InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Favorite Fairy Tale ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sesshomaru opened his eyes to look at his mate. Molten gold eyes focused on the sharp face of his brother. He slowly turned around, feeling the pull of the bite marks, the sharp pull of the claw marks. He snaked a hand loose and caressed the soft silver ears. Inuyasha murmured something, swung one long clawed hand at the disturbance and settled back. Smiling, Sesshomaru did it again, watching his lover's face wrinkle and the hand come up again. Teasing his lover, a small smile stole over his lips. "Inuyasha wake up... my mate."

"Hmmmph, sleep." Inuyasha's arms reached out to pull his mate closer.

"Very well... when the other lords come, shall I send them up to the bedroom?" Sesshomaru sat up, pushing his lover's arm off him.

Inuyasha glared at him, "No... I've no doubt that you've had many lovers but that is over. Anyone else in our bedroom will be killed by me. Do not doubt that of me."

"I expect no less. However, you are aware that I have to announce our mating and present you to the other clans. We must then stand together to accept their presents.

Fangs gleamed wetly as the newly mated Hanyou yawned. "Why must we? We are the Dog Demons, why do we need to ask their approval?"

"We are informing them of our mating, not seeking their approval. We do not need nor would I accept it in any case. Just acceptance. You are my mate and I am your mate. This is fact. If they object, we shall destroy them." Sesshomaru traced the curves of his man's face with the claws. "You should see yourself, my love. Your transformation is nearly complete. You are becoming more and more demon every day. In less than a week you should be able to transform from your demon self to your half demon self with ease. You are so beautiful, like your mother."

Inuyasha watched, stunned, as his brother swept to the bathing room. A smile crawled over his face as he stood up, feeling the sharp stinging bite of pulled muscles, bites, and scratches. His mate's scent tickled in his nose, subtly different, a rich lusty smell, not as overwhelming as it had been but still waking in him an urge to protect and love. Happily, he followed his lover to the other room.

* * *

Kagome stretched as she reached the top of the hill. Below them, was a town, she could see the lands and smoke from the houses. If they were right, this was a town under Sesshomaru's rule. This is the beginning of his lands.

Miroku stared at Kagome's back. The girl had been insistent that she could convince Inuyasha to leave Sesshomaru, but he had his doubts... and worries. How would she react when he refused to leave Sesshomaru? He was still held captive by the beads. While Miroku did approve of Kaede's original reason behind placing the beads around Inuyasha's neck, lately Kagome had been using them whenever she felt like it. He frowned as he remembered how she had come back from the future, upset at failing a test and Inuyasha was jumpy, he just wouldn't be still. She had glared at him and "Sit" him several times. When he had stood up again, he was more subdued but his arm was hanging at a strange angle. A day later, Inuyasha's demon healing had fixed what had probably been a fracture or a break. She was out of control. He had no doubt that Inuyasha would refuse to leave his mate and even though he still had the chain on him. Oh god, he had to figure out a way to help him.

* * *

Jaken nodded and waved over a low-level demon. "The lord is very interested in the human and demon group that has just crossed our border. They are associates of Lord Inuyasha, make sure no harm comes to them and that they are escorted to the castle. They must be here in three days. They will come in and be seated on Lord Inuyasha's right."

"Yes, Lord Jaken." The demon bowed and scuttled off.

Jaken nodded and beckoned to Rin. He nodded at her attire. She was dressed in an ice blue silk kimono adorned with leaping dogs running around it in sapphire. Her hair was pulled back and held with a blue comb, and two silver hairpins stuck in it. All in all, she looked like the child of a great lord. Which this was well for she was one.

"You look exquisite, Lady Rin. Now you must go out front and welcome the other lords. Do not worry, I will be there with you. All you should say is, 'The Lords of this Domain welcome you and bid you to enter their home. Once inside they demand strict observance of the rules of hospitality. There will be No fighting with one another. Do it off our land but not on it. All gifts can be given to Jaken. We will have guides to take you to your rooms. There will be a dinner in three days. Thank you." Can you do that?"

"Yes, Lord Jaken." Rin nodded, looking like a little lady.

A knock sounded and the door was opened. Lord Inuyasha swept in, his clothes similar to his husband's formal wear. He was dressed in a kimono, the color of fire rat red, silk over fire rat hide. Dogs and young boys ran around the kimono, the boys trying to catch the dogs who were trying to catch the boys. The figures were outlined in silver and white. His silver hair flowed backwards, falling in layers, much more manageable than before. His ears were sitting high on his head, swiveling around focusing on sounds. He looked at Rin and Jaken. "Hey, you look good."

"Thank you, Lord Inuyasha." Rin smiled at him and bowed. Jaken bowed low, tilting his staff.

"Hey, you don't have to that. And what's up with you, Jaken. I'm the same... a little sore." Yasha smirked.

"No, my Lord. You are the mate of the Lord of the Western Domains. You are by Lord Sesshomaru's decree the Lord of the Western Domain, entitled to all loyalties, tied to all treaties, and deserving of all obedience by all member and constituents of this domain."

Inuyasha stared at the toad demon that looked up at him. Taking pity on Inuyasha, Jaken set his staff aside and walked up to him. "Inuyasha, I know my Lord has told you of the prophecy. You are now considered a lord of the Domain. All the rights and responsibilities are yours. As Lord Sesshomaru's majordomo, I am available to you for anything you need, or if you wish to appoint another for yourself. Perhaps your priest friend, Miroku? As for Lady Rin, at the moment she is the adopted daughter, not in succession, of Lord Sesshomaru. You, of course, may adopt her too. Since she is a human, she can not be in the line of succession. Your children with Lord Sesshomaru will be in the succession."

Inuyasha stared at the child. "Well... of course. If she's Sessy's kid, she's mine. But Jaken, if I get you right then I have to stay here. I can't! I still have to find the jewel shards and kill Naraku."

"I'm sure that in a month or so, you will be able to... but any less than that or unless one of you is pregnant, and the other lords will doubt it's a true mating. That would expose us to great danger. They will believe us to be weak." Jaken's eyes popped as he gasped.

"A MONTH?!! Impossible. I have to get the shards! Besides, Jaken, how long have I been here?"

"A few days, Lord Inuyasha."

"How much longer before Kagome and the rest get here?"


"What?! What did you do to them, you toad?!" Inuyasha grabbed him and pulled him close.

"Put him down, my mate. He did as I ordered. They will be led here to celebrate our mating. As for the search for the jewels, do not worry... there will be several demons added to their group to make up for the month you will miss. After that month, you of course, shall join them." Sesshomaru closed in and wrapped his mate in his arms, the ice blue and purple silk covering the red. "Do not fear, my mate; what is vital to you, is also vital to me. I will not allow anyone or anything to keep you from your goal, to claim the Shikon jewel. One question though. You are already becoming a great demon, without the jewel. You will soon be able to control your transformation, so why keep seeking it. Let Naraku keep the jewel."

"I can't, my love, I can't."


"First and least, this collar." Inuyasha flicked the mandala that hung about his neck. "It's keyed to Kagome. With it, she can punish me for not obeying her. Only she can take it off. The second and now more important reason is easy. Do you think Naraku wants the jewel for his own treasure chest? He's a human who has invited demons to feast on him for power. The new being, Naraku, is a half demon. A half demon and you've seen what he's been up to. He wants to control all the lands. He would destroy us if we let him. He would destroy you, kill you or break you." Inuyasha pushed closer to him and bit his neck gently, "And that I will not allow, my mate. That I cannot allow. I will hunt him down and kill him before he ever TOUCHES you."

"Already, you seek to protect me... your instincts get stronger every day. Fine, during the last day before dinner, we will talk about this 'Naraku' and how to kill him. If this is truly his plan, then it concerns all five domains."

Inuyasha growled, teeth coming down harder on his mate's neck. He shook his head, causing the teeth to wiggle on the previous scar marks. Sesshomaru moaned thrusting his hips closer, hands clenched on the hips of his mate. He lowered his head to Yasha's shoulder. "Please love, not now... I cannot go before the others with your seed on my breath, your blood on my lips. We are demons! We can control the mating instinct."

"Who wants to control it? I want you!" Inuyasha growled.

"And I you, but let us not ever show weakness to the others. 'Lady Rin' should go greet them now along with Jaken."

Rin giggled and took off, Jaken following her. Sesshomaru spun his mate around and opened his overcoat.

* * *

Jarrul frowned and stared at the camp below. The fire was well hidden but he could still make out the figures of the monk, demon slayer, enslaver, and the wolf demons. The fox demon and the cat demon were asleep already. Sighing, he beckoned the rest of the group forward and lit a light globe. Standing under it, he watched as the group reacted. He changed the globe from the blue purple his lord favored to fire rat red then white. Walking forward slowly, he held his hands up and away from his sides.

"My name is Jarrul. I am a vassal of Lord Sesshomaru. I have been sent to make sure you make it to his castle in good shape. We must make it in by the sunset after next. My lord guarantees your safety there and back off his land. He has a proposal to put before you. There are three others. Rani, Salin, and Taki." He stepped forward to let them see him. They saw a tallish male demon with a doggish face, dark ears pricked up like an akita with a white face.

The monk stepped forward. "I see... and you expect us to just trust you?"

"No," Jarrul smiled, "but you outnumber us. The three humans and three grown demons versus us four. My lord says if you come, all your questions will be answered."

Miroku looked at the others and nodded. "Very well. Make your fire, a little ways away, we have to decide whether or not to trust you, we'll leave at first light.

* * *

Rin watched the others lords talking lowly. She stood, her face painted lightly with white, standing straight. She tucked her hands into the folds of her kimono. Behind her Jaken hissed and she smelled Sesshomaru. Jaken bowed and she followed. Sesshomaru stepped out with his mate and headed for the center of the stage at the front of the hall. They stood before the assembled lords and took each other's hands.

The lords fell silent. A few grumbles were heard. Sesshomaru stepped forward. "I am Lord Sesshomaru, lord of the western domains. I am the first-born and surviving son of the previous lord, Inutaichou no Akinotaki. From now on we are the Inutaichous of the Western Domains." He drew the side of the kimono down, showing off his bite mark. Beside him, Inuyasha pushed his own kimono back, showing off his own mark. He moved up to stand beside Sesshomaru.

"I am Inuyasha, second born and surviving son of the previous lord, Inutaichou no Akinotaki. From now on, we are the Inutaichous of the Western Domains. We will destroy anyone who even tries to defy us."

The other lords nodded and bowed their heads.

* * *

Miroku wriggled and yawned. It seemed the dawn always came earlier and earlier. Groaning, he pulled his blanket closer, burying his face in its warmth. A rumble from his blanket caused him to look upward. A fang flashed in the early sun.

"So, are we going to follow them or go on our own?" Koga stretched, his joints popping.

"With them is the best course, this way at least we can keep an eye on them." Miroku stood up, shaking his robes. "And now, what shall we have for breakfast?"

'That's my monk alright, always looking out for his food. I have something ready... if you want to go off to snack in private." Koga pulled him closer.

"Hmmm as much as I'd like that, we don't have time; remember we need to be at Sesshomaru's castle in two days." Miroku closed his eyes and laid his head on Koga's chest. "Tell me... when exactly is this going to wear off?"

"Hmmm, oh you mean the residue from the mating fight? It already has, but I have to tell you, that you are such a sweet handful. Besides, it's not like I'm going to keep you. You plan to marry the demon slayer, yes?"

"Ummm, actually, I haven't made any plans." Miroku moved backward, out of the warm arms and started to restart the fire. "It would be foolish of me to make plans when I don't even know if I am going to survive this battle."

"Why wouldn't you, the hole isn't growing larger, and besides, I don't abandon any of my lovers. Why else do you think I keep Hakkaku and Ginta? We'll kill Naraku and put the jewel together, don't worry."

Miroku shook his head, bemusedly, "If you say so, but we have a bigger problem now. What to do when we get to the castle? You know as well as I do that if they have mated, then Inuyasha won't want to leave him. He will fight to the death to not leave him."

"True... and that collar she has on him, do you think Sesshomaru would allow her to stay anywhere near him with that power? That is if he doesn't kill her."

"Inuyasha won't allow that."

"He may not have a choice." Koga frowned. "He's becoming more and more a demon; he will protect his mate more than her."

Miroku bit his lip. "We will talk about this later. For now, we keep her from attack him and Sesshomaru from killing her. That's all we can do for now."

"Yep, now what do we have to eat?"

"Fish, if you'll go get us some."

"Not a problem." Koga laughed and took off towards the river.

* * *

Kagome listened to them and couldn't believe her ears. They were plotting against her; they actually wanted Inuyasha to stay in that perverted relationship. It was bad enough that it was two men but they were brothers! What was happening with everyone? And the idea that she should give up the necklace. How could they think that, it might be the only way to drag Inuyasha away from his molesting perverted family!

She sighed silently and decided it would be up to her to protect her Inuyasha. Wiping the resigned look from her face, she sat up and yawned.

Miroku turned around. "Great, you're awake. I'm making soup and Koga has gone for some fish."

"Wonderful! Where are the other demons?"

"Sesshomaru's bunch? They're about 1000 feet closer to the trees." Miroku pointed back towards the woods.

"Actually, they are. I am not." Jarrul came closer. "I've been on perimeter duty for the past three hours. There's a thicket back there with two grown rabbits, if you want them."

Sango stood up and started to stretch. Shippo popped out of the covers and headed over to the fire to look for his bowl. Sango looked at Jarrul. "Yes, I think that it would be best. Since it seems we will be traveling together."

"Sango! Good morning, soup for now?" Miroku smiled at the demon slayer.

"Thanks." Sango squatted down to take a cup of soup. Looking at Jarrul, who was staring off into the distance, "So why does Sesshomaru want us there?"

"I don't know, Mistress." His black ears swiveled back and forth. Moving faster than most of them expected, he pivoted and hit one of his companions with a clod of soft dirt. "Rani. Two Rabbits. 800 feet in, field strip them."

Rani, a red fox demon, yipped and ran off.

"Give him about half an hour. As for what my Lord wishes of you, I do not know. I believe he wishes you to be there to celebrate his nuptials to his chosen mate, Inuyasha."

Kagome stared at him. "Why are you so happy about this, they're brothers!"

"They are not, Lady. They are half brothers, and Inuyasha is a half demon. Not to mention, it is not uncommon to do so when your choices are limited. The Lord could have married a child of a fellow domain lord, but that would have destabilized several treaties. Nor did he wish his court to become a viperous nest of intrigue. Besides, it's part of the prophecies."

Miroku stared at the demon, "What prophecies?"

"The birth prophecies. Every demon lord and their child receives a birth prophecy." Jarrul stared at them. He stood up as the other two came closer. Over the horizon, a puff of dust appeared. "Koga is fast... for a mongrel wolf."

Koga roared up and stopped, the dust billowing around his feet. "Better a wolf than a worthless fox."

Shippo gasped.

Jarrul smirked, "That's the problem with these mongrels. They don't know their place, I am happier as a black fox serving my Lord than this... whatever he is."

"Wanna bet?!"

Jarrul sniffed. "Not to mention they don't even think about controlling themselves, just run around wild and get in trouble."

Miroku stared at them before laughing. "I guess I know where Inuyasha got that attitude."

"Whatever, you guys are just pissed because we never gave into those idiot dog lords!"

"The 'dog lords' as you call them, graced you with not exterminating you because you are of the same general species. Don't mistake graciousness for weakness."

Rani came running back, holding two field stripped rabbits by their ears. "Jarrul, don't piss off the wolves. You know they can't control themselves."

Koga spun around, a line of fish flapping in his wake. His two followers sat on their bedrolls, ears flat against their skulls. "What did you just say?"

Rani shrugged as he fell to the ground. He tossed the rabbits in front of Miroku. "It's true, you wolves have never learned to control yourselves. The idea of you being civilized is a shock to the system. It's one thing to sleep in a puppy pile but you do have to grow up and stop fighting to cooperate. Something you have never learned to do. Don't blame us for that."

Miroku jumped up and grabbed the fish. "Thank you so much for the fish."

Koga growled and shoved the fish at Miroku before going over to the covers. He snarled at his fellow wolves, "You two are useless.

Ginta looked at him and shook his head. "Yes, boss."

* * *

Inuyasha stretched and fell onto the window seat. Pushing open the shutters, he stared down at the people in the courtyard below. It was going to be a beautiful day. Smiling, he pushed the window up. The sun had heated the seat. His robe shimmered in the light. He could feel a breeze sneaking in. Happy, he pushed it off his shoulder, ready to just strip down and climb on top of the roof.

A pale hand moved across his body and closed the window. The newest Lord of the Western Domain turned around to face his mate. "Why'd you go do that for?!"

"What were you planning to do? Run around as naked as a human brat? A Lord doesn't act like that, even if you don't mind them laughing at you, please mind them mocking our authority."

Inuyasha stared at his brother for a moment. "Look, I just want to get warm, maybe you don't mind but this place is cold and I don't like being cold. That's why I had planned to go on the roof!"

"Then build a fire."

"Yeah, and it'll take it an hour to warm up, I'm cold now, the sun is warm, I'm going to go lay on the roof." Inuyasha turned back to the window, pushing it open.

"You will not! Think of how the others would react. Remember I have told you before that we need at least to keep up appearances before them. They will be gone in a few days then you can act like a Hanyou all you wish. Until them, suffer with a fire!" Sesshomaru pulled the window closed and latched it.

Inuyasha growled, his eyes bleeding slightly into the red. His voice lowered and hissed. "A Hanyou. I am a Hanyou, oh great and powerful demon lord. And if I'm not mistaken, you mated a Hanyou. As bad as I am to dare to be born one, you've married one."

His fist flew out, smashing the window and the shutters. They fell to the ground below. Inuyasha's ears lay flat against his head. A subsonic growl echoed through the room.

Sesshomaru jumped back, throwing off his overcoat. "Inuyasha... perhaps I have misspoken. I merely meant that... my mate, you're cold even thought the room itself is quite warm. The roof of this room is a plated with ceramic tiles on the outside. It makes this room, quite warm. Not to mention the ceramic tiles that cover the roof on the inside. And yet, you are still cold. My Yasha, your demon nature has never been so close to you!"

Inuyasha laughed, a hard a cruel laugh, "Yet, I'm just a Hanyou, after all you said so."

"I misspoke. Of course, you are a Hanyou and more. You are my mated one, my beloved, my lover." Sesshomaru moved closer, his face flushing to highlight the slightly appearing marks on his face. As Inuyasha swung a clawed hand at him, he grabbed it and spun around, causing Inuyasha to rush past him. As he wrapped his arm around his mate's neck, he laughed. Growling, he sank his teeth into the sweet sweaty flesh at the back of the pale neck. "So delicious, my love, go ahead and fight, for you need it. And I want to give it to you."

Inuyasha bucked and growled, as his nails dug deep into the tense flesh of his brother. A smirk flickered on his face as he drove his head back. He could feel the arm drop away and the metallic tang of his mate's blood in the air. He groaned and spun around, Sesshomaru was kneeling on the ground, blood streaming from his nose. Inuyasha laughed and struck while Sesshomaru was in shock. He bowled his brother over, wrapping one leg around his mate's, he pulled Sesshomaru's only arm back, "Your blood smells so sweet, it's like the very spice of life. I want more. And I am going to take more. Go ahead and squirm!"

Inuyasha leaned forward. "Don't make me hurt you, my beloved." He grabbed the collar of the shirt and ripped it down. The translucent skin of his older brother's back was exposed. He leaned down to lick the ridges of the spine, his tongue dipping into the crevices and sliding along the crest, his fangs nipped down the strong muscles. His nose traveled up to the shoulder blades, the skin was thin here and the scent of fresh blood was so strong. Without warning, he bit. An explosion of powerful blood washed into his mouth. As it flowed down his throat, he felt himself heat up. He pressed his suddenly hard cock into the warm silk covered ass. His free hand dug into the soft flesh below the ribs and pulled up. He felt Sesshomaru's groan and whimpered. He grabbed each side of the pants and pulled. The ripping cloth sounded loudly throughout the room. Clawed and bloodied nails dragged across the small round pale globes. Inuyasha finally let go, his mouth smeared crimson and his fangs pink. He brought his knees up and pressed them when Sesshomaru's legs closed, forcing them open. "You belong to me, Sesshomaru. Now scream."

Sesshomaru tilted his head back, eyes blood red with a long yellow pupil. He pushed his ass up, tilting his hips. Welcoming what he knew was going to come next. And Inuyasha didn't disappoint him, with one push he forced himself into his brother. He could feel small hairs being ripped out; he could feel the small tears leaking blood. His brother's blood, mixing with his own. Their blood, shared in such an intimate way. A marriage of blood and power finally complete. He felt the movement in and out increasing, he could feel the way his body hungered for it. As he felt Inuyasha warm him, he felt something else. Something strange, something tiny happen and he collapsed, satisfied at last. Happily, he allowed himself to drift away.


* * *

Jarrul stared out over the land. It would have been better if they weren't so slow... to make it to the lord's castle, then those humans would have to ride Kilala, but she could only carry two. Maybe that mongrel wouldn't mind carrying his boyfriend. Stopping, he heard the others stop.

Kagome stepped forward. "What's wrong?!"

"Nothing, Lady Kagome, except we are too slow and there is nothing that you can help it but we must hurry. We can stop for lunch in this town but then we must find a way to move a good deal more quickly. We can either get a cart that Koga and Kilala can pull quickly or two of you will ride the cat demon while the mongrel WindFoot carries a third. We still have over three quarters of the way to travel."

Kagome frowned. "Oh. Well..."

Sango adjusted her Hiraikotsu and wrapped her arm around Kagome's waist, her arm resting on Kagome's warm flesh between the end of the blouse and the start of the skirt. "Kilala can carry the two of us and Shippo. Koga, take Miroku?"

Koga looked at her, eyes flicking between Kagome and Miroku before nodding. A smirk curled his lip as his eyes traveled over the monk. "Yeah, I'll definitely take him."

Kagome stiffened and stared at Koga, hate screaming from her eyes before she lowered them. She spun around and headed toward a restaurant, obviously expecting everyone to follow her. "Fine. Maybe if we get there in time, we can convince Inuyasha that it's a mistake."

Miroku stared at her and turned to black fox demon. "Jarrul, there is one small problem. And it involves a mandala..."

* * *

Kagome stared into the bowl of soup and closed her eyes. She could hear the others in the restaurant speaking of the ceremonies.

"Well, we all knew that this would happen. I mean it's part of the prophecies. It would have happened earlier if the previous dog lord had let it. For some reason, he kept trying to keep them apart." One man announced to his table.

A lady in the corner, nodded, as she listened to the older lady next to her. "Well, I know the priestess who prophesied for the mother, she said that once it happens, great things will come to the land."

A young man shook his head, "But it is his brother..."

His father slapped him on the back and laughed. "They are demons, boy! Their lines are hardier than ours. Not to mention, the younger lord is half-human, that'll bring fresh blood into the line. After all mixed breed are usually stronger!"

A young woman laughed and hugged a shocked looking young man, "I can't wait to go with you. The feast is supposed to be domain wide! There will be celebrations from tomorrow night and for a whole week!"

An old priestess entered and nodded at the people. Standing up straight, she raised a hand and spoke, "My people. A Message from our great and powerful Lord Sesshomaru. He thanks you for the gifts you have sent for his wedding and wishes to give to the town a gift in return. For the generous and in fact overly generous gift of food, the Lord has sent enough seed to plant every field as well as two oxen per family."

The cheers from the restaurant patrons shocked the travelers.

Jarrul jumped up onto a table next to them. "People of the town, I am Jarrul, head of Lord Sesshomaru's Outer Guards. I thank you for the devotion to our Lord! It warms this demon's heart to hear how graciously our Lord is thought of by the people in his realm!"

Several people raised their cups to him amid cheers. The priestess bowed and walked closer. "Guard Jarrul, welcome, is there anything we can help you with?"

"No, Priestess, unless you know of a place where we may buy some rice, a family that may need the money. I have been charged to bring the fellowship of Lord Inuyasha to the ceremony tomorrow night. He did not wish to wed without them." He took her hands and gently squeezed them.

"The temple will give you food for your trip free of charge, Guard Jarrul. And the village welcomes the fellows of the new Lord." She bowed to all of them. "Strange fellows but we have heard of the Shikon Jewel. Welcome to all of you."

Jarrul nodded and helped the woman sit down, "Join us, Honored Priestess."

Kagome stared at the woman. What priestess in her right mind would cheer for a demon?!

End Part 5