InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Favorite Fairy Tale ❯ Chapter 8

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Note: Soujiha means CLEANSING WAVE


Naraku smiled. His period of weakness was over and soon, he would destroy those miserable dogs. He stared up at the summer sky and smiled. His agents would make sure that they got his wedding gift.


~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~


Five days ago


Naraku slithered over to the wall. Laying on a shelf were several covered objects. Stacked about ten high, two of the flat covered glass plates glowed. Square in shape with softly rounded edges, each lay between stiff silk cloth. Moving three, he lifted a glowing panel and opened it. His face shifted into its normal seeming countenance as he bent over the panel. "Yessssss."

"Lord Naraku, I know you have been informed of the wedding of Lords Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. I, of course, have received an invite. Since there has been much… rancor between me and the Lord of the West, if I did not go, he would presume correctly and send an army against me. Therefore I must go. However, my lord, perhaps you wish to send some gift for the happy couple?" A flash of blue hair and a light feminine voice asked.

"Yes, in fact I do. Kagura will deliver my gift to you. You must make sure that it is close to them at sunset."

"As you wish, my lord." The lady bowed and the glow faded, with one last look at her sea blue eyes.

Naraku nodded and recovered the glass plate. Setting it aside, he picked up the other panel. "Ahhhh, I have a job for you. Expect Kagura with a package."

Naraku sighed as he covered the glass pane and rested.


* * *


Kagura leaned forward as her feather raced toward the deep forest. Settling out of arms reach, she nodded to the demon found there.

"Our lord demands that you send this 'gift' in place of your own present. Whatever excuse you make, make it believable." Kagura dropped a rectangular bundle to the ground with a thump.

A flash of red and the demon stood closer. "Lady Kagura, what a pleasant surprise. Tell me, what does our lord plan to do with this… gift?"

"That is none of your business. Merely do as Naraku commands." Kagura turned, her feather continued drifting lazily out of reach.

"Fine, but one day… we two birds of a feather…" The demon growled lustfully.

"I'd sooner be obliterated." Kagura sneered, her feather lifting quickly and heading towards the next domain.


* * *


Kagura sat on her feather and surveyed the land below. Waves crashed against sheer cliffs. A faint blue glow showed her where her contact was. Long sea blue hair fell down her back, two slim braids on either side. Kagura drifted lower. "The Lord requests that you present this to the child that accompanies Sesshomaru. That is all you need do. Present it to her right before the ceremony so that she can not forget to bring it in with her."

"As he wills." She unwrapped the package. A doll, in a golden kimono. Her face was made from the whitest porcelain. Her lips were as red as a human's blood, while her hair was blacker than a human heart. A fine doll, one that a young child would definitely love. "Tell me, Kagura, am I your last stop for tonight?"

"I always save the best for last, Inazuma."

"Good." The demoness moved forward, violet eyes shining. The sheen of her skin mirrored the blue of her hair. "Then come, dear Kagura, let us partake of a late supper."

Kagura smiled and remembered why she liked this house by the sea.


* * *


Naraku looked from behind Kagura's eyes and smirked. The demoness was currently asleep beside Inazuma. He raised her arm and used it to stroke over a full breast, squeezing lightly. Inazuma's eyes opened.

"My Lord, you are here." She held open her arms. "Come to me, my Lord. I have hungered for you."

"As you have for this shadow of mine?"

"Not so. She is a delight but you are an overwhelming joy."

Naraku smiled and leaned down to kiss Inazuma violently. "Then let me overwhelm you."


~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~




Jaken read the note from Minabi.


Greetings to the Lord of the West and his intended:

I, Minabi, Lord of the South and Protector of the Flank, send to you my regrets. I may be unable to venture to witness your joining. My mate is currently pregnant with our first child and I must attend the birth.

However, this is a monumental occasion and I could not in good will let this go on without us. Therefore I send to you this plate of glass. I have kept the mate of it. Through it I will be able to witness and watch the glad joining.

To activate it, merely tap on it three times.


With respects,


Lord of the South


Jaken nodded and picked up the cloth covered glass pane. Tapping it three times, a glow built up slowly. An image of the southern lord slowly resolved. He nodded, the scarlet feathers on top of his head shining slickly.


"Lord Minabi. I was just checking the clarity. We are happy to hear about the upcoming birth. This is a unique way of attending."

"Yes, Jaken, it is something my newest advisor came up with. When will the ceremony take place?"

"Sunset. We shall see you then."

"Very well. To deactivate, tap four times."

Jaken nodded and tapped it four times. The glow faded. Jaken called over a waiting demon and instructed him to place the panel on the wall then turned to the next item on his list.


* * *


Inuyasha twitched the cloth of his kimono again. He'd be glad when all this ceremony crap was out of the way and he could be back in his normal gear. The door opened and Rin poked her head in. Her hair was pulled back and braided into a dark raven rope down her back. She wore a kimono that looked to be made out of gold with green designs all over it.

"Lord Inuyasha, Jaken says that it's time for you to go to the shrine. He said you should enter from the left, Lord Sesshomaru will come in from the right."

Inuyasha nodded. "Yeah."

Rin ran over and hugged him tight, something hard pressed into his leg, as she moved back, he noticed a doll tucked inside her kimono.

"Heh, cover up the doll, or Jaken might take it from you."

"Eep! I will, do you think she's pretty? Lady Higashi gave it to me." Rin smiled, letting Inuyasha walk past her and heading to the shrine.

"Yes ... yes I do ... Lady Higashi?" Inuyasha pressed one hand against his stomach. "Who is she?"

"She rules the East, I think. Jaken said she once attempted to be Lord Sesshomaru's p-p-paramour. What's a par-a-mour?"

Inuyasha's mouth twitched and he shook his head. "Let me see it?"

Rin nodded and pulled it out of her kimono and held it up to Inuyasha. He sniffed it, pulled open the kimono, and tapped it. "It looks ok but…hmmm…if it's from this Higashi person, you might want to put it someplace safe until Sesshomaru checks it out."

Rin nodded, "Why?"

"Cause… she wanted to marry Sesshomaru and now she can't. That's a paramour. And I have to wonder why she would give you a gift. Maybe it's nothing but demons don't forgive easily." Inuyasha shrugged, stopping before the shrine door. He took a deep breath. Go on in; put the doll somewhere until after the ceremony."

Rin nodded and slipped through the door. Inuyasha stared at the door. It was time.


* * *


Rin slipped inside and nodded to Jaken. Inside the shrine, kneeling reverently on pillows, were the lords of the other lands, representatives of the town and village councils, and friends. Rin gulped but stepped forward. She noticed a pillow with a little wooden stand on it. A sheet of glass was placed on the stand and faced the shrine altar. Kneeling down, she placed the doll next to it, acting like this was her job. Standing up, she walked over to Lord Jaken and stood quietly as he welcomed the witnesses.

Suddenly the door in the back of the shrine opened and Lady Kaede moved forward. She bowed to Jaken and Rin before stepping to the shrine and clapping once loudly.

"Hear me, Gods of this World and the Next. Before you I shall bring two who would bind their hearts, minds, souls, and powers. Before you I bring a good match. Hear me, O Gods. Lord of the North, Great Turtle, grant to them your blessing of longevity. Lord of the East, Dragon of the Waves, grant to them your blessing of wisdom. Lord of the South, Phoenix of Fire, grant to them your blessing of great passion and fertility. Lord of the West, to these who are your workers on Earth, grant to them all the virtues and strength that you have blessed their home with."

A sharp clap sounded again and the doors on either side slid open.


* * *


Sesshomaru stared across the shrine at his mate… his mate. The words reverberated in his head. Inuyasha was his mate, no matter the ceremony. Inuyasha stood there, the graceful folds of his kimono showing off his body to full degree.

Red really did suit him but the gold… it magnified his eyes. Out of the corner of his eyes, he carefully watched the other lords but didn't see in their eyes the scorn that he had so often shown his brother. Inuyasha stared straight at him. Perhaps he did have the bearing to make a lord. A few years of teaching and proper instruction… hmmm.

They stopped before Kaede, turning together to face her. She picked up a length of red silk rope and wrapped it about their wrists, over and under, until it held fast.

He noticed the slight trembling of Inuyasha's arm, the small flexing of the claws. He twisted his wrist slightly so his claws touched Inuyasha's. A slight relaxing of Inuyasha's body shivered through his frame; a small smile, flashing the smallest bit of fang appeared.

Kaede looked at them then stared at him. "Do ye, Lord Sesshomaru, Lord of the West and its Domains, pledge thyself to Inuyasha, second son of thy previous lord? Do ye agree to merge body, power, and soul with him? Do ye agree to raise all children of thee with honor, care, and respect? Do ye agree to fight for him and allow him to fight for you? Do ye agree to side with him in all wars and conflict? How say ye?"

"I do."

There. Inuyasha's eyes widened and his breathing grew harder. Little brother, how surprised you are.


* * *


Inuyasha tried not to grunt as the beads pulled at his neck. He tried to look out the corner of his eye. He hadn't heard that raucous call of 'SIT', yet it still pulled at his neck. He felt the touch of his brother's claws to his and smiled a bit in relief. He heard the oaths that Kaede spoke to his brother and tried to focus despite the pain, he would not let this ruin his brother's standing in the eyes of his fellow lords.

"…How say ye?"

"I d.." His throat closed as the beads started to spin casting off a dark light.

Sesshomaru's lips curled back as he reached for the mandala.


* * *


"I suggest you do not do that, Lord of the West." A firm voice came from the back of the hall. Kikyou walked forward. "It is reacting to the emotions of the one who emplaced it. Her anger and feelings of betrayal are causing it to react so. If you touch it, it will attempt to destroy you."

"And you think I would let it, miko?" Sesshomaru snarled.

"No, but it would kill several of those who now attend." She turned to Inuyasha. "You are fighting it. Does this demon mean so much to you?"

Inuyasha struggled against the mandala and nodded. "He is mine!"

Kikyou stared at him for a moment, looking for something. Nodding, she stepped forward and reached for the beads. Laying her hands on it, she concentrated.


* * *


Kagome watched as the light from the beads started to change color. What did Kikyou think she was doing? Didn't she understand that the reason it was so dark was because Inuyasha was sinking deeper and deeper into the evil that was so common in the demon world? It was bad enough that the relished in the joy of the killing of humans, but this incest it was the lowest form of perversity. Why couldn't she see that this was the only way to save Inuyasha? Kagome shook her head and realized she couldn't let that happen.


The light flared, splitting into two different colors- a purplish black and a clear violet.


With each command the light flared. Couldn't she see that? A sharp pain ran up her arm and she looked down to see teeth marks on her hand. Shippo. Kilala had moved behind Inuyasha and was supporting him. Miroku had out a purifying charm and was throwing it at her. The others were glaring at her. Kaede shook her head and mouthed, "I can not save thee, child."

Behind her, Jarrul came up and, using the butt of his sword, hit her right below the ear. As she fell, she saw the beads release and clatter to the floor.

Why did they hate her so? She was only trying to save the human part of Inuyasha.


* * *


Kikyou picked up the beads and placed them inside her clothes. Turning to Inuyasha, she spoke firmly. "Do you, Inuyasha, Younger Son of the previous Lord, pledge thyself to Lord Sesshomaru, Lord of the West and its Domains? Do you agree to merge body, power, and soul with him? Do you agree to raise all children of thee with honor, care, and respect? Do you agree to fight for him and allow him to fight with you? Do you agree to side with him in all wars and conflict? How say you?"

Inuyasha turned to face his mate. "I do."

Kikyou clapped once more. "Let the Gods hear. Let those here bear witness. Let it be proclaimed across the land. This union is complete."

Kaede bowed her head. "So we bear witness."

"What a wonderful ceremony." Naraku's voice rang through the shrine. A sharp crack of glass and black smoke wrapped around the doll. Rin gasp and moved forward, only to be pulled back by Inuyasha.

"I knew it. There's no way, Sesshomaru's old girlfriend would give you a gift that wasn't dangerous." Inuyasha growled, pulling the Tetsaiga from its sheath. The sword transformed. Behind him he could hear Kaede opening and rushing the humans and weaker demons through.

Growling louder this time, Inuyasha stepped forward, stopping short at the red rope that bound their wrists. The doll shuddered and grew to man height. "I must thank you for making this so easy for me."

"Do not react, Inuyasha; think. Even if he animates that doll, there is the power of no less than three lords here, two mikos of immense power, a demon hunter, and a monk. He can barely stand against your group by himself."

Inuyasha looked at his brother then back at Naraku. "Ch."

The doll smiled evilly. "Perhaps. But I do not need to fight you on your home turf. I have better plans."

The doll shattered below the waist and vines started to grow from the bottom. Sesshomaru leapt backward, unknotting the cord, and quickly unwrapped it. Finally free, he nodded to his husband and they attacked together. A flash of black fur came from the left, claws and knives flashing.

"HIRAIKOTSU!" The boomerang flew toward the arm of the doll. It screamed as long cracks ran down its arm. Several dog and wolf demons flung themselves at the tendrils. Kikyou spun and headed toward the slumped form of Kagome to grab the arrow. Steps away, a vine erupted from below, knocking her off her feet.

"He is after Kagome!"

Miroku spun around and thrust a fiery charm toward the vines reaching for Kagome.


Miroku grunted as he was slammed into the wall. Several of the other demons also felt the force of that wave. A door fell off its hinges as Kagura entered the shrine. "Inazuma, we have no time."

"True, Kagura." Underneath her, a sheen of water welled up and slid over to Kagome and, lifting her, tossed her onto Kagura's feather. Turning back, she smiled, though it held nothing of pleasure. "You really should have mated me, Lord Sesshomaru. It is a pity that the child wasn't holding the doll when it transformed, now she has to see you die."

Sesshomaru growled, raising the Tokijin as he ran towards her. The sword sliced through the demon vines. Higashi no Inazuma, Lady of the East, laughed as she and Kagura escaped.

Inuyasha clawed at the vines pressing against him, trying to keep it from digging further into his flesh. It split into four smaller vines, trying to get around his sword. Suddenly, he could breathe. Sesshomaru was there, carving up the vines with Tokijin. The vines fell lax and dropped to the floor. Slowly they crumbled to dust. Inuyasha stared at his brother; a slight smile was his response.

"I have defended you in battle."

"Yeah. They got Kagome. That means he has the shards."

Kaede sighed as she let the barrier on the door fall. "I do not believe I can do that again."

Inuyasha stared. "You can put up barriers?"

"I am a miko. Yet this is not your concern. They have taken Kagome, probably for the shards. However, they will be angry indeed, when they discover that she has them not!" Kaede smiled. "I have removed them lest her anger contaminate them as they did those beads. Did ye not see the color of corruption when she did give you those commands?"

Sesshomaru nodded, "Then what will he do with her?"

"This I do not know."


* * *


Kagura knelt before her lord. He was not happy to have discovered that the jewel shards were missing. She waited as Naraku raged and destroyed things. This was really getting tiresome but this would only last until one day she was free of him.

"Kagura, take her to the well. Throw her down into it and collapse the well into itself. It will take them a while to free her, not to mention that, due to her theatrics at the ceremony, they won't likely be in a hurry to clear the well. Unfortunately, we may have lost the use of Kikyou. Go now… and Kagura," Naraku flung out a vine and wrapped it around her throat. He squeezed tightly letting the sharp thorns rip into her flesh only to be anointed by her blood as he dragged her closer, "mind your thoughts."

Kagura stood and bowed. "As you wish, my Lord."

Commanding her feather to rise, she headed for the well.



End Part 8