InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Feared Lover ❯ Questions Answeared ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

13 years later
Who knew that hitting people could be so much fun? Or that hearing people scream your name for forgiveness could actually calm a person's nerves? Well it does for Kagome and Sango, who as of right now is beating up some creatures of the night (Hey, I never said they were bullies just people who like tormenting people, or rather creatures of the night)
“Mercy, Mercy, or please have mercy on us, we just wanted to have a little fun with these girls, we weren't doing anything wrong!!” one screamed in front as Sango knocked one to the ground, pinning it with her knee in its chest, with a stake raised high. “So you think killing innocent people is having a little fun? That is just wrong on so many levels I can't even begin at a place. I…..”
“Sango wait, I want to see if this is the scum or if they know the scum!” Kagome said looking at the creature of the night with utter disgust, “Do you know of a guy that has silver hair or was any where near here on April 13th 1992 on Parks Avenue? Well? Do you, you little asshole?” Kagome screamed with rage! “Kagome, settle down...” Sango tried reasoning with her, “NO!!!” Kagome screamed in frustration, “My father's murderer is still on the loose!! How can I relax when he could kill my family of myself for that matter to get what he wants.” “Well he doesn't want you dead that is for sure.” grumbled the creature of the night.
“What the hell do you mean you coldhearted bastard?” Sango yelled at him pointing the stake at his heart for extreme measures. “What I am saying is I may have heard the guy you are looking for and what he might have said.” The guy said in a surprised tone just realizing he may have the upper hand here, “I could tell you but it comes at a cost.” “No deal!” screamed Sango. “Wait Sango, let's hear what he has to say first this could be our big lead to kill that disgusting perverted person.” as Kagome tried to reason with her.
“Fine, but I don't trust this guy Kaggy; he could be working with him for all we know we shouldn't set ourselves up for this.” Sango exclaimed, “But if you want to know so bad we will ask the jackass ok?” “HEY, YOU DO KNOW THAT I AM LAYING RIGHT HERE RIGHT?” The creature of the night exclaimed in a pissed off voice, he was laying right here and he shouldn't be insulted by these bitches who had trapped him. “Yeah, we are not stupid!” Sango yelled in his face, “Start talking now before we castrate you.” The creature of the night was happy to do so because he didn't have the intention of becoming a eunuch tonight, or any night for that matter really.
“Alright, Alright, I remember hearing a couple years back that some guy found his mate-to-be.” “Go on.” Urged Kagome trying to find out more about the creep. “Anyways, he threaten people to let them know that if they touched this girl, they better be prepared to face torture and a hanging for eternity. For she, is his chosen one, and we all know not to mess with the prince of the night's woman. So anyways…”
the guy got cut off by Kagome gasp and wording, “Prince of the Night? OH MY FUCKING KAMI. SANGO do you know what this means?” “That you didn't let him finish the story so we can find out if it is really you or not?” Sango guessed with frustration, “Let him finish Kaggy so we can find out ok, it could be a different girl you never know.” “FINE! Mumbled Kagome. “Anyways the guy said that if they ever found a girl with black hair and brown eyes, they better leave alone for it could be his intended. That is all I know I swear! Please have a kind soul and let me free I swear on the holy bible I am not making this up or hurt any more people!”
but as soon as that left his mouth, Sango stabbed him in his heart and he turned into a pile of creature dust. “Well, that narrows it down between you and other black haired, brown-eyed girls. We got a lot of research going for Kagome… Kagome…Kagome, are you there? Hello? Earth to Kagome?” as she waved her hand into Kagome's faced while trying to get her attention.
But what Sango doesn't know is that Kagome was having a premonition of what is to come for her and Sango, and the outlooks didn't look good for them but great for the demons that were watching up above directly at the girls. Both looking at a different girl, one was looking at the girl who was waving her hand in front of the other girl's face.
*Hmmm* he thought *this girl seems to be a little hunter, she may be a challenge. But yet, I do like a good challenge, especially a pretty one.* he said thinking about the many ways he could have her.
Yet the other one just looked at the stunned girl thinking *Soon my pet, very soon, we shall meet and come together as we should to rule the underworld* “Come Monk, we must finish our plans for the slayer and her friend.”
The prince said. “Oh my liege, may I have fun with the hunter's friend?” the lecherous monk asked. “Yes, as long as you leave the hunter alone, for she is MINE.” Was what he said as they blended with the shadows and flew away.