InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy, My Friend ❯ Chapter Eleven ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I make no money from this story and own none of the characters. Nor do I own the fandom. I only own my little plot line.


Chapter Eleven:

Two months later Bankotsu and Kagome were outside reviewing all of her training so far.

She laughed as he knocked her onto her back and covered her body with his. She flipped him over her head and rolled back to her feet.

He charged in tackling her to the ground, she rolled over so she was on top and pinned him.

He smirked and rolled them over to their sides. Instead of trying to squeeze her with his legs, he rolled her underneath him and put his face an inch away from hers.

She squeaked as she felt something probing her thigh.

"You're getting distracted Kagome."

Her cheeks heated up. "I'm not the only one." Her tongue slid across her lips.

Bankotsu smirked and pressed his lips to hers licking the bottom lip and lightly biting it. She gasped opening her mouth to him. He slid his tongue inside and explored her mouth. She blinked and then closed her eyes kissing him back as her arms went around his neck. After a few minutes his hands went down to cup her rear.

She broke the kiss with a squeak and shoved his chest.

He stared down at her impishly. "I can't help that a good battle turns me on." He shrugged.

Her face heated more and she kicked the side of his head knocking him off her. She jumped to her feet with her hands on her hip. "We're supposed to be training."

He chuckled and flipped back to his feet. "Your hand to hand is adequate."

She frowned. "Just adequate?"

He shrugged. "You've already gotten the gist of the daggers too, so let's move on to something else." He walked inside and pulled out a rope. He tied a knot at one end.

She blinked. "What's with the rope?"

"This will simulate using a Manriki."

She blinked. "You mean that chain thingy Sango uses?"

He nodded. "For practicing we will use the rope until you get the hang of it and then we will use a real chain."

"If you put in enough practice and determination, you too will be able to do stuff like this." He tossed the knotted end of the rope to the ground and went through a quick series of moves. He carefully kept the knot from connecting with his skin despite his speed.

She blinked and then clapped her hands. "Wow! That was awesome."

He chuckled and showed her the moves in slow motion explaining everything he was doing and why.

Thirty minutes later he tossed her the rope. "Give it a shot. But be warned if the knot hits you, it will hurt like hell."

He stepped back smirking and gave her plenty room to practice in. "I'm going to hunt so we have fresh meat. You stay here and practice until I say to stop."

She blinked. "Ooh can you bring back a variety this time?"

His brow rose.

She blushed. "Not to complain or anything but fish and rabbit stew is getting old."

He chuckled. "I'll see what I can find. Remember to close the gate like I showed you. You'll know when I return."

She nodded and followed him over to the cabin.

He grabbed Banryu and smirked. "Something besides rabbits, eh?"

"If it's not too much trouble." She smiled.

He grinned. "Back soon." He walked over and opened the large stone doors.

She grinned and waved him off and then closed the gate.

She looked at the rope. 'This doesn't seem too hard.' She walked back over to the training area and started flipping the rope around trying to catch it before the knot could hit her. After a few times of catching the knot in her back, ribs and stomach she huffed.

She flipped it over her head and toward her back. She winced as the knot collided with her lower back. "Ouch! Bankotsu and Sango both make this look so easy, but it's not."

Knowing he wouldn't dare let her stop over a 'few measly bruises' Kagome grit her teeth and kept practicing. 'Nope, Mr. Hard ass wouldn't even dream of hearing about a suggestion like that.'

Unbidden a vivid, clear picture of Bankotsu completely nude flashed through her mind. His hair was down to where the tips swayed, brushing the small of his back where the indentations were, with every step. Her eyes zeroed in on the up and down motion of his ass and her mouth watered.

Kagome was so absorbed in the image that she tripped on the rope and fell onto her kiester. She frowned and shook her head attempting to dislodge the scene from her mind. 'Why can't I keep that stuff out of my mind?' She stood up rubbing the soreness from her bum and sighed.

A blush spread from her face to her neck as his voice rang clear in her mind. 'Focus on your training Kagome.' She snorted and shook her head before picking up the rope again.

Hours later her body was covered in sweat and her clothes stuck to her skin. She continued swinging the rope like he had shown her. When she stepped on it too close to the middle the knot flew up and hit her calf.

She yelped and growled. "Okay you stupid rope. I've had about enough of you hitting me." She glared at the rope and snatched it up shaking it like she was choking it. She huffed and tossed the rope to the ground.

She walked over to the cabin and pulled out the bottle of dit da jow he had made. She spilled some into her hands and rubbed it onto her calf, ribs, and back all the places she felt had bruised from the knot. She capped the bottle and placed it back inside. Her eyes held a look of sheer determination as she picked up the rope and started again.

She stopped an hour later and sat in one of the abandoned guard towers, drinking some of the fresh spring water. She wiped the sweat off her forehead with a small rag and sighed glad to be in the shade. Her eyes widened as she saw Banryu bobbing up and down the path.

She chuckled. 'It looks like he's back.' She ran down to the gate and got ready to open the doors.

He bellowed, "Okay Kags, let me in."

She cranked the gears and opened the doors.

He smirked and tossed a boar onto the ground inside the gate. "No rabbits tonight."

She chuckled. "I take it the boar decided to tangle with you?"

He smirked. "Nope, just felt like reminiscing a bit."

She laughed and slapped him on the back of the shoulder. "At least we will eat something different tonight." She kissed his cheek.

He sent her a mock glare. "Oi, it's not like I haven't made sure we had plenty to eat since we got here."

She smiled and picked up the rope. "I know. You've been a great provider and a better friend."

He shrugged. "Yeah well, you're a pretty decent student."

She blushed. "Thanks."

He watched as she started flipping the rope around again. He chuckled when she yelped as the knot hit her stomach. "Okay enough rope. Come cut up the boar meat while I make a fire pit for roasting it."

She grinned and said, "Anything is better than more rope practice." She jogged over and started cutting up the boar meat into long two inch thick strips like he had shown her.

'You wouldn't be saying that if you knew what I really wanted to be doing.' He walked over till he was four feet from the left guard tower and knelt down digging a foot wide and two foot deep fire pit. He filled it with dried fallen tree limbs and leaves and then started the fire.

He broke some smaller tree limbs and crafted a make shift roaster. He broke off half a dozen more limbs and whittled the tips to an arrow point and then stabbed them into the meat. He placed the strips to smoke over the fire.

She jogged inside and carried out some potatoes, carrots, celery and a small stew pot.

He placed the pot over their smaller fire pit and then grabbed her hand. He led her inside and picked up two sets of training sticks. He tossed them to her and led her back outside.

He nodded to her and she held up the sticks.

"Show me what you learned last night." He started swing the sticks to hit her and she blocked them with her own sticks. They worked like this for an hour before he smirked. "Good now toss one stick aside."

They both did as he said. She stared at him. "Um what now?"

He chuckled and sliced his stick at her head like one would a sword.

She blinked and tried to block it by holding the stick side to side over her head.

He scowled and popped her arm. "No!" If you hold it straight the sword is either going to slice your arm or cave in your skull."

He ordered. "Try again." He sliced the stick towards her again.

She held the stick up and down trying to block it.

He used his stick to knock hers away and growled. "Focus Kagome!" He slapped the stick across her knuckles. "Now get your stick and come at me."

She grit her teeth and mimicked his attack.

He held the stick above his head at an angle and she watched her stick slid down his.

He smirked. "Now tell me why your stick slid down instead of slapping me."

She frowned and stared at his stick. She blinked. "Is it because of the angle?"

He smiled. "Very observant," He tossed her stick to her. "Now, try again, this time from the side."

She nodded and did so gasping as his stick deflected hers. He then stepped in to her and brought a palm strike to her face stopping a mere inch away.

She blinked and jumped back a step.

He sighed heavily. "I can see we will have to work more on combining the art of sword play and unarmed combat." He picked up the sticks. "Go check the food."

She bowed to him and ran off to check their food while he cleaned up the weapons.

He walked out carrying the dit da jow and rubbed it into her wrist and knuckles. "After dinner I want you to bathe and then get to bed. We are starting at sunrise tomorrow and won't stop other than for lunch until sunset."

She groaned and dished up their food. 'Tomorrow is going to be a long day.' Once dinner was over she stood up and walked inside. Give me about thirty minutes and then I'll be ready to turn in.

Bankotsu nodded and walked over to the cool water spring. He sat down with a long drawn out sigh and stared at the water. He smiled as he remembered the pretty blush that stained her face when he kissed her and then grabbed her ass. He chuckled. 'Kagome, you're such an innocent.'

In his mind's eye he had her pinned beneath him again and this time he wasn't licking her neck, he was sucking it leaving a nice hickey to glare against the rest of her creamy skin.

'No doubt she's in the bathing room running that stuff she calls 'body-wash' all over her body.' He pressed his back against a boulder and closed his eyes.

His mind filled with a crystal clear image of Kagome disrobing and then standing amid the small pool of steamy water, which just brushed her thick upper thighs.

He watched her full breasts rise as she used one hand to slowly run that foamy mixture along her arm which was up in the air and down to her shoulder. He watched her drag it across her clavicle to the other side of her body before cleaning the other arm over her head.

He watched the white foam slowly sliding down to curve over her nipples, which perked instantly. He watched the thin foamy lines slowly curve around her nipples before falling to pool under her breasts and trail to the top of her flat tummy.

His eyes focused on her full creamy breasts and his tongue moistened his lips as he tried to imagine what they would taste like. 'Probably strawberries… She always smells like strawberries.'

His breath hitched and his mouth tingled with the sweet taste of fresh strawberries. His eyes watched her slow movements as she ran the foamy mixture over one breast, rubbing and lightly squeezing it with one hand as she lifted the bottom to get the grime out of the fold.

He heard her gasp when her palm slid over the nipple. He watched her tongue slide out to moisten her lips, whishing that he was the one licking her lips. Her palm slid over the nipple again. Her body shivered and her mouth spread into an astonished 'O' shape.

A cold breeze stung his cheek and snapped Bankotsu's out of his fantasy. He stared down at the tent rising from his lap and shook his head sighing. 'I'm not sure how much more of this I can take.' He stared up and noticed the sky was now dark. He rose to his feet. 'She's in bed asleep by now for sure.'

A pale moon lit his path back to the cabin. He quickly stripped. Bankotsu hissed as the heated water assaulted his painfully tight erection. 'I haven't been in this kind of predicament in a long time.'

He pressed his back against the rim of the bathing pool and closed his eyes. In his mind he was wrestling on the ground with Kagome and kissing her as his fingers slid up her thick thigh.

His fingers tingled as he imagined her soft skin while he worked his fingers up to tangle in her pubic curls. He heard her gasp when he probed her slick heat with the tip of his finger and found it wet for him.

He imagined her nails scratching the back of his shoulders as he sucked her nipple and rubbed the head against her slick folds. His hand tightened on his dick and he slowly slid further into the hold as he imagined slipping it inside her tight walls.

His eyes locked to hers and he watched the flames of desire dance in them as he continued slipping inside her. He watched her bite her lip and bent down sucking her bleeding lip between his teeth.

Relishing the metallic tang he slowly thrust in and out of her feeling her walls tremble around him. His body tingled and he heard her moans increase. His violent release exploded and ran down his hand.

He opened his eyes and smirked and cleaned himself off before climbing out of the water and dressing in his fondushi and hakamas. He emptied the water before crawling into his bed.


A/N: So that's it for chapter eleven. I know you are all waiting for the Ban/Kag romance to kick into high gear but it's not the right time yet. Anyways feedback is greatly appreciated. XD