InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My First, My Last, My Only ❯ The Big Apple ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My First, My Last, My Only
Chapter Five: The Big Apple
By: OhJoy

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I felt like a coward, but I had to move on... after all, he chose to leave me behind while he created a new life half a world away.

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My life in New York got off to a slow start. I moved in with the Kuwashimas. They had a gorgeous penthouse suite. They were so generous to give me a guest room to call my own. It was basically just me and Sango. Their dad was always away on business while their mom was some famous actress in Japan and they hadn't seen her in years since the divorce. Sango was my age and had worked as a model since she was fourteen. Kohaku was the same age as my little brother, Souta. Kohaku was a quiet artist, loved oil painting, and went to a boarding school renown for the arts curriculum. I guess that was convenient since Sango traveled a lot and Mr. Kuwashima didn't really live there.

I never did get used to the humidity. I stayed indoors for most of the summer. It was sweltering and sticky. I guess, it was pretty obvious that I was depressed. All I did was mope around the apartment and watch soap operas or Oprah. I was really just sad. I didn't know what to do or say. I just stayed inside, reading a book or writing in my journal. I told myself it was because it was so icky outside. But I knew it was because I just didn't have the energy to do anything. InuYasha consumed my every thought. Whenever I spoke with Arimi or my family, I cut them off at the first mention of him. I was still just so hurt. I didn't want to know what he was doing or anything. Sure, I wanted to talk to him but at the same time I really didn't want to hear what he had to say! Was there really any good reason for him doing what he did? For him to just leave me behind? To not include me in his life? My Gods. Life just so totally sucked.

Sango was very considerate. She didn't prod me to find out my story. Although, I'm sure my mom told them that I was recently dumped. I mean, everyone gets dumped, right? That's life. It just sucks when it's your turn. Sigh.

Sango was cheerful with a dry sense of humor. Actually, she was pretty sarcastic. Sometimes the things she thought was funny was downright sick. We got to be really good friends. I felt like I could trust her with my life. I felt closer to her than I ever did to Arimi. I don't know what it was about Sango. Almost like she would go to battle for me, or die for me. Something like that. Anyways, after a few weeks of moping around, I finally told her about InuYasha. She immediately took me shopping. Gotta love her! That was her solution for most ailments. She helped through my insecurities with InuYasha. She encouraged me to call him. I just couldn't though. It was too soon. And no matter how often she played the devil's advocate, I couldn't see things from InuYasha's point of view. And when his birthday came around, I sent him a very platonic and generic card signed "Your friend, Kagome."

Sango wanted to celebrate my eighteenth birthday by going out to dinner and dancing with her and her quirky friends. Not a moment after I agreed, she got on the phone to make arrangements with her boyfriend. I was flattered and appreciated Sango's friendship even more.

On my birthday, I resolved to forget about InuYasha. He had his life and I had mine. And I needed to get back to living. My heart skipped a beat when I returned from a work out at the building's gym. Dozens of Casablanca lilies were in the living room. Eighteen dozen to be exact. They were my absolute favorite flower. The entire apartment smelled wonderful. No note, no card. I didn't need one. I knew who they were from. For Kami's sake, eighteen dozen? Sheesh, overkill Takahashi. I went to my room to shower and get ready for the evening. I made a mental note to send him a thank you card.

The hot water pulsated on my back. Aah, shampoo... it's a good thing. I loved taking long hot showers. They were soothing and energizing. My mind wandered to what I was going to wear. After all, this was my New York debut! I giggled as I finished my cleansing ritual. I settled on a simple sleeveless black chiffon dress. The A-line cut fell to just above my knees with a modest V-neck. I finished the look with a pair of black sling back two-inch heels. I swept my hair up in a messy wanna be French twist, with loose strands framing my face.

"Kaggs, you look great!" Sango exclaimed. She was smiling and idly smelling the flowers that littered the living room. We placed them throughout the apartment, might as well enjoy them!

I laughed. I was a little nervous. I've come to know that she was always quick with a compliment. Sango was kindhearted, but definitely way more sophisticated than the little surfer girl I was. She was a fashion model, for Kami's sake. She's been all over the globe. Her boyfriend, Kuranosuke Takeda, owned a fortune five hundred company - that he started! And he was only twenty-two! Not like InuYasha who would work for his father's company. Argh... why am I thinking about him? Sigh. Ok, ok.

"Thanks! You don't look so bad yourself," I responded with a smile. Sango wore this amazing black taffeta cocktail dress and patent leather open-toe pumps. The dress looked vintage. But knowing Sango, it was probably an expensive designer dress she got for free on a modeling gig.

We grabbed our handbags and headed out the door to the oh-so-trendy restaurant to meet up with her friends. Already seated at the table were her childhood friends, Suzuna Yamazaki and Tsuyu Hime, and her boyfriend. The restaurant was gorgeous and we had a garden terrace all to ourselves. Sango's friends were all smiles, each giving me a warm hug to wish me a happy birthday.

"Where's Matsuno?" Sango asked as she settled into her seat next to Takeda.

"Running late," Suzuna replied, rolling her eyes. Since she answered, I assumed that he was her boyfriend.

"As usual," Tsuyu and Sango said in stereo, laughing. I took a seat between Sango and Tsuyu. Takeda ordered a couple bottles of chardonnay. I guess, because of who he was or maybe because of who Sango was, the server didn't even bother to ask for ID. I was amazed. It's my eighteenth birthday and I'm drinking wine at a fancy restaurant! It was the first time I actually had anything alcoholic. The chardonnay was sweet and certainly put my nerves at ease.

We were all laughing at something silly Suzuna was saying when I felt a strong warm hand on the nape of my neck. I turned to gaze into the most alluring azure eyes. I raised an eyebrow and said a breathy, "Hi."

The gorgeous face attached to the blue eyes leaned down and placed a kiss on my cheek, "Happy Birthday." Wow. I nearly creamed my panties. I could get used to New York guys.

"Matsuno, you are always late, man!" Takeda said, getting up. The two guys greeted each other with warm hugs. I was mesmerized. This guy was a hotty. I drank in the sight of him dressed in all black, a silk shirt tucked snugly into his trousers with the first few buttons opened, his chest muscles and throat were shown through the small gap between the two sides of the shirt. Nice. He gave everyone a warm hug before he sat across from me, next to Suzuna. Oh, that's right. He's her boyfriend. Sigh.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm always late, but worth the wait!" Matsuno responded, his cerulean eyes laughing. They all groaned at his lame joke. I just shook my head. Maybe New York guys were just as lame as West coast boys.

Sango took on a formal tone, officially introducing us, "Kagome Higurashi this is the nearly famous, Koga Matsuno." She made a grand sweep of her hand.

I smiled, "Nice to meet you, Koga Matsuno." I extended a hand to shake his, playing along with Sango's formality.

He chuckled, a warm rumbling sound from his chest. His hand clasped mine, electricity shot through me from the innocent gesture. He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it sweetly as he closed his eyes. When he opened them, they were nearly midnight in hue. He murmured, "The pleasure is all mine, Kagome Higurashi."

Suzuna laughed, "Down boy!"

I blushed and snatched my hand away. Oops! Note to self: Don't flirt with other girls' boyfriends!

"She's not used to your wolfish charms!" Suzuna continued. She caught my eyes and smiled, "Don't mind him, Kagome. He's really sweet even though he's always on the prowl!" The table roared with laughter. I didn't get it. I just smiled. Huh. She didn't act jealous. She didn't even act like they were going out. Hm.

Koga asked, pouring himself a glass of wine, "So, birthday girl, how do you like the Big Apple?"

"I love the change of pace!" I answered enthusiastically. I loved his eyes. I loved the warmth and laughter in them! He certainly held my interest.

Sango leaned into my ear and whispered, "Mm. Someone's got eyes for you. He's available, you know." Our eyes met in that mischievous girly way. Yes, things were definitely looking up. So the hotty across from me wasn't Suzuna's boyfriend, huh? I took another sip of wine. Yes, tonight was going to be fun.

Dinner was a laugh a minute. Koga turned out to be quite the story teller. He made grand gestures with his hands and made all sorts of silly faces to punctuate his stories. Of course, I learned that was because he was an actor waiting for his big break. He and Sango have been friends since grammar school. He was the one that introduced Takeda and Sango.

"So, one of the favorites parts he likes to play is Cupid," Tsuyu joked.

"Really?" I laughed, locking eyes with him, "You go around in just a diaper with a bow and arrow? I'd like to see that."

We all laughed at Koga's expense. When the laughter subsided, he flirted, "I'd be happy to arrange that!" Oh. My. Koga nearly naked... what a vision! Mm...

I excused myself to use the bathroom. The wine was starting to hit me, I was getting a little buzzed. I splashed some water on my face and looked in the mirror. My face was flushed a little pink. My eyes were sparkling. I actually looked happy! Then it hit me. I was fantasizing about some guy I just met. What about my one true love, InuYasha? Was there even a thing as a `one true love,' for Kami's sake? Sigh. How can there be? He left me and thinks flowers can make up for it? I made a face at my reflection. No. Time to stop being a depressed girl and just loosen up! It's not like I'm going to have sex with Koga. At least not tonight, I snickered. Oh. My. Did I just say that? Uh, yeah. I wandered back to the table, dreaming of what it would feel like to have Koga's hands on my body...


"Ow," I muttered from the floor. I ran into something warm and hard.

"Oh Gods! Kagome, angel, are you okay?"

I felt warm hands on my upper arms. Ummph. I was pulled up to my feet, up against a very hard chest. Dazed and more than a little buzzed, I looked up to see those brilliant blue eyes, "K-koga?"

"Hmm..." he wrapped an arm around my waist and stroked my cheek. Almost instinctively, I leaned into his touch. He smiled, "Are you okay?"

I nodded and his smile widened. "Good, I mean, geez, Kaggs," he ran a hand through his onyx shoulder length hair. "I was hoping you'd fall for me... but not like that!"

I rolled my eyes and groaned, "Oh, Koga... that was lame!"

He laughed, throwing his head back. Gods, his throat. I could lick... uh, stop that.

"That's my woman!" His eyes shone. "C'mon, angel. Let's get you back to our table." He kept his arm wrapped around my waist the rest of the way. I didn't mind. He was warm. He made me feel wanted. Hells. What was I saying? I mentally shook myself. If I got out more, I wouldn't go all gushy at the first guy that flirted with me. Note to self: Start hanging out with Sango more often.

The wait staff ended up singing "Happy Birthday to You" and I got a seven-layer chocolate cake with a candle to blow out. The thing was ridiculous!

"Make a wish!" Sango cheered.

"Just don't spit all over the cake. I want a bite, ya know," Koga quipped.

"Eew... no, I wasn't planning on it, Matsuno!" I retorted. I closed my eyes to think of a wish. InuYasha sprang to my mind. But I dismissed it with a slight shake of my head. Then I knew what I wanted to wish for. I took a deep breath, opened my eyes and on exhale I said to myself, I wish for love to find my heart.

Everyone cheered at my silly feat and we passed the slice of cake around the table. I noticed it was the boys, not the girls, that took the largest bites. We left the restaurant and walked a couple of blocks to a club that Takeda wanted to try. These guys knew all the right people, I decided. We didn't have to wait behind the velvet rope. We just walked right in, we were even escorted to the VIP lounge where a server was immediately at our sides taking our drink order. Impressive.

Koga stood next to me with a hand on the small of my back. He whispered in my ear, "What are you drinking tonight?" The warmth from his breath sent a shiver down my spine. I rose to my tip toes and whispered back in his ear, "Just a sparkling water for me, thanks." He gently caressed my back and smiled. He turned away from me to tell our server. It was kinda obvious that were flirting, I realized. We didn't have to whisper in each other's ears. We were in a private room where the music wasn't that loud, you could still have a conversation without yelling at one another. I looked over at Sango and her eyes gleamed with mischief.

She sashayed over to me. Sashayed? Yeah, she's a model. That was definitely a sashay. "So, what do you think of this place?"

Innocent enough, but I see through your ruse, Miss Kuwashima. I smiled and replied with, "It's great. I love how there's candles everywhere and the only lights are the black lights behind the bar! Purple velvet and black lights. Very cool." She smiled with approval. I leaned into her and whispered, all the while watching Koga, "And thank you for my birthday present!" We giggled.

All of Sango's friends became my friends that night. I definitely had a few things to learn about men from Tsuyu and Suzuna. In less time than it took Koga to return to me with my drink, those girls had a harem of men surrounding them. Ok, so it wasn't a harem. Just four good looking men hanging on their every word.

I got to know what a ham Koga was too. Some time during the night, the DJ played Right Said Fred's "I'm Too Sexy." I've come to know he isn't one to let an opportunity pass him by. Oh, no not Koga. He got up. Lip-syncing to the song as he strutted up and down, swinging his hips and flipping his hair, earning him all sorts of cat calls. He was totally poking fun at Sango. She just laughed right along with everyone. It was hilarious! I had such a great time that night!

That night marked a new beginning for me. Sango took me to all the hottest clubs and introduced me to a lot of cute guys. I started hanging out with the girls. We made Friday a weekly ritual of "Girls Night Out." It was funny how Sango said she was with Takeda, but always managed to make out with someone else. After a couple of times, this started to bother me. So, one night over dinner, I asked her...

"Hey, Sango," I asked tentatively. I didn't want to come off as judgmental or anything, I was just curious.

"Huh?"she answered as she took a bite of her nearly raw Ahi tuna.

"Are you still seeing Takeda?" That was pretty neutral, almost innocent, right?

"What do you mean?" she countered.

Oh, she's good. She's gonna make me actually say it, huh? "Uh, are you guys together?"

"Yeah," she looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you were making out with that guy last night at the club," I ventured, gingerly. Very gingerly.

"Mm, he was a cutie, huh?" her eyes dreamily recalling the hunk.

"What about Takeda?" I asked.

Sango rolled her eyes and then she chuckled. "Oh, sorry. I guess, it's a little confusing as an outsider." She took a sip of her soda, "Takeda and I have an open relationship." She shrugged and took another bite of her dinner.

I was a little confused, "An open relationship? I don't get it."

"We are together, just not totally exclusive. We see other people," she explained.

"B-but, you guys have sex," I stammered out, how could Sango accept that in a relationship? How can she not want to be the only one?

"Yeah?" she put her fork down and looked at me, mirroring the confusion in my eyes. "Well, it's kinda like having your cake and eating it too," she smirked. "I get to be with Takeda, have him treat me like a princess. And I get to flirt and play with other boys without it meaning that I'm cheating on him."

"And you're ok with that? I mean, Takeda sees other women too?" I asked. This sounded kinda cool but also like a heartache waiting to happen. "D-does he sleep with other women too?"

Sango shrugged. "We don't have a commitment. I don't ask him and he doesn't ask me. I travel a lot, he travels a lot. I just make sure that I always use condoms."

"And you're ok with that?" I repeated.

She sighed, "Look, not everyone is lucky enough to fall in love like you did with InuYasha. Love like that is one in a million and I know you're sad about it, but you should really count yourself lucky that you experienced it already. Some people go all their lives not ever getting a chance to be with their true love." Her eyes turned, well, almost wistful. She shrugged again and continued eating, "I have no delusions about love. I might as well enjoy myself while I can."

"Huh, that's one way of looking at it. So, you're not in love with Takeda?" I asked earnestly.

"Hells, no!" Sango chuckled. "It just works between us. He gets me hot and he treats me well. He never flaunts his other women in my face. And I don't either. We're cool. We've been this way for a while."

Ok, last time, I swear! "And it really doesn't bother you?"

She smiled wide, "No, it's perfect just the way it is and just the way it isn't."

Hmm. Sounded good to me. I mean, if what I had with InuYasha was a once in a lifetime thing... then I should go out and play now too, right? And so with this new perspective on dating and relationships, I decided to date and have fun. Maybe not exactly the same kind of fun as Sango, but I was putting myself out there and I had a lot of fun.

I went out with a few guys. Nothing exciting. No sparks flew. Not even a hint of chemistry. Sigh. It was just fun to flirt and to be out with a cute guy. I started to get Sango's mindset. Geez, it was hard enough just to meet a guy where the attraction was mutual, let alone a guy that I thought I could love!

A few weeks later, we ran into Koga and a bunch of his friends at a club. It's kinda funny how he traveled in a pack. My Gods, but was he ever gorgeous! We danced and had loads of laughs. I knew I was way attracted to him. I didn't think I made much of an impression on him. I figured if he was interested, he'd've called or talked to Sango or did something, anything, to see me since my birthday over a month ago. At least, that's what I assumed.

You know what they say about `assume'? It's true! Turned out that he was in Vancouver shooting a pilot or maybe it was an episode to pitch to a network or something like that. It's so funny. You'd think since I grew up in Los Angeles that I would know something about the entertainment industry. But I didn't. It never did interest me. I always laughed at the celebrity gossip shows. And here I was crushing on a struggling actor! At the end of the night, as Sango and I were waiting for a cab, I thought it was so sweet how he seemed almost shy when he asked if I'd want to get a cup of coffee. We made plans for the next afternoon.

That was the beginning of my relationship with Koga. He certainly got me hot and he treated me well. He treated me like a queen. Sango and I had many conversations about him. And I knew that I no longer had any delusions of love anymore either. He was so much fun and he was really easy to talk to, we would literally stay up until two in the morning talking about everything and nothing. But the most surprising thing was that it took him three dates before he kissed me. Thank the Gods too, `cause I was beginning to wonder if he was attracted to me.

Anyways, it was a week before classes began and we were hanging out at our favorite coffee shop. We were sitting on a couch talking and joking about what I can't remember anymore. When he leaned forwards and softly kissed me. At first, I was surprised. I was almost resigned that he wasn't attracted to me. But I quickly got over that and shyly returned his kiss. I couldn't help but compare it to InuYasha's kisses. I wasn't turned to mush like I was with InuYasha's kisses. But I certainly enjoyed Koga's kisses. And in that moment I knew. I knew that I was so amazingly attracted to him, but that my heart didn't flutter for him. Koga totally excited me. And damn! But did he know how to kiss! It was pure energy. Koga had this animal magnetism that I just reacted to! He was sensual... erotic. I lusted for him. Those sparkling blue eyes. His carefree attitude. His throaty, hearty laugh. He was such a breath of fresh air compared to InuYasha's jealousy and possessiveness.

We enjoyed ourselves and he always had his arms wrapped around me, but I had doubts that he found me sexually appealing. I mean, he never made a move beyond kissing. It wasn't until December that we did anything more than kiss. I think I was just really horny or frustrated by that point. Either way, I couldn't wait for him anymore and I made the first move.

I just returned from the long Thanksgiving Day weekend back home. Sango and Kohaku went to spend the next six weeks in New Zealand visiting with their dad as he oversaw the opening of another office.

Koga came over one night with a few movie rentals and we ordered Thai food. The movies were action and comedies. We laughed and play fought. I always have such a good time with him. It was getting kinda late and at one point he kissed me. I was getting really attached to kissing him!

"Koga..." I leaned my forehead on his as we caught our breath, "I... I want you to spend the night with me, but..." I trailed off.

He sat back, looking at me. His eyes held onto mine as he waited for me to continue.

"I... I don't want to have sex with you just yet. B-but I want you to sleep over..." Gods, did I ever sound lame! I figured I should be blunt, just so we're clear and on the same page. "Um... I don't want you inside me, but we can, uh, play." I blushed, my face felt like it was on fire.

"Um..." he leaned forward and took my hands into his. "So, no, erm, intercourse but... everything else is ok?" He was so cute. He really wanted to get what I was asking!

I nodded. "Yeah. Can you promise me that you won't try to go all the way with me tonight?"

He gave me a thousand-watt smile, "Angel, I would promise you the moon and stars if that meant that I get to wake up next to you tomorrow." As corny as that sounded, my anxiety melted. "Seriously though, yes, Kagome, I would love to spend the night with you and I give you my word that I won't try to go all the way with you tonight. I won't even try until you say so."

Wow, that was more than I ever imagined. I knew it was easier for InuYasha to be satisfied with just our oral adventures. After all, he was a virgin then and you can't miss what you don't know. Yet here was Koga, older and more experienced, promising me that he wouldn't pressure me for sex. His stock just rose major points!

He captured my lips again. Only this time the kiss held promises that were never there before. Promises of pleasure to come... wow, I so totally creamed my panties. His lips on mine were sensual and seductive. I melted against him. I pulled him closer. I wanted to feel his hard body against me. When we broke for air, I stood up and led him to my bedroom.

His eyes were locked onto mine as he tugged his t-shirt off, he raised an eyebrow. A challenge? Sure... I tossed my shirt off too. His smile grew and he undid the button and zipper on his jeans promptly kicking them off, revealing a pair of black silk boxers. I did the same and kicked off my jeans. I stood before him in my pink lace panties and bra. I heard him take in a sharp breath.

"Kagome, baby girl," he breathed just as he wrapped his arms around me, crushing me against his bare chest. Aahh, did he ever feel good! He lowered his head and gave me a kiss that set my body on fire. He pushed me gently to my bed.

His body just radiated heat. I felt my breathing quicken. Geez, let's face it. I was panting. Nudging my legs apart, he settled his body over mine. I eagerly spread my legs to accommodate him. He pressed his arousal against my core, gently grinding his hips into mine. He whispered in my ear, "Pink lace, huh?" His tongue lazily licked the shell of my ear and down my neck. "So innocent... so sexy..."

One of his warm hands began kneading my breast as the other stroked my side up and down. Gods. It's been so long since I got any action. My heart ached for InuYasha, but this... This felt so good. Koga was hot, and he got me hot. I felt his body slide down mine with a delicious friction. The flimsy lace covering my breasts was pushed aside. I arched up and undid the clasp from behind. He swiftly removed my bra and tossed it aside. I felt his warm tongue on them... first this one, then that one... then he nipped and lightly bit my nipples. Aaah... that's what I missed. He sucked one nipple until I swear I about exploded. He moved over to lavish his attention on the other until that nipple was sore. Oh, yeah. This was yummy.

He continued his exploration of my body. His breath on my panties shot my eyes open. Gods. Was he... yeah, there went my panties. I saw his head dip down. The look on his face was downright arrogant and, man, was he ever sexy! His mouth kissed me so intimately. I laid there and I couldn't help but think of InuYasha. I shook my head as if to clear his memory away. But he didn't leave... Koga's tongue felt entirely different than my Puppy's. Koga had a very distinct style from InuYasha's. It wasn't the same, just like his kisses weren't the same. That's when it hit me. Hard. I will always be in love with InuYasha. Sigh. My body couldn't help but react to Koga, but my heart was so not in it. In that moment, I gave up on thinking I'd ever fall in love again.

With Koga's expert skills, he brought me to orgasm. But it wasn't Earth shattering or enough to send me to the Heavens. Don't get me wrong, it was still good. It's been so long since I was with InuYasha, at that point, any orgasm was amazing. Although, I did miss the full body shudders and white lights. The warm tingling sensation that rocked my body was still pleasurable. Koga kissed his way back up to my neck and shoulders.

He turned my pliant body to the side and spooned me. I felt him slide his erection between my thighs, rubbing up against my wet folds. My body stiffened. What the Hells? He promised! Just as I was about to protest, he murmured into my ear, "Shh, angel, I promised I wouldn't be inside you tonight..." He began to thrust his shaft along my core. Aahhh, now that felt good. That's what I missed. He pushed my thigh forward until my knee rested on the mattress. He set a slow rhythm. Oooh... the friction that created. His arm snaked around my shoulders, a hand cupped my breast while the other hand cupped my bottom. "Mm..." he moaned in my ear. "I bet you're so tight..." He squeezed my bottom and licked my neck. Gods. Do all boys have dirty mouths? I rubbed my bottom against him and threw my head back to give him better access to my neck. He continued, "You get me so hot, baby girl... Sex is gonna be so good..." I whimpered out when he started pinching my nipple. He adjusted his hips and thrust forward. Direct hit.

"Aaahh!" I cried.

I could hear the smirk in his voice, "Mm... is that your hot button, angel?" He thrust again. And again I cried out. "Mm... you're so wet..." Thrust, grind. "I can't wait to be inside you..." Squeeze, nipple pulled. "...your legs spread wide for me..."

Gods. I don't know why, but I love dirty talk. My orgasm exploded over my body as I moaned out what I hoped sounded like his name. Those full body shudders... I love an intense orgasm!

"Mmm... that's it, baby..." he breathed into my ear. His thrusts came a little harder as he gripped my hip a little tighter until I heard him grunt, "Oh, yeah, baby." Mm... note to self: try to sleep in the wet spot. That's how it went with Koga. We hung out a couple times a week in between his auditions or whatever else he did. I wasn't that curious about what he did when we weren't together. Between classes and homework, I really didn't have that much time.

Christmas came and went. My family came for a long weekend visit. I convinced them to come to New York for a white Christmas... mostly so I could avoid seeing InuYasha over the holidays at home. I settled on giving both InuYasha and Koga a couple jazz CDs. Nothing too personal. I mean, after all, neither were my boyfriend. Sigh. I was starting to miss Sango. I could go for a girls' day at the spa or even a girls' night out. Even Tsuyu and Suzuna were out of town for the holidays.

I was somewhere in midtown, wandering and browsing the shops when I saw him. Them. Shit. Really? I slowly approached the bookstore's coffee shop, hiding behind a magazine and a Ficus tree. Right in front of me was Koga and some blonde chick. Ok, calm down. He's not my boyfriend. He's not my boyfriend. He's not my boyfriend. I chanted. Hells, maybe they were just friends. I peered over my magazine again. Uh, no, shoving your tongue down her throat would make her a really close friend. Sigh. I dropped the magazine and exited the bookstore without a backwards glance.

I shook my head. I couldn't believe it. Koga was such a player! We even had plans to hang out tonight! Well, ok, not really solid plans. I had told him that my family left yesterday and that I was going to be hanging out at home tonight. Sigh. I was starting to get annoyed. I headed home for a long hot soak. Yes, yes, yes. A bath was what I needed.

At home in the tub, I thought of the control Koga had whenever we were together. He really had kept his word on not pressuring me for sex. Then again, why not? I mean, he didn't need me to satisfy him if he was having sex with someone else. Or several someone elses. We never did talk about being exclusive before we started messing around. So I guess I just set myself up for this. Thank all 108 Kamis that I never went all the way with him!

Sigh. I really missed Sango now. I needed someone to talk about this. I mean, I was totally confused and torn. On one hand, Koga and I didn't have a commitment and I wasn't in love with him. On the other hand, he never said he was seeing another girl. Well then again, I never asked. Sigh. Round and round I went. Finally the bath water cooled to barely lukewarm. I got out and changed into a pair of black track pants and a light blue baby doll t-shirt.

Flopped on the couch, I surfed the movie channels and found "Sixteen Candles" playing. Sigh, depressing Molly Ringwald romantic comedy. Whatever. I reached for the phone and ordered some Chinese food from around the corner. Tonight called for Orange Chicken, Pork Lo Mein and Mu Shu Shrimp. I know, I know. Leftovers were so tragic. Sigh.

Less than fifteen minutes later, there was a knock on the front door. Wow. They are so fast! A small smile splayed across my lips as I swung the door open, "I heart Orange Chicken! You guys are so fast..."

Standing in front of me was not the Chinese restaurant delivery guy. Nope, not by a long shot. Ah, Hells. It was the last person I ever expected to be there. Breathe, Kagome. Just breathe.


To be continued...


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Ooh... a cliffhanger! Yippeee!! Thank you for reading my story.

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:) Joy