InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy My Love ❯ chap. 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha. Rumiko Takahashi does.



Chapter: 6


"Put that down Kagome." Rin said as she took the articles of clothing from her hands. "You don’t need to be doing that." She smiled sweetly at the girl. "I'm sure inuyasha didn’t want for you to be my servant … how old are you Kagome?" Rin asked as she sat on her bed of furs and motioned for Kagome to come sit by her.



"I'm 16" Rin looked excited "Oh I'm only 2 years older then you." She said but Kagome looked as if something was troubling her. "Do … do you mind me asking … your, your human right so why?" Rin chuckled lightly causing Kagome to stop and face her. "Love. … Sesshomeru is a strong and powerful demon, but he also has a big heart witch he try's to mask since he sees it as a weakness." Kagome wanted to understand if he had such a big heart then why this war?



"But he is going across all the lands and-" Rin cut her off again with a loud sigh. "It is because of me." She said in a sad tone. Kagome was confused. "You, But…" "When he and I mated there were many demons who ubjected and threatened my life. … On more then one occasion demons and humans who did not approve attacked me. Sesshomeru would not allow this to happen anymore. He fights these wars to gain loyalty to ensure my safety."



Kagome sat and thought this over it made sense but it was still a horrible ideal. "It is not me alone he wishes to protect. There is also inuyasha." "Inuyasha?" Kagome questioned. "After his father died inuyasha and his mother, Sesshomeru's step mother. Were UN-protected. Many wanted to see Inuyasha stripped of his title or killed. Sesshomeru does all this for us the ones he loves."



"I think I understand now." Kagome gave her a sad smile. "He try's to keep his family safe. But still, … what about my family? And the family's of countless others who suffered at the hands of your mate." Rin was taken back by this she had always seen it as her husband loving and protecting her. "Is there no other way to achieve alliances?" Kagome asked.



"Sesshomeru always try's to spare life! All he wants is insurance that we will be safe. He … he…" tears began to spring from Rin's eyes and Kagome quickly went to hug her. "I am sorry I did not mean to upset you. I just-" Rin wiped her tears and smiled. "How selfish of me to cry when it is you who should be sad. I am the one who is sorry. I would be devastated if it were my family was the one who was threatened."



Rin saw the look on her face and her heart felt for her. " I wish there was another way." She said trying to comfort the girl. Kagome smiled at her. "Enough with this sad topic … Let talk about something else like Inuyasha." Rin smiled knowingly at Kagome and she blushed. "I-inuyasha" Kagome said in a shaky voice.



"I think my temperamental brother-in-law may have taken a liking to you." Rin teased the blushing girl. "L-liking? Me I think you're mistaken." Kagome refused to get her hopes up a man or hanyou in his case that at the moment is a treat to everything she holds dear. So what he was positively hansom. So what he makes her weak in the knees whenever he's near her. So what she wants to just milt whenever she looks into those eyes. "Kagome … Kagome … hello, where did you just go?"



Kagome shook herself out of her self-discussion. "W-what?" Rin smiled "You like him too don’t you?" that was more of a statement then a question. Kagome drew her eyebrows together totally prepared to denie Rin's observation. "Don’t even bother trying to lie to me I can see it in your eyes and his."



Kagome slumped down some then thought of what it would be like if she could have him, but then her family came into her mind. What would they think? Kagome couldn’t explain it but in such a short time she was certain she loved this inuyasha. (A/N: love at first sight.) But would her family except a man who is their enemy? She knew him being a hanyou wouldn’t bother them but this whole war thing is really putting a damper on the as of this moment non-existent relationship.



"It's no good." Kagome mumbled. "What was that?" Rin asked. "My father would never except an enemy to his lands, to be prince to his people." She said head bowed and in a sad voice. She didn’t see the shook on Rin's face when she said it though. Is she … is she there princess? … This could be a good thing~ she thought, as she looked off to the side somewhere. ~I must tell Sesshomeru at once.~ "I think you think to much. If it is meant to be then no one should stand in your way! … And if by chance someone does well then inuyasha will simply have to move them." She giggled playfully.






Later that night Rin told Sesshomeru of what happened with Kagome and she told him of her plan. Sesshomeru agreed to let her have her way but didn’t promise anything.


So the next day Sesshomeru sent one of his men to deliver a letter to King Menomaru.



King Menomaru,

I Sesshomeru am a man of honor. I am not the beast many clam I am. So I suggest we try and solve our problems peacefully. Perhaps make a peace treaty? You will have 5 days to deliver me your reply. After that we will have no choice but to settle this the hard way.


Lord Sesshomeru.


End letter/





A messenger brought the letter to the castle where Miroku and his father received it. "He is backing out of the fight for this afternoon." Menomaru stated with a hint of pride in his voice. "No father he isn't he his giving us 5 days to reply to his offer." Menomaru grew angry. "My people and I will never bargain with a beast such as him!" Miroku wondered though if he is such a monster then why has he been trying his hardest to solve this with words and not violence. ~Are the roomers I've heard all lies?~





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