InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Favorite Fairy Tale ❯ Chapter 6

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Favorite Fairy Tale
by Sunsinger

Jaken bowed as the Eastern Lord left the room. A low class demon stood at the doorway, holding a piece of paper.

"Yes, what is it?!"

"A message from Jarrul. He is approximately a day and half away. And he mentions that the Lord Inuyasha is under a spell."

"Yes, we know. In fact, the Miko Kaede will be here soon. Very well... get three others and prepare first level guest rooms for Lord Inuyasha's guests as well as the Miko. I expect the suites to be of exquisite taste. And supply adequate clothing. Go NOW!" Jaken glared at the demon and dismissed it.

The demon bowed to the person inside the door and rushed past to do as Lord Jaken had bid.

Jaken muttered as he searched for a list. A scuffle of feet caused him to look up. He looked at the child worrying her lip. "Rin."

"Master Jaken. The lords... they do not like Lord Sesshomaru, do they?"

"They don't like most people, but in his case, it's because they think he's making a mistake by mating Lord Inuyasha." Jaken leaned his staff against the wall and quickly closed the door. "Why?"

"Do you think he's making a mistake by mating Lord Inuyasha?" Rin asked, as she climbed up on the couch by the wall.

"I think he puts himself in a precarious position, I do not like Lord Inuyasha but since Master Sesshomaru has chosen him and I love Master Sesshomaru, I will obey him. Why, Rin?"

Rin swung her feet back and forth, staring down at them. "I... I heard something. When Master Sesshomaru and Lord Inuyasha were fighting earlier. I heard three people, I don't know if they were lords or not but I heard them talking about herbs. One of them said that he knew where to get many of the..." she frowned as she tried to remember the unfamiliar words, "tianshiyan herbs. The next said that they only needed the ones who affected hanyou the most. Then the third said if they were going to speak of this then they should close the windows. And that's all I heard.

Jaken nodded, "Very good, Rin, if you were to hear this person again would you be able to say it was them who spoke?"

Rin bit her lip and nodded.

"Good. Then we shall see tonight at the feast.

* * *

Jarrul bowed and grasped the lead reins. The priestess of the town waved as she watched them go on their way. Jarrul wouldn't have believed that the town could spare two horses yet they insisted on it. He thought back to when they were first offered the beasts as well as a box cart for the ladies and small demon. The monk tried to hide his surprise but it was still obvious. As Jarrul got comfortable next to the monk, he clucked at the beasts. A flash of brown and the fox kit was in his lap and curled up tightly. He stroked the kit, missing his own kits. "So… Monk, tell me, back there you were surprised. Are not the people of the other four lands kind to you and yours?"

Miroku nodded, his eyes kept escaping to the wolf demon that was running along side as well as back and forth. "Yes, but never for a demon. In our travels, they beg us to kill the demons or exorcise them. In fact, I have never seen Lord Sesshomaru to be fond of humans. He, as far as I knew, despised his brother for the human blood he carries."

Jarrul nodded. "Yes, though he is not fond of humans, the Lord did love his father and his father was fond of them. After all, is not Lord Inuyasha proof of the love the previous Inutaichou bore for humans? Not to mention, Lady Izayoi loved the child Sesshomaru and took care of him well. She trusted him with the baby Inuyasha and would hear no evil of him. It was their father who put in place these rules for dealing with the humans and for the love they bore him, Lord Sesshomaru continues the practice. Though I will say that he does not let them labor under any misunderstanding that what kindness he gives is a 'right'. It is quite clear it is a privilege, for if we do not like his rule, he will send exile us. Both demon and human."

Kagome frowned, "But… he hates humans."

Jarrul's ears swiveled and a twisted expression crossed his face. "No, to hate them he'd have to care about them en masse. He doesn't. Lady Kagome, you must understand, only three people with human blood have ever entered his heart. Izayoi, Inuyasha, and his ward Rin. You humans think that you rule this land, that because you are human you deserve everything in this land. Demons as you call us have lived here for 50,000 years! We worked the land, we fought, we died, we lived, and we loved. Demons were here first and then you humans came. You did not ask our permission and because some of us resemble animals, you assumed that we were 'nothing more than base born animals'. You destroyed our homes, killed our families, and when we fought back, you used magic on us. We are not in ourselves evil, none are born evil. But the hatred we bear you for seeking to destroy us did turn many of us evil, and many of us will hate you forever. You humans don't even have a proper concept of demons."

Sango rocked back on her heels in the back of the cart. "While it is true that there are many kinds of demon, that doesn't mean that we don't know the difference."

Rani yelped and nodded. "Do you, slayer? A human spirit turns evil then you assume that it has become a demon. Why, because it is evil and all that is evil is not the fault of humans. You humans have never done any evil save when we incite you. Do you think we never get tired of these lies you place on us?! A human spirit turns evil, that is the fault of the spirit, and it does not make the spirit a demon. Yet you still call it so. An old god, who has lapsed in worshippers and is little more than a spirit, who can at some rare times do magic and miracles, you call a demon and seek to destroy it. It is not evil, nor is it truly a demon, merely a lapsed god, yet you still say 'Demon, which means Evil, kill it!'. Humans are so pure and good and any evil that happens must be caused by a demon. Does it never occur to the simplest peasant that any evil that is done by another can sprout from either deeds done to the person or the person's own evil soul?"

Shippo popped his head up, "Not all demons are evil, but not all humans are good."

"Well spoken, kitling, and true! Lord Sesshomaru is a fair lord. Good to his people, which he could have destroyed. Destroys our enemies. He isn't kind, but as a lord, he doesn't need to be. He just has to be fair. Each realm should have a Lord as good as Lord Sesshomaru."

Kagome made an indelicate sound and rolled her eyes. "I've never noticed him even caring for the humans that live in his so-called lands."

"He does, he makes sure they have enough food and are cared for through the winter, if only because healthy humans take better care of the land. These were our lands first, why should you come in and take over?"

Kagome frowned, "But you weren't using the land."

Hakkaku ran up beside them in time to hear Kagome's reply. "I remember when we were younger; we had a large spread of land. Enough so that we could have a pack of two hundred. There were pups all the time. We need a lot of room to hunt. We had several secluded areas for pregnant wolves and demons. Since there were so many of them, we spread them out. Large stretches of land so that if anyone attacked one group they wouldn't get another. We had villages and we didn't live in caves. We farmed some of the land and traded with prey-demons for things we needed. I remember this, I remember going with my father to trade with a squirrel demon. We were happy. Then a group of humans moved in. They were on the edges of our lands and we didn't mind but they cleared a lot of trees. Killed many animals, more than they needed. In one season, they had killed over ten seasons worth of meat. They traded the meat for weapons and came after us. They killed our pups; they tossed firepots into dens with nursing mothers. They burned our villages, and destroyed our fields. We were a nation of wolf demonswith over two hundred demons and perhaps twice to twice and a half that many wolves. When you showed up, Kagome; the northern half of our people, who numbered less than fifty demons and maybe that many wolves, they went to the mountains. My village was a happy place, of the village only five of us survived. And we sent the two females to the northern tribes. We joined with the wolves in the caves. Over time, four or six or three wolves from other villages joined us. We're not evil, Kagome. We never were; we didn't bother them. We didn't threaten them. When we caught one of those murderers, we asked him why he had attacked us. He said, 'You're evil. All wolves are evil. We would never have left our lands if that wolf pack hadn't attacked us. We were happy in the shadow of the mountain Akihino.' The pack at Akihino was destroyed ten years before the humans came to our lands. We didn't do anything. That land was our nursery, our farms, our villages, our hunting lands. We weren't using them? You mean humans weren't using them. I miss my village, I miss our wolves."

Koga reached down and scratched behind his friend's ears.

* * *

Inuyasha groaned as he opened his eyes. While the sex is great, all this biting and scratching is leaving him too sore. A sleepy sound and the silken touch of hair on his arm brought a smile to his face. Who knew his brother... his mate could be so... gentle. Inuyasha could feel a growl boiling up from within him; he placed one hand on Sesshomaru's face. He noticed how long his claws were growing, long enough that they were curling slightly, a slight silver sheen to them. Leaning over, he sniffed his claws; a faint smell of almonds came from them.

A brush of lashes brought Inuyasha's attention back to his mate. "Hey."

Sesshomaru leaned back and looked up at his brother. The eyes had changed slightly, the pupils elongating. The cheek markings were even more vivid. "Your claws are coming in well, I think they will hold poison as mine or Father's did.

"Yeah... hmmm, you, you're different too."

"Not really, Inuyasha, it is more that you see and feel things differently since your demon side is awakening. Before would you have ever enjoyed what we did? Would you have loved the taste of the rich blood in your mouth, the feel of teeth slicing through flesh? Would you have enjoyed the strength in my arms or how much you desire to take me?"

Inuyasha's growling grew louder and he pushed at his brother's shoulder, forcing him back in the bed. He leaned over, a drop of drool dripping from one fang. He didn't notice that as it fell to the sheet, a small hole appeared. Inuyasha leaned down further, "I hated being a demon. I hated the fact that I was such a freak, and you didn't make it easier. Now... now, I care about nothing but that everyone knows you belong to me. This isn't normal. I have... to... the shards."

"Ignore that! Simply feel this, my Inuyasha." Sesshomaru snapped his fangs in front of his mate, "Come, it is almost time for the feast, let us go down and show them all exactly what they face!"

Inuyasha smiled and pushed back, flinging himself backwards. Sliding off the bed, he walked over to the mirror and stood there for a moment trying to figure out how to hide the mark. Sesshomaru stood up and stepped behind him, one arm around his mate's waist. "The point is to show them off... get the first outfit from your closet." The younger demon nodded and headed off. As Sesshomaru stood before the mirror, one hand caressed the slight swell of his stomach.

As he stared at himself in the mirror, Sesshomaru wrapped the tie of his kimono around his waist carefully. He knew it was too early to show, too early to be noticed, and yet he knew. He knew in the way all knew that there was the start of new life in them. In the courtyard below, he heard his mate talking to a guard. He smiled as he thought of what such an early conception meant. It meant his mate was strong, his mate would impart much strength to the child, and that perhaps he had misjudged his mate's power. How beautiful his mate would be when he became fully demon.

A creak of a step and the door opened behind him. The thump of the Janus staff and the shuffling steps of his toad demon stepping up behind him. A sudden noise from the smaller demon interrupted the lord's contemplation of himself. Turning, he saw a peculiar expression on the beaky face. Jaken sniffed his lord, moving closer.

"So soon, my Lord?! Perhaps we have misjudged Lord Inuyasha." Jaken rocked back on his feet.


"I do not think the other lords will notice it, they do not know you as well as I. Most will assume it's mating scents, but to get you with child so fast… we have indeed underestimated your brother."

"Yes, we have. It is perhaps fitting that you are the first to notice this, Jaken."

"Thank you, my Lord." Jaken paused for a moment, his heart swelling with pride." I believe it is time to tell you something. As you major domo, I was willing to handle this by myself to spare you any trouble but in light of this development, I believe that you should know."

Sesshomaru stared at the toad demon as one eyebrow rose. "Do tell."

"Earlier Rin overheard three demons speaking of herbs. Tianshyian herbs. They were speaking of what herbs could harm a Hanyou and how restricted they were. I have spoken to the healers and asked them to restrict those herbs, to make sure that no one but they administer them. They have agreed, they have also agreed to speak to other healers about it. I am now working with Lady Rin to find the three she overheard. Once they are found, I shall take them into custody."

The lord growled deep in his throat, his eyes bleeding to red. He snarled, his fangs dropping down as his face paled to a white so pale, his marking seemed to fluoresce. "They dare! They dare to assume they may attack my mate?! Find them, and bring them to my mate so that he may destroy them as he sees fit."

Jaken bowed his head in the face of such anger, "Yes, my lord. Your will shall be done."

* * *

Inuyasha smiled at the young guard. A sudden whiff of a familiar scent brought his head up. The creak of a wagon caught his ears and he turned his head towards the sound. A guard stood next to the wagon and helped an old lady down. A quick grin flashed across his face as he ran over to the wagon. "Hey, who invited you, old hag?!"

"Your brother and I assume your mate, for he has better manners than you, impudent dog." Kaede replied, stepping down.

"Hmph, I would just say he has poor taste in guests."

"Perhaps, but I could say that maybe he just has poor tastes, as he couldn't find a better demon to mate with. Of course as a Miko, I wouldn't be so rude." She smirked up at the hanyou. "So tell me, Lord Inuyasha, how has Kagome been taking this?"

Inuyasha grimaced and shrugged his shoulders, "I guess she's upset. 'Ch! I haven't seen her since the mating fight. I guess, she'd be upset. Sesshomaru sent a group of demons to bring 'em here, so I guess I'll find out soon. It's not like I could help it. I was in heat!"

Kaede nodded, "I know this but I fear that she…"

"Is not important," Sesshomaru replied from behind them, causing them both to jump. "I doubt that the child is old enough to understand a true mate, much less experience it. In any case, Inuyasha's heart was never his to give away. I claimed him when he was but a babe. I have waited over a hundred years for him to grow up to the beautiful man I knew he would become. Now that he has grown into this beauty, you think I will give him to some pathetic human female? A human female who wishes to destroy him, to remove his demon heritage and make him incomplete. My matenwas born a hanyou. Every day, he comes closer to the heritage of our father And now that the transformation is almost complete, you expect me to release him?"

"I see." Kaede leaned on her staff. "I understand, but if this is the case then to what do I owe the honor of this invitation to your nuptial feast."

The Lord of the West stared at the old Miko. "I want you to remove that mandala."

* * *

Jarrul reined in the horses and pointed to the vale below. "The castle of the Western Lord."

A rustle from the left caused several weapons to be trained on it. A black and white dog demon walked out, his hands held out to his sides. "Jarrul. The Lord awaits you. The Miko got here just a little while ago, but the Lord has instructed you to go straight to your rooms and prepare for the feast tonight. It is the third and final night."

"Thanks, Buril. See you tonight!"

Jarrul leaned back as he pushed the horses into a trot. "Lady Kagome, before we go into the castle, I wish for you to give me a promise. I know that you have some anger against my Lords. I cannot stop that, however I would ask you to contain it. You don't understand some things, I understand that you are angry, but there is so much you don't understand. Talk to them before you do something."

Miroku nodded, "That is a good idea."

Kouga shrugged and turned towards Kagome who stared at them with blazing anger in her eyes. "You think it's ok, don't you? That he's sleeping with his brother?!"

"He's a demon!" Kouga stared at her. "It's not like it is for you mortals. Not to mention that it's not like he had any choice."

"How could he not have had a choice?! He chose to go with Sesshomaru."

Sango shook her head, "He was in heat. They don't think during heat, they just react. Sesshomaru won the battle, that means Inuyasha went with him."

Jarrul nodded his head, waving to the guard to open the door. "It's not just that, remember, Lord Sesshomaru has gone into heat many times, yet he has never taken a mate. For years we wondered why, now we know."

Kagome sat still in the cart, holding Shippo and not speaking. Tani shook his head and nudged Ginta. Miroku walked beside the cart as they entered the castle. Ahead of them, they could see Inuyasha and Sesshomaru talking to Kaede. Kagome stood up, dropping Shippo on the floor of the cart. "SIT BOY!"

* * *

Inuyasha felt the mandala pulling him down. Growling, he reached out for Sesshomaru's arm. The group that just entered stared at Kagome standing up in the cart. Kaede gasped as she felt Inuyasha fall against her. A white blur stretched across the courtyard and wrapped a hand around Kagome's neck. "You petty bitch. You would disgrace my mate in front of our people because your feelings are hurt. Yet you think that you are worthy of him?! You do not know love or you would disappear. You think that if you change him into what you want then that is love. If you speak those words one more time, I will rip your tongue from your mouth." With that, he threw her from the cart and into the dirt.

Inuyasha staggered over to his mate and leaned against him. "Don't kill her."

Sesshomaru nodded and held his lover close. Waving his hand, he pointed the fallen Miko. "The ride has overtaxed her, take her to her room."

* * *

Kaede watched as the demon woman took Kagome away but waved the others to her. "A talk we need. I can see that Kagome is more than upset. If this continues then Lord Sesshomaru will be forced to kill her. We must keep her under control."

Jarrul nodded and led them inside to one of the rooms set aside for them.

Miroku nodded, "True. It didn't help that ahhh Kouga chose to calm down with me."

Kouga laughed, "I doubt that she would have been pleased if I had pursued her. She likes the attention but I need something more than attention. And you didn't seem to mind, monk. In fact, you were very enthusiastic." Kouga moved closer and wrapped one hand around Miroku's neck.

Shippo shook his head. "You're as bad a letch as Miroku! What about Kagome? She's upset."

"Yes, and I be sorry, little fox. However, this was not by our design, nor by Inuyasha's, nor by any one else save mayhap Sesshomaru who was waiting for Inuyasha's first heat. It was mere accident that his heat happened now!"

Jarrul shook his head, "It may be an accident but do you think Lord Sesshomaru would have let Inuyasha leave? Have none of you noticed the scar on his ankle?"

Kouga frowned and closed his eyes. "Yeah, I noticed it, when I first smelt him. The scar seemed to catch my eye but it did…oh I get it now, I never had a chance!"

Shippo frowned, "So he has a scar on his leg. What's wrong with that?"

Sango bit her lip. "Sesshomaru bit Inuyasha but when? How? I mean if it was on his ankle it had to be a mark of intent."

"I was there 203 years ago. We had just come back from a battle…"

* * *

"I hate border patrol, Jar, I can't see why you like it." The young lord dropped his pack along with the others in the bin.

Jar laughed at his friend. "I love it because I like being alone. Cities bother me. This castle bothers me. As long as I have the open area, you, Latiu, and Bai, what do I need with others?"

Sesshomaru shook his head. "Because you want to lead your own troop."

"Hmmm, maybe but even if I did get my own troop, they'd be spread out so we'd still be alone or in pairs for a long time."


"Yes, we would. Look!" Jarrul poked his friend and pointed to the banners displayed. "It looks like lady Izayoi delivered her child. "You might have a sister!"

Sesshomaru stared and shrugged. "So be it. I will give her a gift later, for now…"

The young lordling paused, sniffing the air. Ignoring his friend, he headed for the keep inside the walls. Jarrul stared at him and reached for him. Only to be growled at. Suddenly Sesshomaru started off running. Jarrul followed, wondering what had happened to his friend. He heard a door slamming open, paper ripping. Following the path of disarray, he was dismayed to find that they were heading towards the Lady's room. Heaving breaths as he reached the Lady's room, he stared in shock.

His friend, the next lord, was kneeling beside a crib. There was no wailing but the Lady stared at her stepson with shock. Sesshomaru rocked back on his legs and Jarrul could see the blood dripping from the fangs. He listened as Lady Izayoi spoke of the prophecy and gave her blessing. He watched as she held him close then entered. The child was awake but quiet, a small hole was already healing and scarring on his ankle. Jarrul knelt beside the crib and ran one hand over the child's hair. "It's ok, little one. Lord Sesshomaru will be a good mate to you. I promise you."

"Yes… I will, Jarrul."

Jarrul nodded, picking up the child and placing it in Sesshomaru's arms. Kneeling on one knee before his lord, he bowed his head. "And I will do my utmost to help you, my Lord."

* * *

Shippo sat down hard. "But… but if that's true then why did Inuyasha fall in love with Kikyo and Kagome?"

"Because he didn't know, did he Jarrul?" Sango asked, stroking Kilala. "Why didn't he know?"

Jarrul lowered his head. "The previous Inutaichou, their father, kept them apart. He was lied to, told that Lord Sesshomaru was abusing his brother. He did the right thing by separating them. If Lord Sesshomaru really was abusing him then yes, it was the right thing. But he wasn't. He was misled. After he separated them, the Inutaichou started poisoning Inuyasha's mind against his brother. He did it to make sure that if Sesshomaru ever tried to hurt Inuyasha, Inuyasha would fight back. However, I can tell you from observation that Sesshomaru while affectionate and very tactile, never abused his brother.

"No instead, he's raping him now."

Jarrul turned to face Kagome. "It is not rape, it is better to say that despite the fact that Inuyasha did not know, Sesshomaru was his fiancée. You have not seen them the way I have. I have watched them. If you have seen what I have seen you would understand the utter depth of love he has for him."

Kagome snorted, started to say something but stopped after Kaede gave her a glare. Kaede nodded, "That we don't. Despite the arguments of the pup, we all care for him. After the constant fighting those two go through, you can understand why we don't exactly trust him."

"Yeah, I do. He did that because it was the only way he could train his beloved in the proper way." Jarrul shrugged and closed the door. "Let me tell you of one time that I got to watch them and how beautiful it was. We had just come back from another battle on the border. I think the Inutaichou loved to assign Sesshomaru to border patrol because he knew Sesshomaru hated border patrol. Inuyasha was just shy of two and very talky. He loved his 'Sessy'. I wouldn't have spied on them if not for my overhearing a conversation in which someone was telling the Inutaichou to watch them carefully, so I took a position to watch as well. And I have never forgotten…

* * *

Sesshomaru sat on the bed, one claw caressing the soft cheek on his future mate. "Inu, I am home."

Lids fluttered and gold eyes opened. "SESSY!! You're back!"

"Yes pretty one. Mother said you were waiting to play with me. I apologize that I took so long."

"Doesn't matter, you're with me now. Can you stay for a while?" The little hanyou hugged his brother. Sesshomaru held him close, his eyes closing as he breathed in the sweet scent of his brother. Burying his face in the silken hair, he stood up, carrying his little one with him. Setting him on the ground, Sesshomaru walked over and picked up the top one of two packages from the desk in the room. "I have brought you a puzzle."

Inuyasha smiled up at him, flashing tiny fangs. Sesshomaru handed the child the package and sat down behind him. Sitting down with crossed legs, he pulled Inuyasha down between them and held him carefully. Inuyasha leaned forward and unwrapped the puzzle. It was a simple 100 piece puzzle, although more than a challenge for one so young. As he held his brother, Sesshomaru breathed in the scent. It was sweet and light, full of life and fun. He allowed the scent to roll around his mouth, fangs dropping. His eyes glowed as he ran his nose down the hair, behind the ear, over the shoulder. So gentle, so fragile, so beautiful. Flexing his claws, he moved his head back up to rest it on Inuyasha's head, one finger stroking the flexible ears. His pretty one purred slightly and continued to work on the puzzle. As they sat there, Sesshomaru is happy to be so close.

Inuyasha finally finished the puzzle and turned to look at his brother.

"Well done, little pup!" Sesshomaru whispers, kissing one white ear.

Inuyasha giggled. "I did it!"

"Yes, and now I have to go… but I will be back soon. I promise. Until then, I have something for you, a treat, on the desk. Candied flowers."

Inuyasha squealed and ran to the desk. Sesshomaru smiled and slipped out.

* * *

"He would never harm him. He would never serious hurt Inuyasha save to help him improve. In all training, people get hurt; however, Lord Sesshomarou would kill himself rather than kill his beloved." Jarrul smiled. "He loves him so much."

Kaede nodded, "I believe ye."

"Lady Kaede, why is that mandala around my Lord's neck?"

Kaede chuckled, "When first he appeared, he was angered, and I feared for the young Lady Kagome. So I gave her this necklace to place about his neck to keep him from harming her."

Jarrul frowned. "I know he did not agree to this, and you say it was to protect her?"

Sango nodded, "Yes, especially when his demon blood would overtake him. He would go out of control, unable to handle it and rampage. So the necklace would help protect us all."

"I see and have you had to use it in this way, recently?"

Miroku shook his head, "No. He's been rather good lately."

Jarrul jerked back, "Good. You mean he's been obeying the Miko Kagome in every little whim! I've spoken to several people along our road, some of which you helped. From what they tell me, anytime he expresses an opinion that contradicts this child or she has anger to take out she does it on him. Yet you, who call yourself his friends, do nothing! Today, because she was angry, she chooses to use the mandala to prove she had control over him. To prove that Lord Inuyasha is her thing to use or weapon to aim. If he doesn't come back to her, what will she do? Will she inflict more pain on him? Is this your idea of protection?! You gave a child the power to abuse my Lord and you call it protection. Listen well, Kagome.

"If you value your life, you will remove that mandala from Lord Inuyasha's neck. I know something of such 'controls'. If lady Kaede cannot take it off, then you can. If you do not, then there is another way to make sure it cannot be used against him. Lord Sesshomaru would happily make sure that way is done."

Kouga frowned, "What other way?"

Kaede sighed, "After Kagome's arrogant display of temper, Lord Sesshomaru desired to kill her. If she should die, the mandala would fall off. However, that's part of the protection of the mandala. If Inuyasha should try to kill her, she would use the power against he. Yet, Lord Sesshomaru would gleefully slaughter Kagome if it were to free his mate."

Kagome shook her head. "No. No, I won't. You expect me to let him go and run off to be disgusting with his brother! No. Inuyasha is either sick or being controlled and I'm not going to let him go!"

"The only one controlling him is you, Kagome, and I warn you now. If you do not release him and soon, my Lord will order your death." Jarrul stood up and walked to the door. "The feast starts at sunset. There are clothes in your closets."

Kagome stared at the rest of them. "What is wrong with you?! How can you let them do this? Inuyasha belongs to me!"

Sango reached out to touch her only to have her hand slapped. Kagome spun around and ran out of the room, tears falling.

* * *

Kaugra leaned back against the tree and listened to the chattering voices below.

"Well, he is a good lord."

"It's said the lord waited for 200 years for this mate!"

"Oh how hard it must have been, especially to see the poor guy with that human."

"Yes, there wouldn't have been this mess if Lord Inuyasha had grown up here with his mate."

"Oh it is true, he's always waited out his heat!"

"Oh, yes, I can't wait 'til the marriage feast tonight!"

"Gods know I loved the old Inutaichou but he was wrong to keep them apart."

"I heard that Lord Sesshomaru sent food to each village so they can celebrate as well."

"Yes, he is."

Kaugra smiled and called her feather. In a moment, there was a streak of white.

* * *

The room smelled of decay, of long dead bodies. In the center of the room, a webwork of sticky fleshy filaments stretched and covered the room. They glowed with the sickly white paleness of dead. In the center of this web was a face, stretched and distorted. Eyes stared out and a black fall of hair cast shadows.

Kagura moved closer and waited. A sibilant hissing voiced came from the center of the room.

"Why do you disssturb me, Kaugra?"

"I have news for you, about Lord Sesshomaru." Kaugra replied.

"What newssss?"

"He has mated. And it is his mate who should interest you. There are now two Lords of the Western Lands."

"Why should this interesssst me?"

"Because his mate, is Inuyasha!"

Naraku lifted his head and stared at Kagura, his stretched out lips grinning. "Very interessssssting."

End Part 6