InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Favorite Fairy Tale ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Sango lay back on the soft grass, one hand gently stroking Kagome's dark hair. //Poor Kagome, she's so hurt. I know it's only heat but it's strange that Sesshomaru wanted Inuyasha. Every other time they get together they try to kill each other. Though I can't exactly complain... I wonder if Koga has seduced Miroku yet?//

Shrugging, Sango tightened her arm around Kagome's shoulder and placed a kiss on the puffy lips before closing her own eyes. Humming softly she thought about earlier and how Kagome sought her 'comfort'. One day, Sango knew they'd both settle down with others but for now, she didn't need to be alone. It was no hardship for Sango either, since Kagome tasted so sweet.


* * *


Inuyasha twitched, batting at the hair tickling his nose. Growling, he rolled over into a patch of sunshine. The warmth flowed into him, loosening sleep stiff muscles. Inuyasha growled and rolled over. A slim hand crept over his pale chest, nails running over the soft hair of his midline. A purr rumbled deep inside him as the fingers caressed his skin, passing softly over the nipple. Stretching happily, he turned around, eyes opening slowly. "Kag… SESSHOMARU!"

Red demon rage crept into gold eyes, the caressing nails stabbed in the soft flesh below the nipple. "You dare?! You DARE to mention her name while you are in our bed? The very bed we have mated in?"

Inuyasha stared at his brother, his mate and moved closer. Pressing the sharp clear nails of his lover deeper into his flesh. The blood well up and covered the nail, staining it a rich red. "Sesshomaru…why?"

"Why am I offended that you would mention that little slut in our bed?" The eyes sparked, "You are mine and you better get used to it!"

Inuyasha stared at the lengthening fangs and responded instinctively by tilting his head back and showing his mate the soft span of his neck. "Sesshomaru, I mean why me… I know you hate me, so why me? Why can't I even get angry at you? I should be beating the hell out of you. What the hell is wrong with me?"

"Nothing, my Yasha." Sesshomaru wrapped one hand around his neck, pulling him closer. "Nothing at all… my mate. It is in the nature of a demon."

"I'm not a demon! I'm a hanyou and proud of it!" Yasha growled, his fangs peeking out of his pale lips.

"You are not exactly a half demon… even now you are feeling the lassitude that comes with being a mated demon. You feel calm, relaxed, not inclined to fight. You feel like nothing can bother you or disturb you. You know that you should hate me but all you want to do is love me, cuddle with me, kiss me, touch me. Do ale the things you never would do with me. Is that right?"

The silver head nodded before tucking in under Sess's chin.

"This is normal demon behavior, my Yasha. You have never been so close to your demon nature as you are now. And it's all the Tetsaiga's fault." A snort from under his chin caused him to chuckle. "The Tetsaiga as you know releases your demon nature. The sheath keeps it from overwhelming you. What they did not tell you was that the more you used it, the more you would become a demon. I don't mean the low-class berserk creature you were when you lost control of your nature but a demon such as I or father. The Tetsaiga released your demon nature but it didn't teach you any control as a result it acted like a drug. The more you are away from it the worse you become. Until you will become so dependant on it that you will never be able to be separated from it again. This of course is tied into your mother and the sword's need to protect humans. Every day, every minute that Tetsaiga is used to protect humans it digs its claws into you. Soon, it will not just mandate that you never be separated from it but rather it will demand you rescue humans. Not just a few but more and more. An insidious trap. One laid to prevent us."

Inuyasha shook his head, ears flapping, "Prevent us from what? And why would I believe you?"

"From being together. A prophecy states that you and I will bring an era of peace. As for why... wait here for a moment, my beloved." Sesshomaru rolled over, and stood up, the sheet falling from his pale skin. Inuyasha stared at the dark wine colored bruises. He licked his lips as his eyes traveled over nail marks, and the finger mark. The perfect semicircle of teeth mark, already crusted over with blood stood out on the neck. Sesshomaru, walked over to his closet and reached for the highest shelf, hissing a bit as he pulled at the mating wounds. Taking a small wooden box, he returned to the bed and handed it to his mate.

Inuyasha took it gently, finger tracing over the carving on the top... it sort of... looked like vines.

"Father had it made for Izayoi. The vines twist to create letters. It spells her name and yours... and our father's. It holds memories, tokens of our family. Things you should have known. Things I wished to tell you but was not allowed." Sesshomaru lifted up the top and opened a pouch that was attached to the inside of the box top. Reaching in,he pulled out three pieces of folded paper. Unfolding them, he handed the first to Inuyasha. "Read."

Yasha nodded and looked at the paper.



* * *


My beautiful son,


Already I am ill and do not know if I can last any more time. I wanted to speak to you of the prophecy save that your father has forbidden speech of your brother, Sesshomaru. The foolishness of your father made it hard to tell you about this but I have sent this box to Sesshomaru with instructions to give it to you once your father is dead. I wish I knew who turned him against Sess but I am at a loss.

Many years ago, when I was but a child, my father took me to a wise priestess to tell my future. She said that in time to come I would marry and that my child would marry the leader of the western lands to usher in a new age of prosperity. Then I met your father. He was the lord of the western lands! I thought for a moment that the prophecy was wrong, or perhaps for my father.

For the longest, I prepared for the birth of my daughter. Years went by and still I didn't have her. Nine years after I married your father, a fellow demon was staying with us and gave birth. At first I was astonished for he... yes, HE, gave birth to a darling girl child. That is when my husband explained how demons may look male or female but they really aren't. Still it did not occur to me that you could look male for I'm human and I was sure I'd have a daughter. I got pregnant and I had a name all picked out for you. I was ready for my daughter.

You were born and for a moment I was afraid for I knew you were my only child. For all that I loved my husband, I worried that I had let my land down. After a moment I didn't care for you looked up at me, those golden yes and squalled. Your ears still wet and your tail beat against me... I loved you so much. I feared how my family would take to you but I also didn't care, you are my heart.

Two months after you born, Sesshomaru came home and marked you. I saw him and for a moment I wanted to beat him but then I remembered something. The prophecy said my child would marry the lord of the western land. Sesshomaru would be the new lord of the western lands once his father died. My child would marry that lord and bring great peace and prosperity to this land. So I knew he'd never hurt you and decided to welcome him. To help him fall in love with you and turn him into someone I'd be glad to give my son to. I am your mother, I'd never give you to man who I thought would abuse you! And thankfully he seemed to be happy to just be there with you. The times I'd come in and see him holding you, eyes full of joy and pleasure just to be close to you. How he loves you, my Yasha.

Be good to him, my son. Teach him to love you right!


Forever beloved,



* * *


Warm fingers brushed white hair from his, lips pressed against his forehead. "She knew that you were meant for me... and I for you. This..." Sesshomaru held out a thin piece of paper. "The first is your foretelling, the second mine. I will hide nothing from you, my mate, my husband, my Yasha!"

Inuyasha started as he felt Sesshomaru's growl shake through him. "Yours? Then... what happened? Why did Father do this?!"

"I don't know, he came on me one day, holding you. I was always told by Izayoi that when I held you, I looked strange. As if I was drugged, and apparently Father thought I was..." The growl peaked. "harming you. He forbade me unsupervised visits. Izayoi would let me whenever he was gone. Once she died, he got worse and worse. Finally exiling me from home. He said if I didn't obey he would raise you to hate me and that Inuyasha is not acceptable. How I'd follow you, filling my being with your smell. During my heats, I would take clothing that positively reeked of you and hold it while my body was wracked with pain. I'd convulse and yet still keep a hold of your clothes, your scent until my heat passed. And now... now I no longer have to. Now, we are mated and that is perfection."

"If I stay." Inuyasha rolled off Sesshomaru's chest and stood shakily on his feet.

"You will."

Inuyasha gave him a look before walking through the open doorway to the bathroom.


* * *


Koga reached over and pulled his lover closer. Nose buried in the warm hair. Hair... that smelled different from one of his usual fuck buddies. Sniffing again, he ran through his remaining pack, it couldn't be Ginta or Hakkaku. Moving one hand down to cup the firm ass, he frowned as he felt the cloth. //What the hell? A human, I picked up a human last night? I must have been out of my mind.// He squeezed the ass again, pleased at the handful. //Okay, let's see. It feels like dinnertime, last I remember it was early afternoon and I was washing up. Then... oh yeah, that mutt went into heat. And was apparently claimed by his half brother. Oh yesssss... then I caught that lecherous monk. And damn he feels good.//

Koga pulled Miroku closer, hands still stroking those firm cheeks. Hearing a squeal from between them, he opened his eyes. //The fox brat.// Lifting said brat by the tail, he stared at the monk who was just waking up. "You know, if we're to have kids you should marry me first. Otherwise, you get to keep the kid."

Shippo twisted and tried to bite him. "Hey, let me go!!! You bully!"

Miroku yawned and stretched slowly, joints popping, he was a beauty. "Koga, leave Shippo alone. How are you feeling? Need more rest?"

"Yeah... a lot more rest." Koga reached up and pulled Miroku closer. "Lay down. I don't rest well alone."

Miroku stared at the wolf demon, eyes burning, "Somehow, I doubt sleep is in issue here. Perhaps, we can find a... more suitable place to make sure you... rest."

"Really... hmmm. I think you have too many clothes on to really rest well, why don't we go someplace quiet. There's a cave not too far from here." Koga jumped up and held out his hand. As Miroku stood, Koga's hand traveled up his arm and caressed his cheek. Lips brushed gently against his neck. "Come on."

A frown crossed the monk's face. "Koga, you... are still excited from pursuing Inuyasha aren't you?"

"Does it matter? Inuyasha right now, is having excellent mating sex with Sesshomaru. And if what I heard was true, then Kagome is going to be real upset but it doesn't matter right now, idiot. I'm horny, you're always horny. No one is stopping us, and we can do what we want. What is it with humans and asking what it means, it means we're gonna have fun. Now come on."

Miroku shrugged and squeezed Koga's hand. Smiling, he let Koga lead the way.


* * *


Sesshomaru slid from the bed, wrapping a dark maroon silk robe about him, he tied it lightly. Walking over to the bathroom door, he listened to the noises within. Mouth open, he tasted the air. Salt, anger, desire. All these from that lovely young man. Grinning, he walked over to the bedroom door and threw it open. Walking to the interior balcony of their room, he leapt over the railing. The light robe he wore billowed out and flared. He landed gently. Turning around he headed towards the kitchen.


* * *


"I don't care, Jaken. I will not serve some idiot half-breed." The cook threw his spoon down. The wine sauce splashed about the room. "I don't know what's wrong with him but I am not serving any half-breed whore."

Jaken stared at the taller demon, his large yellow slit pupil eyes bulging. "WHAT! You will, you will do as Master Sesshomaru demands. That..." Jaken's lip curled, "half-breed is Master Sesshomaru's mate. And you will serve him with all the dignity that you do Master Sesshomaru. If you do not, then you may leave now before he hears of this and kills you!"

"I refuse! I'll quit and you can find some other cook. I will not serve that damned half-breed. I re-"

Light flashed as something cleaved the air in front of the cook. Flashes of light glinted from steel. The cook stared, mouth still open before the two halves of his body slid apart from each other. Jaken jumped back, feeling something against his back, he turned his head up to stare into the dark golden eyes of his Master.

"M-M-Mas-Master Sesshomaru!"

The rest of the kitchen staff flattened themselves against the wall.

"Inuyasha is my mate. Any who have a problem with that will be killed. We are hungry and I expect excellent service. Jaken, find out where Inuyasha's friends are." Sesshomaru turned around, flicking blood from his nails.

How dare they even think to pass judgment on my mate. I have waited centuries for him, I will not be dictated to again!


* * *


Inuyasha heard the door close and peeked out the bathroom. Not seeing his brother, he moved to sit on the bed. The sheets were so smooth and soft, frowning, he picked up a dark blue pillow and raised it to his nose. Scents exploded in his face. Him, Sesshomaru, semen, desire, sweat, blood, saliva. Moans crawled out of his throat. Pressing his hips into the bed, he rubbed, thinking of the beautiful silken silver hair, golden eyes so much like his own fogged with desire, fangs piercing his neck, shoulder, above his nipple. Claws running down his back, blood flowing. Sesshomaru in him. His cock pressing deep into him, the way it felt so... perfect, right, better than everyone. No... Kikyo's desire never felt like this, nor Kagome's. It was like... Sesshomaru fit him, the desire for him burned in the pit of his stomach. Growling, he felt the marking rise on his cheeks and stood up. Nose sniffing the air, seeking for a sign of his mate. Running, he ripped the door open, running out, and stopped. Eyes shining, he looked around. The ceiling was high but there. Looking left and right, he saw staggered rows of balconies.

"Inuyasha. Come to me." Sesshomaru whispered down below.

Inuyasha leaned over the railing, eyes focusing on the gaping robe, the ceramic flesh beneath it, the marks on the body. Marks made by his teeth, his claws, his marks. And yet, Sesshomaru did not have the smell of a claimed demon.

"Come to me, my mate... claim me, claim me in such a way that no one can deny. Jump!" Sesshomaru leaned his head back, one hand slipping underneath the silk, fingers running over the marks on his body. "Come."

Inuyasha looked from side to side, staring at the ground some six stories down.

"You've never been in the main house, my love. There are no stairs, no way for humans to invade. Just the interior balconies that we can leap from one to another. No way to get down other than leaping and, my mate, I need." Sesshomaru untied the belt holding the robe closed and lowered one hand to cup himself. The hand traveled down the length, thumb covered the tip.

The sharp bitter smell of precum floated up and Inuyasha groaned. He leaned against the railing, his own cock stiffening and his balls beginning to ache. Looking down at his mate, head leaned back and showing off that exquisite neck. He grabbed the railing and vaulted over. "MINE."

Sesshomaru leaned in, lips close to his mate's silver furred ears. "Not... yet."

A growl rolled up from Inuyasha's chest, one hands grasping onto Sesshomaru. Claws lengthened and sliced through the thin robe. Blood seeping out. "You are!"

"Not yet, my love. First... you must catch me, then you must claim me. If you have become demon enough to do so." The taller demon spun around fast, pushing the other to the ground and jumped upward, the robe falling from him as he landed three stories up. Without thought, Inuyasha took after him. Following as the chase ranged from balcony to balcony. The colors of the walls and interiors flashed by as he chased down his mate. Teeth grew, elongating, becoming sharp as drops of dark saliva fell far to the ground sending up minute wisps of smoke. Snarling, he darts his eyes from left to right to up to down, seeking a way to cut his mate off. Noticing where Sesshomaru is, one level below the top and how he's looking up, Inuyasha launched himself towards the balcony one level higher, pivoting quickly, he launched himself at his soon to be claimed mate. His shoulder hit his lover in the stomach and he laughed at they fell. Clasping his hands behind the older demon's head, they impacted the surface. Inuyasha could feel the crunch of a knuckle, but he was too far in heat to consider it. Lips ran over the smooth neck, fangs scraped over a nipple. Drops of newly developed poison dripped onto the creamy skin. Eyes red with his demon heritage, Inuyasha focused on one area. Seeming almost to glow, he attacked the base of his moaning lover's collarbone. Poison bubbled in the small hollow and fangs dug deep into the flesh, piercing the muscle. Gray green poison, already altered by the blood, followed the holes made by the teeth. Sesshomaru arced up, screaming in pain, desire, and completion.

Inuyasha looked at his mate, his claimed mate, and liked what he saw. Sesshomaru, always cold and reserved, arrogant and assured, lay in a debauched sprawl. Arms and legs flung out, hands clenching and unclenching while they tremble, mewling cries came from deep in his throat, hair plastered and tussled with sweat, the same sweat that beaded his body all over. The same sweat that made him smell so... perfectly, absolutely delicious. Inuyasha scraped his claws down the trembling flesh, raising his hand to his nose, licking the sweat from the claws.

"You are mine... never doubt that, never refuse that." Inuyasha stared at the lovely sight before him. He licked his hand, making sure it had a thick coating of saliva. Wrapping it around his straining penis, he grabbed Sesshomaru's hip and grinned. He placed the tip at his lover's entrance and pressed forward. Slowly. Inch by inch. He smelled the bitter metallic tang of blood. "Remember... that... you... belong... to... me... now... and... forever...!"

Sesshomaru stared up into his transformed mate. "Yes..."

A blinding light burst behind the younger demon's eyes as he collapsed onto the chest of his mate. Sesshomaru's head thumped softly against the floor, eyes falling shut heavily. Exhausted he relaxed as he was pressed down.

* * *


Jaken stared at the scene before him. The small puddle of blood on the tiled floor. Signaling for servants, he walked over to the still transformed Inuyasha. "Master Inuyasha, please awaken. Master Inuyasha... please, you must clean up."

Inuyasha groaned and opened one eye blearily. "What do you want?"

"For you to take your mate back to your bed, Master Inuyasha. The floor is cold and he will be in pain when he awakens."

Inuyasha's eyes widened with as he heard the tone with which the toad demon spoke to him. Frowning, he slid out of Sesshomaru, trying not to pull too hard and rip him any further. "Ok... ok..." Looking down at the blood, he winced and gently picked up his lover. "Can... can you clean this up? Please."

"Yes, Master Inuyasha, I will bring food for you both in less than an hour." Jaken replied as Inuyasha leapt upward. Behind him ten servants waited. Kneeling down, broke the tiles surrounding the dried blood. Reaching back, a crowbar was handed to him. Silently Sesshomaru's most trusted and loyal servant pried up the tiles stained with the blood and set them aside. Once he had finished, he stood up and picked up the tiles. As he walked away, he called back. "Clean this mess up."