InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My First, My Last, My Only ❯ InuYasha Takahashi's Girlfriend ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My First, My Last, My Only
Chapter Three: InuYasha Takahashi's Girlfriend
By: OhJoy

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I was InuYasha Takahashi's girlfriend!


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Oh. My. Gods! He just... asked me... to be his girlfriend... and I said YES! Wow. I had to pinch myself. I couldn't believe this! I was InuYasha's girlfriend! Wow... how long had I dreamed about this? Hmm... at least everyday since we were twelve... when we first kissed in our tree house...

We had just seen "When Harry Met Sally..." at the multi-plex... and we were both kinda grossed out and a little confused, at least I was. At first, we felt victorious and smug since we so easily snuck into an R-rated movie. It was a little gross cause they talked about sex and stuff and how men and women could never really be just friends. I didn't really get it at the time. I mean, after all, InuYasha and I had been friends since we were really little. That was when we thought we'd try a kiss. So after a lot of debate, we kissed.

His lips on mine were like the Heavens. I mean, I've always had a crush on him. Of course, I never told him that. And I NEVER acted like that either... Anyways, we thought we'd kiss to see what all the fuss was about. Well, for me, the sparks flew like fireworks on the Santa Monica pier on the 4th of July. Our lips met and we both opened our mouths. I remembered how I touched his tongue first with mine. It was awkward. A little clumsy. He just tasted so good. There was a lot of drool. I didn't think we did it right, but then again it was the first time either one of us ever really kissed. I was dazed, and InuYasha... Well, he looked confused. We never talked about it again. Denial... I'm a master at it.

"Kaggs?" his voice brought me back to reality. I looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Huh?" Avoid all awkward moments with ignorance. I grabbed my sandwich and took another ridiculously large bite.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" concern laced his voice. It sounded almost as if he was expecting a rejection...?

Uh, the first time I stuck my tongue down your throat. I blushed, "Um, our first kiss in the--"

"Tree house," he finished my sentence for me. I heard him chuckle. I thought for sure my cheeks will be permanently red. "That's when it all started..."

I snapped my head up. "Huh? What'd ya say?" Did I hear right? He liked our first way super awkward droolly kiss?

"Don't play innocent," he drawled out with just a hint of cockiness.

"I'm not!" I protested. "I thought you didn't like kissing me!"

"Feh," he remarked as he grabbed his sandwich. "Shows how much you know."

I just huffed. What the Hells was I supposed to say to that? We finished eating and wandered back up to his room. I was a little nervous. He'd been thinking of me like this... since we were twelve? That's like. FOUR FREAKIN' YEARS! Whoa. Am I that clueless? He was so off my radar. Ah, Hells. What freakin' radar? He laughed at me when I told him I went out with Houjo, he said Houjo had a crush on me since the sixth grade. Huh, I am so way clueless.

That's when it hit me.

I'm his girlfriend now - does that mean... that he's mine? And only mine? That's what that means, right? Inside his room, I plopped back down on his bed. He started flipping the channels.

"Um... Inu... Yasha?" I hesitated. How do I ask that? Do I even? Or is that being a clingy insecure chick? I mean, it's not like I ever had a boyfriend before him.

"Mm?" he looked over to me. Whoa. He put the remote... down?

"We're like... exclusive, right? Just me and you?" There I said it.

He smirked and crawled over to me. "You know it. You're all mine. You know I don't like to share, unless I absolutely have to." He pushed me back and gave me a soft, sweet kiss. I just sighed. Gods. His kisses turned me to mush. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him down to half lay on me. I loved the feel of his body. Especially on top of me. Against me. Hells, anywhere near me.

He deepened the kiss. His tongue was like silk on mine, softly caressing my mouth. I felt nothing but love. One of his hands went to my hair, rested on the back of my neck. I turned slightly into him, pushing him on his side. He took a handful of hair and tugged. Gasp. That was hot. My head shot back and my neck was exposed to his mouth. He trailed kisses along the column of my throat down to my shoulder. He sucked on my collar bone through my shirt. He let go of my hair and cupped my breast. Ahhh. I loved feeling his hands on my body. My nipple hardened under his attention. Mmm. Delicious. His thumb circled over it. Magic circles.

"Aahhh..." I moaned. I nuzzled into his neck. I took a deep inhale of him. He smelled so good. Woodsy, earthy... wild. Sigh. The warmth hit my tummy again. Mmm... I liked this feeling... it was intoxicating. Addicting.

"Touch me, Kaggs," he moaned in my ear.

Mmm... I didn't need any more of an invitation. My hands roamed down his back. The muscles on his arms flexed and quivered under my touch. I so didn't know what I was doing, but I wanted to explore his body as much as he had explored mine. He was so warm... so hot... I don't know where I got so bold, but I pushed him onto his back and tugged the hem his undershirt upward.

"Off," I commanded. He smirked and did as I said. Good Puppy.

I planted my lips on his for another intoxicating kiss. Mmm. Did he ever taste good! My hands roamed over his sculpted chest. Man. How did he get so buff? A hand found his nipple. I stroked my thumb around it, imitating his magic circles. An image of me licking his nipples popped out of my brain. I slowly made the descent. I left hot open mouthed kisses down his neck, then I licked my way down to his hard chest. I flicked my tongue all around a nipple, like he did mine. I heard a low grunt come from him. I must be doing something right. I went to his other nipple for a long wet lick. My hand began wandering over his boxers. I stroked him -- he was already hard! I laid my hand over him. I cupped his sack. I stroked him and wrapped my hand around him, at least as much I could fit in my hand. Yeah. He's a big boy.

He wasn't just laying there. Oh, no, not my baby. He wrapped his hand around my waist before he found his way inside my shorts to cup my ass. His fingers pushed aside the cotton boxers a little and he fingered me from behind. My Gods! How did he learn to do all this stuff? I dismissed that thought. I'll ask him later. I tugged down his shorts. He lifted his hips up and I was only able to push them down to his thighs before he kicked them off. Anxious, are we? I so fully smirked. I looked at him. He was huge! My eyes bulged, I'm sure of it. I heard him chuckle. I sent a questioning glance his way.

"Don't be scared, love," he murmured. His voice was low and husky. Sexy.

I gently stroked him. He was so hard. He moaned and bucked his hips up to meet my hand. He was hard and soft, like a velvet covered steel rod. He quivered and pulsated under my touch. Okay, here goes. Deep breath. I dipped my head down and licked the tip. He groaned out something that sounded like my name. Whew. That was a good sign. I kept my hand wrapped around it, near the base. I opened my mouth and took in the first inch or two and sucked gently. Mmm. He tasted good, a little salty. I began to experiment and I traced my tongue up and down his length. I had talked about giving head one night with my girlfriends. Arimi said it was like licking a popsicle. A big freakin' throbbing popsicle connected to my Puppy. I was making all sorts of slurping sounds. Wow. This was pretty cool. InuYasha was so totally squirming under me. I felt powerful. I smirked and blew on it. His moans were getting really loud! I took him in my mouth again. He tasted really salty now. Mmm, that must be pre-cum. Arimi sure knew a lot. I sucked long and hard. I wrapped a hand around the rest of him that didn't fit in my mouth. My hand and mouth moved up and down in unison. I threw an arm across his hips. I had to keep him down or he'd try to shove the whole thing down my throat. Then his whole body stiffened and I heard him grunt. I pulled back slightly and he came... in my mouth. Lots. Some drizzled out, down my chin. I looked up at him, his eyes glued on me, watching me. I wiped my chin with the back of my hand and swallowed. An eyebrow raised slightly, a smirk took over his face.

"That's my bitch," he murmured. Huh? What did he just call me? He reached out an arm, "C'mere, baby... lemme hold you." He tucked me under his arm and I grabbed the comforter, pulled it over us.

I snuggled into him. I asked, "Bitch, huh?"

He snickered, "Well if I'm your Puppy, then you're my Bitch."

Small light bulb went on in my mind. That wasn't some chauvinistic insult. It was kinda cute. "Awww, that's so sweet." He squeezed me and we fell asleep.

Sometime in the middle of the night, I woke up to find myself half on top of him. His arms were loosely about my waist. I lifted my head to watch him. The room was lit with the random rays of moonlight. His silver mane glowed. My Gods, but is he ever gorgeous. I snuggled up closer to him. I loved how he was totally naked and I wasn't. I smirked. I wiggled myself up against him again. I threw a leg over and between his. I brushed up against his sex. Just a little with my thigh. A little up, a little down.

His arms tightened around me. He moaned out, "Kahhhggs... love you." He nuzzled my neck. My tummy did a back flip, even in his sleep he loves me! Now that's love!

I rubbed up his shaft a little more. Even soft he was large. Oh, Kami-sama. Who'd ever thought he was so big? I shuddered. At some point, I knew we'd have sex. How is he supposed to fit inside? I mean, I may be a virgin but I knew enough about sex that would probably make my mom blush.

Sigh. I will always remember that night.

Of course, sex wasn't my biggest hurdle with him. Excuse the pun. I mean, I really had no idea what I was about to face. Going to school with InuYasha as my boyfriend was challenging. To say the least. I think, being with me awakened the beast in him. I was pretty unprepared for it. InuYasha was always very sweet. At least to me. Sure, he was sarcastic, a little gruff, taciturn at times, and generally aloof. Imagine my surprise the first day at school when Houjo tried talking to me!

It was lunch time. I was walking towards the lunch quad with Arimi. We were girl talking. I had to tell someone what InuYasha and I did! I trusted Arimi the most out my three friends. Plus, she was such a horndog. I wasn't all that hungry. So I just grabbed some chips and a Barq's from a vending machine. Arimi just got a Diet Coke. I shook my head. She was already too skinny. Whatever.

We were approaching Eri and Yuka. They were sitting underneath a tree in the quad. I didn't really bother to look for InuYasha. I'm not sure why, maybe `cause I was so used to him not being around. We only had first period English together so far and I hadn't had a chance to talk to him since.

Anyways, Houjo came over to us to say hi. He was all smiles.

"Hey, Kagome," he said with a heart-stopping smile.

Did I say that? Yeah, I did. Houjo was a cutie. I was flattered. I mean, what girl wouldn't be flattered when a really cute, really popular guy talks to you? And every girl at Shikon High thought Houjo was cute. Everyone knew how popular he was.

"Hi!" I smiled brightly. We all started chatting about how our summer went. I almost had the feeling that he was going to ask me out to a movie. But I never gave him the opening. I just kept smiling and talking with him and my friends. I didn't see anything wrong with talking to the guy. I mean, what's a little playful banter? It's not like I was half-naked and lying down next to him, right?


So wrong.

According to InuYasha, that is. Out of nowhere, he appeared. He was right behind me and wrapped an arm around my waist and whispered fiercely in my ear, "What the Hells are you doing?!"

His breath made me shiver and he pulled me closer. I struggled a little before he barked out, "Get lost, Hobo."

My jaw just dropped. My friends' jaws dropped. Hells, Houjo's jaw dropped.

Houjo looked scared. But he held his ground, "Back off, Takahashi. I was just talking to the girls."

InuYasha released me and got in Houjo's face. They were inches apart. He snarled, "Listen, Homo, stay away from Kagome."

My temper flared. What the Hells? Where was this coming from? "InuYasha!" I screeched. "What is your deal?"

That set InuYasha off even more! He shoved Houjo back and and growled! InuYasha growled! Shit! This was bad. Very bad. "Stay the fuck away from Kagome. She's mine. This is your first and only warning, Homo."

Houjo, bless his heart, stammered out, "M-my name is H-houjo." He gave me a sorrowful look and took off in a hurried pace. Huh? He ran away? What just happened?

I pulled InuYasha around to face me. Shit, what the Hells? "InuYasha! That was rude!" I stood akimbo. I was pissed. Who in the seven Hells did he think he is?! His eyes were smoldering. But this time it wasn't with want or desire, it was with anger. I raised my chin up to meet his gaze. What the Hells? I wasn't backing down. No way. Not me. Not Kagome Higurashi. From the corner of my eye, I saw my friends creep away. Cowards.

"Rude?" he stepped closer. He was so close to me that I felt his warm breath on my face. Ooh, erotic sensation. I shook my head. NO! I wasn't going to back down dammit!

"Yeah! RUDE!" I was nearly screaming. I didn't care that people were turning around to watch us. Let `em watch. Let them see that Kagome Higurashi didn't back down from anybody. Not even from the great InuYasha Takahashi.

"And acting like a slut isn't?!" His eyes blazed with anger.

"Oh, no, you did NOT just call me a slut! You hypocrite!" I was beginning to regret ever even kissing him, let alone doing what we did. My anger rose to another level.

"Hypocrite! That's fucking rich! I wasn't fawning all over someone that's had the hots for me since the sixth fucking grade!" he yelled. Whoa, shit. Now everyone knew what we were fighting about.

Fuck it.

"I wasn't fawning!" I yelled back. Damn, but he actually looked even hotter... shit, focus, girl!

"Could've fooled me!"

"That's not too hard, is it?" I sneered. I was so over this shit. What the Hells were we fighting about again? I was mad, hella mad, but I also just so wanted to kiss him. Confusion took over. Someone get me out of here!

My prayers were answered. The five-minute warning bell rang. I took a couple steps towards my locker when he grabbed my wrist and barked out, "Don't you walk away from me!"

I turned around and snapped at him, "Don't you tell me what to do!" I nearly screamed that one. I flipped my wrist out towards his thumb and broke his grasp. His eyes widened slightly. Didn't think I knew that, huh? I flipped my hair and marched down the hall to my locker.

After three tries, I finally got the damned thing opened. I grabbed my PeeChee folder and my Spanish book. I was still fuming when I took my seat.

"Why, hello, Kagome," a familiar yet irritating voice said.

I looked over with dread because I knew who it was. I dismissed him, "Miroku."

"Ah, the first lovers' spat," he drawled.

"Mind your own business," I looked at him squarely in the eye, daring him to challenge me.

"Geez, you two are perfect for each other," he muttered and turned away.

What the Hells did that mean? Aarrggh! And really! What was he thinking calling me a damned slut?! He knows full well that I haven't done anything like that with anyone besides him. My anger rose again and I just fumed the rest of the fifty-five minutes of class. My last class was my favorite, History. At least, my day would get slightly better.

I knew I had to talk to InuYasha sooner or later. I just wanted it to be later, much later. But then again, the sooner we made up, the sooner we can make out. Aargh! Maybe I am a slut! Hells! No way is he getting away with calling me a slut!

The bell rang, or at least that's what I assumed since people were leaving. I just sorta sat there. Resigned. Cynical. Having a boyfriend sucked. I began wandering, not aimlessly. At some point I'd hit my locker. I hoped. I thought.

"Kagome?" it was Arimi.

I looked up and gave her a small smile, "Yeah?"

"Wanna ride home?"

I nodded. Arimi was just always so cool to be with, she never pressured me to talk or share secrets. She was just so laid back and chill. There was never any awkward silences between us. The silence was always companionable.

Just like now. We drove in total utter silence, except for Janet Jackson's "Love Will Never Do (Without You)." Okay, that annoyed me to no end. Even the Radio Gods were against me. Yes, yes, yes. I knew I had to make up with InuYasha. I will after I get home and have a little something sweet to eat. A cookie or something.

Before I knew it, Arimi pulled up into the back driveway to my house. Whoa. Freaky how out of it I was that I didn't even notice we had arrived. I grabbed my overstuffed yellow back pack and smiled at her before I opened the passenger door, "Thanks."

"Cheer up, Kagome," she smiled back, "the make up sex is so worth it!"

She giggled. I rolled my eyes. Of course, Arimi would say something like that!

I slid the kitchen door open and saw my mom, "Hi."

"Oh, hi, honey," she smiled. "InuYasha just got here a few minutes ago. He's waiting in your room."

Blink. Blink.

Oh. My. Sigh. Deep breaths, Kaggs. Am I still mad? Hm, a little. No, not really. I just didn't understand why he was so in my face about me talking to Houjo. I really hope that Arimi was right - the make up better be awesome!

I trudged up the stairs. I saw him before he saw me and my heart just broke. He was sitting on my bed. His head sunk into his hands, elbows were resting on his thighs.

"Hey," I greeted him. I dropped my backpack by my door as I turned to close it. I leaned against my dresser. Not really knowing what to say or do. He looked at me with the saddest puppy dog eyes. Shit! Did I do that to him?

Before I could even get anything out, my mom knocked on my door and opened it slightly. "Honey..." she said as she peeked her head in, she caught my gaze and smiled, her eyes drifted to InuYasha. Her brows furrowed almost imperceptibly. "Honey, Grandpa went to pick up Souta from school to take him to soccer practice. I'm on my way to Mizuki's for Mah Jong. You're on your own for dinner. But please don't order pizza since there's plenty of food in the fridge."

"Ok, Momma. Thanks," I smiled. Well, just barely. She nodded and closed my door.

"InuYasha..." I began. I stepped closer to him, I was at such a loss for words.

He grabbed my wrists and pulled me onto his lap. He pulled me close to his chest. Gods. He was so warm. And he smelled so good. I leaned into him for a second before I remembered that we were in a fight.

"Kagome, you're my girlfriend," he said.

I looked at him, "...yeah?"

He sighed, "What if you saw me smiling and talking to someone that was only standing a few inches away?"

It was my turn to sigh, "I wouldn't get mad."

He sighed again. Only this time I heard the pain in it. Was what I did so wrong? So hurtful? He asked, "What if it was Nazuna?"

Nazuna? Eeww. I didn't like her. She's had a crush on my Puppy since, since the sixth grade. Hm, just like Houjo with me. I gasped. "Oh."

"Yeah, `oh.' Now do you understand why I was mad?" he asked.

"You mean, jealous," I retorted softly.


"Oh, Puppy!" I buried my face in the crook of his neck. I whispered in his ear, "I didn't mean to flirt. I wasn't thinking. I'm so sorry!"

"Kaggs..." he held my chin and looked into my eyes, so intently. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

I scrunched my eyebrows. I was confused. Didn't we already cover this? "Huh?"

He sighed, again. "Look, I want it to be just me and you. I don't know. Maybe you want to be with Houjo. But I won't share. I thought we agreed it would be just me and you." He let go of me and rubbed the back of his neck.

"What are you talking about? I was just talking to Houjo. I get that you thought I was flirting with him. And I'm sorry for that." I looked into his eyes. I saw hurt. Oh, no. I did hurt him! My stomach took a nose dive. "I won't encourage Houjo. But we've been friends since the fourth grade. I can't just ignore him now that you're my boyfriend." At the phrase `my boyfriend,' InuYasha wrapped an arm around my waist again. Mmm, that's better. I snuggled back into him.

He grunted out, "Ok. That's all I ask. That you don't disrespect me."

Huh? "Uh, what do you mean by that?"

"Kagome," he sighed for the umpteenth time. "If you're gonna be my girlfriend, you can't flirt with other guys. It's just you and me." I wanted to put in my two cents, but he continued. "Yes, I know you're friends with guys and I don't have a problem with that. I just don't want you flirting with them. You only flirt with me. And I won't flirt with other girls. I mean, I don't even notice them. All I see is you."

I smiled. Actually it was a huge grin. I finally understood what he's been trying to tell me all along! "Oh, InuYasha! I love you so much!"

He hugged me close to him. I pulled back a little and looked into his eyes. The hurt was gone. I leaned into him and kissed him. I wanted to take back the whole thing. I knew I was wrong. I felt awful. I poured all my emotion into the kiss. I wanted him to know that I was sorry. He started rubbing those magical circles again on my lower back. How I loved circles! How I loved him!

I twisted in his arms until I straddled his waist. I felt his arousal throb against me. Wow. Already? My lips found his neck. I whispered in his ear, "I'm yours... only yours, I promise."

His arms tightened around me. His warm hands were underneath my shirt. He gently massaged my back. Gods. Did that feel good! He raked his nails down my back. It sent shivers totally through me -- right down to my toes. Without even thinking, I arched my back up.

Oh. My. That brought my breasts right up to his face and he took a nipple in his mouth. Shirt, bra, didn't matter. Nothing was in the way of his mouth and that tongue of his. His hands on me were amazing. I was moaning. But I didn't want to be the only one feeling good. Remembering the last time at his house, I pushed him back on the bed and quickly undid the buttons to his jeans. He knew what I wanted and quickly removed his pants and boxers. I lunged for his throbbing joystick.

I was on all fours, my bottom sticking out, I'm sure. I felt his hand snake its way up my skirt to my bottom. He cupped my cheek and pulled down my panties. That's way too distracting. I knew my rhythm on him was getting erratic. I kicked off my panties and felt him pull my hips towards him. I didn't understand where he wanted me to go. I just sort of wiggled and didn't move. Trying instead to focus my attention on the task at hand. That's when I heard him.

"Kaggs... baby..." he moaned out. He smiled at me. I'm sure I had a confused look on my face. Then it dawned on me! He wanted us to be in a sixty-nine. I happily repositioned myself. I cried out over his velvet rod when I first felt his warm tongue on me. I had a hard time focusing on giving him pleasure. But once we found a rhythm!! Oh. My. Gods. The warm feeling in the pit of stomach took hold of me again. Man! This was so addicting. The feel of him in my mouth and his mouth on me... incredible and utterly explosive. I felt my body tighten, shudders wracked through my body as my orgasm crested. The orgasm wasn't as intense as the other night, but maybe `cause of all the sensations. Or `cause I was distracted with this yummy in my mouth. Or `cause of the odd position. Or maybe `cause we were so new to all this. But we still got our rocks off, as Yash would say.

Even after he went home that night, I could still feel his hands on my body, his mouth his tongue. I drifted off to sleep with a contented smile.

So that's how our junior year went... for the most part. We were all hot and heavy. Way hot and heavy. But we still remained virgins. I'm not sure how InuYasha kept such control. But he did. Then again, he always lived with such honor. He had told me once that he knew me so well that when it was time for us to go all the way, there would be no question in either of our minds. We were so together. I knew I wasn't ready for us to go all the way and I'm sure my mom would've flipped if she knew just how far we did go!

There were a several more jealous tirades. But definitely nothing caused by my inadvertent flirting. Nope, I learned that lesson well. I couldn't stand to see the hurt in my Puppy's eyes. I had to admit, if only to myself, that I was flattered by his jealousy and possessive nature. I was his. And he was mine.

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Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

Big thanks to story reviewers:

Fan Fiction . net

Kagasha, Mini Nicka, kagome-the-life-angel, Black wolf girl, DragonMisstress325, The Soultaker, inuyashasgirl12, golden-eyed-viper, nikki, lyn, inulova4lyfe, erica6060, KHStennis01, xXlovablekdXx, elementalobsession, inuandkag4evr, DarkSlayerAngel, Japanese-Luv-Bugg, InuKag Fan, dont-shoot, PLP, HiEi JaGaNsHis FlAmE, scribblenumba4, Tashayar-chan.

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w_j, Zelix, nymphminxgoddess, Sunshynesurfer, madelein, Kagome_forever.

Ja ne!

:) Joy