InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy, My Friend ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I make no money from this story and own none of the characters. Nor do I own the fandom. I only own my little plot line.

A/N: A huge thank you to my friend RJ for helping to keep me on task so that I could finish this chapter and begin the next one. With you around the stumbling writer's blocks get broken through much faster! XD


Chapter Six:

Bankotsu sat next to the futon; the sound of flesh striking flesh rang through his head like a constant drum beat. He saw his open hand connecting against Kagome's cheek in slow motion. He snarled at the thought. He bit his lip and blood trickled out of his mouth in a small steady stream. The scene played over and over in his head.

He swallowed a deep breath of air and closed his eyes tight, attempting to flush the image out of his mind's eye. It only made the image sharper and clearer. His hand tightened into a fist and his other punched his thigh.

Bankotsu saw the image playing over and over in his head constantly. He saw his hand landing firmly on her cheek and the rise of a small dust cloud as she fell to the ground with a thud. He watched her hold her cheek in an attempt to quell the sting. The disbelief in her eyes was unbearable. His breath came out ragged.

He felt a strange feeling gnawing away deep inside his gut. He couldn't describe it in words, but he'd never felt it before. Whatever it was… it made him feel like the biggest heel in the world. As the image replayed again, his stomach churned and he had to fight to keep from throwing up.

Bankotsu shifted around a bit hoping it would ease the feeling, but it didn't help any. Each time he watched his hand strike her soft cheek he shifted a bit more. His eyes shot open and he ran a hand through his bangs.

His eyes slowly traveled over her unconscious form landing on her bruised cheek. He winced. 'There wasn't much bruising along the rest of her body, at least no more than one would expect to see after being slammed into a tree.'

He frowned. 'That one across her abdomen looked strange.' He opened her kimono and checked on it. He sighed. 'It's getting darker than the other bruises. I hope she will be okay.'

'But what if she's not?' His stomach roiled a protest and that strange feeling clawing in his belly intensified.

It had been only two hours since he had last woken her and checked her eyes for signs of a concussion. 'She was fine then.' His hand reached out to stroke her cheek, but froze less than half an inch from her face. His hand trembled a second before he pulled it back and dropped it to his side.

Bankotsu expelled a long drawn sigh. He hung his head and his hands covered his face. 'She didn't deserve to have this happen.' His hand dropped and his eyes darted to the prone girl. His hand absentmindedly slid into his haori and wrapped around the shard.

He sighed heavily and stood up pacing the floor with his hands locked behind his back. 'What am I going to do?' His eyes drifted over to Kagome. 'If I bring back the guys, Jakotsu will never stop complaining about a woman traveling with us.' His eyes lowered to the floor before his inhaled deeply and expelled a rushed breath. He paced again. 'I miss the good ole days when the guys were with me.'

His mind replayed a bit of the good ole days and he sighed longingly. 'Those were the good times.' He stared at the girl on the futon and shook his head. 'I never would have expected to be traveling with her of all people… I wonder what the others would say?'

Bankotsu snorted. 'I know what Jakotsu would say.' He stared at the wall and shook his head. He paced across the room while he tried to figure out what to do. 'It would be nice to have Jakotsu back.' He scowled and rolled his eyes still pacing. 'However I know Jakotsu and his constant bitching about the girl traveling with us along with his nonstop nagging to get rid of her would drive me nuts.' He stared at the shard and sighed.

'With this single shard I could bring Jakotsu back if nothing else.' He tossed the shard into the air and caught it placing it back inside his haori. He started sound of Kagome coughing and gasping tore him from his thoughts.


Kagome's heart slammed against her chest as she felt the liquid closing in on her. Her arms flailed around trying to find something solid to grab onto as she felt herself sinking further into its depths. An intense pain wracked her body as she tried to keep her head above the tangy liquid.

Her lungs felt as if they were being crushed as the liquid pushed in on her from all sides. Her breathing became shallow as she sank further. The walls of liquid caved in over her head.

Despite the liquid surrounding her she coughed and shook her head in denial. She struggled for breath ignoring the burning in her arms and legs. Adrenaline surged through her body as she kicked. Her arms shook as she tried in vain to propel her body to the surface.

As she felt her eyes trying to shut and watched the surface grow further away, a pair of arms plunged into the treacherous liquid and wrapped snugly around her body lifting her to the surface.

Kagome's lungs ached and she coughed repeatedly.

"Hang on, I've got you."

Her kimono was shoved open. She cried out as a sharp pain stabbed through her abdomen. She felt the tip of something sharp poke through her skin and hissed.

She felt a large warm hand cover the part of her abdomen that hurt and sighed. She pulled back and stared up at the person. 'Bankotsu?' Her eyes widened as she noticed the red splotches on his haori. 'Is that blood?'

Kagome coughed a metallic taste expelling it into her hand. She blinked at the small, warm, gooey splotches and stared at him. "Why am I coughing up blood?"

Bankotsu's jaw clenched. "It should stop here soon." He removed his hand from her stomach.

She stared at the spot he'd shoved the jewel shard into her and gasped.

He stated firmly. "After I killed the demon and retrieved the shard, I carried you back to the inn." He rubbed his shoulder and sighed. "The bruise on your stomach seemed strange so I've been keeping a close watch on you just in case anything like this happened."

She titled her head and stared at him with her eyebrows drawn together and her lips pursed. She opened her mouth to say something and then closed it. She blinked a few times and then stared into his eyes.

He saw the questioning look in her eyes. "What's on your mind?"

Kagome spoke bluntly. "You are a strange man."

He blinked. "Really, how so?"

She sent him a fierce glare. "One minute you hit me and act like you can't stand me near you," Her eyes took on a puzzled look. "The next you're rescuing me from a demon, tending my wounds…"

Kagome took a deep breath glad that the pain had eased a bit. "Why bother saving my life?"

"I guess I've gotten used to having you around." Bankotsu's shoulders lifted in a halfhearted shrug and he stared at the floor. "I find myself enjoying your company… most times."

She blinked. "Then why did you hit me?" She stared at the bed sheets. Her fingers plucked invisible threads.

He sighed heavily and sat beside her. His thumb titled her chin up forcing her to look him in the eyes. "I'm sorry I hit you."

She blinked again. 'Did he just apologize to me?'

His thumb gently traced the bruise on her cheek. "It looks like the swelling has finally gone down."

Kagome inhaled sharply as his thumb gently ran along her cheek.

Bankotsu sighed heavily. "Listen, your body needs rest so it can heal."

She stared at him with concern in her big eyes. "But what if - ?"

He assured. "We are leaving the shard in you until your body is fully healed. Nothing else will go wrong." He gently laid her back. "Rest as much as you can today and tonight, because tomorrow we are leaving as planned."


'I can't just lay here doing nothing.' Sango sighed heavily and finished sewing the tears in her slayer uniform. She stared at the gauze wrapped around her arm and snorted. 'I never expected to be on the receiving end of Inuyasha's wind-scar.'

Her mind flashed back to the light barreling towards her and she felt her heart slam against her chest. She shook her head and stared at her wrapped arm. 'It's a good thing that I only caught the tail end of the attack. I won't be able to use this arm for any real fighting for at least a few days.'

Despite her injuries Sango dressed in her slayer uniform and tied her folded Kimono into the small satchel on her back. She used her uninjured arm to lift Hiraikotsu onto her back and walked out of the hut.

Miroku stood from his spot next to the hut and frowned. "Sango, are you sure you should be carrying that thing just yet?"

She shrugged. "I'm using my good arm to carry it."

His frowned deepened. "Still I think you should wait a day or two and rest up some."

Her eyes narrowed at him. "Miroku, I can't just sit here doing nothing while my best friend is out there alone and facing who knows what." She shrugged his arm off her shoulder. "Are you going to help me find her or do I go alone?"

Miroku sighed. "At least wait until Lady Kaede returns with the herbs we need to properly heal your wounds. Once she and Shippo have returned, I will accompany you to search for Kagome."

She nodded. "Very well," She shifted her large weapon to rest against the hut and sat against the outside wall of the hut.

Miroku sat against the wall. "Are you sure there isn't anything I can do for you?"

Sango smiled. "I'm fine Miroku."

He smiled back. "You're a strong woman Sango."

Her eyes lit up at the compliment. "I'm a warrior Miroku. I've battled against all kinds of demons and won."

He nodded. "True," He stared into her eyes. "I bet you've looked beautiful every time too."

Her cheeks turned pink and she looked away.

Miroku's hand reached out intending to turn her to face him as Shippo's excited voice came around the corner.

"Do you really think so, Kaede?"

Miroku sighed and dropped his hand. 'Darn it, I was close this time too.'

"Hai Shippo, after all last time we spoke, Kagome said she was mighty proud of how far you've been coming along in your training."

Shippo's small chest puffed out and he grinned. "I've been working really hard to perfect my new move."

Kaede came around the corner carrying her basket of herbs. "I can tell. Your fox fire has gotten stronger too."

Shippo's eyes lit up. "You noticed?"

Kaede sent him a warm smile. "Hai, I did."

Shippo bounded into Sango's lap. "Did you hear that Sango?"

Sango smiled and gave the kit a small hug. "Hai Shippo."

Green eyes stared at her filled with happiness.

"Well now, I see ye have recovered quickly Sango." Kaede carried her basket inside the hut. She sent some of the different herbs into a small cloth and tied the bundle securely. She walked back outside and passed the bundle to Miroku.

She stared at his questioning look and explained, "I know Sango isn't the type for lying about unless it's dire. These herbs are for tending to her wounds while ye are off searching for Kagome."

Sango smiled. She stood to her feet and gave the elder priestess a one armed hug. "Thank you Kaede."

Kaede pat her back. "Ye are welcome child. Bring Kagome back safely."

Sango nodded and placed her hand on the older woman's shoulder. "I promise that we will do our best to bring Kagome back safe and sound."

Kaede nodded and laid her hand over Sango's giving it a firm squeeze. "Thank ye child."

Sango used her good arm to pick up her weapon. "Let's be off Miroku."

Miroku tucked the bundle of herbs safely inside his kimono and nodded.

Shippo frowned. "Wait, shouldn't we collect Kagome's stuff and take it with us?"

Miroku tapped his chin. "Good idea Shippo. I'm sure she will want her things."

The trio walked over to where her bag had spilled and carefully collected all of its contents, putting them back into the yellow bag.

Miroku closed the lid. "Okay, I think that's all of it." He slipped the bag onto his back and grunted. "How in the world can Kagome carry all of most of the time?"

Sango shrugged. "It can't be that heavy, at least not compared to my Hiraikotsu."

Miroku chuckled. "That's true." He shifted the bag on his back adjusting the straps to lie against his shoulders. He picked up his staff. "Ready when you are, Sango."

She nodded. "Let's get going then. I don't want to waste anymore time."

Shippo rode on Miroku's left shoulder and Kirara rode on his other shoulder.

Inuyasha was sitting up in the highest branch of the Sacred Tree silently fuming about Sango's little show of defiance. He stared at his arm and grunted. 'At least it's almost fully healed.'

The wind shifted and he noticed that Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kirara's scents were all fading away from him. 'What are they up to now?' His hand went to the scabbard on his hip and he jumped out of the tree landing gracefully on his feet.

He walked up behind them. "Oi, you weren't actually planning to leave without me now were you?"

Sango turned around and glared at him. "It's your fault Kagome left. We're going to bring her back and if you hurt her again, I'll kick your ass!"

His claws tapped his scabbard. "Whatever." He stared at Miroku. "So let's get moving."

Sango snorted. "What makes you think we even want your company?"

Inuyasha's brow rose. "Despite the animosity between us right now we're still a team. Besides, you'll need me around if any demons come along, especially considering you still aren't completely recovered."

Sango sighed heavily and clenched her teeth. As much as she wanted to tell him to fuck off, she couldn't argue with his reasoning.

Miroku placed a hand on her shoulder. "Look, I know you're still mad at Inuyasha, we all are. But, he does make a good point, Sango. We really could use another fighter in case of any trouble."

She growled. "Fine, but if he screws up or hurts Kagome even one more time, I'm gonna beat his ass to a bloody pulp."

Inuyasha bit back a grin. 'It's nice to see some things never change.' He turned around calling out over his shoulder. "We can stand here and continue arguing or we can get moving," With that he started walking away from the village expecting the others to follow him, which they did.


A/N: That's the end of chapter six. Enjoy everyone. XD