InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Feared Lover ❯ Stranger in the House ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey guys and gals
Sorry it has been taking me so long to write this chapter but I have been busy this last few weeks. With me doing light crew for West Side Story, being a person keeper (don't ask), and school. Ah school, how you trouble me so… Hey being in high school is tough especially with the end of the year rolling around, and the finals coming up!!!! Oh shit I really need to study those! Oh Well here is the chapter you have all been dying for…
After scoping out the surrounding neighborhood to see if there was anymore creatures of the night, Kagome and Sango returned home to their respectable apartments. But all was not well with the two girls, while making sure no harm was done to the innocence's, they felt something or rather someone was watching them. But they just shrugged it off by saying they were exhausted, (dumb move idiots).
Kagome POV
“Man, I am so exhausted I can just hit the bed and be knocked out, as she locked her front door and entered her Chinese living room. She almost sat down when she felt a slight breeze coming from her bedroom.
Huh that is funny I thought I shut everything up. Standing up moving ever so slightly to her bedroom, she grabbed her nearest weapon, which was a hand-held bow and arrow, fully loaded.
Kagome ever so quietly moved to the wall where her door closed, counting to 5 before jumping in. After jumping into her room, she spotted nothing. “Nothing out of the ordinary, but still better be safe then sorry.
She thought. Stalking around the room, she looked around behind every crook and nanny not spotting anything, and then she heard a CREAK and jumped and fired the arrow.
Nothing was there expect Buyo, her fat, lazy cat. “Thank Goodness” she whispered, “It was only that damn cat” But soon regretted that when she felt a warm breath on her ear, “Not quite my dear pet”.
Dark Prince POV
I watched her look around the room for me, but I was cleverly heading (sure whatever you say) anticipating when she would rid of her murder weapon and let her guard down. Then her cat appeared behind her, oh how I loathe those lazy animals, and made the floor creak. My pet turned around and fired her toy, what luck!!!
That cat just bought himself a death free card. I quietly landed behind her after hearing what she had said, “Thank Goodness, it was only the cat” I grinned at this and leaned into her ear whispering, “Not quite my dear pet”
Normal POV
The prince quickly wrapped his arms around her hourglass waist and held on tight. He whispered again into her ear saying, “Now would be the perfect time for you to help me rule the underworld, I sure did miss you” After feeling her shiver in fear, he smirked and began sucking on her neck, prepping her for his mark. Kagome had to think fast or she would have to stay with this murderer for the rest of her life.
Plus with him sucking on her neck, she couldn't think straight; with this she accidentally surpassed a moan of pleasure. She could feel his evil smirk against her skin; she finally came to terms and did the first thing that came to mind.
Kagome S.I.N.Ged him, (you know from Miss Congeniality?) then rushed into the living room for her weapons of death.
Thank you everyone for being patient for this to come out. My life is an ongoing soap opera, only with out the cheesy plots and the bad actmanship. I will try to update as soon as I can, please if you have any ideas for my next few chapters, that would be great, and I will even give you credit for your hardwork!!!!!!!!