InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My First, My Last, My Only ❯ High School Sweethearts ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My First, My Last, My Only
Chapter Two: High School Sweethearts
By: OhJoy


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I've known InuYasha all my life. He's always been my protector. My best friend. My love. We saw each other nearly every day. That is until the summer before our sophomore year in high school. I was devastated. He had to spend the next year in Japan...


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"A WHOLE year, InuYasha? But why?" I whined. I knew it was pointless and shameless. But I wasn't beneath begging!


He sighed. I could tell he didn't really want to go. Being the second in line to the great Takahashi fortune had its drawbacks. Mostly, he was being "prepped" to run the international conglomerate next to his brother, Sesshomaru. I knew this. It wasn't personal. I figured, it must suck to be InuYasha right about now.


He rubbed the back of his neck, "Kaggs, I know I said we'd go camping this summer. And I'm really, really, really sorry that I can't. I will take you as soon as I can. I promise!" He looked into my eyes, so earnestly. So lovingly. I trusted him more than any other living, breathing being on this planet. More than my Momma, my brother Souta (as if!), or even my grandfather. InuYasha never went back on his word. Never.


We were in the tree house we built when we were eight. Ok, so his mom had a contractor rebuild it for "safety's sake" a week later... but still, it was our idea to build it in the first place. We were now fourteen. His fifteenth birthday was next month, mine followed a couple weeks later.


The tree house was in the small forest in his backyard. It wasn't until freshman year that I realized how wealthy his family was. He had always just been InuYasha, my best friend. In Economics, his family's company was mentioned in our textbook! I remember how he blushed like a tomato!


I sighed. I knew begging and pleading and crying wasn't really going to get me anywhere. When his dad said jump, both him and his brother would automatically respond with, "how high?" Not literally, mind you. They just did whatever their dad said. Don't get me wrong, his dad was awesome. He was so much fun and hellava funny too! The guys so totally respected him. They listened to every word he said. Sure, they talked back tons too. But they definitely heard whatever their dad was saying.


Command, demand, or request. It didn't matter.

They did whatever their dad said. And I mean, whatever he said! Just a few weeks ago, Mr. Takahashi didn't like Sesshomaru's date for a party, Kaguya. Real snooty junior. Pretty, popular. Cheerleader, A.S.B.... student body something or other. Whatever, she was popular. Girls dressed like her. She was a trendsetter at Shikon High. But, Gods! Was she ever stuck up!

Before I even had a chance to blink, the girl was dumped. She didn't take it too well. The next day, she showed up at the front gate of their home. Crying and bawling. Basically, just making a nuisance of herself. Yelling at the front gate guard to let her in. It was kinda funny... in a pathetic fangirl sort of way. After nearly two hours, Sesshomaru finally came down to the gate house and told her in no uncertain words that he was no longer interested in seeing her again. Ever again. Harsh, I know. A week later she was caught in the bleachers at school doing it with Hiten! She was having sex on the bleachers. With Hiten, no less. Eeewww. I swear, Mr. Takahashi must have some sort of premonition powers.

I looked into InuYasha's eyes. Those warm amber pools. He was my harbor of safety, friendship, and love. I always felt so safe whenever I was near him. I knew he would never hurt me, that he would always look out for me. I smiled. He was so torn and confused. I grabbed his hands in mine. He smiled at the gesture. "Kagome," he breathed.

My smile warmed my eyes. I said, "I'm sorry I'm being so selfish, Puppy." He squeezed my hands when he heard his old nickname. I rarely used the name I dubbed him in pre-school. At the tender age of four, I couldn't get all the syllables of his name out of my mouth. InuYasha was Puppy. At least, only to me. I would never dare to call him that in front of anyone. Not any more, that is.

His eyebrow arched, "Kaggs--"

"No, let me finish," I interrupted. "I know your father has great things planned for you and your brother. I'm just a little sad is all. I'll miss you. It just won't be the same without you. You better call me and write me. And you better call me the instant you get back!" I smiled brightly. This was InuYasha. My best friend. He would always be there for me. He pulled me into a fierce hug and held me close. I laid my head on his chest. I heard the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. I felt one of his hands rub circles on my back. It was so soothing. He did that for me whenever he thought I was worried or stressed. I love InuYasha so much. He's my best friend in the entire world.

"I promise," he whispered. His breath puffed over my ear, sending shivers down my spine. A warm feeling hit the pit of my stomach. Goosebumps erupted on my body. At the time, I had no idea what it meant. I just trusted that it was all okay. This was InuYasha. He would never hurt me. Never.

And that was how my sophomore year of high school went. InuYasha-less. I got a call every Sunday night at nine. I could set my watch by it. He was that reliable. I sent him CDs and all our favorite movies on tape. He sent me awesome mangas.

I guess, I was a late bloomer 'cause it was half-way through that year when I finally hit puberty! My breasts swelled and I got my period. I was so excited, now I could actually shop at Victoria Secret's. Happy day. My friends Arimi, Eri, and Yuka were jealous now that I finally caught up with them. Of course, I never mentioned this to InuYasha. I noticed that his voice got a little deeper. It used to crack a lot last year and now it was deep. Almost like his dad's, but not quite. Just uniquely InuYasha.

I let my hair grow too, it's half-way down my back now. Just past my bra strap. My goal is to have it down to my waist, or at least my elbows. I'd like it to reach my waist, but I kinda gotta go with what I got, right? I also grew a couple of inches and stood at five four. My mom is five nine, so I figured I'm no where near done growing. I wonder how tall InuYasha is now. Sigh. That's such a girly question. What does it matter? Both his dad and his older brother are tall, well over six foot. So I doubted Puppy would ever be shorter than me.

The year he was gone came and went in a blink of an eye. I made it on the junior varisty basketball team. Point guard Higurashi. That's me. Second string, but I got some play time towards the end of each game. We made it to regional finals and lost to Tama High. It was a close game. I was depressed for weeks. I even went out on a few dates with Houjo as a distraction. Eri had set us up. She's always been such the matchmaker. When I told InuYasha, he was quiet at first. I thought our phone connection died. Then he laughed at me! It was an odd laugh I didn't really hear too often, kinda forced out, kinda fake. I was shocked. He couldn't believe that Houjo finally got up the nerve to ask me out. According to Puppy, Houjo has had a crush on me since the sixth grade. Ok, that was so off my radar. InuYasha called me clueless and laughed some more. Whatever.

The fall semester of our junior year was only a few days away. Puppy's flight was to arrive this afternoon. His dad called me to see if I wanted to be the one to meet him at the airport since Mr. Takahashi was still in Chicago. Of course! The limo was scheduled to pick me up at 1:15pm since his flight arrived at 1:45pm.

I was a nervous wreck. Talk about butterflies in the stomach! I must have changed a million times. At least. Sigh. I wanted to look pretty. But not like I was trying to look pretty. Oh, face it, girl. I want him to think I'm pretty. I mean, now I'm a girl with curves. Kinda like all the girls he and Miroku oogled at school freshman year. I laughed at that memory. They were kids in a candy store the first time we had lunch in the quad. Senior and junior girls, with their private parts barely covered, pranced everywhere, just screaming "look at me" at any red-blooded American male. Or female, if that floats your boat. I literally had to wipe the drool off their chins. I have to admit I was a little jealous, even then.

I glanced at my clock: 12:52pm. Plenty of time. I studied my reflection in the full length mirror on my closet door. Sigh. Ok, I really didn't want to look like I was trying too hard. I made a face at myself. Too much skin. I stripped out of the short denim miniskirt and baby blue half-tank top. My private parts were barely covered! Instead, I grabbed my favorite khaki shorts that modestly fell to mid-thigh and a cream babydoll t-shirt that fit snugly over my boobs. I looked once again at my reflection. Nice. I had a lace bra on and you can just see a hint of my nipples. My t-shirt hit the waistband of my shorts. So every now and then, whenever I moved a bit of my tummy would peak through. My hair grew like a weed the past few months. It's now to my elbows. Awesome. I slipped into a pair of black flip-flops and ran a brush through my mane one last time.

"KAGOME!" my grandfather shouted. "The limo is here for you!"

"Eeep!" I squealed. I grabbed a red zipped hoodie off my chair next to my desk. Just in case. I always got cold. It didn't matter if it was seventy-eight degrees in Southern California. I got cold standing in the shade.

My mom was standing at the bottom of the stairs. She was holding out a couple of twenties. "Here, honey. Just in case."

I took the cash and stuffed it in my pocket. "Thanks, Momma. You're the best!" And dashed for the front door.

"Honey," my mom called out. I looked back at her. "Tell InuYasha we send our love. And to get you back in time for brunch tomorrow."

I smiled brightly. My mom really was the best! "I will, Momma!"

"Don't forget! One pm at the Cheesecake Factory in the Marina!" she called out as I hit the driveway at full speed.

The drive to the airport went by so fast. The driver, Myouga, was a speed demon. He had us parked and at the baggage claim carousel in no time. I waited anxiously. Nervously. I fiddled with my hair. I sat down. I got up. I sat down. I got up. I paced. I sat down. I got up. I sat down. You get the idea. It took next to forever for Puppy's plane to arrive and de-plane. After what seemed like an eternity, I saw him as he stepped off the escalator.

Blink. Blink.


InuYasha was hot. H.O.T. Hot, hot, hot. His hair, which he always wore long, was now down to his waist. It shimmered that seductive silver hue. Whoa... seductive? Hmm... yeah, I guess. He got tall too. He must be five ten or so. He wore a pair of faded jeans that slung low on his hips and hugged his cute butt. Cute butt? Uh, yeah. That's a cute butt. He had a red bitch shirt on and a pair of cross-trainers on his feet. He stood at the carousel, impatient for his luggage. He hadn't seen me. Of course, what am I saying? He didn't even know I was coming! A wicked smile claimed my face.

He had one foot resting on the side of the carousel and leaned his elbow on the bent knee, his jaw rested on his hand. Gods! He's sexy... hmmm... sexy? Yeah, sexy. His muscles were taut against his shirt. His shoulders were strong and not too broad. He was lickable and delicious. I giggled. Lickable? Is that even a word?

With all the distracting noises and movement, he didn't notice my approach until it was too late. I leaned into him. I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and breathed into his ear, "Gods! I've missed you!" I felt him shiver at my breath.

He didn't look at me. Instead he leaned into me, making me nuzzle him. Ok, he didn't make me. I just did. I heard him take a deep inhale. I felt him shiver again. "Hey, Kaggs." Next thing I knew, I was in one of his famous 'I'm not letting you go until I'm ready to' hugs. His arms enveloped me and held me close. I felt the strength in them and nearly swooned. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tip toes. My boobs were smashed against his hard chest. Gods. We were so close. He was so warm. I felt a hand rub circles into my lower back as the other tangled a lock of my hair.

"Your hair got long," he whispered in my ear.

"Mmm," was all I could get out.

"I like it," he whispered as he continued his rhythmic assault on my back and his breath on my ear made my tummy do a backflip. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. This was my Puppy. When did I turn into a fangirl? Sigh. Let's face it. I've always been his number one fangirl. He just never knew it. And now that I look like the kind of girl he and Miroku liked... well... maybe...

He squeezed me and lifted me up off the ground, still wrapped up in his embrace. I automatically wrapped my legs around his waist. I heard him take in a sharp breath. He held me close. A hand met with the skin on my back and that warm feeling in the pit of my stomach hit me. I could feel myself getting wet. Wet? Whoa. Whoa. Hormones out of control. He must have known something was up 'cause he gave me one last squeeze and set me down on my feet. Just grazing my bottom. It could've been an accident... or maybe not... He took a step back. Our eyes met, then his eyes went down. Down. Softly his eyes caressed each of my curves. He wasn't rude or anything like that. Just way confident. Way. I felt my body heat rise.

A salacious smile took over his mouth. Sheesh. Miroku would've been proud! He let out a wolfish whistle, "Man, 'Roku wasn't kidding." He held my chin gently, his thumb tenderly stroked my cheek, and looked me straight in the eye, his eyes sparkling, "You are HOT."

I felt my face flush. Flush? Hells, it felt like it was on fire. "Puppy," I muttered, dropping my gaze. My chin and cheek was slightly chilled at the loss of his hand. Suddenly that spot on the floor looked very interesting. I heard him chuckle. I refused to look at him. Damn, what do I do now? Be careful what you wish for, Kaggs... I heard someone clear their throat off to my side. I looked over. It was Myouga.

"Lord InuYasha, I collected your luggage while you were, erm, greeting Miss Kagome," the short driver stated. He gestured towards a cart loaded with several red luggage pieces and a couple boxes.

"Geez, Yash, got enough stuff?" I said, regaining my composure. I flipped my hair off my shoulder and glanced at him to find him already looking at me. I smiled. I felt a little odd, like we crossed a line. But I wanted to cross that line and now I guess I was just scared.

"Yeah... and maybe there's something in there for you," he said suggestively.

My smile widened, "Really?" I grabbed his hand and cried out, "Let's roll! Myouga, lead the way!"

We fell into an easy step, following casually behind the driver. We chatted idly about his flight and the weather. He was glad to be home. He held my hand all the way to the car. Every now and then, his thumb would trace circles. I so totally creamed my panties. My Gods! I always thought he was cute... but now, man! Definitely lickable and delicious. I couldn't wait to call Arimi. At the car, he held the door for me before he assisted Myouga with his bags. It wasn't nearly long enough for me to get my head out of the clouds.

He plopped down in the seat across from me. Leaned back and placed both arms across the back of the seat. His long legs brushed mine as he stretched. He reached over and pressed a button. I heard the glass divider go up behind my head. He lazily eyed me again, a smile warmed his face. I saw his pink tongue dart out and lick his lips. I'd like him to lick me. Eep! Hentai! Stop it, girl. Focus. This is InuYasha. My best friend. Not my voracious sexy lover. Ahem. I tucked a lock of hair behind an ear and looked out the window.

"Kagome," he sounded amused. I turned towards him. "You have become quite the beauty. Now I get why Miroku just goes on and on about you."

I rolled my eyes, "You guys talk about me?"

"You know, you've got every guy in our class drooling? Miroku just gives me the play by play," he smirked.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes again. What the Hells was I supposed to say to that? If I agreed, I'll come off as conceited. If I was curious, I'd come off as insecure. Nonchalance was the way to go. When all else fails, act like I don't care. "So what are you up for? We're almost to your house."

"I want a long hot shower and a nap. Will you stay so we can catch up?" He leaned forward, his forearms resting on his thighs. I always thought it was funny how guys had to sit with their legs spread. Like they had to make room for their package. Hmm... then again, InuYasha had quite the package. At nine, we played doctor and I got to "examine" him. Of course, he also "examined" me. Man! Where do these memories come from! I fought so hard to keep my blush down. I failed miserably. I knew my cheeks were flaming. I caught his eyes, he was smirking again.

"Yeah, sure," I replied, hoping my voice sounded casual.

Once inside his room, he set the two bags in his hands near his door. He told Myouga, "You can just leave those by the door. I'll unpack later."

"As you wish," the short man replied. Myouga did as he was requested and quietly left the room, closing the door behind him.

I plopped down on his big comfy bed. I loved his bed. We had plenty of sleep overs where we read mangas with a flashlight under the covers in the middle of the night. I chuckled and tossed my flip flops off and tucked my legs under me. I reached for his remote and switched on the TV to ESPN.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw InuYasha pull off his shirt. I had to fight back a moan at the sight. Now I fully turned my head to take in the luscious InuYasha. He was rummaging through a bag for something. He was facing me, just not looking at me since he was looking for something in his luggage. I seized the opportunity to watch his muscles ripple at every movement. His chest was amazing. He was buff! When did he start working out? He was kinda scrawny last time we saw each other. I was so mesmerized that I failed to notice that he noticed me oogling him!

"Like what you see?" came his arrogant reply.

I looked up, "..." Nothing came out. Damn it, I must look like a fangirl now! I just turned my head back to the TV. I stretched out. I could go for a nap too. I didn't sleep much last night. Try not at all. I was so excited that InuYasha was coming home... shit, I'm still excited if the feeling between my legs is anything to judge by. Man, I'm still wet. I got up and scampered to his bathroom.

"Hey, I was gonna take a shower, wench!" he snorted at me as I pushed him out of the way.

"I just gotta tinkle. I'll be real quick," I called out as I closed the door. Sure, I could pee. But I just mostly wanted to wipe away the wetness that was soaking my panties. Not that they were even considered panties. I smirked. I wore the lacy thong so I could feel sexy near him and all I can do is blush.

"All yours," I sang as I breezed out of the bathroom and dove under his comforter. I heard him get in the shower. I stretched again and snuggled further into his bed. Zoning out to the droning of the newscaster on TV.

I felt a weight and a shift in the bed. "Mm..." Something warm and strong curls up behind me. I heard breathing. Without bothering to open my eyes, I asked, "Puppy?"

"Shh, Kaggs. Go to sleep." I snuggled into his embrace and rubbed my bottom on him. I heard him grunt in a low growl. His arm held me still. Sleep overcame me... us.

I stretched but felt a heavy weight on me, restricting my movements. I opened my eyes slowly. The room was dark except for the blue hue from the muted TV. I look at what's on me...

Blink. Blink.

A sleeping InuYasha. A sleeping NAKED InuYasha. I peaked down... uh, no he had a pair of black boxer briefs on... whew... He was half on top of me with an arm about my waist and a leg thrown over one of mine, bent and between my legs. Whoa. His thigh was right against me. Right there. Pressed up against my... Oh my. And yeah, my other leg was entwined around his calf. Wow. What a lovely place to be. I'm sure the smirk on my face would do Miroku proud. I felt him nuzzle my neck. His breath hot on my skin. The arm on my waist tightened and pulled me closer to him.

I gave into the feeling. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder. I turned towards him, nuzzled him back. He lifted his head slightly, "Mm..." His amber eyes glowed. "I missed you," he whispered over my lips. His breath on mine was making my heart thunder wildly. He captured my lips in a soft, welcoming kiss. My Gods! I moaned into his mouth. His warm wet tongue entered my mouth, softly dancing with mine. He tasted so good. I felt his hand at my side push up my shirt a bit and his warm palm was running up and down my side. He softly stroked the underside of my breast. Even with the lace barrier of my bra, his hand seared me with his heat.

I moaned and wiggled under his body. I wanted to get closer. I wanted to touch more of him. One of my hands fisted his hair at the nape of his neck. The other ran lightly down his back. My tummy did another backflip when I heard him moan. I pulled him closer. I writhed under the weight of him. Not that he was putting all his body weight on me. He wasn't crushing me. I just needed him closer. He pushed himself up on his knees and grabbed the hem of my shirt. Before I knew it, my shirt was tossed aside.

I looked at him through half-open eyes. I was woozy. I was warm. I was drugged. And my drug of choice was InuYasha. Both of his hands were now on my breasts. He was tenderly massaging them. The friction of the lace and the heat of his hands were sending my senses in a whirl. I arched my back bringing more of my breasts in his hands. I reached behind me and undid the clasp. I saw him smirk. I pulled the bra off me and tossed it somewhere over there. His head dived down and took one of my hard nipples into his mouth. Gods! How I love that warm, wet tongue of his! He ran his tongue up, over, around, under my entire breast. Just to settle back down and suck on my turgid nipple. I shuddered. All the while, his hand was on my other breast, squeezing it, running his thumb in a small circle on my nipple. He took that nipple and pinched it. I cried out what sorta sounded like his name. That warm feeling in the pit of my stomach was back again. Only this time it was more intense. He moved to my other breast and assaulted that one with just as much intensity. I felt myself get really, really wet. I could've sworn I felt it trickle down between my cheeks.

Then I felt it. His hands at the waistband of my shorts. I stiffened and nearly froze. He lifted himself up, "Look at me, Kaggs." I didn't. I was scared. He was only wearing boxers and... and I only had my shorts on...

"Look at me," he gently commanded, his voice firm. I complied. His eyes were a warm golden balze. "We're not gonna have sex. Okay? Not today at least. I just want to to touch you. Taste you. Trust me?" I nodded. He leaned in and nuzzled my ear. I felt him undo my shorts. "I want to know if you taste as sweet as I've dreamed..." he breathed in my ear. Oh. My. Gods! I lifted my hips and he pulled my shorts down. I kicked them to the bottom of the bed.

His warm hand stroked my thighs. Slowly inching up to my core. My body was on fire. I arched towards his touch and the sounds that were coming from my mouth...! I never knew I could whimper and moan like that. The flat of his hand rested briefly on my panties. He gently cupped me there between my legs. Closing his eyes, he brushed the flimsy string aside and he pressed a finger firmly into the folds. He moaned. I moaned. Gods! That sent an electric current through my body.

"Aah... you're so wet," he whispered. "You want me, too..." He kissed me then. This time the kiss was demanding and aggressive. He plundered my mouth as his finger dove into me. I moaned at the feel of it. Never had anyone touched me so... intimately. Not even myself. It felt so good. I rocked my hips to meet his thrusts. He started to trail kisses. From my mouth, he blazed a trail down the middle of me. He gave my tummy a quick lick and positioned himself over me. Right there. Oh my. Was he...? Is that what he meant by taste me? Uh...

"Look at me, Kaggs," he breathed over me. I raised my head slightly to catch the sight of his tongue dart out of his mouth as it hit my core with the most erotic sensation. He ran his tongue all around as his fingers continued their rhythmic thrusts. I was on my way to the Heavens. The feeling in the pit of my stomach tightened. It was coiling up, threatening to explode. "Mm..." he panted, "you taste so fucking good..." He slid his fingers out and replaced it with his tongue. He thrust his tongue up inside me and wiggled it. Gods! It was the most intense feeling yet! Then he found the nub of my clit and ran his tongue over it. I shuddered. A full body shudder. His fingers found their way back into my pussy. I thrusted my hips up. Gods. I wanted more. He was licking my clit and finger fucking me. My Gods. That was incredible. When he gently bit my clit, the tight coil in my tummy exploded. Sending me into the Heavens. Lightening bolts of pure energy ran through my body. I swear the entire room lit up in a white light. I touched the moon. And the stars. My Gods! That was my first orgasm. It was fucking incredible. Totally unbelievable.

I laid there. Panting. My breathing was erratic. My body shuddered a few more times before I realized that InuYasha was now laying on top of me. He rested his weight on his forearms. He was nuzzling my neck again. Gods. I don't think I could ever tire of that. His tongue caressed the shell of my ear. I felt his breath as I touched back down to reality. I felt him nudge my legs with his knee, "Open up for me, love." I moaned again at the sound of his voice.

Opening my legs for him, gave him a chance to settle his body on top of me. He pushed his hips to mine. Gasp. That was... he was... Oh. My. I held onto him. My eyes full of wonder. He rubbed the entire length of his erection on my heated core. The soft cotton of his boxer briefs combined with the lace of my panties created the most delicious friction.

"Inu... Yashhh...ahhh," I stammered out in a breathy voice. Damn, but did I sound sexy! "What... ah... are weee... doing?"

His eyes were half open, smoldering molten gold. He smiled, "We're getting our rocks off, baby." With that he, rocked his cock against me. Oh. My... I gasped and moaned as he thrusted his hips into me. It took a few moments, but I was able to match his rhythm and meet his thrusts. He breathed in my ear between hot kisses, "That's it, baby..."

Gods. That's all I needed. Another Earth shattering orgasm exploded through my body. Not too long after that, I heard him grunt and a warmth hit my pelvis. He... he... he came too... We laid there for Gods knew how long... panting, trying to even our brreaths... At some point, he raised himself up a bit and looked at me, his eyes filled with love and amazement.

"You are so incredible," he murmured just before he captured my lips again in another soul-searing kiss. My Gods... I never imagined in my wildest dreams that his kisses would be like this. I was still woozy. I felt as though I was back on Earth... just barely.

All too soon, the kiss ended. He pulled away with a shit-eating grin that was splattered across his handsome face. "Be right back." In a flash, he was up. I heard the water running from his bathroom. I felt a little sticky. I wanted to get up too. I wanted to go clean up... the sex goo... I was still in my post-orgamsic haze. Kinda sleepy, kinda worked... mostly just sorta out of it. I felt him come back to the bed. Then there was a warm cloth over my tummy and mound. My eyes fluttered open. He went between my legs to finish the job. InuYasha was cleaning me... oh, my heart swelled. My Puppy so loves me!

He was done in a few short strokes. I heard the plop of the wet cloth hit the ceramic tile. I smiled. "Wow, Inu..." I pushed my hair back and curled up to his seated form, wrapping my arms around his thigh and I rested my head on top of it.

His hand went to my hair and started trailing through it. His eyes were a warm amber haze. Gods, I love this guy! He combed through my hair, gently tugging the tangles away. His hand landed at the small of my back. And he rubbed circles. Those magic circles. How I loved them.

"Kaggs..." he began. "I'm getting hungry. How about you?" As if on cue, my stomach rumbled. We both chuckled. "C'mon, let's go find something." He got up and rummaged through his open luggage piece. I got up and scanned the room for my shirt and bra. What happened to my shorts? He must've seen my confused face.

"Here, wear these," he said as he tossed a white undershirt and a pair of red and black paisley boxers. I gladly shrugged into the clothes. Funny how I wasn't really all that embarrassed being naked around him. But if we were gonna go downstairs to the kitchen... well, who knows who we would run into.

We scampered into the kitchen, hands held. Man, I could get used to this. I mean, really. Then it hit me. What the Hells we just did... I just dry fucked my best friend. He went down on me! He finger fucked me! I could feel my face heat up at those memories. My Gods... is he ever delicious!

I climbed up to sit on a stool next to the island in the middle of the kitchen as he ducked his head in the fridge. "Ok, there's salad stuff... uh, this looks like left over pasta something from Louisa's," he commented as he opened a to go box. "There's plenty of sandwich stuff... roast beef, turkey, black forest ham... uh, cheese... stuff like that..." He looked up and smiled when he caught my eyes. Uh, yeah, that would be me staring again...

"Let's make sandwiches, Puppy," I answered. Whatever will be will be. Live for the moment. Don't be all clingy, Kaggs! I slipped off from my seated position and walked over to the drawer with the silverware and pulled out a couple of butter knives. Then I reached down in a lower cabinet and pulled out a cutting board. I grabbed a small chef's cleaver from the knife block, a couple plates from another cabinet, and returned with all items back to the island. InuYasha pulled out romaine lettuce, tomatoes, some various packages of cheese, and all three deli meats he mentioned a few seconds ago. He also pulled out plain mustard and Miracle Whip for me. He remembered! He also had his hot spicy mustard he loved so much.

I squealed when I saw the mayo jar, "You remembered!"

"Feh," he rolled his eyes. "I was away in Japan for school, not a lobotomy."

I laughed, "Good to know!"

We made our sandwiches. I opted for a roast beef sandwich with my two fave condiments, Swiss cheese, tomatoes... loads of tomaters... and some lettuce. InuYasha made this ridiculous triple decker with the rest of the deli meats.

"You can't possibly get all of that into your mouth!" I sneered as he opened his mouth wide for a bite.

"Hrumpf..." he rolled his eyes, "I got your jugs in my mouth didn't I?"

I blushed furiously, "Oh by the Gods! You did not just say that to me..."

We both laughed. I loved how comfortable I was with him despite how unbelievably exposed I was earlier. Sigh. I wasn't sure what all this meant. I mean, we're still best friends, right? I'm not just a 'ho-bag, right? I'm his Kaggs... he's my Puppy... Right?

"Kaggs..." his voice laced with concern. He always knew when something was up with me! What is he? A freakin' mind reader?!

I conveniently took a rather large bite of my sandwich. "Mm?" I answered. When faced with uncertainty, feign ignorance.

He stepped closer to me. His sandwich was on the counter behind him. He took mine out of my hands and placed it on the plate on the island behind me. He grabbed my hands. "Look at me," he softly commanded.

I looked up through my bangs, still chewing my mouthful of roast beef sandwich.

"I love you, you know that, right?" I nodded mutely. He continued, "You're my best friend. What we shared tonight... Geez, Kaggs, I've thought about that for so long."

Blink. Blink. Gulp. Mouth empty. Mouth dry.

He let go of my hands and a stroked my cheek. He took in a deep breath and asked, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Blink. Blink.


"Really?" I whispered. My voice was so low, I barely even heard it. But InuYasha did and smiled nervously. He nodded once.

I squealed and jumped on him, wrapping my arms around him. "YES! YES! YES!" Before he had a chance to respond, I let go and leaned against the island, trying to look all casual. "Uh, yeah, sure," I said, all cool. I even tucked some hair behind my ear.

He just laughed and scooped me up in his arms. "Oh, Kaggs!" He lifted me up above him and swung me around the kitchen. We did a couple rounds. I put my hands on his shoulders to brace myself. I was getting dizzy. He noticed. He always noticed. Always. That's just the way he was. He stopped and pulled me into a fierce hug.

I was InuYasha Takahashi's girlfriend!

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