asked trying to lift the fog from her hazy mind. Had it all just been a dream then? Had he heard her cry out in her sleep?
“Hai, its me koi, you were just dreaming. It was just a dream, no ones going to hurt you, I promise.”
“Oh Touga!!” The miko cried lifting herself up in a sitting position from the ground where she had fallen asleep.
Feeling his gentle hands on her arms and his aura of concern and worry flickering around her, surrounding her, she couldn't help but fling herself into his arms.
“It was aw…awful…a sssnake youkai…he was…he was squeezing me death and he bit me an…and poisoned me Touga. I was…I was dying and….and you c.c.couldn't get to me in time.” She sniffed allowing herself to cry in his warm embrace.
He placed her on his lap soothing her with his soft words. He had never comforted someone before but managed to remember a time when his okaa-san had attempted to soothe him after a particularly frightening nightmare as a child.
So he rubbed small circles on her lower back and growled softly to her as any inu would do to comfort a mate or child.
Kagome was slowly regaining her coherency. She had been so frightened. And it was not necessarily because she was being chased by a terrifying youkai but because of the horrible sensation she had felt of being poisoned and coming so close to death.
Feeling Touga's soothing back rubs and his vibrating chest -she could swear he sounded like he was purring- she began to feel her eyes grow heavy with sleep again.
Had he just called her sweetheart and koi? She wondered sleepily. Or was she just dreaming wishing he'd call her those endearments. Oh well, she'd consider it tomorrow. Right now she was just too tired to think about anything.
“Arigato Touga.” She said sleepily snuggling deeper into his chest. “Tomorrow….when I'm a little….more….awake…I'll thank you…properly. When we get…to…to the youkai…”
She was asleep before she could even finish her sentence.
The inuyoukai couldn't help but be intrigued. How exactly was the miko planning on thanking him properly? He wasn't sure but if she needed help to figure out a way, then he would gladly assist her and think of something suitable.
He buried his nose in the woman's hair inhaling her sweet scent again. It was rather addicting. It calmed him and soothed his beast so much so that he began to feel drowsy. Enveloping the small woman in his arms tenderly, he leaned his head back on the trunk of the tree he was sitting up against, and closed his eyes with a contented sigh.
Ahh…he couldn't help but look forward to the morrow.
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I know there wasn't not too much action in this chpt. but I'm still trying to build up their relationship, you know kinda takes a while for them to really fall in love especially since Kagome has to overcome a lot to even think about the L-word with Inu's and Sesshy's dad.
This Ch. was pretty long and I couldn't even believe they hadn't gotten to the youkai village yet, WOW! Not too sure if that's a good or bad thing?? HMM???
Until next time!!