InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy, My Friend ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I make no money from this story and own none of the characters. Nor do I own the fandom. I only own my little plot line.

Chapter Three:

Inuyasha groaned and opened his eyes, immediately slamming them shut against the pain. 'Baka wench, what did she do that for?'

He growled low in his throat and opened his eyes. He shoved to his feet and looked around. 'Where did she go?' His eyes landed on her yellow pack and bow still sprawled across the ground from when she had ran towards him and the well begging him not to destroy it.

He sighed and rubbed his chin, wincing at the lingering pain. "She's got to be nearby somewhere. She wouldn't just leave her things here, no matter how upset she was." Grunting he walked towards Kaede's hut. 'I bet she's there crying, or at the river.'

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "The sooner she gets over it and accepts it, the sooner we can find the jewel shards."

He snorted and rolled his eyes. 'Women are so damned emotional.'

He made his way to Kaede's hut and found it empty. "Why am I not surprised?" He shook his head and walked towards the river.

Amber eyes blazed and his nostrils flared. "Miroku and Sango better get their asses back here soon so we can leave. I'm tired of everyone losing focus when we should be hunting for the remaining shards."


Kaede sat in the field and began filling her basket with the needed herbs.

Shippo sat perched on her shoulder, chewing his bottom lip. "When do you think Sango and Miroku will return?"

Kaede shook her head. "I know not, child." She mentally counted her herbs and moved further toward the others she needed.

Shippo hopped off her shoulder and plucked some of the herbs, passing them to her. He growled. "They must know what he did, so that we can find and comfort Kagome."

His tiny fist slammed into his other palm. "I can't wait to see Inuyasha get what's coming to him."

Kaede sighed heavily. "Ye must remember Shippo, that Kagome is stronger than anyone credits her for. She is also headstrong. She will handle things her own way."

Shippo nodded. 'I just hope she's okay. She was scary mad and crying hard when she left.' His little shoulders slumped.

Kaede stared at the entrance to the cave her sister had once tended to Onigumo in and sighed. 'Why has sister Kikyo removed the beads from Inuyasha's neck?' Her weathered face wore a frown. 'Has she somehow persuaded Inuyasha to her side again?'

It was obvious to Kaede that the woman running around was nit the sister she grew up admiring. 'Sister Kikyo has changed much since her passing. It has made her heart bitter.'


Bankotsu led Kagome to a nearby village and walked over to the table with kimonos splayed elegantly across it. He turned to face the woman beside him. "Take your pick. Choose at least two so you will have a spare."

She nodded and looked over the selections. There were so many beautiful designs and colors to choose from. Her hand ran over the fabric surprised at how soft and silky it felt.

He shifted on his feet and tried to wait patiently for her to make her selections. He sighed. 'If this is anything like when Ja would pick, we're going to be here for a while.'

He watched the different emotions cross her face.

Kagome felt a myriad of things once she touched the material. Awe at how soft the fabric felt, joy at the chance of actually getting some, and even a slight sadness. 'Such beautiful material will be wasted on such a plain girl like me.'

Bankotsu's feet shifted again. "Have you decided?"

She snapped out of her thoughts and smiled. She held up a green Kimono with cherry blossoms splashed across it and smiled. "I like this one, but are you sure - "

He cut her off. "We will take the one she chose and the black one with the blue butterfly with red and pink roses on it."

She grinned as he pointed to the other one she'd considered.

He stepped forward and paid for the kimonos and then passed the green one to her.

She grinned and followed the old woman into the back where the kimono was fit to her frame. She held still while the alterations were made to accommodate her slender figure and wider hips.

When both kimonos were fit properly, she kept the green with pink sakura blossoms on and hiked one leg up to her knee, having it stitched in place. She smiled and stepped outside, holding the other kimono in her arms.

Her cheeks warmed and her eyes fell to the ground. "What do you think?"

Bankotsu did a double take. Before him now stood a voluptuous woman with curves in all the right places and the kimono hugged each of her curves accentuating them nicely. With Jakotsu the chest was always flat and appeared to just tug across the armor. With this beauty however, the chest was round and full like it should be.

He smirked. "You clean up nice."

Her blush deepened. "Thanks," she whispered, unconsciously hugging the other kimono to her chest.

He chuckled and then nodded to the old lady he'd bought the clothes from. "Can you direct us to a nice armory where we can get her some weapons and armor?"

She gave him directions to the village black smith.

He nodded and thanked her. Taking Kagome by the hand he led her over to the black smith.

The burly man rubbed his over sized belly. "What can I do for ye folks?"

Bankotsu dropped Kagome's hand. "We would like to see your finest bow and arrows."

The blacksmith frowned but pulled out three sets. "These are what I have in stock."

Bankotsu nodded. "Choose which you like best Kagome. Then we will get you fitted for armor."

She blushed and nodded.

Kagome spent a good fifteen minutes looking over the selections and settled on a finely crafted wooden bow with intricately woven vines carved along the bow and a rose in the middle of it.

"I like this one." She passed it to Bankotsu.

He nodded and tested its strength. Finding it would do nicely, he passed it back to the man. "We will take this and two quivers of your sturdiest arrows."

The man nodded and gathered the requested items placing them on the counter. "Can I get ye anything else?"

Bankotsu rubbed his chin with his free hand. "How long will it take you to fit my friend for and craft her some customized armor?"

The man rubbed his jaw. "Fitting her will be no problem; my wife can handle that part. Crafting… that depends on exactly what ye have in mind?"

Bankotsu explained, "I want something that will protect her adequately in battle. Also something that doesn't hinder her movement during battle and won't tire her out from just wearing it."

The man nodded and rubbed his chin. "I've got an idea. First let's get my wife out here to measure her." He called out his wife, who immediately measured Kagome, complimenting her figure and making notes for the measurements.

Once she was finished she passed the notes to her husband. He nodded and walked into the back. After a bit of rummaging around, he brought out a slab of metal and plopped it on the table for Bankotsu's inspection.

Bankotsu looked it over and tested its strength. He stared at the man. "Will this keep her safe in battle?"

The man smiled. "Sir, by the time I'm finished not only will it be light enough for the lady to wear and move around in, but it will be as sturdy as any warrior's battle armor.

Bankotsu nodded once. His eyes narrowed at the man. "Be warned if it doesn't live up to your promises, I will show you and your wife no mercy."

Kagome's eyes widened.

The man's jaw tightened. "As long as ye pay the promised fee it will meet and even surpass yer requests."

Bankotsu nodded. "How long will it take?"

He said. "Give me a few days and this armor will be more than ready."

Bankotsu thought it over and nodded. "Three days then and I want it personalized for her."

The man nodded. "Make it four then."

Bankotsu nodded. "We will return in four days," With that he led Kagome away by the hand and continued their shopping.

The blacksmith took his wife by the arm and led her into the back, firing up the forge. He then walked back out and carried the metal slab to the forge and went to work.

Kagome huffed. "You didn't have to threaten them you know."

Bankotsu snorted. "We need to get you some blankets and then we will find an inn to stay in for a few days."

She blinked but nodded and followed him. 'Why does he have to be so ill mannered towards others?'

Bankotsu bought her two blankets and passed them to her. He showed her how to tie her extra kimono and blanket into the spare one and then strapped it over her shoulder, careful not to crush her new quivers of arrows.

He led her over to the inn and ordered one room with two futons, with dinner to be served promptly. Shaking the inn keeper quickly showed them to the best room and left to instruct their dinner to be served.

After dinner Kagome crawled into her futon and hugged her knees. Moisture pooled in her eyes as she remembered what the dinners were like back home with everyone gathered around the table.

Her heart squeezed tightly as her mind replayed one of the nights they all had steak and her grandpa's favorite - pickled radishes. Her bottom lip quivered. Her arms tightened around her knees and the loneliness crashed like a wave around her, nearly drowning her.

She buried her head in her knees and the tears began to fall, soon after that great sorrowful sobs spilled from her lips.

Bankotsu had been lying on his futon and stood up to remove his armor. Banryu blocked the door to keep any unwanted visitors from entering their room.

His ears picked up her sobs and he sighed heavily. 'Here we go again.' He rolled his eyes. He untied and removed his armor placing it next to Banryu.

He crawled into the futon with her and pulled the crying girl into his arms. As annoyed as he was at the crying, he understood her reasons and tried his best to soothe her instead of snapping at her.

"Shh, it's okay Kagome. It will get easier as time passes," His fingers ran lightly down her back. Strangely he noticed that whenever she was in his arms his own loneliness dulled a bit.

He kissed her hair and continued speaking to her softly knowing more than anything she just needed held right now. When she did talk about her family and what they meant to her, he listened.

Remembering his own mother and her passing, he sighed heavily. 'I miss you mom,' A dull ache centered in his chest as he thought about his mother's death and all that had happened since then.


Hours later Bankotsu's mind switched to Jakotsu and his brothers. His jaw clenched as he remembered the traitor in their group. 'Bastard is lucky he's dead or I'd kill him again!'

He squeezed Kagome's shoulders a bit tight; earning a whimper of pain from her.

She continued sobbing in his arms.

He sighed and forced his anger down and loosened his hold a bit. "Sorry, I didn't mean to squeeze so tight."

She clutched his haori lapel and cried harder.

Bankotsu kissed the top of her head. "Shh, that's it. Just let it all out."

He kept a firm but gentle circle of his arms around her frail body and continued to run his fingers down her back as she wept into his chest.

By the time Kagome had finally cried herself to sleep his eyes had fallen shut as well. He lay there holding her close as they slept.


A/N: Okay that's the third installment. Enjoy everyone.