InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Feared Lover ❯ Out smarting a vampire ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I am so sorry for not updating sooner; my life is a leaving dream mare. A dream/ nightmare all in one, OH JOY. Anyways only one person wanted to help me with ideas and I lost his or her review. I am so sorry; thanks for the idea though, please send it to me again. So no name reviewer that I lost thanks for your idea. Now on with the story
*Disclaimer* I do not own Inuyasha
The prince quickly wrapped his arms around her hourglass waist and held on tight. He whispered again into her ear saying, “Now would be the perfect time for you to help me rule the underworld, I sure did miss you” After feeling her shiver in fear, he smirked and began sucking on her neck, prepping her for his mark. Kagome had to think fast or she would have to stay with this murderer for the rest of her life.
Plus with him sucking on her neck, she couldn't think straight; with this she accidentally surpassed a moan of pleasure. She could feel his evil smirk against her skin; she finally came to terms and did the first thing that came to mind.
Kagome S.I.N.Ged him, (you know from Miss Congeniality?) then rushed into the living room for her weapons of death.
“Where is that fucking bow and arrow?” Kagome screamed in frustration. Right now a perverted, dangerous, handsome, sexy….. WHAT THE FUCK! Why am I thinking about that now when my very li…. Or really my innocence is at state!!
Kagome suddenly found herself pinned to the ground facing her father's murderer, “Oh my dear pet, you shouldn't have kept your guard up, oh well your lost is my gain and oh what a gain it is.” The prince smirked, showing off his fangs of death. “Know it will only hurt for a minute my dear, then you will be mine……….FOREVER! Lowering his head to her neck and pushing her clothing off her shoulder to gain more access to her precious neck.
The prince of the night started to suck on her neck lightly but was distracted by Kagome's squirming and punching, with a blink of her eye, he captured her arms and straddled her waist so she wouldn't move so much and ruin his moment. After all that was done he continued on what he had started but now with more force. All Kagome could think of was how she failed her family, and was now in the arms of her father's murderer, soon becoming the queen of the night.
After all of her hard work, ruined by being nosy, guess the saying is true curiosity did kill the cat. The prince felt satisfied when he saw what he had done. Now he felt ready to finally take what he has been waiting for. Looking into her eyes, he saw sadness and anger, he would fix that. “Relax my dear; we would both have more fun if you would just enjoy yourself, for I do intend to have my share of you for every night we are mates.”
The prince grinned. What she rebutted intrigued him of her to no end, “Oh how sweet I never knew you can count that high, but then again I suppose counting isn't one of your strong points. Cause I would never allow you to take what belongs to me, myself, and I and no one else's. So I hope you have an heir, because you're not getting one out of me or any other of the girl you have tortured.”
As soon as that left her mouth she flipped them over and kneed him so hard that even the greatest falsetto voice would bow down to him. She quickly jumped off and bolted to her door and ran to see if Sango was okay.
Sango's apartment
Sango was struggling to get her apartment opened with her weapons in one arm and groceries in the other. She felt hunger and needed to stock up on food (Slayers need to eat to!!!!) After maneuvering around with what was in her arms she entered her apartment. Suddenly she felt an odd occurrence, and when she saw shadows move, Sango grabbed her weapon, but it was too late she got pinned against her door face forward.
Her weapons and groceries thrown away from her expect her strawberries and her chocolate syrup. “Well know what do we have here a beautiful virgin maiden, what no ring, oh we have to change that. Luckily I WILL be the one to change that my dear enchantress.” Right then, Sango felt his hand lower down her hips to her gluttos maximus and gave it a tight squeeze.
But suddenly the intruder found himself pinned against the door, looking straight into the face of what he planned on making his own. “Listen here you pompous jack ass, yes I may be a virgin, and yes I don't have any one with me at the moment, but I don't need a man, more like a perverted VAMPIRE, who thinks I am going to bend to his will. Well guess what I am not someone who will submit to someone who thinks I am weak and desperate to lose what is a part of me.
Right now I am feeling generous and might let you live, if you leave and never return to my sight again.” Sango said with pride. But her cockiness would soon be her down fall, she soon found herself pinned to her floor near the strawberries and chocolate syrup.
“Think what you want my enchantress, but let it be known you will be mine.” The man said looking her straight in the eyes “And to celebrate, I think we should have some strawberries dipped in chocolate ala you. Now doesn't that sound tasty, it is sure my mouth harden and other places.”