InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy, My Friend ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I make no money from this story and own none of the characters. Nor do I own the fandom. I only own my little plot line.


A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my friend RJ for waiting so patiently and giving me the motivation to finish it.


Chapter Four:

Sango smiled as she inspected her recently repaired Hiraikotsu. Her hand lovingly ran over it. 'Thank you Hiraikotsu for coming back to me and accepting my feelings for the monk.' A small smile spread across her lips as she heard her name called.

Miroku walked up behind her and hugged her waist. "Sango my sweet, as much as I am enjoying our private time, don't you think it's time we get back to the others?"

She nodded. "You're right Miroku." She turned around and kissed his cheek. "Thanks for accompanying me while I repaired Hiraikotsu."

Miroku grinned. "What man is in his right mind would turn down the chance to be alone with a strong, beautiful woman such as yourself?" His hand slid from her waist to cup her breast, giving it a light squeeze. "A man would have to be insane to give up a chance like this."

Her face bled crimson and her palm connected with his left cheek. "Hentai!"

Kirara mewed and winced as the resounding slap registered in her sensitive ears.

Sango's fist clenched as she flipped her weapon over her shoulder. She stormed over to Kirara with angry strides. 'Why can't he just be serious for once?'

Miroku's hand cupped his burning cheek and he smiled fondly. 'I love how cute she gets when she's mad.'

Kirara transformed into her bigger size and nuzzled Sango's cheek.

Sango sighed heavily and scratched behind Kirara's ears. "Thanks Kirara." She placed a brief kiss on her companion's nose and climbed onto her back.

Her jaw clenched as she felt Miroku mount the neko behind her.

Sango's spine stiffened. "If you try anything else, I'm going to - "

Miroku placed his staff between them and wrapped his arms around her waist. He nuzzled his face against her left cheek. "You're safe with me Sango."

She snorted. "No woman is safe with you, lech."

Miroku frowned. "That's not true."

Sango gave an unladylike snort and squeezed her knees. "Take us to Kagome and the others."

Kirara roared and flew into the air heading towards Kaede's village.


A few hours later they flew towards the ground with wide eyes as the surveyed the shattered well.

Sango's stomach roiled and her hand flew to cover her mouth as she carefully dismounted the neko's back. 'Oh Kami, what happened here?'

Miroku's staff hit the ground and jingled as he steadied himself. 'How in the name of Buddha could this happen?' His eyes slowly scanned the scattered splinters and he sighed heavily.

Taking slow steps he moved towards the remains and knelt. His hand carefully touched the deep gouges beside what used to be the well. He sighed heavily hanging his head. 'Inuyasha, why would you do something so unforgivable?'

The splinters crunched under foot as the slayer made her way to stand beside Miroku. Her eyes stared at the gouges and her free hand tightened into a fist. "How could Inuyasha be so heartlessly cruel? And after all she has stood by him through too?"

Miroku stood up and shook his head. "I don't know Sango. It doesn't make any sense."

Sango's jaw clenched. "There is no denying it was him Miroku. Inuyasha is the only one capable of making Tetsuiga work and those gouges were made by his wind scar attack."

Miroku nodded. "True enough. But she should have been able to sit him to stop it, right?"

Sango frowned. "You're right. So why didn't she?"

Shippo barreled into Sango's chest and held her sobbing. "Baka Inuyasha. It was because he wasn't wearing the beads anymore."

Their eyes widened.

Sango gasped. "How is that possible?"

Miroku said firmly. "Only two people have the power to remove those beads."

Sango bit her lip. "We know Kagome would never do that."

Miroku nodded. "Which leaves only one other person..."

'Kikyo,' they thought simultaneously.

Sango sighed heavily. "But why would she remove them?"

Miroku shrugged. "Only she can answer that."

Sango patted Shippo's back. "Shippo, what happened to Kagome after this?"

Shippo wailed. "She ran off and left me here." He sniffled and rubbed his nose into her uniform front. "She didn't come back either." His tiny hands tightened their hold and his shoulders shook.

Sango sighed heavily and pat his back. "It's okay Shippo. We will find her. Don't worry."

Miroku carefully pulled the sobbing kit into his arms and tried to calm him down. "Do you know which direction she left in?"

Shippo wailed harder and continued crying.

Sango's jaw clenched and her eyes narrowed. 'Inuyasha, you just wait until I get my hands on you…'

Kirara walked over careful to avoid the splinters and mewed.

Sango pat her hand. "Don't worry Kirara, we will find her." She stared at the vast open land and sighed. 'I just hope that Kagome is safe… wherever she is.'

Miroku laid a hand on her shoulder. "Let's go find Kaede and see if she can tell us anything more."

Sango nodded.

The small group walked down the hill towards the village.


Kagome woke up to the feeling of strong arms holding her. She blinked and tried to sit up, only to find herself held in place.

She frowned and stared at the man beside her. Her eyes widened. 'Bankotsu,' she blinked a few times. 'This is so weird. Here I am traveling with someone that I considered the enemy not that long ago.'

Though Bankotsu was deep asleep his lips formed into a pout.

She bit her bottom lip to hold back a giggle. 'Wow he looks so adorable when he does that.' Her eyes slowly scanned his face. She smiled. 'His eyebrows are thick and full. His nose is straight. His cheekbones are high and his jaw is somewhat square, giving his face a bit of a rugged look.'

She chuckled in her mind. 'Normally he exudes a dangerous vibe. His looks combine with his 'keep away' aura to make even the bravest person think twice about approaching him.' She tapped her chin as her mind replayed the few times she had watched him while he was fighting Inuyasha.

She remembered how he had easily matched Inuyasha in speed and strength. She stared back down at his face and smiled. 'When Bankotsu is asleep like this he seems almost peaceful.' Her hand reached out to lightly run a finger along his jaw line.

'He looks so handsome.' Her eyes widened and her cheeks warmed up as she ducked her head. 'What? Where did that come from?' She was jolted out of her thoughts by a strong hand grabbing hers.

She blinked.

Bankotsu noticed her blush and raised a brow. "What's with the blush?"

Her face became hotter. "Um, morning," She whispered refusing to meet his eyes.

Bankotsu smirked and pulled her to fall on his chest. His arms held her waist and lower back keeping her from moving. "Morning to you too," He grinned and briefly kissed her forehead.

She stared at him with wide eyes and a bright blush. "What was that for?"

He chuckled and released her, sitting up. He gave her a goofy grin. "Next time don't try to touch me unless you actually mean to follow it up." He stood up and tied his armor in place.

She blinked. Her eyes narrowed at him. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

He smirked. 'She's such an innocent.' He stared into her eyes and spoke firmly. "Stay here while I have breakfast sent up." Without waiting for an answer he walked out the door with Banryu in hand.

She huffed and glared at the door. 'He didn't explain anything, jerk!' he fists hit the bed and she kicked her feet. "What the hell was I think when I almost touched him?" She stood up and paced. 'I must have been out of my mind.' She snorted. "He may be cute, but he's still a jerk!"

Her eyes widened like saucers. 'Oh no Kagome, don't even go there. He may be attractive and exciting, but he's also deadly.' She frowned and fell back onto the bed with a long drawn out sigh. 'Guys like him are nothing but trouble – with a capitol T.'

Tears burned her eyes. 'Haven't you been through enough heartache already with Inubaka?' Her heart squeezed painfully in her chest. Her arm covered her eyes and she sobbed. 'You are not getting involved with another fighter. It will only end in heartache.'

Tears leaked from her eyes and fell to the futon beneath her. Soft sobs filled the room and she curled into the fetal position. 'It will only end in heartache.' She silently admonished herself.

She started when a firm hand gripped her shoulder.

"Kagome, are you still upset about last night?"

Her eyes flew open and she tried to wipe the wetness from her face. "No," she sighed and hugged her knees. She blinked as she felt herself wrapped in his arms and pulled to his chest.

He pressed her face to his shoulder. "It's okay you know. If you need to cry, then go ahead."

She blinked and then sobbed in his arms. 'Why is he so kind to me?' She silently commanded her body to pull free of his tempting embrace, but it refused.

Bankotsu brushed his hand up and down her back until her sobs faded away.

A knock was heard at the door. He stood up and walked over to open the door.

Tray after tray was carried in. The aromas of fresh bread, scrambled eggs, sausage, french toast, and fresh fruits filled the air.

Kagome gasped. "What is this?"

Bankotsu grinned. "Breakfast," He nodded and thanked the carriers as they placed fresh squeezed orange juice and warm milk in the middle of the small feast.

Kagome's jaw dropped. "This is way too much."

Bankotsu chuckled. "No, it should do quite nicely though." After the last person left he closed the door and walked over to sit by the food.

He raised a brow. "Are you going to stand there gaping, or are you going to get over here and join me for breakfast?"

Her jaw snapped shut and she blushed making her way to sit across from him.

He nodded and spoke up. "I'm not a servant, so just help yourself."

She nodded. "Um, thank you." She reached over taking a bowl of scrambled eggs, some sausage, a few pieces of fruit and some french toast.

He warned. "The milk is fresh so it will be warm."

She blinked. "It tastes different."

He smiled. "It's from one of the best milking goats in the area." He grinned. "After all, I accept nothing but the best of everything."

She blinked. "I figured as much." She bit into her french toast and savored the mixed flavors of the bread, powdered sugar, and syrup.

He watched her eating and nodded. 'Good at least she's getting a decent appetite.' He used his chopsticks and ate some of his eggs and a sausage link.

After their hearty breakfast, Bankotsu and Kagome walked out to the counter. Banryu leaned against her owner's shoulder. He slapped the counter top. "Yo inn keeper."

The balding man scurried out of his room. "Hai sir?"

Bankotsu stared at him. "Make sure my room is clean when I get back. I also expect to find clean sheets on the futons."

Bankotsu spun on his heel and led Kagome away by the elbow.

"Where are we going?"

Bankotsu sighed. "I need some fresh air before I start climbing the walls. You could use some fresh air too. It'll do you some good."

She nodded. "It seems like I'm always saying thank you anymore." A small smile crossed her lips.

He chuckled, "Well don't anymore. We're traveling companions now, so there is no need to keep thanking me."

She smiled and nodded. 'I'll try to remember that.' She grabbed her bow with her hand and sighed. "This is weird."

He blinked. "Eh? What is?"

She sighed. "Not long ago we were on opposing sides and now we're traveling together." She gave a nervous chuckle.

Bankotsu frowned. "True, but we're not enemies now."

She nodded. "True. So, how did you come back this time?"

His freehand rubbed the back of his neck. "Actually I have no clue." He glanced at her gauging her reaction.

She frowned. "She said you have no shards either."

He grinned. "Right. No crummy shards holding my life at their mercy. This time I'm flesh and blood, baby."

She blinked. "It'll take some time to get used to you being… uh…"

He grinned. "It will take some time for both of us to get used to all the um… changes."

She nodded. "I never expected you to be so… well human."

He chuckled. "I never expected to get along with a Miko either, I can assure you."

She blinked. 'Makes since seeing as Mercenaries and Mikos are polar opposites. I doubt they usually get a long at all.' She sighed heavily.

Bankotsu smirked. "Hey, don't sweat it. You're different than other girls I've known."

She frowned. "Different how?" She titled her head to get a better look at him.

He sighed. "Kagome, I'm a mercenary. Let's just say the girls I've known have been one of two things and usually both."

She blinked. "Eh? How so?"

He stared at her a minute. "They either wanted to be able to claim they'd had a mercenary, or they wanted money."

She scrunched her face. "Yuck. I think I get it."

He chuckled. "To be honest, I've never traveled with a girl before. They were to warm my bed or pour my sake."

She sighed. "At least you're honest about how you see women."

He nodded. "You're thinking about Inuyasha, ne?"

She huffed. "No! More like where I went wrong with him."

Bankotsu asked blankly. "You were attracted to him, ne?"

She sighed heavily. She whispered. "I loved him." She looked at the road they were traveling down.

Bankotsu winced. "Ouch, and then he went and…"

She scowled and her jaw tightened.

He blinked. "Tell you what, why don't we sit a spell." He pointed to a spot under a big shade tree and by the water."

She nodded.

They sat beneath the tree and stared at the water in silence, each lost to their own thoughts.

'So she loved that worthless mutt eh?' He frowned and absentmindedly rubbed a hand along Banryu's large blade. 'That could explain why she hates him so much now.'

He watched her hug her knees to her chest and stare out at the water.

She sighed heavily. 'I'm such a baka. Why didn't I see it before it was too late?' She frowned and worried her bottom lip with her teeth.

He placed a firm hand on her shoulder. "Don't even blame yourself for what happened, Kagome. Inuyasha is a douche, plain and simple."

She blinked. "How did you -"

He chuckled. "I could tell by your actions you were thinking about it."

She frowned. "Am I that transparent?"

He shook his head. "Lie, part of the reason I'm so good at what I do is that I've learned how to read other people by their actions."

She frowned.

He lifted her chin with a knuckle making her stare into his eyes. "Stop wasting time thinking of that loser, and start focusing on the here and now." He used his thumb to gently wipe away a stray tear. "He's not worth it Kagome. He never was."

She gasped softly and nodded. "You're right he's not."

She took them both by surprise when she pushed into his arms and hugged him. "You're like the only one who understands what I'm feeling. Why is that?"

He chuckled halfheartedly. "I've been through it myself."

She blinked and pulled back to stare at him. "Really?"

He saw the inquisitive look in her eyes and sighed heavily. His tone flattened. "Don't ask." He stood up and carried Banryu over to the river.

She blinked and watched him walk away. 'What happened that he doesn't want to discuss it?' She noted his tense posture and sighed. 'he sure is tense all of a sudden.' She tapped her chin trying to figure it out. She sighed. 'I'll have to wrest the information from him, but how?'

Bankotsu cupped his free hand and dipped it into the cool water, lifting it to his lips. He drank the water and glared into the river. He could feel the tension in his shoulders as the old anger rose to the surface.


A/N: That's it for this chapter everyone. Enjoy XD