InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Favorite Fairy Tale ❯ Chapter 7

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Favorite Fairytale

Chapter 7

by Sunsinger

A crash from inside the room caused Jaken to wince. Already his lord was undergoing changes. He shook his head. So soon, so fast. Either Inuyasha was a stronger demon than thought of or his lord really did want pups. Sighing, he thought back on that fool human. Could she truly be so stupid? A slam of a weight caused the toad demon to jump. He paced before the door, his beaked face frowning. Sighing, he stepped closer to the door and reached for the handle.


"Tch, I wouldn't do that if I were you."


Jaken whirled and looked up. Wedged on top of a stately piece of furniture sat Lord Inuyasha. Looking up at him, Jaken bowed. "I did not see you there, Lord. Lord Sesshomaru is…"


Inuyasha sucked his teeth again and smiled at the toad. "He's angry, really angry. I tried to talk to him but he began to growl and throw things at me. It's not my fault, I'm cursed with this thing! I didn't ask for this damn mandala!"


Jaken nodded, "I know, Lord. It is, however, not a good time for my lord to be disturbed. The mating bond… is very firm. However, Lord Sesshomaru is undergoing some changes and it is not good for him to be overwrought. You, as his mate, must calm him down!"


Inuyasha stared at the toad. "You're kidding!!! Me go in there." Yasha shook his head and jumped down. "Yeah, you're right."


Jaken nodded as Inuyasha twitched his new clothes and entered the room. A crash of something fragile caused the small demon to jump and he closed the door.








How dare he think of that miko, that idiot hanyou?!! To compare I, Sesshomaru, the lord of the west to some female, a human female at that! A human female who cared only what she could manipulate him into what she wants. Not once, but twice this fool has allowed himself to be abused and what does he say to me? 'I have a duty to her. I can't stay. I owe her.' THAT FOOL!!!! If I could get my hands on him, I will teach him the proper respect for me. I am his mate, he is supposed to obey and learn.




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Inuyasha stared at remnants of the ceramic dish that landed at his feet. "I guess you're angry, huh? Though I don't know why. I'm the slave. Wait, let me guess, because you're mated to a pathetic hanyou that is enslaved to a weak human?"


A growl sounded in the room. Sesshomaru lunged forward, grabbing his mate by the covered shirt. "No, you fool. I am angry because you are content to be her slave!"


Inuyasha tried to move back, eyes wide as his mate shook him, "You are CONTENT!!! And worse you expect me to be so as well! You are not only content but you still… care to please her!" Sesshomaru's hands opened, dropping Inuyasha to the ground.


Inuyasha leapt to his feet. "Is that what all this is about? I keep her happy so I don't get my face slammed through the ground every five minutes! Given a choice I'd be free but I can't be until that idiot miko takes this off!"


Sesshomaru stared at his brother, "Then you should have let me kill her."


"I still need her to find the jewel shards." Inuyasha stepped closer and started a low whine in his throat. Tilting his face up towards his older brother, he flicked his tongue out to lick the soft flesh, teeth chattering with the desire to nip that pale flesh.


"And how often does that human bitch 'lose' those shards?"


Inuyasha sighed and lunged forward, nipping his mate's neck. "I don't care, as long as I get them and become a full demon. A demon worthy to be your mate."


"So you plan to leave with this human female who wishes to seduce you in order to become a demon despite the fact that you already are?"


"Without the sheath, I'm a mad demon. I want it under control. I mean I'm closer to my demon nature, like you said, but I don't want to be… weak anymore. I want to be a demon strong enough for you."


Sesshomaru whimpered as his little brother bit him gently. "And if I say, 'do not leave'.


"Then I won't but I want to be a demon worthy of you?"


"Like you wished to be a human worthy of that pathetic miko. One would think you care for me about as much as you do her. Then again, perhaps, hanyou, you do." Sesshomaru pushed the smaller demon away and walked to the window.


Inuyasha stared at the carpet and then stood up. "What do you want me to say?! I made a stupid mistake, Kikyo was a mistake, Kagome sure as hell is one too. Do you want me to tell you that I hated myself and every single male I ran into because they weren't you? Is that what you wanted to hear? I turned to women because no other male made me feel safe, not even… not even Father. You weren't there for me, Sessy."


"I am here now, and you are choosing to leave me."


Inuyasha crept up behind his brother, a low whine sounding in his throat. One hand crept up the back of the formal kimono and curved over the Lord's shoulder. Inuyasha lay his head on his brother's back. Sesshomaru was acting weird and all, but he shrugged; it wasn't like he could abandon his mate. A sharp pain in his head at the thought made him pause. "Guess this means, I don't get children's privilege anymore? I actually have to be responsible. Ok. I am your mate. I love you, I always have. On some part of me, I knew I was yours. I want the jewel so I can become a proper demon. Then Kagome will go back to her own time. Kikyou will go to her afterlife. We will live our lives together and bring that prophesied peace to the land, I swear. Besides, I can't let Naraku get the jewel. If he gets it all, he will destroy this land, he will destroy you, and I can't let that happen."


Sesshomaru stared out at the garden beyond the window, one hand resting over his stomach, "True, perhaps we will bring this peace by defeating Naraku together."


"Yes." Inuyasha pressed up behind his lover, holding as tight as he could. "And now that we have solved this… let us retire to bed."


Sesshomaru chuckled, "Tonight, my love. Right now, you have a task to accomplish. Then later, I will make you scream with desire."


"Hmph, as if! Rather you mean, I'll make you beg." Inuyasha turned and walked towards the door, his white hair dancing over the curve of his ass that was barely hidden under the ceremonial kimono.


"We'll see, my mate, we'll see."








Kaede lowered herself to the floor and folded her hands together. Watching the others gather, she sighed. "I need to speak to thee before we speak to Kagome. She is very unhappy. Already once she has challenged lord Sesshomaru. I do not fear that she will hesitate to do so again. If she does, then Lord Sesshomaru will not be still. He will kill her with no remorse."


Miroku nodded, his eyes flicking to Sango and Kouga. "Yes, I do not think seeing Kouga and I helped, but in her time she is too young to provide the relief that Kouga needed. Nor did we think it should be Sango, as Kagome would then think he sought to replace her."


The old Miko cocked her head and stared at them. "Comfort?"


Sango blushed and pulled Kilala into her lap. "Kouga, ahhh, challenged Sesshomaru for Inuyasha during his heat."


The Miko eyes opened wide and focused on the Wolf Lord. "I see."


"He was glorious, who knew he had such power in him. If I had known that Sesshomaru had claimed him before hand, I wouldn't have challenged. As it is, Kagome has been acting really upset by this."


Sango growled, "Of course she has! They don't exactly cover this in the school of her time. I think, I think she feels abandoned, you know. Before, Inuyasha and you competed for her, and now you both ignore her to try to be with each other. Then she reacts… well in our eyes badly, except remember, she's not from here. We forget that she's not from here… and this world is already confusing to her. The one thing she did know was that Inuyasha loved her, that Kouga may have loved her. Now Inuyasha is in love with his brother, which if I understand her, is forbidden in her time. Kouga is releasing his tension with Miroku, and I don't think male/male romance is allowed in her time either. She is confused and none of us are really being gentle with her."


Kaede nodded, "This much is true. Yet, how can we be gentle with her, when she rushes in? Sango, you have spent time with her, but from what I see, she refuses to discuss anything and in fact, keeps attacking. I do not want her to die, but if she continues to press Lord Sesshomaru, he will kill her."


Sango nodded and stroked Shippo's hair as he sat next to her, "I'm still worried about her but I don't know what to do."





&n bsp;



Jarrul stood behind the child, listening to the conversation. Leaning forward, he whispered. "Those who listen at doors, hear no good of themselves, yet they learn the truth of perception of themselves."


Kagome jumped, jarring the door. Jarrul stepped forward, as she stepped back. Step by step, he forced her into the room. His two comrades followed behind them. One of them looked at the others and shrugged before closing the door.


"Now that you are all here, we should talk. Tomorrow, our Lord will marry his mate in a formal ceremony. And you must not do as you have done, Lady Kagome. I understand that you believed he loved you and he very well may have. When I knew Inuyasha as a child, he was always honest and caring. He did not lie, nor do I think he lied now. It is just that his instincts, his power of his blood, and he was not aware of it. To blame him for it is reprehensible."


Kagome bit he lip and lowered her head, "It's his BROTHER."


"Yes, and they are the only royal dog demons left. There are dog demons but none of which are royal. Not to mention, it's not like either had a choice. Sesshomaru didn't decide to make Inuyasha his mate, he just came home and the instinct overcame him. It forced him to claim Inuyasha. That was something neither of them could control."


Sango nodded. "I understand. Kagome, you have to remember this isn't your world, or your time. Things are different here, and as much as we love you, you can't force this world to follow your world's rules. What is wrong here and now, isn't wrong in your time. What's wrong in your time isn't wrong in this time."


"Incest is always wrong!"


Shippo stared at his friend and sighed. Then he blinked fast. "Kagome? You told me about how people breed dogs for certain things in the future. Sometimes they breed them to fit inside of cups even."


Jarrul jerked his head up and snorted. "CUPS! How do those dogs breathe? Are the pups even large enough to survive?"


"Well, Kagome says that the pups are sometimes ill, but the point is that sometimes they breed for a purpose. Isn't that why their demon blood called them to mate, so that the royal dog demon line doesn't die out?"


"Yes, little fox." Jarrul nodded.


Kagome looked at Shippo. "Yeah, but that's different."


"Not really, Lady Kagome, not really. They breed these dogs into illness for their cuteness… but the Lords are preserving a bloodline. Between the past few marriages and deaths, they must marry and preserve this line or it will die out soon. Not to mention the prophecy. Is your desire worth more than the lives of all the people here, not just the worthless demons you don't care for but the humans as well? What if their marriage was essential to your defeating Naraku? The prophecy did say that together they would bring in a rule for peace and prosperity, and the greatest danger to that is Naraku. Then again, why should you care for that? He's just a demon like all of us, and we get what we deserve, yes?"


Kagome grew paler as Jarrul spoke. Her eyes widened as he continued to speak. "Tomorrow, the wedding of our Lords will happen. There will be the announcement with well wishing, then the marriage party will enter the shrine and they will give their vows to the gods. Vows to honor each other, to love each other, and to take care of the land and people entrusted to them. They will pour a libation into a stone cup, they will mix it with their blood and then share the cup with each other. Once they have drunk, most of the blood and wine will be gone. They will then share the cup with the witnesses. If you can not handle it, then speak now, for I'm here to tell you that Lord Inuyasha has requested all of you to be his witnesses."


"Hmmm, the mutt actually wants to make me a guardian of his marriage? He must be drunk." Kouga closed his eyes, and sighed. "Tell him, yes, I agree."


"As do I. And I'm sure the lovely Sango wouldn't turn him down." The monk smiled at the fox demon.


Shippo jumped up, "Me too! I've never been to a wedding before."


Tani chuckled, "I doubt you have. It's a very special privilege, foxling. It means that you pledge to hold their marriage sacred, that you will defend them and honor them. It's a sacred thing, because it binds you to them, with magic."


Kaede jerked her head up. "Magic, then perhaps Kagome would like to not participate in this spell."


"But I want her to," Inuyasha stepped into the room. He dropped to the ground and stretched. "Hey. I want her there. Kagome, I love you, but not as my mate. Sesshomaru is my mate. It's what the gods want apparently. No matter what you or I may want. I find I enjoy Sesshomaru now. He's kinder… no, not kind. He's more willing to find other solutions. He's practical to a fault, but he is willing to make different decisions because he thinks of me now. Before, he would have killed you, except that he doesn't want his mate angry at him, and I would have been. You're like a sister, a great sister. But that's all. I don't need a lover; I have one. I do need family. It's time for us to stop messing around and get the jewel back together. It's time Kikyou gets laid to rest. It's time for you to stop switching between times. We love you, Kagome, but this time switching is really messing you up. It confuses you, it makes you miss that school stuff and it's important to you, to your future in that time. If you keep missing school, you'll not be able to succeed in that time right?"


Kagome stared at him. She swallowed, amazed at Inuyasha's perception.


"It's not that I didn't think of this before, but I couldn't say anything because every time I did, you got angry. Now, if you get upset then you get upset. "You can't be doing this and I can't go home with you. I am a half-demon, I was born and raised in this era. I have no place in your world, your time. I don't understand the rules, I don't want to understand your whole world. I do understand this one. I have to stay here. I want to stay here. With Sesshomaru, my husband, my mate. I will stay here and we will raise a family and that's the only thing that either of us can do."




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Jaken bounced around, dithering over the preparations. The room was covered in red and white decorations. He frowned as he stared at the two full length bamboo panels. Both drawn with graceful calligraphy, one in a startling red while the other was in the darkest black. Between them stood a door. The wooden door was dark with age and oil. The iron hinges were large and seemed almost as dark as the wood. Over the top of the door was placed into the stone, a woven circle. Twisting around each other, not even running a fingernail's length before the strands twisted and ducked and twined. Black stone, dark and rich, the hardness of obsidian and just as sharp. Full of primitive power. The sheen of gold as it twisted around and about, the warm red gold of Japan's white clay banks. The final strand seemed to have kept a bit of the darkness of the mine in which it was dug out. Yet even polished to a high sheen, the platinum twists seemed to hide and wink. It was the beaten circle that signified the bond of their family. That band remained as a reminder from the fist time that the first Lord of the West made it for his beloved. Binding their hearts and their magic together. For three thousand years, that ring has guarded the family temple. Jaken knew with the ceremony that would take place tonight, the magic in the ring would once again glow!


A crash from the other side of the room caught his attention.


"You fools!!! If you ruin this for our wonderful lord, I'll kill you!" Jaken screamed, the old man head of his staff spitting fire.








Sesshomaru stood, flexing his budding hand. The mating had done what he thought once was impossible. It was healing him. Draping the end of his formal kimono over it, he knew that it was Inuyasha's desire to make him whole. He stared at himself in the mirror, the door opening behind him.




"Sesshomaru, so ummm ya know you never told me exactly what I have to do." Inuyasha tried not to stare at his lover.


"Nothing really, my mate. We will enter and I will announce that I will take you as my mate. We enter the sanctuary and the wedding will proceed. We then go back to the hall for a feast. Each lord under my dominion as well as our fellow region lords will place a present on a table. Tomorrow we shall look through them and before each lord leaves we will give them a response, either pleasure or displeasure. We can not harm them until they are off our lands. So any insult must be borne at least that long."


Inuyasha nodded. "Doing the ceremony?"


"I have thought to ask lady Kaede. Do not worry my love, nothing shall go wrong. Nothing." Sesshomaru leaned down to kiss his mate.



End Part 7