InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Cuzzin Shuuichi AKA Kurama ❯ Shiori Tells Kurama ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho.

Summary: Kagome has to visit her cousin Shuuichi Minamino, and she finds out he's a kitsune spirit in a human body and is a spirit detective. Will Kurama find out what her `cousin' does? On the other hand, will it remain a secret? Well find out in the story.

A/n: A couple of reviewers asked me, if this was going to be a Hiei/Kagome pairing. I am not sure about this, because I am still making up my mind. Therefore, you people get to vote whom should Kagome be paired up with; but of course, she cannot be paired up with Kurama.


Chapter 2:

The sun was rising, and it gave a nice setting in Kagome's room as the sun's light lit the room. In Kagome's room, Kagome lied there moving a bit not wanting to get out of her warm, comfortable bed.

"Kagome-dear, wake up." Mrs. Higurashi said. Kagome mumbled a few words like "Mama I don't wanna wake up rite now" or "I'm too tired let me sleep some more." Kagome's mother was grown very irritated by each second that passed.

"Kagome, wake up." Mrs. Higurashi said in a tone that said "You better wake up young lady or else." Still, Kagome just mumbled not really expecting the expected. Mrs. Higurashi let out a frustrated sigh.

"Fine, you asked for it." Mrs. H. said as she went down stairs to the kitchen and returned to Kagome's room with a glass of icy cold water.

"Kagome, this is your last warning. Wake up or else." She said waiting patiently for Kagome to wake up.

"I don't feel like waking up right now, mama," Kagome said as she turned on her side. Mrs. Higurashi just shook her head and said, "You asked for it." She dumped the icy cold water on Kagome.

Once the water encountered Kagome, she jumped out of bed and rushed towards her bathroom. Mrs. Higurashi chuckled at that and stopped after a few seconds.

"Kagome, you better go back to the feudal era and tell Inuyasha that you are going to stay at this era for a week!" She shouted out to Kagome. Kagome yelled an "Okay." Mrs. Higurashi then headed out of Kagome's room, went downstairs, and into the kitchen.

(Kagome's POV)

`Ughh… I wish I had more rest. *sigh* but I can't. That really sucks for me. In addition, I have to tell Inuyasha that I will be gone for a week. I bet he is going to say, "No, bitch, you cannot stay in your time for a week. We have shards to collect, and it is your entire fault for breaking it." *sigh* Why is my life so complicated?' I mused to myself as I was taking a quick shower. After I finished washing myself, I turned off the shower.

Feudal Era:

(Inuyasha's POV)

Where is the bitch? I mean she should not have stayed in her time for that long. `I'm going to get her.' I mused. I raced towards the well and jumped in. A flashing blue light surrounded me and died down, after a few seconds. I looked up to see the shed that covers the well and sniffed the air to check I was in Kagome's time, which I was.

I jumped out of the well, opened the shed door, and closed it. The only thing on my mind was that I had to bring Kagome back to Sengoku Jidai.

I ran towards the shrine and jumped on the roof. I knocked on Kagome's window, and she looked surprise to see me. She walked over to the window and opened it. I then noticed she just had nothing on, but a towel wrapped around her figure. I blushed a bit, but she didn't seem to notice.

"Inuyasha, wait downstairs I have something to tell you." Kagome said as she closed the window. `Damn! Now I have to wait for her.' I mused. I then jumped off the roof and opened the door to the front.

(Kagome's POV)

`I wonder what Inuyasha was doing here. Oh well, must be that he wants to drag me back to the feudal era. *sigh*' I finished dressing in a couple of minutes, and I rushed downstairs to see Inuyasha sitting on the couch staring intently on the television. He seemed to be watching a football game.

"Inuyasha," I said. He then looked at me then revert his gaze back at the television. *sigh*

"Inuyasha, I'm going to stay in my time for a week." Now that caught his attention.

"There is no fucking way you are going to stay in your time for a week!" He practically yelled. `Ow! My ears hurt, and I'm not even a youkai.' I could feel a migraine coming up, so I raised my hand to rub my temple.

"Inuyasha, it's only for a week; and I promise I'll stay in the feudal era for two months straight." He only "Feh'ed" and continued to watch the football game. `That went well.' I mused. I plopped on the couch and started watching the game with him. After a few minutes, I was getting all sleepy. I leaned against Inuyasha, and I laid my head on his shoulder. My eyelids started to slowly droop down, until…

"Kagome Higurashi, you better not be sleeping now, because we have to get going!" I woke up instantly and looked at Mama.

"Okay, okay!" I shouted. "Inuyasha, I have to go now. I'll see you in the feudal era in a week." I said. I was about to grab Inuyasha and shove him outside, but mama said that he could stay in the house.

~With the Yu Yu Gang~

Kurama and the rest were walking towards Kurama's house. Silence bestowed on them, and they had something plaguing in their minds. As they neared Kurama's house, they saw Kurama's mother waiting outside. She had this very big smile plastered on her face.

//Fox, what is wrong with your ningen mother?// Hiei asked telepathically. Kurama just shrugged and greeted his mother.

"Hey, Mrs. Minamino." Yusuke and Kuwabara said. Shiori (sp?) gave them a warm smile and looked at her son.

"Shuuichi, I have something important to tell you." Kurama gave her a questioning look. "You have this cousin. Her name is Kagome. She and my sister will be staying here for a week, so you better be on your best behavior, but I really don't have to worry about that."

"Okay, mother." Kurama said. She gave him a warm smile, before letting them all in.

"Well, Shuuichi, can you wait for them? Because I have to go to work now, tell your Aunt (A/n: I am going to make this up.) Aya that I'm very sorry I couldn't stay over here and wait for them." Shiori said. She took her coat and ran out the door, because she is running late.

"Well, since Kurama is going to be waiting for your aunt and cousin. Why don't we watch some TV." Yusuke said.

"I bet your cousin is pretty Kurama, and I will be asking her out." Kuwabara said. Kurama had a sweatdrop in the back of his head. Kuwabara started to daydream on how Kurama's cousin looks like. Hiei just ignored him and stood in a dark corner as far away as he could from his other companions. Yusuke plopped onto a couch and watched TV. Kurama went upstairs to his room to finish up some of his homework.

After an hour past, Kurama, Yusuke, and Kuwabara were on the couch bored to death. Finally, the door bell rang; and Kurama answered it.

"Would you like to buy some cookies?" A girl scout asked. Kurama in the back of his head groaned.


A/n: Well I'm sorry I haven't updated this story for a long time. I have no clue how long though, but I was mostly concentrating in my other stories. You could flame me if you want; I don't really care. But I do hope you enjoyed this chapter. Oh, and don't forget to tell me what you want for the pairings. Ja ^_^