InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy, My Friend ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I make no money from this story and own none of the characters. Nor do I own the fandom. I only own my little plot line.


You and I are much the same

Our emotions we've learned to tame

To show your emotions you fear

But to me they are very clear.

They see you smile, but I know it's fake

I watch how slow you are to wake

As they hear you laugh, I see the pain

The immense sorrows are driving us insane

Our hearts locked away in a cage

Fending off a fearsome rage

Together we can create anew

A happiness known to but a few


A/N: The above poem was written by my husband and I. I wanted something that could work either way {Kagome thinking of Bankotsu or Bankotsu thinking of Kagome.} and this was the result. Please enjoy.


Chapter Two:

Bankotsu stabbed a stick through each fish and put them over the fire to smoke. He stared at the fish, still frustrated about how talkative he was with her. He scratched his head. 'So what exactly is it about this girl that makes me want to stay around her?'

He tapped his fingers against his thigh as he waited for the fish to cook. 'Is it just that watching her grieve reminds me of mom?' He snorted. 'It's not the first time I've seen someone grieve.'

He rolled his eyes. "Come on you stupid fish, cook already." Resigned to waiting, he crossed his legs Indian style and went back to thinking. 'Although, it is the first time I've seen anyone take it this hard, since mom's death that is.'

Feeling uncomfortable he shoved his surfacing emotions into a corner and slammed the lid on them. He purposefully turned his mind to the girl and what she had said about Inuyasha. 'Whatever Inutrasha did was powerful enough to cause miss purity to feel hatred, so it must have been something serious.'

With his curiosity now fully peaked he shifted a bit waiting for the fish to finish. He drummed his fingers. 'Come on you stupid fish, get done already.' He glared at them as if to make them obey.

He rubbed his chin. 'As I recall the girl lying over there can somehow see those jewel shards. This means… Naraku will come for her the minute that he realizes she's left that miserable half breed's group.'

His brows furrowed. 'With her lost in her grief that bastard would have no problem taking her out, or he'll try to turn her against her friends, using her grief against her.' For some reason that thought made his stomach churn. 'Baka demon wouldn't think twice about using the girl to get what he wants.' He snorted.

He glanced back at her sleeping face and sighed. 'She's taking the loss pretty hard and is vulnerable, which means that she needs a protector.' He smirked. 'Who better to protect her than a mercenary leader like me?'

He nodded and thought it over. 'She won't want to be alone right now, so I can use that to convince her.' The more he considered the option, the more he liked the idea. 'Not to mention how much it would piss that no good half breed off, to find out that I've replaced him as her protector.' An evil smirk split his face.

He rubbed his hands together and chuckled under his breath. 'Ah yes, revenge will be mine.' He stared at the sleeping girl again and grinned. 'And you dear girl, are just the one to help me exact my revenge on that mutt.' Inside his head he laughed thoroughly enjoying the ideas forming in his mind.

He sniffed deeply. "It's about time." He rose to his feet and walked over to the slumbering priestess.

Kagome blinked as she felt herself being shaken lightly.

"Hey girl, it's time to wake up."

She blinked again and then her eyes shot wide open. 'Bankotsu? But why is he…?' Last night's events replayed in her mind. 'Oh yeah,' She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

Bankotsu chuckled and then spoke seriously. "You need to eat something to keep up your strength." He walked over to the fire and pulled off one of the fish handing it to her. "Careful it will be hot."

She nodded. "Um, thank you."

He nodded and watched to make sure she ate.

She slowly ate the fish and nodded to him. "This taste great."

He smiled. "It's the type of wood I used to cook it with." He bit his fish and savored the flavor.

She finished her fish and reached out ready to grab another, then pulled her hand back and fidgeted with her eyes cast to the dirt.

Bankotsu raised a brow at her behavior. "If you're hungry, help yourself."

She stared at him. "Really?" She tilted her head to the side.

He nodded. "Eat," he motioned for her to take another.

She sent him a small smile. "Thank you."

He nodded and helped himself to the last one. "So, last night you mentioned something about Inuyasha?"

She frowned and her jaw tensed.

He smirked. "I take it that you're upset with him?"

She huffed. "That jerk can go to hell with his precious Kikyo for all I care."

He blinked and then titled his head to the side. "So, what happened?"

She pushed her half eaten fish aside and sighed heavily. "He destroyed any chance of me getting back home. So, not only can I not say goodbye to grandpa who is dying, but I'm now cut off from the rest of my family as well."

Her eyes fell to the ground and her fingers traced through the dirt as tears threatened once more.

He blinked. "Why?"

She huffed. "Baka Inu didn't think I was taking my duty to find the shards seriously enough," Her fist struck the dirt squashing a bug that dared get to close to her.

Bankotsu frowned. "Why is it your duty to find them?"

She sighed. "How much did Naraku tell you about everything?"

He bit his fish. "Only about Inu-baka and the dead priestess." He shrugged. "He barely mentioned you others… only that you're supposedly the reincarnation of the dead miko, the slayer is the last of her clan, and the monk is a hentai."

She giggled. "He nailed Miroku right."

He snorted. "Hai. So why is it your duty to fine the shards?"

She ducked her head and whispered. "Because I'm the one who broke it."

His eyes widened and he choked. He pounded his chest until the bite went down and then stared at her. "Eh?"

She sighed and proceeded to tell him how she met Inuyasha and how the jewel was broken."

He blinked. "So the jewel came from inside of you?"

She sighed, "Hai, it was ripped out of my side."

He rubbed his chin. 'This girl is very unique and must be quite powerful, for the shikon no tama to have been inside her.'

"I see. So, what will you do now?"

She huffed. "Finish my duty and re-complete the jewel." She seethed through clenched teeth. "But I refuse to go back to that jerk Inuyasha." She raised her chin. "I'll do it alone if I have to."

Bankotsu smirked. "What would you say if I offered to help you?"

She blinked and eyed him suspiciously. "I can't give you the shards. I have to have them all in order to complete my task." Her jaw clenched.

He chuckled. "I don't need those silly shards."

She frowned and tilted her head to the side. "Then what do you expect as payment, in return for your help?"

His brow rose. "Who said anything about payment?"

She scoffed. "Oh come on, you're a mercenary right?"

He chuckled. "Hai, but I also make my own prices."

She sighed and rubbed her temples as if to ward off an oncoming headache. "And what price would that be?" her free hand plucked imaginary lint of the hem of her torn up skirt.

He chuckled."You can relax miko. I don't want your shards or your life." His tone became deadly serious, "There is only one thing I want."

She put her hands together in her lap and stared at him. "What's that?"

"Revenge," His mouth split into a wicked grin.

She gasped and then growled. "I won't let you hurt Sango or the others. I –"

Bankotsu waved off her rant. "I'm not interested in the slayer, or the monk or even your little fox kit you're so fond of."

She blinked. "You're not?"

He snorted. "Lie," His voice turned venomous. "There are only two that I intend to destroy - that fucking half breed and Naraku."

She blinked. "About Naraku… we have that goal in common."

He smirked. "That is why I suggested us teaming up in the first place. Think about it miko, I'm - "

She huffed. "I have a name you know. It's Kagome, so use it." Her eyes narrowed at him.

He chuckled. "Very well, Kagome. I'll help you finish collecting your jewel shards and I'll even help you destroy Naraku."

She blinked. 'Well he is a powerful fighter.'

He could tell by the way she chewed her bottom lip and tapped her fingers to her chin that she was considering it. He smirked wider. "I'll I ask is that when I confront Inuyasha and kill him, that you stay out of the way."

She scoffed and waved her hand idly. "Your beef with Inuyasha is your business." She glared hard at him. "But I won't let you harm Sango and the others."

He chuckled amused by her feistiness. "Very well Kagome, do we have an agreement?"

She thought it over a few minutes and slowly nodded. "You won't boss me around like some slave either. I'm capable of making my own decisions."

He chuckled. "Lie, I won't." he stuck his hand out.

She blinked a few times and then shook his hand. "I ask one thing in return."

He blinked. "Which is?"

She sighed. "Even though I hate Inuyasha, I don't want to be privy to his death. I ask you take your business with him up when I am not present."

He frowned. "Then look away when the time comes."

She nodded.

He grinned. "Good. Now since that's settled, what do you say we get out of here and start our journey?"

She nodded and frowned. "I left my belongings behind when I ran off."

He waved a hand dismissively. "No matter, I'll get you some better stuff."

She blinked. "You won't kill innocents for it, will you?" She may be traveling with a mercenary now, but she wouldn't condone the mindless slaughter of innocents.

He snorted. "I happen to have plenty of money." He reached into his haori and showed her the full pouch of coins and jewels. He grinned. "Never leave home without it."

Her eyes widened and she nodded.

He picked Banryu up and placed it against his shoulder. He grinned and motioned to her clothes. "Unless you're fond of the cold wind on your legs, how about we start with getting you something more appropriate to wear?" He mentally scoffed. 'Even whores in the cat houses dress less revealing than that.'

She thought about it and shivered as the wind blew on her bare legs. She nodded. "Okay, but not priestess clothes. I refuse to dress like that bitch Kikyo." Her jaw clenched. "I will not be compared to her anymore!"

He blinked at the vehement tone and nodded. "Do you have any preference?"

She sighed. "I won't be able to fight in a kimono."

He shrugged. "You could do like Jakotsu did and hike one side up on the leg."

She blinked. "I didn't think about that." She nodded. "Okay, than a kimono, if you will."

He winked. "A girl as beautiful as yourself you should always look her best."

She snorted. "You're not going to try to feel me up like that hentai Miroku, are you?"

'I do have some honor you know.' He scoffed and glared at her. "I'm not a lecher. It was simply an honest compliment."

She blushed and ducked her head.

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Come on." He walked off down the path expecting her to follow him, which she did.


A/N: So ends the second installment and don't hate me for making Kagome hate Inuyasha. She really does hate him btw, but she won't stomach watching him suffer because that is not in her nature.

As always, I'd love to hear what my readers think, good or bad. XD