InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy, My Friend ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I make no money from this story and own none of the characters. Nor do I own the fandom. I only own my little plot line.

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my friend RJ for all of his help getting me over those blasted writer's blocks. Thank you RJ. I know how much you like surprises, so I've squashed a hint of one in at the end! XD


Chapter Five:

They walked into the village and stopped at the old miko's hut.

"Kaede, are you here?"

She walked outside cleaning her hands on a rag. "It's good that ye have returned Sango."

Miroku cleared his throat. "We saw the well and Shippo has told us a little of what went on."

Kaede nodded. "Aye, Kagome has yet to return." Her withered face formed a sad smile. "I get the feeling she may not return this time."

Miroku nodded. "We feel the same."

Sango shifted the weight on her back. "Did she give any hint as to where she might have gone?"

Kaede frowned. "Nay child she did not."

Miroku shook his head. "Without a way to return to her family and with us gone, you don't think she would seek out Kouga do you?"

Sango chewed her bottom lip. "I don't think so Miroku. I mean he would have come by to attack Inuyasha if she had."

Shippo frowned. "Good point. After all Kouga is very… protective of Kagome."

Miroku nodded. "True. Speaking of which, where is Inuyasha?"

Kaede spoke plainly. "Last I saw Inuyasha was out by the river."

Sango grunted. "Thanks." She spun around and stomped towards the river.

Miroku's eyes widened. "Uh oh, come on Shippo, we may be needed to play referee."

They followed after the slayer knowing that a fight was inevitable.

Sango spotted Inuyasha entering the field and her grip tightened on her weapon.

"How could you do something so unforgivable?" Her jaw clenched and she readied her weapon. "Inuyasha, how dare you?"

Sango flung Hiraikotsu towards the hanyou.

Inuyasha ducked the weapon and growled. "Oi Sango, what the hell are you attacking me for?"

Her weapon tore through the trees like paper. Debris flew in all directions of the massive boomerang kicking dirt into the air. She ran forward and drew her katana jumping into the air.

Inuyasha parried the returning boomerang with Tetsusaiga and narrowly avoided being cleaved in half. Amber eyes narrowed and he snorted, sending the demon weapon away from his body. "You better watch where you're aiming that damned thing, woman."

Sango grabbed the grip of her larger weapon and swung it in a half arc at Inuyasha. She followed up with a horizontal slash of her blade and then kicked Inuyasha's chest.

Inuyasha stared at his torn haori and growled. "You bitch. My mother gave me this robe!" He raised his sword ready to strike.

"You completely destroyed any chance of Kagome going back home!" Sango retorted. She back-flipped to avoid his strike and dashed behind him. She smashed Hiraikotsu into Inuyasha's abdomen and sent him flying back into the forest.

Sango stared into the forest and saw a small light. As it got closer it grew brighter and branched off into three segments.

"Oh shit!" Sango quickly rolled to the side. Her leg and left arm was caught in the edge of the beam. Blood oozed freely from the deep gashes in her skin. She hissed and stared at her torn uniform and grunted. She forced herself to stand and continue fighting.

Between pained breathes Sango spoke. "You really are a bastard you know that? If those damn beads were still on, you would really be in for it now."

Inuyasha glared at her. "Oi, you started it." He raised the Tetsusaiga once more.

"Yeah, and I'm going to finish it too." Sango's gaze hardened. Although crippled Sango still moved with great speed. She jumped into the air and crashed Hiraikotsu onto Inuyasha's back causing him to stumble forwards and fall. Her Manriki-chain wrapped around his foot causing him to land on his face.

She whipped out her blade and rolled him onto his back. She stabbed his arm pinning it to the earthen soil and held him in place with her knees on his chest. Her free hand pinned his other arm to the side of his head. Her normally warm brown eyes turned cold and narrowed at him. "If she gets hurt and we aren't there to protect her, I will never forgive you." She rolled off of him and slowly stood to her feet cradling her wounded arm.

She took a deep breath steeling herself against the pain. She yanked her chain free of his foot and whipped into the air. It collided with his mid section.

His breath left in a rush and he held his bruised stomach feeling like Kouga had punched him.

She flicked her chain around her wrist and yanked her sword free. "Remember Inuyasha, if any harm comes to Kagome, you're in deep shit." She flipped her sword sending the blood flying into the air and slid it back into the sheath at her waist with her eyes locked to his. "I have half a mind to ask Kaede to fasten you a new set of beads for you."

Inuyasha huffed. "Keh, whatever. I'd just have Kikyo remove them again."

Sango grunted. "I figured as much." She walked away with her shoulders straight and her head held high.

Miroku sighed. 'At least it's over for now.' He turned to Shippo. "It's a good thing she's never gotten that mad at me before."

Shippo nodded vigorously. "Sure is."

Sango picked up her demon boomerang and walked down to Kaede's hut.

Miroku gripped his staff and stared at Inuyasha shaking his head. "Shippo, let's go make sure that she's okay."

Shippo nodded and rode on the monk's shoulder.

Inuyasha's aw clenched and he snorted. 'Crazy bitch, she must be near her heat cycle.' He picked up his sword and put it away before walking off into the woods cradling his wounded arm.


'I will not make myself look like a fool by talking about that again.' He wiped his mouth and stood up. His fist tightened and struck the bark of a tree, causing the bark to splinter and the large tree to shake.

He punched the tree again. The tree shuddered and a large crack ran around its base. He punched it once more and the tree fell to the earth with a loud crash kicking up large amounts of dirt, dust, and debris into the air.

Kagome blinked and stood up. She walked up behind him and whispered just loud enough for Bankotsu to hear her. "Bankotsu, please calm down." She enveloped him in a warm hug.

Bankotsu's body trembled with the effort of restraining his anger. "And just how the hell am I supposed to do that?" He shouted. "You can be really annoying sometimes."

A large shadow passed overhead, but they didn't notice it.

Kagome closed her eyes and hugged him tighter. "Bankotsu, I won't betray you. I trust you with my life." She buried her face into the back of Bankotsu's shoulder. "I just wish you'd do the same." Her tears soaked into the back of his haori.

His spine stiffened and he stood ramrod straight. For a minute his breath froze trapped in his lungs. His teeth ground together. "Let go."

She hugged him tighter. 'That part about me being annoying may sting, but he needs to be held.'

His hands easily pried her arms from around his body. He stepped forward and whirled around. His eyes narrowed and his tone was cold."I don't trust anyone but myself and Jakotsu, who is dead now. So I only trust myself now."

Her eyes widened. "But, I won't hurt you." She took a deep breath and stared into his eyes. "Please, don't shut me out like Inuyasha always did. I - "

The sound of flesh striking flesh rang in the air.

Kagome collided with the ground and her eyes filled with moisture. Her hand flew to her swelling cheek and she slowly stood to her feet. 'He… he struck me.' She stumbled wiggled her jaw a bit and winced from the pain.

"Don't you ever compare my actions to that worthless waste of flesh again!" His nostrils flared as he worked to reign in his temper. His hand trembled. Ice cold eyes glared at her.

For a full minute the only sound either could either was the pounding of their own hearts. That was shattered by the sound of Bankotsu's knuckles cracking as the hand he'd struck Kagome with clenched into a fist.

Bankotsu's heart squeezed so hard he couldn't breathe for a full second as he watched in slow motion as a single crystalline drop slid down her cheek.

She stared at him in utter disbelief for a few seconds and then her eyes narrowed. Venom dripped from her voice. "You bastard," She spun around stomping towards the trees.

'He's just like the rest of them.' She wiped agitatedly at the tears spilling down her cheeks. The salt from her tears made the wound burn even more as she picked up her bow. She jerked her quiver of arrows onto her back and stormed into the trees. 'Screw this.'

She tore off into the woods blinded by her tears and her anger. 'Who the hell does that arrogant bastard think he is hitting me?' She snorted. 'Men are all alike.' She hung her head and sighed heavily. 'I was a fool to think even for a brief second, that he might have been different.'

Her hands were on either side of her face as she shook her head back and forth. 'Baka Kagome. You just never learn, do you?'

For a split second she was sorely tempted to just curl into a ball and cry again, but she was sick of always crying. 'It seems like that is all I ever do these days.'

Her teeth clenched and her head shot up. Her shoulders straightened and she took a deep breath. 'No more. I am not a damned helpless female like most of the women of this time and I am tired of depending on others, especially men.' She snorted derisively.

Her hand tightened on her bow and she closed her eyes. She took another deep breath. She opened her eyes and stared at the ground, fighting back more unwanted tears. She stomped through the underbrush not even looking back.

Bankotsu stood there staring at the empty space in front of him. He flexed the fingers of his fisted hand and sighed heavily. 'Real smooth.' He seethed with his face turning red.

"Sonuva bitch!" He elbowed a tree. "Way to fucking go! Bravo Bankotsu, you just won asshole of the year!" He flung Banryu towards the trees behind him. "She was only trying to help you and you slapped her!"

A furious growl ripped from his lips as Bankotsu grabbed Banryu's hilt ripping his weapon from the trunk of a nearly halved tree. He sat on one of the tree stumps. He held his head in his hands and sighed heavily. "I just really fucked up."His fist punched his thigh. 'Damnit all to hell!'


Kagome continued through the woods unaware of the large shadow hovering over the treetops. She walked into another open field and huffed. 'That jerk can just go back to hell for all I care. I'll find the shards alone.' Soon as the thought entered her mind, her body flooded with a familiar sensation.

Despite the pain it caused her jaw fell slightly open. Her eyes began slowly scanning the entire area around her. She sighed. 'It's very feint, but there is definitely a jewel shard nearby.'

A loud screech pierced the air above her. She looked up and her eyes widened. 'It's in that bird.'

A bird demon began to slowly glide down from the sky. She watched as the massive bird landed on the hill top.

Despite the strong winds from the birds flapping wings as it landed over two hundred and seventy five feet away, she kept balance and aimed her bow. 'All I have to do is hit the shard. My purification arrow should do the rest.'

She gasped at the sheer size of the fowl.'Wow, that bird is huge! It must be at least sixty five feet long from beak to tail.' She watched as the bird tucked its wings to its side and stared at her.

Her heart slammed in her chest and her eyes widened. 'I don't like the look it's giving me.' She watched it's head bob down to stare directly at her. "You stay away from me demon." She took aim. "All I want is the shard you're carrying."

She steadied her trembling hands and forced her body to cooperate. 'I'm a priestess, so I can do this.' She looked for the shard's location and found it in the bird's chest. 'Hit the mark,' her hand pulled back and she let the arrow fly.

The demon bird cawed and reader back, flapping its wings rapidly. This of course sent a massive wind gust towards its prey. Her arrow veered off course and smacked into a tree.

Kagome used her arms to block the wind from her vision and yelled. "That is it! I've had enough of you, demon!" She dug her heels into the earth and tried to steady her bow. 'Come on, I just need one good shot.'

The demon flapped its wings harder, cawing again. The wind from its wings knocked her down and she started scrambling backwards.

"Get away from me!"

Bankotsu's head shot up and he jumped to his feet. 'That's Kagome's voice'

Kagome tried to focus her spiritual powers into her hands, but was too scared to concentrate enough for it to work. A terrified shriek ripped past Kagome's lips as the demon spread its massive wings advancing towards her.

'Is that a wing?' Bankotsu grabbed Banryu. 'Kagome's in trouble!' He ran off in the direction where he saw black spike over the tops of the trees.

Kagome spotted her bow and one unbroken arrow. She scooped up her bow and the arrow. "Hit the mark!" The arrow flew stabbing into the demon's left wing.

He shrieked in pain and anger as her purification power surged through the wing and made it go numb. The bird retaliated by lifting one of its feet.

Kagome stared at the seven inch long talons and screamed again. "Stay away!" She crawled back to avoid being shredded by the sharp talons.

After missing her with its talons, the bird gave a shrill cry and arched its wing striking her with it.

Kagome was thrown into a tree and hissed shakily as her body dropped to the ground. She inhaled a ragged breath and tried not to move. 'Ow, shit.' Her eyes watered from the pain wracking her body. 'I'm really beginning to hate birds.'

As the bird advanced towards her, Bankotsu broke through the trees.

"No you don't, bird brain!"

Banryu cut through the bird's flexed wing like a hot knife through butter.

He moved so that his body was between Kagome's downed form and the demon's carcass. "Oi feather head, you're battle is with me now."

Kagome sucked air through her teeth. "There is a jewel shard in its chest." She managed to get out before falling unconscious.

Bankotsu snorted. 'Crazy girl, she should never have run off alone like that.' He glared at the bird. "Okay now just hand over the shard and I'll give you a quick death."

The bird shrieked and tried to make its other wing move, but it was still numb.

Bankotsu smirked. "So you've got a bum wing eh?" He grinned evilly. "Heh, I'll just put you out of your misery right now," His arm swung and Banryu danced gracefully in a large arc, easily decapitating the massive bird.

He sighed heavily. "Another weak demon. This thing was no challenge at all." He snorted and Banryu's tip sunk into the breast cavity. Liquid crimson flew in every direction when he ripped his blade free. He caught the shard in his hand and smirked. 'Another shard for our collection.' He safely tucked it into his haori.

He turned around and walked towards Kagome. He knelt beside her and felt for her pulse. 'At least she's still alive.' He noticed a bloody spot on her head, and some scrapes down her arms. 'I'll have to get a better look at those wounds though.'

He strapped Banryu on his back and carefully scooped the prone girl into his arms. He stood up and walked back the way they had come from.


Upon reaching the inn he carried her to their room and kicked the door shut. 'At least they got the clean sheets that I asked for.' He gently eased her onto the futon and leaned Banryu against the wall. He walked into the bathroom and brought out all of the things he would need to tend her wounds.

He started by opening her kimono and checking for wounds. For a moment his mouth went dry as he stared at her ample chest which was only covered by a hint of black material.

He swallowed and shook his head trying to dislodge the lecherous thoughts running through it. 'There will be plenty of time to ogle her flesh later. Right now I need to make sure that nothing is broken.'

He jaw hardened and his hands gently probed her ribs for a minute on each side. He let out a long sigh. 'So far nothing seems broken.' He tended a few scrapes along one side of her ribs and then closed the kimono.

He took a few deep breaths and forced his body to calm down.

'She'd probably bitch at me if she knew that I'd opened it.' A smirk spread across his lips. He picked up a cloth and dipped it into the warm water. He thoroughly cleaned the wound on the side of her head, flushing it by squeezing some of the clean water onto the wound. 'She might have a concussion so I'll have to watch for that.'

His hand moved down the swollen side of her face and he scowled. A wave of intense anger ran through him to the point that he was ready to kill the bastard who hurt her, very slowly - until he remembered that he was the one who hit her.

His breath rushed out in a long sigh and his stomach churned. He swallowed the bile trying to rise. His fist tightened around the cloth and he took a few deep breaths. After calming himself down he continued to take care of her.

Once all of her wounds had been tended to, he dropped the cloth into the bowl of water and carried everything back to the bathroom. He disposed of everything and walked back into the room. He sat next to the futon and ran a hand through his hair. 'At least she can't try to wring my past from me while she's out.'

He stared at her small body for a long tense moment. Seeing how pale the un-bruised side of her face was, he frowned. 'I'll have to wake her in a few hours to make sure she doesn't have a concussion.' His finger lightly traced her swollen cheek and his stomach roiled again.

Bankotsu pulled the shard from his haori and stared at it. 'With enough of these I could bring Jakotsu and the others back… minus that traitorous bastard Renkotsu.' He tossed the shard into the air and closed his fist around it. 'The question is… should I bring them back, or just leave them to rest in peace?'

Part of him really wanted to bring his brothers back again. The other part of him wondered if it would be a mistake. 'Jakotsu sure would have a hissy fit if I made him travel with a woman in the group.' He stared at his closed hand and then to Kagome's unconscious form, lost deep in thought.


A/N: That's it for this chapter everyone. Enjoy! XD