InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Favorite Fairy Tale ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Favorite Fairy Tale, Chapter 2


A sharp toe poked Miroku’s side. With a groan, he opened one eye and stared up at the person hovering over him. The sun scattered through the dark hair and a full face stared down at him, dark eyes shining.

“Kagome. You’re back.”

“Hey, Miroku. Where’s Sango and Inuyasha?” Kagome dropped down beside him, arms full of a ball of orange cinnamon fluff.

Miroku groaned as he sat up. “Welcome back. Sango went to get some food from a nearby town. Inuyasha... is acting strange. He went to the stream... to cool off I hope.”

The orange fluff stirred and Shippo lifted his head up and turned towards Miroku, blinking sleepily. Yawning, he flashed small fangs. “He needs a bath, probably a hot one. He smelled funny!”

Miroku rubbed his lip, perplexed. “Yes, you said that before. How does he smell ‘strange’, Shippo?”

“I don’t know, he just smelt really... strange. It made my stomach queasy. Like greasy meat, or when you go outside and all the leaves are rotting on the ground. But he also smelled like the ground after a rainstorm. See... just weird.”

“Yes... I’m just curious because it could have something to do with Inuyasha’s demon side coming out. It is something we should always wonder about. Especially if his scent is changing, it may be a signal of other things happening.”

Kagome nodded, frowning, “True. Poor Inuyasha.”

  * * *


Sango stared down at the river as Kilala leapt from the shore. She loved riding Kilala like this, the flame footed cat demon made trips like this fun. Not to mention she could carry so much. A questioning chirp distracted her from her enjoyment. Kilala angled downwards to land beside a large rock. Silently Sango reached behind her and loosened the Hiraikotsu. Creeping around the stone, she stumbled over something soft. Slowly, she lowered her eyes to the ground. A tanned arm lay on the ground, the hand turned palm up on the small rocks that made up the river’s shore. Kneeling down, her eyes followed up the arm to the hair, wet, it hung in jet black strands. Carefully, she wiped the hair back and recognized the face.

“Koga. What happened? Kilala... help me take him back to the camp!” Too busy to notice that Koga was naked, she dragged him to Kilala and tossed him over her back. Climbing on behind him, Sango held on tight as they ran for the camp.

Few minutes later, Kilala landed and Koga slipped from her back. At the sound both Miroku and Kagome jumped, then ran forth. As Kagome approached she noticed that Koga was naked. A blushed filled her face before she bit her lip and approached. Sango and Miroku had lifted up the demon and looked for a place to put him. Kagome darted off and grabbed a bedroll.

“Here.” She unrolled the bedroll and waited.

“Thank you. I found him by the river. He’s been attacked, badly.” Sango pulled the cover up to his hips.

Miroku stared at the wounds. “Yes, very badly. Please, Kagome, hand me my pack. Sango, can you get me some water to wash off this blood?”

Miroku examined the damage. Ripped raggedly across his chest were four parallel stripes. As he cleaned them, he opened several bottles and mixed the herbs together. Opening a wine skin, he mixed it with the herbs and spread it over the wounds.

Kagome watched silently and thought. “Shippo?”

“Yes, Kagome?” Shippo crawled into her lap.

“Didn’t you say that Inuyasha went to the river?”

“Yes... oh no! What if whatever attacked Koga attacked Inuyasha? Sango! We have to go look for Inuyasha!”

Koga moaned and one blue eye opened. He listened as the others discussed what may have happened. Unable to contain himself he started to laugh.

Kagome heard him and turned around. “Koga, you’re awake! Tell me was Inuyasha there? Did something happen to him?”

Koga struggled to sit up, before feeling two hands helping him. A rustle of cloth and he was held against the side and chest of another. One hand pressed gently against his shoulder, the mala beads clacking gently.

“Can you tell us what happened, Koga?” The priest asked.

“Maybe it had to do with why Inuyasha smelt so funny?” Shippo piped up.

Koga chuckled. “Actually the fox brat is right. Though as young as he is, the smell didn’t mean much to him. It’s simple. Inuyasha is in heat.”

“HEAT!” Kagome yelled.

“Heat?” Sango asked perplexed.

“Oh, heat. That’s what it smells like?” Shippo asked, wrapping his tail about him.

“I see, it makes some sort of sense.” Miroku nodded absently, as he stroked Koga’s hair. “He has been becoming more and more demonlike. You tried to woo him, and he fought you?”

“Are you kidding?! He didn’t even know what was happening. No, that idiot hanyou didn’t do this to me. It was the other demon. He wanted the idiot. Some huge grey dog.”

“Grey dog? Koga... how many legs did it have?” Miroku asked quietly.

“Three.” Koga said, leaning back, relaxing as it is to have your hair stroked.

“And which one was missing?” Miroku asked softly.

“Hmmm... the front left one, why?”

“Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru fought you for Inuyasha?”

“Hmmm... yes.”


“Why else? He wants to mate with him.”

“But Inuyasha is male. Why would he go into heat and why would his brother want to mate with him?”

Sango’s head jerked up. “Because he wants a child. It’s a little known fact, that most demons despite looking either male or female truly are either. They have the ability to seed and bear young. Not just one or the other. Inuyasha was only half a demon so I didn’t think it mattered. I didn’t think he would go into heat or be able to have a child. Most hanyou are sterile or as close to it that it doesn’t matter. Inuyasha is becoming more and more a demon. I didn’t realize that he had changed so much.”

Miroku bit his lip, one hand still absently stroking Koga’s hair. “Then Sesshomaru isn’t likely to hurt him unless Inuyasha fights him, right?”

Koga barked a laugh, “The last thing I saw wasn’t the mutt fighting! No, the only marks they’ll get is lovebites.”

Kagome stared at him before turning and stalking off. Sango growled and followed her. Miroku meanwhile sighed and slapped him on the head. “Idiot.”

“Yeah but it did what I wanted it to.”

“And what is that, oh wise one?” Miroku’s eyebrow rose slightly.

“Leave us alone. Now, lay down, I need sleep.” Koga pushed against Miroku’s chest.

Sighing the monk laid back and allowed the wolf demon to lay down on him. //Wonderful, Miroku, as if you didn’t have enough problems. Ahh well, the girls will be back soon.//

Neither noticed Shippo watching. He waited until they fell asleep then curled up in the warm space between them.

  * * *


Sesshomaru stopped in front of his castle, Inuyasha slipped off and pressed close to him, pale coral lips pressing to Sesshomaru’s neck. Sucking light, fingers thin and strong holding tight to his lover’s shoulder. With a growl, Sesshomaru pushed him away. “Wait...”

Inuyasha whined, thin and high.

“Just wait for a moment, my love, my heart. Let me take us to *our* chamber. Hold tight to me, my love.” Sesshomaru hugged the not quite hanyou close to himself as he jumped. Five leaps later, he stood perched on the railing of his inside balcony. Leaping down lightly, he let Inuyasha go and threw open the doors. Inside, the bed was lying piled high with furs and pillows.

“Lie down, my Yasha. Undress and lie down.”

Inuyasha whined and walked in, already pulling at his sodden silken under pants. Crawling up on the bed, he shivered. A crackle and whoosh sounded off to the side and heat started to creep into the room. Sesshomaru appeared holding a long towel. Smiling gently, he knelt before Inuyasha and started toweling his lower, rubbing roughly, stimulating those cold limb. Silently, the dog lord did both legs and his chest, pausing once to kiss those shaking lips.

“Give me your hands, when you shake it will not be from cold but rather from desire and anticipation. When you shiver it will be because my lips have wrung cries of delight and joy from your soul. Never, and I do mean never, will you lack warmth when I am with you. Now, how are you feeling, Inuyasha? I know that it is hard to speak, especially during your first heat, but you will try.”

The naked demon reached up, claws extending. “...ine... please... sesssss.”

“I have always been yours but first speak to me, Yasha. I do not wish to do this if you will be thinking of those... *females*!”

“Y ou... you... in my dreams, you... loved me.”

“I always have, though I have showed it in my own way.”

Inuyasha surged upward, fangs growing as he grabbed Sesshomaru. Pulling him closer, those ivory fangs pierced the soft flesh of at the join of shoulder and neck.

Sesshomaru’s claws grew, pressing into the hard back, drops of blood welling up as the nail cut into the pale flesh. One hand slipped between them and Sesshomaru loosened his coat; shrugging it off, he slipped off his pants. Struggling to not move too far from the lust crazed demon, he quickly stripped himself. Fangs flashed as bites were given and taken. Translucent claws glinted in the firelight, stained red by blood. Growls rumbled through the room, echoing off the stone walls. Sesshomaru tugged his beautiful pale brother up to his knees and spread those tight, firm, hard cheeks. Grinning, he leaned over to lick a slick trail over the bony bumps of his spine. His tongue lapped at the tight hole before he sat back. “Stay.”

Inuyasha shook, his entire frame shaking the bed. Hair tangled and soaked with sweat and blood, he waited.

Sesshomaru picked up the bottle that he had placed beside the fireplace earlier and moved back to the bed. Using one hand to pop the cork, he placed the rim of the warm bottle against Inuyasha’s hole. The younger one jumped, forcing the rim into himself a little. The gasp worked out of his lover caused Sesshomaru to laugh. Pressing it in further, he tilted the bottle up to allow the oil within to drain into Yasha’s passage. As he watched a third of it flow into his lover, he pulled it from him with a pop. Rising up, he pressed the tip of his straining cock at the entrance and poured a line of oil from tip to base. Quickly running his fingers through the oil, he covered himself and pressed in.

“Do you feel that pain, Inuyasha, that burning? That is me. That is me within you. This is where you belong, Inuyasha! IN MY BED! AT MY SIDE! I will claim you and you will love me for it! Together we will bring a new age!” Sesshomaru whispered harshly in his lover’s ear.

Inuyasha leaned his head back, howling as his mate pounded behind him, hammered in and out. Sesshomaru howled in harmony, his hand twisting Inuyasha’s head to side as his leaned forward and bit. The heavy hot blood filled his mouth, sweet, metallic; better than a human’s, better than a demon’s just perfect. Inuyasha’s scent became stronger as he came, his seed shooting onto the furs. The howl took on a throbbing quality as Sesshomaru shot into him. Fangs clenched tightly, teeth buried up to their gums. Finally, they dropped to the bed, legs tangled. Inuyasha rolled over and onto his brother, head resting in the crook of his mate’s neck. Sesshomaru buried his face into the sweat soaked hair and breathed the scent of his mate, his finally after almost five hundred years. Finally. Tired, he pulled a fur to cover them and slept.

  * * *


Sango wrapped her arm around Kagome and held her close. “I’m sorry. It’s not you, believe me. We’ve studied demons for a long time, and I can tell you this. All he said, how he’s acting around Miroku is just left over hormones from earlier. When a demon goes into heat, like Inuyasha did, it calls all the demons around. They don’t exactly think before they pursue, they just smell the arousal and respond. Now Koga is all hyped up from it and needs to burn it off. He’ll flirt with Miroku for a while, especially since Miroku was being nice to him. Once it’s out of his system, he’ll be the same Koga he’s always been. I’m sure of it.”


“I know this seems very confusing but it’s part of their demon nature. Why don’t we just stay here for tonight? Kilala can go back and get everything we need.”

“What about Inuyasha, he’s alone with Sesshomaru.” Kagome asked, wiping the tears from her eyes.

“Yes, but Sesshomaru sees him as a mate, he will not harm him. Trust me in this, of us all, Inuyasha is the safest. Sesshomaru will kill anyone who tries to harm him.”

Kagome nodded and sat back down, “Ok... so we’re gonna stay here for a while?”

“Yeah. Kilala, will you go get two bedrolls and meet us back here? You rest, Kagome.” Sango stood up and stretched, joints popping before she started to collect some wood for a fire

  * * *


*So beautiful. The promise that was there as a child has grown into a beautiful male. An almost fitting mate for me. If this transformation proceeds apace then soon, he will be a full demon and my mate for thousands of years.* A slim hand reached up and stroked the long hair from the fine featured face. Sesshomaru leaned closer and kissed him gently on the shoulder, in the curve of the bite. Lips pressed close to the white dog ears as Sesshomaru whispered to his lover, “You were always to be mine, when you were born, your mother was told that you would be mine. When I sought the future, my future was of a silver dog who turned black once a moon. You are mine, not just now but for always. Sleep now, my beautiful one, soon you will transform to be even more so.”

Frowning, he slid out of bed and wrapped a silk robe about himself and slipping his feet into satin slippers. Checking the fire, he added more fuel before he left the room. He strode through the sitting room and out his suit door. Jaken sat against the railing, eyes closed, clawed hands clutching the two-headed staff. Grumbling, he kicked Jaken slightly in the ribs. The toad-demon’s yellow eyes opened instantly as he leapt to his feet.

“Master... is everything ok with your... *mate*?

Sesshomaru spun around, hand flashing in the darkness. Raising his arm, he tightened his grip on the cool scaly flesh. Growling low in his throat, he moved the small demon closer, staring into his yellow eyes. “Jaken, there are only four people who may object to who my mate is and of those four two are dead. Of the two remaining alive, only one stands here. You are not that one. The Inutaichou is dead, Izayaoi is dead but I have long had her blessing. Inuyasha doesn’t mind and nor do I.” Carelessly he dropped the toad and headed to the balcony, leaping to the rail, he stepped off into space.

  * * *


Inuyasha moaned and turned over. //Man it was nice to finally be in a real bed again. Then again, Miroku always fou... wait. We were in the woods. Then... Sesshomaru!//

Golden eyes widened, as he sat up quickly, feeling a pulling on his shoulder. //NO!// One clawed hand reached up to touch the bite marks on his shoulder. //What... what happened? Damn, I ache, why haven’t I healed yet//

Inuyasha swung his legs over the side of the bed, ignoring the pain and used the wall to pull himself upright. Walking gingerly, he walked about the room. It was unfamiliar but Sesshomaru’s scent was all over everything, the tapestries were rich and felt of fine silk. The furs on the bed absolutely reeked of se... Inuyasha shook his head to empty it of those thoughts and headed towards a door inset in the close wall. It led to a bathroom, frowning he leaned against the doorway. //What the hell is going on here?!//

A slim hand slid between the doorframe and Inuyasha’s side, pressing against his chest. It pressed him back into a firm chest. “Inuyasha. How are you feeling?”

“Why am I here?”

“Because you wanted to be, my brother, my love.”  Lips caressed the shell of his soft furred ear. “Because you are my mate, now and forever.”

Inuyasha turned around, clawed hand reaching up to scratch out his eyes. Sesshomaru ducked his head and kissed his neck. His hand stroking against the pale flesh, nail cradling the nipples. Inuyasha arced back, whimpering, eyes narrowing. “Sesssssssy.”

“Yes, my Yasha, I never thought you would call me that again. Come to bed, eat, and we’ll talk.”

Inuyasha pulled away. “No... why? Why am I doing this? What’s going on? Tell me, did you hurt them Sesshomaru?!”

“Never. Inuyasha, let’s sit, talk, eat.”


“You are changing, Inuyasha. Every time you become more and more demon like, each time you change back, you are less and less a hanyou. Soon you will be entirely demon, but not that insane, out of control monster but a demon like me, like father. You are getting your wish, Inuyasha, my Yasha!” Sesshomaru’s voice hissed as he pressed closer, one leg pressing between the hanyou’s. “You went into heat and it called all the demons from miles around to pay court to you, but your mate, destined since your birth, your mate who has waited almost five hundred years for your first heat has finally claimed you.”

Inuyasha felt his knees give out as he leaned back into his brother’s embrace. Breath gasping, he dug his nails into the pale flesh of his mate’s arm. “My mate?”

“Yes, though the Inutaichou filled your head and heart with hatred of me, I was granted your mother’s permission, no... her demand that I pursue you. I am your mate, I am your mate and together you and I will bring this land to a new era! Now, come, let me feed you, touch you, and make you cry out my name yet again.”