InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My First, My Last, My Only ❯ Senior Year ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My First, My Last, My Only
Chapter Four: Senior Year
By: OhJoy

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I have to admit, if only to myself, that I was flattered by his jealousy and possessive nature. I was his. And he was mine.

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InuYasha remembered his promise to take me camping. Of course he did. When did he ever actually break one? Anyways, he wanted to rent a cabin in Yosemite for a week to celebrate our birthdays that were just a couple weeks apart. I don't know how he persuaded my mom and grandfather... but he did. Maybe it was because there was a whole group of us going and not just me and him. Or maybe it was because she knew him so well, that she trusted him as much as I did. Either way, I was so embarrassed when one morning, a little more than a month before our trip, my mom and I had "the talk."

"Honey," my mom gestured for me to come outside with her onto our back porch. I followed her with my cup of tea in my hands. "Come sit next to me, sweetie. I want to talk to you for a sec."

That was the beginning to one of the most embarrassing days of my life. Mom took me to see the gynecologist for my annual exam. We had a conversation about sex from a dry medical perspective. It all seemed so clinical. Sigh.

Then the unimaginable happened. My mom asked the doctor, "What form of birth control do you recommend?" Holy crap! Did she really just say that? I was a little taken aback. To say the least. I blushed a thousand shades of red.

"Dual protection is best. An oral contraceptive along with a barrier protection like condoms are your best bet at preventing an unexpected pregnancy and contracting an STD," the doctor answered, her matter of fact demeanor didn't falter. "For Kagome, I recommend a low dose birth control pill." She pulled out a pad of paper from a pocket of her white lab coat. She scribbled on it, tore it off and handed it to my mom, "This is a prescription for three months." She looked at me, "If you experience any difficulty with your period, heavier bleeding, cramps, headaches, I want you to come in to see me. I doubt any of that will happen. With the Pill, most women experience a lighter period and minimized PMS symptoms. If after the three months, you experience no difficulty, just have your pharmacist call the office for authorization to renew the prescription."

I left the doctor's office with my mom in a haze. I was amazed at the wonder of my mom's openness and how she totally put the responsibility in my hands. I think my mom was a little worried that InuYasha and I had sex already. The surprise that filled her face when the doctor said my hymen was still intact... priceless. At that I chuckled and relaxed. My mom trusted me to make the right choices.

So that's when I knew the time was right for InuYasha and I to make love. I always knew in my heart that he would be my first. I so looked forward to our Yosemite trip. That's when I planned on us giving each other our virginity.

The drive to Yosemite was uneventful. A boring six hour drive. We took two cars. In the car with me, while InuYasha drove, was Miroku and his girlfriend Koharu. I didn't really like Koharu. Not that I disliked her. She was just too gushy and was all over Miroku, all the time. And she didn't seem to care to get to know or even talk to anyone besides him. Whatever. In the second car was Arimi, her boyfriend Hiei, Yuka and Eri. We all made faces at each whenever we passed one another on the freeway. Miroku even dropped trou and hung a BA at them at one point. Real mature, I know.

The whole drive up there, I had my hand somewhere on InuYasha. Whether it was rubbing the back of his neck or simply resting on his thigh, I didn't care. I just had to touch him. We finally arrived. Everyone was a little tired and grumpy.

The first night at the cabin... I'll never forget it. The cabin was cozy and inviting. I was watching him the whole time. Did he know? Did he have any idea that I wanted to go all the way? I hung in the background. Everyone picked out their rooms and we ordered pizza for dinner. InuYasha claimed the back master bedroom that had an en suite bathroom. Miroku and Koharu took the other large bedroom. Hiei and Arimi claimed a bedroom down the hall. Poor Eri and Yuka, they shared a room and weren't even lovers. I guess it must suck to vacation with a bunch of couples.

We ate the pizza in the living room as Miroku channel surfed. I was getting antsy. I didn't know how to get InuYasha into the bedroom without drawing too much attention to us. Then again most people assumed we were already doing the deed anyway. So I guess I shouldn't've really cared too much. I finally got my nerve up and I whispered in his ear, "InuYasha, come to bed with me."

He looked at me and I just smiled. I'm sure I glowed. My stomach was filled with butterflies. I knew what I wanted. I was hoping he wouldn't object. He never pressured me to go all the way. He seemed satisfied with our oral pleasures. But I was on the Pill now and I loved him. What more could I want? Without even a courteous good night to our friends, I led him down to our bedroom. Our hands held, our fingers intertwined.

He closed the door behind us. And I started stripping. I couldn't wait any more. I didn't care that the lights were on. I wasn't at all into the candles, champagne, roses and soft music scenarios that sappy movies portrayed. I was comfortable being naked in front of him. He's seen every inch of me. I knew what I wanted. I've been with InuYasha for nearly a year. I've explored, touched and tasted every inch of his body. And he's done the same with me. Except for one. That was about to change.

"Kaggs," I heard him sigh. His eyes glued to my body. I stood before him in my bra and panties. He hadn't moved from the door. Poor thing. I thought he was so tuned into me, that he knew me so well. Didn't he know that I was ready? I stepped closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. His arms immediately went around my waist. I pulled him down to kiss me. Oh. Mm. I loved his kisses! His lips gently caressed mine. Just a little pressure, that's all it ever took for me to open my mouth to his hot tongue. His tongue caressed mine in a sweet motion. He tasted so good.

I felt his hand move up and down my back. Tangled in my hair. Down to cup my bottom. Mm. He squeezed a cheek in his warm palm. I smiled against his kiss and moaned. My hand went down his chest to pull his shirt from his jeans. I stepped back as he yanked it off and threw it on the floor.

Our eyes locked. His eyes were filled with such emotion. Desire. Lust. Want. Need. All for me. Oh, Gods! What a rush! I tugged at the button on the waistband of his jeans. He toed off his sneakers and quickly stripped off his jeans. Mm, gone commando, huh? I licked my lips. He was beautiful. Man, I could never get tired of seeing him naked.

I reached behind me and undid my bra and tossed it on the floor too. My heart was fluttering. Hells. It was beating wildly. I laid down on the bed and I didn't even have to invite him. He followed me each step and lay half on top of me. His hand was on my breast, his mouth on my neck. Licking up to my ear, "What do you have in mind? Hm, I wonder..."

I sighed. Mmm. How I loved his hands on my body! I moaned, "You. I want you." His tongue, Gods! His mouth. On my neck. On my chin. On my throat. I put both hands on his face and made him look at me. His eyes were a molten gold. I breathed, "Puppy, take me tonight."

His eyes widened. "A-are you sure?" He stuttered. So cute. His breathing quickened. He wanted this as badly as I did. I nodded. His hand went down to my essence. He felt my arousal through my panties. His eyes rolled to the back of his head just before he closed them with a moan. I pulled down my panties. Yes, I was impatient. I was more than ready. To Hells with foreplay. I had a year's worth of foreplay. I opened my legs for him. He positioned himself over me, concern washed over his handsome face.

"Kaggs," he said, "We... need protection. I-I didn't bring any."

I shook my head. "Uh-ah. I'm on the Pill," I smiled and lifted my hips, nudging him to continue.

"This... this may hurt..." he breathed. I felt him at my entrance as he positioned himself. I pushed my hips forward and took in the first couple inches. He groaned. I groaned. Oh. My. His arms were on either side of me, supporting his weight. He gently entered me, he inched slowly until he met my maidenhead. It felt like I was being ripped in half. The pain was searing. Unbelievably intense. Oh, Gods. It hurt. He was really big. How was he supposed to fit? I whimpered. I nearly cried out to stop. He leaned down and licked my neck, my ear, whispering sweet reassurances. With another roll of his hips he was fully inside me, breaking the barrier of my virginity. He was licking my face. I was... I was crying.

"Shh, baby, I'm so sorry," he soothed. His voice warm, his kisses gently washing away the pain. My body adjusted to his intrusion and I lifted my hips up to his. He was tender. He was sweet. He was my first. He rocked his hips again. He slowly started to pull out, only to thrust back into me. The friction that created! The feeling was like nothing I ever felt before. He was inside me. There was nothing between us. Nothing. We were one. One.

His breath in my ear was hot. He was panting. "Gods... Kaahhggss... so good, bay--bee..." I began to meet his thrusts. Our pace increased, oh the rhythm. It was incredible. "Kaggs, so good," he moaned. "Soo tight... bay... bee."

How I loved to hear him! His mouth always brought me over the edge. That sweet, sweet ecstasy that only InuYasha gave me. The ever familiar tightening of my muscles promised an orgasm like I've never felt before. My body was on fire. The electricity that ran between us was spellbinding. I felt his sweat fall on me. I heard the smack smack as our bodies met. I spread my legs farther and pushed my hips up. "H-harder, Inu..." I begged. He quickened the rhythm and slammed into me. Good Puppy. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer. If that was even possible. My Gods! But this was the most exquisite feeling. My muscles tightened around him. I knew I was close.

He panted in my ear, "That's it... baby... cum for me... lemme hear you..."

The coil in my loins exploded. I screamed out his name as I touched the Heavens. The incredible white light filled my vision. The delicious sensations shot through my body and I felt my body shudder. That was an unbelievable orgasm. I felt him increase to a near breakneck speed. He was slamming hard into me, grinding his hips up and harder with each thrust. Gods. Did that feel good too! He growled in my ear and grunted out my name as I felt him fill me up with his release. He laid half on me. We were both panting. We just laid there, in each others arms as we touched back down to Earth.

He gave me a heart-stopping smile that lit the room, "I love you, Kagome Higurashi."

That made my heart do a triple back flip! How did I get so lucky? I replied with an impish smile. "I love you, InuYasha Takahashi."

He stayed inside me until he went soft and slowly fell out of me. I whimpered at the loss of him. I heard him chuckle. I turned my head to look at him with one of my eyebrows raised.

He pulled me into his arms and we held each other tightly. I couldn't believe it! I squeaked out, "Puppy, we're not virgins anymore!"

"Yeah, I always knew you'd be my first," he nuzzled my neck.

"Mmm, me too," I sighed.

Yosemite set the tone for our senior year. We were like sex-crazed, well, teenagers. We had sex every possible chance we got. Every time I saw him, we did the deed. It was unbelievable. Eventually, we started getting really bold and daring with the locations.

One day we cut fourth period, Pre-Calculus. I didn't care. I've always hated math. Somehow we ended up in a faculty bathroom that was rarely used. We did it there. He had me facing the wall and bent at the waist. Yum. During a pep rally for the night's football game, we did it under the bleachers. I can't tell you how many times I went down on him in his car at lunch time or how many times he returned the favor. We were so addicted to sex. I was addicted to him. I had to get my fix. Daily.

I think my all time favorite naughty place we had sex was the library. Up on the top floor, between some book stacks in a section no one ever went to. It was on a Saturday night. We both had some research to do for term papers. We sat next to each other on a couch in the back. Books surrounded us. There were stacks on the floor, on the coffee table in front of us, on either side of us. I wore a skirt as usual. InuYasha loved seeing me in skirts. I was happy to comply. Whatever got a smile on his face was fine by me. He was absently stroking my thigh. Those magickal circles got me so hot. I stole a sidelong glance at him. His nose was buried in some book on Feudal Japan. He didn't even know what he was doing to me! I stretched my leg out over him. That brought his hand up a little higher on my thigh. He looked up at me. I knew I had a devilish glint in my eyes. I cocked my head towards the reference stacks on the top floor.

He caught my drift and we headed upstairs. Once we were in between the book stacks, I grabbed his hand and lead him to the back corner. He pulled me into his arms and breathed into my ear, "My Bitch a little horny?" I didn't even bother to answer him I just rubbed my body against him and tugged at the button on his jeans. He pushed me up against the wall and claimed my mouth with a demanding kiss. His hands pushed up my skirt. They were warm on my hips. I sighed when I felt his finger enter me. I gave up wearing panties back in Yosemite. It was just so much more convenient that way. He pinned me up on the wall and somehow his jeans and boxers were now at his ankles. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he fumbled looking for my entrance, muttering some cuss words.

I reached down and guided him home. "Aahh..." he sighed as he thrust into me. Mm. He felt so good. Nothing could compare to the feeling when he first enters me. He filled me up. "Ooh, Kaggs, baby..." he breathed in my ear. "You're my hot little bitch." We found our rhythm and he rocked into me. I breathed into his ear that I wanted it hard and fast. He was never one to disappoint. He felt so good. I loved being this close to him. This together. He felt my orgasm about to erupt and claimed my mouth again. He swallowed each of my moans. I knew I was loud. He always made sure we didn't get caught. Sex just got better and better. I can't remember a time when he didn't bring me to orgasm after breathtaking orgasm.

My second favorite place, at least for mood, was the beach. It was about a week before graduation. We were coming back from dinner. Drove along Pacific Coast Highway. I was house sitting for my mom's friend Mizuki while she was in Australia. She had a condo in the Marina, right on the sand.

We took a comforter with us. Surprisingly enough, sand didn't get everywhere. I wasn't planning on having sex on the beach. I just wanted to listen to the ocean under the moonlight. The comforter was to keep us warm. Really. That's all that I had in my mind. But being in his arms. The moonlight. The ocean. Of course, we started kissing. And, oh how his kisses turned me to mush. We ended up taking a shower together that night before we went to bed.

Before I could even wish it, graduation was here. High school was nearly over. The ceremony and speeches were pretty boring. I tuned out for most of it and eagerly headed over to InuYasha's house, along with half our class it seemed. It was a barbeque pool party complete with a DJ that spun a great mix of dance, reggae, rock and pop.

A song ended. "Excuse me, everyone," a loud voice boomed. "May I have your attention?" Tap, tap, tap on the microphone. The chatter died down and all heads turned to Mr. Takahashi, standing next to the DJ. He continued, "Congratulations Class of 1994!" Loads of hoots and hollers erupted. He motioned with his one hand for the noise level to tone down. "I have a quick announcement."

I felt InuYasha's arm tighten around me and he muttered, "Fuck, old man. Not now."

Mr. Takahashi scanned the crowd and said, "InuYasha, where are you? Come here, son."

A bit confused, I watched InuYasha scowl and whisper to me, "This was not how I planned to tell you, Kaggs." He gave me a quick hug and kissed my forehead. In a flash, he was at his father's side. I stared at him. Totally confused.

His dad was beaming. He hugged InuYasha and kept an arm wrapped around his shoulders. With a huge grin, he announced, "I am beyond elated to announce that this fall, InuYasha will be attending my alma mater: Tokyo University in Japan." Applause erupted and lots of shouting.

I felt like someone just dumped a bucket of cold water on me. Arimi grabbed my upper arm and whispered in my ear, "Did you know?"

I shook my head. Numb and dumb. I think I was in shock. She was holding both of my upper arms then, gently shaking me. I heard everyone chanting, "Speech. Speech. Speech." My head was spinning. Vaguely, I heard InuYasha talking but for the life of me I didn't hear a word he said.

"Arimi," my voice croaked, "can you get me out of here?" I had to get out of there. I didn't care if I left all my stuff in his room. My diploma, my gown, all of it. I didn't care. I didn't want to be there. I didn't want to see him. I felt so betrayed. She nodded and we were in her car and on the road.

"Kagome," Arimi's voice was soft, soothing. "Honey," I felt her hand on my arm, she gave me a gentle squeeze. "I'm so sorry. Where do you want to go?"

A million thoughts flew through my head. He knew. He must have chosen Tokyo University a while ago. He must have submitted an application. I didn't get it. We talked and daydreamed about going to college together. We sent our applications to all the same colleges. Was that just a joke? Didn't he want to be with me? Why hadn't he told me about Tokyo U? I would've submitted an application there too. Did this mean that... that he didn't want to be with me anymore? That he didn't know how to break up with me? Moving half a world away was easier than breaking up with me?

"Kagome?" I heard her say my name again. I looked at her. I was crying. Tears fell so easily from my eyes. I was so lost. A part of me died that afternoon.

"Don't take me home," I answered. I brushed the tears from my cheeks. But it seemed like a lost cause, more just fell. "Let's go get some pie or ice cream or something."

She nodded and squeezed my arm again, "You got it."

Next thing I knew, we were at a my favorite yogurt shop in Brentwood. I ordered some ridiculously large and decadent chocolate something or other. Arimi followed suit. Arimi was thoughtful and didn't question me. She always gave me space to just be. We just sat on the patio. I picked at my dish until it all melted down, looking a little like mud with rainbow sprinkles.

I called my mom once we got to Arimi's. She was so sympathetic and understood that I didn't want to come home. She suggested going to visit Aunt Akina in Seattle for a little while. I wasn't sure. I knew I wanted to get away, I just wasn't in a mindset to make a good choice.

"Oh by the way, honey," my mom said, "you got a letter from NYU today."

Mm. NYU? "Big envelope or little one?"

I heard the smile in my mom's voice, "Big envelope." That sounded promising. "Actually, it's pretty thick. Lots of stuff in there."

"Wow, NYU, huh?" I think I smiled then. "Momma, I love New York! I am so glad I got in! I think I want to go there." I didn't care how cold it got there. Nothing could get any colder than how my heart felt. I should have known that it wouldn't last beyond high school.

"I thought as much, dear. You know, one of your father's best friends from college lives in Manhattan, Taro Kuwashima. If I remember correctly, he has a daughter your age. Let me call him. Would you like to go there instead of Seattle? That way you could get to know the city before school starts in the fall?"

"Oh, Mom!" I sighed into the phone. "Thank you. That's a great idea."

"Ok, honey. You relax at Arimi's. I'll take care of the details. How long will you be there?"

"Just for the night. I'll come home tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, sweetie. I'll call the Kuwashimas and see when would be a good time for you to visit. Then I'll book your flight. I guess, the sooner the better?"

"Yes, Momma, I don't want to see InuYasha anymore."

"Honey, I know you and InuYasha have been best friends since before you knew how to read. Things may not look great right now, but I know your friendship will come through this."

That was the thing. I knew that too. I knew that I would forgive him for not telling me. But could my heart ever take him back? I didn't know.

"I am so sorry, sweetheart," my mom's voice was soothing. I was so lucky to have people in my life that loved me. "I love you. I'll see you tomorrow."

We rang off and I just hid my face in a pillow. Arimi rubbed my back a little. "Let's zone out and go see a movie."

I lifted my face, "Huh? Yeah, a movie would be a good distraction. What's out?"

"What are you in the mood for?"

"Is that Ethan Hawke movie still playing?"

She smiled, "Oh, my boyfriend Ethan!" We giggled. "Yes, yes. Let's go see `Reality Bites' at the multi-plex."

"Well, ya know, Arimi..." I sauced, "Reality does bite." I was beginning to feel a little better. I knew I'd get through this heartache. I also knew that I wasn't going to spend the summer with InuYasha. I had to make a clean break now rather than drag it out until he left for Tokyo or I left for New York. No, it was over between us. At least, romantically. I could never deny my friendship with him. He has always been there for me. I also knew deep down in my heart, that he did what he did because he thought it was the best. That's one way of thinking about things. I resolved to avoid him until I left and I promised myself to write him a letter before I moved on with my life.

It was a week before my mom got all the details worked out for my trip to New York. Well, it really wasn't a trip. I was moving there. I was to live in New York for the next four years. InuYasha called everyday. The first couple of days, he called every hour on the hour. He sent flowers. He showed up at my front door a few times. Thankfully, my family held their ground and refused to let him into the house. I managed to avoid him. I just didn't want to hear it from him. What possible reason did he have for not telling me? For not even including me in the next four years of his life? There was nothing he could say that would make my heart stop aching.

Sigh. Today was my last day in Los Angeles. I had my flight to New York this evening. After several drafts, I finally finished my letter to InuYasha. I mailed it on the way to the airport.

My dearest InuYasha,

I know this is way cowardly of me, to write a letter instead of talking to you. There's just no way for me to talk to you without crying.

Please know that I am no longer angry with you. I am also no longer your girlfriend. I cannot stay with you this summer only to know that you'll leave in a couple of months to move half-way across the world.

You are my best friend. You have been since we were four. I love you with every bit of me. I just can't see you right now. I've decided to go to NYU. By the time you get this letter, I'll already be in New York. I don't want to see you, so please don't come after me.

We will always be friends. I cannot deny that. All I ask is for some time to heal. I understand that going to Japan was your decision and I can only imagine what it means to your father. Knowing this doesn't make me feel any better. I am hurt and I feel so betrayed no matter how hard I try to see things from your point of view. It'll take a long time to get over you.

You were my whole world. You were my first. My first kiss. My first love. My first lover. And now, my first heartache. I will always love you.

Good luck in your studies and your new life in Japan.


I felt like a coward, but I had to move on... after all, he chose to leave me behind while he created a new life half a world away.

To be continued...

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Thank you for reading my story.

Shout outs to my awesome reviewers:

Fan Fiction . net

inulova4lyfe, inuyashasgirl12, alex, Shinobi-chan, erica6060, HiEi JaGaNsHis FlAmE, Black Wolf Girl, elementalobsession, L_and_M, Blackhand/Exzlayer, InuyashaGurl822, Puppy lover, InuKag Fan, lyn, mikkey hodge, lain, scribblenumba4, Night_Miko, The Soultaker, nikki, Mini Nicka, DragonMisstress325, Japanese_luv_bugg, reincarnated-kagome, Kagasha, TwiztidJuggalette, ^^.

Media Miner . org

w_j, Zelix, Kagome_forever, INU-KAGLOVER.

I love you guys!

Okay, to answer some questions:
This fan fic is FAR from over. After all, this chapter just hit 1994. So there's a whoppin' ten years I need to account for...! Buckle up and hang on, this is a long ride... full of lemony goodness. Yep, my mind has been in the gutter for a while now...

Ja ne!
:) Joy