InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Destiny ❯ The Morning After ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Destiny

By Lady MoonShadow

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. I live in a box.

Author's note: Not much to warn about in this chapter. Just enjoy. Also, thanks bunches to everyone who reviewed so far. I'm glad everyone likes it so much. Oh, and for everyone who wants an Inu/Kag pairing, I'm thinking of doing an alternate storyline, not really sure how it'll work, but we'll see. Oh, well…Read on…

Chapter 3

Kouga woke first and looked down at the beautiful girl sleeping beside him. He gently stroked her ebony tresses inhaling the scent of her. And of their lovemaking. Kouga grinned. He could already smell the pregnant scent in her blood. The pack would celebrate tonight. He knew that they already knew that she was here. They must have all heard. And smelled. He had noticed a few wagging tails and sly grins when the two of them had come in last night.

There was a noise in the doorway. He glanced over to see one of the wolves standing there with it's head just inside, holding a set of clothes in it's mouth. "Come on in," Kouga said quietly. There was no need to wake his mate. The wolf padded over to Kouga and put down the clothing beside Kagome's head. "Thank you. We will hunt in a little while." The wolf wagged it's tail and left.

Kagome stirred slightly and looked up at him. She smiled at him and kissed him. He caressed her cheek. "You have clothes. I will be going hunting soon. I promised to provide for you and our pups. I love you." He nipped her nose affectionately. "The pack will celebrate tonight."

"What will they celebrate?"



"Of course. You are the new Alpha Female and you are pregnant. Everyone will want to celebrate this. They are all excited. I hope you are happy here."

"I am. I can't wait to meet everyone." She glanced at the small bundle of fur beside her. "Are these my clothes?"


She kissed him. "I love you. Have fun on your hunt."

"Always." They got up and dressed. Kouga liked the way Kagome looked in his people's clothing. She just looked so right in it. Perfect. They went out to be greeted by the tribe.

"Good morning, Sister!" Called several of the Youkai.

"Good morning!" Kagome answered, cheerfully.

"Who is hunting with me today?" Kouga asked his pack.

Several young males leaped up in excitement. Kouga chose a group of six to go with him. "The rest of you take care of Kagome for me. If she needs something, get it for her. Show her around. This is her home now, she should get to know it."

"Yes, Sir!"

Kagome kissed him once more before he left with his hunting party.

"So, Sister, what did you want to do?"

"I think I would like to go outside and sit. This territory is so beautiful."

"That's a good idea. Let's go." She was led outside by the pack , and the view took her breath away. Grassy hills and cliffs contrasting with the tall, craggy mountains the crystalline waterfall, the forest…it was amazing. She found a grassy spot to sit down and just enjoyed the scenery. The pack members settled around her, tails wagging and faces smiling. They were all very pleased that their sister was back. And would have pups. They couldn't wait to tend to the little ones. There had been very few pups born in the last few years. A pregnant Alpha was a very good omen.

Kagome couldn't believe it. She was Kouga's mate. And pregnant. And happier than she had ever been in her whole life. But how was she going to explain this to her mother? Or Inu Yasha? He was going to feel hurt, angry, betrayed. But she couldn't comfort him this time with anything but words. If he would let her comfort him at all.

A sudden chorus of growls got Kagome's attention. She looked in the direction that the wolves and Youkai were staring.

Inu Yasha was coming.

Hey the chapter's done! I hope you enjoyed it. Reviews are greatly appreciated.