InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Connection To Kikyo ❯ Koryn Accepts Her Fate ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Please read and review my story!! PLEASE!! And I don't own Inuyasha...but I do own Koryn and Senoh.

Chapter8: Koryn Accepts Her Fate

Sesshomaru could see the small cottage just on the horizon. "It's not much farther let's go." Inuyasha quickly followed behind Sesshomaru close on his heels. They arrived at the small cottage quickly and crept silently up to the door. Kagome climbed off Inuyasha's back. She stunned both of them when she walked right up to the door and knocked on it.

Senoh opened the door to see the miko, half demon, and full demon standing on the other side. "Can I help you?" Sesshomaru gently pushed Kagome aside to tower over the small miko in front of him. "Woman do you know who I am?" She gave him a quick glance over and shook her head. "No. Am I supposed to know who you are?" "Yes! Everyone knows who I am! I am Sesshomaru the lord of all the Western lands!"

"Oh so I guess I'm supposed to be afraid of you or something?" Sesshomaru's blood practically boiled within his normally icy veins. This miko was absolutely positively infuriating. He grabbed the small miko by her neck and lifted her off the ground. "Woman I could kill you now if I so desired to!"

Senoh still showed no sign of fear towards the demon holding her by the throat. "So then go ahead and kill me if you think you can." His mind was racing with disbelief and somehow intrigue all at the same time. 'This woman actually doubts me? Does she not know my deep disgust of humans? How dare she patronize me! For that I shall kill the wench!'

"I'll kill you now you wench!" "No you won't because you can't do it." His golden eyes blazed with anger and astonishment. "If you could kill me you would have already done it. Now let me go." Sesshomaru was floored by Senoh's fearlessness of him. He abruptly released his hold on her throat.

Senoh then smiled at the bewildered dog demon before her. "Now would you like to come in?" Sesshomaru merely growled as he followed the miko inside. Inuyasha and Kagome went inside the cottage as well. Koryn smiled at Kagome but made no move to acknowledge the two demons that accompanied her. "Hello Koryn." "Hello Kagome, how did you find me?" "Well Sesshomaru led us to your cottage."

Koryn shot the demon an icy glare with her piercing emerald eyes. He just glared back at her undaunted by her gaze. "Did you find Kikyo?" "No Kagome, I did not. However I did learn much about my sister." "From whom?" "From my friend Senoh. She visited Kikyo's village of Hitoe and learned everything she could about Kikyo."

"So then will you help us put Kikyo's soul to rest?" "I will Kagome, I have accepted the task as my fate." Inuyasha gave a grunt. Koryn turned to the hanyou and spoke. "So you must be Inuyasha?" "Yeah maybe, who wants to know?" "I'm Koryn, Kikyo's sister. My sister loved you did she not?" His expression turned bitter as he spoke of Kikyo.

"Kikyo did love me and I loved her. But the Kikyo that I loved died fifty years ago. The Kikyo that wanders the earth now is only filled with bitterness and hate. She tried to kill my Kagome and for that I cannot and will not ever forgive her!" "I understand that you're angry with Kikyo, but remember that she is still my sister."

Inuyasha nodded and folded his arms across his broad chest. "Kagome, I will help you with your quest to lay Kikyo's soul to rest. She is after all my sister and I want her spirit to be at peace." "I knew we could count on you Koryn!" Koryn smiled at Kagome. "So we leave in the morning to search for Kikyo. We should rest Kagome, it will be a hard battle." Sesshomaru took the opportunity to finally speak up.

"Why don't you and Senoh journey with us to my palace? We will all be more comfortable there." Koryn smiled and replied. "Is that a welcome invitation Sesshomaru?" "It is but hurry and make your decision before I change my mind Koryn." "I accept your offer." The small group headed north into Sesshomaru's territory.

They quickly made it to the large white stone palace. Senoh's violet eyes grew wide in astonishment at the huge palace standing before her. "You live here by yourself?" "I have a few servants." "You mean you don't have a wife?" Sesshomaru chuckled. "So far I see no need for a wife." Sesshomaru led the tired travelers into his palace.

He called for a servant. Almost immediately one appeared. She was an elderly fox youkai. "Mei Lin, show my guests to their rooms." Senoh quickly spoke up. "I'm not sleepy yet." "Well then you may stay downstairs with me I suppose." Mei Lin led Kagome, Inuyasha, and Koryn upstairs. Once they were alone Senoh walked over to the large futon like sofa and sat down.

She patted the futon for Sesshomaru to join her. Sesshomaru strode smoothly over to the blue futon and sat down making sure that they were not touching. Senoh ignored his gesture for needed space and closed the distance between them. Sesshomaru flinched a little when Senoh's thigh brushed innocently against his.

"Are you afraid of me Sesshomaru?" He snorted in disgust at her question. "I fear no one woman. Especially not you." "Then why do you not want me to touch you?" "Because I despise humans. You creatures are weak and useless." Senoh looked at the handsome demon man sitting beside her.

He was gorgeous with his long silvery hair, amber eyes, and the beautiful turquoise crescent moon in the middle of his forehead made him exotic looking to her. He had pointed ears and his skin was a milky creamy white. Without even thinking Senoh reached up and gently touched his cheek. Sesshomaru retreated from her touch immediately.

"What the hell are you doing?" "Nothing, I just wanted to touch you." "Why?" "I don't know. Sesshomaru do you believe in destiny?" "What are you talking about woman?" "You see I ran away from my village of Jintei." "Why?" "Because I had been promised in marriage to their village priest. He was a cruel and awful man and I did not want to marry him so I fled. I believe that I escaped that future to meet you."

He looked at Senoh with wide amber eyes. "Why would I be your destiny?" Her violet eyes looked up into his amber orbs innocently. "Because I believe that Kami himself has sent me to ease your pain." "What pain are you talking about?" "I saw the way you look at Kagome. You desire her for yourself do you not?"

"What business is it of yours?" "Just answer me Sesshomaru." Sesshomaru hung his head in shame. "It's true I do desire Kagome. She is my brother, Inuyasha's wife and I should not desire her!" "You only desire her because you think love is something you cannot have." "I cannot have love because I do not know how to love someone."

"Well then I shall teach you how to love Sesshomaru." Senoh leaned in closer to the demon who in turn tried to back away. "What are you doing Senoh?" She put her finger to his lips to silence him. "Shh don't speak. Just relax." Sesshomaru remained stiff as he felt the miko's soft lips brush against his own.

His mind exploded into thought. 'This woman does not fear me! She kissed me! No one has ever shown me affection before now!' The demon lord began to relax and kiss Senoh back. She moaned into Sesshomaru's mouth as he slid his tongue into her mouth.