InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Connection To Kikyo ❯ Strange Feelings ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Kagome starts getting dizzy and faints. Make way for baby =) Oh yeah...I don't own Inuyasha but I do own Koryn so there!

Chapter6: Strange Feelings

The two had covered quite a bit of ground across Inuyasha's Forest. It had been nearly three and a half days since their night in the hillside cavern together. Kagome put her hand on her stomach lightly and began to think. 'I hope that Inuyasha and I made a baby that night! Please Kami, let me be pregnant with Inuyasha's baby!'

Inuyasha's gruff voice cut through Kagome's thoughts startling her. "You okay Kagome?" "Yes I'm fine." He stared at her a bit longer before he decided that her answer was acceptable. The two continued on in silence for about an hour when Kagome suddenly began feeling very strange.

She could feel herself becoming dizzy and beginning to sweat more than normal. Kagome had to stop to brace herself against the trunk of a tree. She called out to Inuyasha in a quivering voice. "Inuyasha, I d-don't feel so g-good!" Inuyasha heard the fear in Kagome's voice so he rushed over to her.

Kagome's vision blurred and she felt her knees begin to buckle. Inuyasha grabbed Kagome around the waist. "Kagome what's wrong?" "I don't know. Oh! Let go!" "Why?" Kagome didn't have time to answer as she forced herself out of Inuyasha's embrace. Inuyasha watched as Kagome bent over and opened her mouth.

Kagome felt her throat begin to contract as she felt the sickness beginning to rise in her chest. She felt her stomach give a horrible churn and then felt her mouth water as it anticipated her nearing sickness. Inuyasha watched as Kagome's body suddenly lurched forward as the nausea overwhelmed her.

Kagome stood up and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand once she was finished getting sick. "Are you okay Kagome?" She smiled nonchalantly at his bewildered expression. "I am now." "Why did you get sick?" "I think I might be pregnant Inuyasha." "Yeah maybe, but I still think it's too soon to tell."

The two resumed their hunt for Koryn once Inuyasha was certain Kagome was alright. They had traveled another couple of hours. "Kagome are you sure you're feeling alright?" "Yes Inuyasha I'm fine." "Because we can stop to rest if you want?" "No Inuyasha I'm fine just don't worry."

Kagome was feeling a lot better than she had been feeling earlier but she still felt pretty rotten. However she was not about to tell Inuyasha that she was still feeling lousy. He would just freak out and try to make her relax. She would just have to tough it out for a little longer.

'Toughing things out will be simple as long as I don't start feeling any worse!' Inuyasha led Kagome across a shallow creek. They were about halfway across the creek when Kagome suddenly found herself very short of breath. She tried to draw in a deep breath to fill her lungs with air but only succeeded in making herself feel more disoriented than before. 'Oh great! I don't need this now!' She pushed her body forward and tried to catch up to Inuyasha.

That was when she felt her knees turn to jelly and her heart started racing in her chest. Kagome was about to call out to Inuyasha but discovered that her throat was painfully dry and there was a huge lump forming in the back of it.

She noticed her vision was starting to blur again and her heart was now beating so loud that it sounded like someone was beating a drum next to her ears. Kagome's knees finally buckled and gave out. She let out a small almost inaudible yelp as she fell into the shallow creek.

Inuyasha whipped around when he heard the faint yelp that was quickly followed by a loud splash. He sprinted over to where Kagome lay sprawled out in the cool shallow water. Inuyasha picked Kagome up and carried her motionless body out of the creek. Kagome later awoke to a dull throbbing ache in her head.

"So you finally decided to wake up huh?" She gave him a small smile as she brought her hand to her head. "I feel like I've been beaten. What happened to me?" "You fainted and fell into the creek we were crossing." Her face burned from the intense blush that colored it. "Oh how embarrassing!"

"Kagome never mind about that. You could have gotten seriously hurt or worse! Why didn't you tell me you didn't feel good?" She put her hands on her hips annoyed with his overprotective manner towards her. "Because I didn't want you to hover over me like a child who needs a babysitter!"

"You might be pregnant with our baby Kagome, please try and take better care of yourself! I don't know what I would do if I lost you." Kagome felt her expression begin to soften as her blue gray eyes filled with hot tears. "I'm sorry Inuyasha. I didn't mean to make you worry about me." "Don't worry about it Kagome."

Suddenly Inuyasha's ears began to twitch and he let out a low feral sounding growl. "What is it Inuyasha?" "I smell Sesshomaru!" The sleek and muscular form of Sesshomaru emerged from the shadows just as Inuyasha had uttered his name. "Hello little brother, Kagome." "What the hell are you doing out here?"

The older full demon paid no mind to Inuyasha's question. He began to sniff the air in Kagome's direction. There was something different about her scent but he just could not place it yet. Kagome was taken off guard when Sesshomaru abruptly pressed his nose into her lower abdomen.

Her breath caught in her throat and she froze as she realized his nose was just mere centimeters above her womanhood. Inuyasha nearly had a heart attack as he watched Sesshomaru nuzzle his Kagome. "What the hell are you doing to my wife?" Then as quickly as he had pressed his nose into her he gave a small growl and immediately backed away.

"So that's why your scent is different." "What are you talking about you jackass?" Sesshomaru chuckled. "You mean you haven't noticed a change in Kagome's scent? You really are a worthless half breed!" "Just shut the hell up and tell me what you're talking about Sesshomaru!" "Kagome is pregnant with your mutt."

Kagome placed her hand on her stomach. "I'm pregnant? Inuyasha we did it, I'm pregnant!" Kagome looked at Sesshomaru to see that he now had a sad almost mournful look in his golden eyes. She knew the news of her being pregnant with Inuyasha's child must hurt him terribly.

"Why else have you come here Sesshomaru? I know it couldn't have been just to tell me Kagome is pregnant." "Yes I did have another reason for seeking you out. I wanted to tell Kagome that I found Koryn. She has just made it back to her cottage near the northern border of my territory. Follow me." Kagome climbed onto Inuyasha's back and he took off after Sesshomaru in search of Koryn.