InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Connection To Kikyo ❯ Koryn's Past Revealed ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: More will be learned about Koryn in this chapter. Enjoy =) Oh yeah and I don't own Inuyasha! There I said it now leave me alone!

Chapter7: Koryn's Past Revealed

Koryn opened the heavy wooden door to her cottage and peered out. It was nightfall but things were just too quiet. The forest was usually alive with the chirping of birds and buzzing of all types of insects.

Tonight it seemed as if the silence was almost ominous and eerie. She followed the faint glowing orbs of some far off fireflies as they floated delicately in the peaceful night sky. Koryn had been unsuccessful in her recent search for Kikyo. She had hoped to find her half sister and finally get to know her.

Koryn closed the door and went to sit down on the large blue futon in her den. She began to remember her somewhat abnormal childhood. Her mother had been nothing more than a common temple maid. She had indeed been beautiful but she had also been a poor and very low class woman.

Her mother had often said that her life had only become worthwhile after she had met Yuske, Koryn's father. Yuske was a warrior who lived in the neighboring village of Hitoe. When Koryn had grown up her mother had allowed her to know that her father had also had a family in Hitoe.

Koryn learned that she had two half sisters named Kikyo and Kaede. She had not known that her half sister Kikyo had perished over fifty years ago. At least not until that miko she saw at the hot springs had told her of Kikyo's demise. Koryn allowed her mind to settle on the miko Kagome.

It was strange to Koryn how much Kagome looked like Kikyo. She had at first glance mistaken the girl for Kikyo. Koryn gave a deep sigh and began to think about Kikyo again. She allowed herself to try and imagine what like could have been like had Kikyo not lost her life fifty years ago. Kikyo had been a great and powerful priestess so it was a mystery to Koryn how she had lost her life.

Koryn had learned at the early age of six that she too had incredible healing and spiritual powers. She had been trained by the old priestess in her village how to properly use her abilities. Koryn had since then grown up into a beautiful and very wise miko. She had long ago left her home village of Mitan. The villagers of Mitan and neighboring Hitoe had often mistaken Koryn for Kikyo.

Koryn was at first honored to be thought of as Kikyo but as time passed she grew tired of the villagers constantly thinking her to be the deceased miko. She was her own person yet nobody seemed to care enough to realize that she only physically resembled Kikyo. Koryn in truth had little similarities to her half sister besides her physical features.

Koryn was a free spirit who tried to help anyone that she could. However she was not so naive that she thought everyone could be saved. Koryn was well aware of the fact that some people no matter if they were human or demon were just simply evil. She had come to her cottage in the Western lands about six years ago so she could be left in peace.

Koryn knew that she was just outside the Northern border of the dreaded demon Sesshomaru's territory. She had heard many horrible tales about how the great dog demon hated humans. Sesshomaru had indeed created a reputation for being ruthless and a cold blooded killer when it came to his relationship with humans.

Koryn opened a window in her cottage to allow the cool night air to seep into the room. She peered out at the magnificent rolling hills of the wide open plains that surrounded her. She was startled when the door shut loudly behind her. "Sorry Koryn, I didn't know you were back."

Koryn turned to face the young brown haired woman that had entered the cottage. It was her longtime friend Senoh. Senoh was a miko from a village in the far Eastern lands. She had run away from her village of Jintei to escape an arranged marriage to the village priest. Senoh was an absolutely beautiful woman.

She was small with long dark brown hair that was almost black and fell to her waist. Senoh had the most captivating violet eyes anyone could ever imagine staring into and her smile could warm even the iciest of hearts.

Senoh's skin was a light golden brown from spending long days out in the sun. It looked almost like honey and was flawless without a single scar to be found on her. Her miko's clothing flattered her curvaceous body well. "Koryn are you okay?" "Yes Senoh. I've just been out trying to search for my sister Kikyo." Senoh smiled brightly trying to cheer her friend up.

"Well did you find her?" Koryn shook her head sadly as if she had been defeated. "Well I just came back from a trip to Hitoe." Koryn's ears instantly perked up at the mention of Kikyo's village. "I talked to some of the older villagers who knew Kikyo." "What did they say about her Senoh?" "Well they said that Kikyo had been the priestess of their village and looked after all of the people. Then one day some strange men brought her the Shikon No Tama."

"What is that?" "It's the jewel of four souls. It is said to have great power but almost anyone who touches it is eventually driven mad by the desire to possess it's power. Kikyo had the amazing ability to purify the tainted power of the jewel so it was left under her protection."

"So what ever happened to this jewel of four souls Senoh?" "Well they say that the jewel was sought out by many humans and demons all desiring it's evil powers. Kikyo did a wonderful job of protecting the jewel until she met a half demon by the name of Inuyasha." "So what did this Inuyasha do to Kikyo?"

"Nothing. The two fell in love and Kikyo was going to use the sacred jewel to transform Inuyasha into an ordinary human." "What happened to Kikyo and Inuyasha?" "Kikyo had this idea that everyone has some good deep down in them and are worth saving. That is what proved to be her downfall. Kikyo came upon this badly injured thief by the name of Oni Gumo. She took him in and nursed him back to health. Oni Gumo grew to love and desire Kikyo greatly."

"Is this Oni Gumo the one who killed my sister Kikyo?" "Oni Gumo realized that to have Kikyo he would have to get rid of Inuyasha. So it was then that he decided to call out to demons to feast on his broken body and give him their strength. Oni Gumo then transformed into the demon Naraku."

"So what does this Naraku have to do with Kikyo's death?" "Naraku found out of the powers of the Shikon No Tama. He decided that he would take the jewel for himself so that nobody would be more powerful than him. Naraku devised a horrible plan to make Kikyo and Inuyasha despise each other." Senoh paused to take a breath before continuing.

"He changed himself to look like Inuyasha and attacked the village of Hitoe. Naraku posing as Inuyasha then burned down the temple and tried to escape with the jewel. But Kikyo had outsmarted Naraku and fled Hitoe with the jewel. Naraku soon caught up to Kikyo still posing as her beloved Inuyasha. He then struck Kikyo what would be a later fatal blow with his razor sharp claws."

Senoh met Koryn's tear filled emerald green eyes as she paused to take another breath before continuing her story. "Kikyo was hurt and bleeding badly but she summoned the strength to go after the real Inuyasha and pin him securely to the Goshinboku tree. Kikyo had managed to retrieve the sacred jewel from Naraku but her actions were in vain because she died shortly after returning to Hitoe."

Koryn's voice quivered as she spoke. "So Kikyo lost her life all because of this monster Naraku's desire to possess the damn Shikon jewel?" Senoh nodded and continued. "It was said that after Kikyo's death the Shikno No Tama mysteriously disappeared." Koryn sat speechless by the truth of what had really happened to Kikyo fifty years ago. She finally found her voice after moments of suffocating silence.

"So this Oni Gumo, or Naraku, whatever his name may be killed Kikyo?" "That's right. It has been said that the Shikno No Tama has recently reappeared but was shattered into a million pieces." "Why has that cursed jewel come back?" "The villagers of Hitoe say it's because of the girl named Kagome. They say that she is Kikyo's reincarnated soul and that the jewel burst free from inside her body. This girl Kagome also freed Inuyasha from the Goshinboku tree."

"Senoh, I have seen this girl Kagome and she looks almost exactly like Kikyo." Senoh smiled before replying. "You know you also look almost exactly like Kikyo too Koryn." Koryn groaned and rolled her emerald green eyes to show her annoyance. "When did you see this girl Kagome?" "I saw her almost two weeks ago, she was bathing in a hot spring." Senoh arched her thin eyebrows as she nodded for Koryn to continue.

"At first I thought she was Kikyo. She also mistook me for being Kikyo. Apparently she and Kikyo do not like each other." "That could only have something to do with the half demon Inuyasha." Koryn nodded in agreement. "Kagome told me that Kikyo had been resurrected and was wandering around collecting souls so that she is able to remain in this world."

"It's possible that Kikyo's soul refuses to cross over because of her hatred for Inuyasha. She still blames him for her premature demise and wishes to see him dead." Koryn gave a long and exhausted sigh. She knew that she had to find Kikyo and try to get her soul to cross over to the realm of the dead."

"Why the long sigh Koryn?" "Because I know what I have to do." "What's that?" "I have to lay Kikyo's tortured soul to rest."

Sesshomaru, Inuyasha and Kagome were nearing the Northern border of Sesshomaru's territory. It would not be long before they caught up to Koryn.

A/N: Sesshomaru is going to meet Senoh. She will be one of the few humans who shows him no fear. She will also save him from death at Naraku's hands. Please read and review my story!!