InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My First, My Last, My Only ❯ Four Days of Fluff ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My First, My Last, My Only
Chapter Seven: Four Days of Fluff
By: OhJoy

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I looked up into his laughing amber eyes. Gods. He was so hot. H.O.T. Hot, hot, hot. My smile grew wider and I coyly looked down then back up, "I was thinking of what I want to do when we get back to my apartment."

A slight flush warmed his cheeks and he raised his eyebrow, "Mm."

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I chuckled. We were gonna have some righteous fun! Our gloved hands clasped tightly as we walked the few blocks back to my apartment. Waiting for the light to change, I turned to his handsome face. Stroking his cheek, I said softly, "I am so glad you're here." I went on my tip toes, raised my lips to his for a lingering kiss. I softly explored his mouth and our tongues danced to a sweet rhythm. Mm, his kisses really did me turn mush.

"Me too," he murmured, he wrapped his arm around my waist and brought my body close to his.

Turned out we missed the light, not that it mattered.

In the elevator, I unzipped our jackets and stood in his warm embrace. "Mm," I sighed contentedly. "You feel so good."

He held me just a little tighter as he lowered his head to whisper in my ear, "I could say the same thing about you." His magic circles cast that soothing spell on me, drawing me nearer, commanding my surrender.

It seemed like an eternity passed before we reached my floor. I couldn't get the front door open fast enough. I laughed as he grabbed the keys from me with a `feh' and unlocked the door for us. He pushed me inside and slammed the door. I heard the telltale click of the dead bolt as it slid in place. Of course, I was too busy kicking off my Ugg boots and shrugging out of my jacket. We left a trail of clothes from the door to the sofa. Sweater off. T-shirt off. Jeans off. Socks, shoes off.

He seated himself in the middle of the big comfy white denim sofa. He dragged me to sit on his lap. He was down to an undershirt and boxers while all I had left on was a lilac lace bra and panties set. Thank goodness for central heat. I would've froze otherwise!

He held my face in both of his hands, his eyes searching mine for... something, "I love you with every bit of me."

He brought my lips to his in a soul-searing kiss that sent goose bumps down my neck and arms. There's no way I could ever get tired of his kisses. If I did, that'd be a sure sign that I was dead. I still haven't quite figured out what it is about him that made me melt. In the past few months, I've met a ton of guys. Ok, not a ton, but plenty. And Koga was the only one I was physically attracted to. But with InuYasha, sigh, it was so beyond physical. We finally broke for air from that passionate kiss.

"I love you with every bit of me," I whispered leaning my forehead on his, and giving his nose a rub with mine. I wound my arms around his neck. I twisted in his lap until I was straddling his hips. His arousal was beckoning me to get closer. His lips trailed down from my lips to my collar bone to the swell of my breasts. His mouth, his tongue, his breath. And, oh! Those hands. All of it set my body ablaze with desire. I wanted him. I couldn't get enough of him. The warmth of his tongue caressing my hard nipple had me arching my back, just begging him to take more of my breast in his mouth. His hands on my back quickly found the clasp and my bra flew to somewhere in the room. He brought his mouth to my other breast as he tenderly massaged its twin.


I had to lean on him, I was woozy. Running my hands through his hair, I rested them momentarily on his shoulders before I began tugging at his shirt. He swiftly removed it and tossed it aside. He pushed me on my back and shimmed my panties down. All the while, I watched his ever expressive face as desire, want, lust and love played across it.

"Mm... that's what I want," his voice was sexy and smooth as chocolate. He went down on me... man! There's nothing on this Earth as sweet or as mind-blowing as InuYasha's mouth on me. A lick, a gentle bite. A not so gentle bite. A long intimate kiss. When he goes down on me, it's like he truly relished pleasing me. It didn't matter how long it took me. It could be five minutes. It could be twenty. Yeah, I admit it... I've actually glanced at the clock a couple of times. Ahem, anyways. As always, he brought me to orgasm. And he never stopped until I reached one.

There's also nothing like the orgasms I experience when I'm with him. Compared to the ones I had with Koga. I know, it sucked that I had to be with someone else before I knew what I really had with InuYasha. Oh, wow. He's good. That last lick... the familiar coil in my loins was winding ever tighter. The promise of an incredible orgasm was about to be realized.

"INNNUUUU....YAH.... shhhhaaaahhhh," I started out screaming and ended in a sigh. Full body shudders rocked my body in a delicious tsunami of pleasure.

As my body was touching back down to terra firma , he stood and quickly removed his boxers. My Gods, but he was so damn sexy! His arousal stood at attention and he sat back down on the opposite end of the sofa, legs slightly spread, a smirk on his luscious lips.

"C'mere, love," he coaxed, his voice was low and husky. Mm.

I once again straddled his hips and gasped at the feel of him as I slowly lowered myself onto him. "Mm..." I moaned.

His arms wrapped around me, bringing my chest flush with his. Oh. My. His hands found my hips, setting a heart-stopping rhythm.

"That's it, baby," he whispered in my ear. His breath hot on my flesh. Sexy. Arousing. Gods. "Give it to me, bitch," was his growl.

Man, that mouth. I grabbed it and claimed it as mine. Mine. I was his and he was mine. I ravaged the delicious nectar. Our tongues fought for dominance, for just a moment. I quickly submitted. I was beginning to think that I really enjoyed being a submissive female. Beads of sweat mingled. The whole room smelled like sex and sweat. Intoxicating. His hands went from my hips to fully palm my bottom. Nothing felt as good as him and me... huh? Did he just?


Yep, that was InuYasha spanking my ass. Oh, man. That was hot. I shook my head. Could I really be turned on by that?


Uh, yeah, that was my orgasm on its way. Oh. My.


I laid on top of him, panting. Short of breath. I felt like I just ran a 10k. He grabbed me by my hair and pulled my head back. Ah. I liked my hair being pulled! I looked at him through half-opened lids. His face looked victorious and more than slightly smug. He pushed me on my back and went to town, bringing on his own screaming orgasm.


He fell on me, panting. Ummpf. Geez, he weighed a ton. He turned to his side, pulling me along. I grabbed the blanket on the back of the sofa and draped it over us. I snuggled into the warmth and safety that I came to associate with InuYasha. We quickly fell asleep, exhausted and most deliciously spent.

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Excitedly, I ran around my apartment looking for InuYasha. Living room. No. Kitchen. No. My bedroom. No. Game room. No. The terrace. No. Sango's room? Nah. Mr. Kuwashima's or Kohaku's room? Nah. Ah-ha! My bathroom!

"C'mon! C'mon! Aren't you ready yet, Puppy?" I asked.

He was wiping his face with a towel as he stepped into my room from my adjacent bathroom, "Kaggs, calm down. I'll be ready in just a sec."

Defeated, I sat on the edge of my bed. Anxious... yep, that's me. My Puppy was taking me to Rockefeller Center and we're gonna ride a horse-drawn carriage! Oh, that's just so romantic and sweet! Impatient as always, I started bouncing on my bed.

"You're like a little pup! And you call me Puppy!" he chuckled as he entered the room.

He scooped me up into his arms and swung me around the air, for just a second until I was squealing with even more excitement - if that was possible.

It took us no time to hop in a cab and get to Rockefeller Center. InuYasha had us on a carriage lickety-split! The carriage was white with gold ornaments and comfortable red velvet seats on either side. A red plaid blanket was sitting on the seat, just asking to be wrapped around us.

"Oh, Puppy!" I exclaimed, snuggling into him underneath the heavy wool blanket. "This is perfect! Thank you!"

His arms around me kept me warm, loved, cherished. I loved this man!

"It's my pleasure, love," he replied quietly in my ear. His gloved hands drew me closer... and began wandering. Eep! I pulled the blanket up to my chin, I threw a glance back at him, he had sly smile on his face. Ah! His hands were on my breasts, just softly kneading them, rubbing my seemingly always turgid nipples. Oh. My. I felt my desire pool between my legs. It never ceased to amaze me what his touch does to me!

"Mm," he moaned in my ear, "definitely all my pleasure."

I figured he must have paid the driver extra, because he was not at all concerned about us stopping. I was in a lustful haze as I took in the beautiful sight and sounds of New York City at Christmas time. Gasp. He just undid the button and zipper to my corduroy pants! When did he take off his glove? Aaah!

"InuYaaaahhhh....ssshhha," I moaned as he slipped a finger in my wet cavern.

"Shh, Bitch, or people will stare," he said over my lips, quickly silencing me with a heady kiss. I moaned again when I felt another finger enter me. Mm... delicious. Decadent. Debauched.

"Unless, of course, you want `em to watch," he continued in a lusty breath.

Aah! A mental image of me and InuYasha having sex in the carriage for all to see... I shook my head. His thrusts grew harder. I felt that warm pleasure spiral in my loins. Oh, yes. He so totally knew what gets me off. He dropped his mouth onto mine again, swallowing my moans and mewls. I came with the sparkle of all the lights engulfing my vision.

He withdrew his hand. I watched him, dazed and glassy-eyed, as he brought his fingers to his lips and sucked them clean. His lecherous smile would've made Miroku proud.

"I love how you taste, Kagome... sweetness," he whispered. "How I wished it was my mouth and not my fingers..." he trailed off just before I captured his mouth. I tasted just a hint of my essence. So erotic. His hands were halfway up my sweater. Mm... this was sinful. I broke the kiss for air and my modesty. I wrapped the blanket around us a little tighter and refastened my pants with a smirk.

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Later that night, we ended up going to one of the clubs I frequent with Sango. I mentally crossed my fingers, hoping the door guy will let us in without Sango. I guess, I didn't have to, he smiled at me as soon as he recognized my face.

"Hey, Kagome," the door guy greeted us.

"Hiya, Jinenji. This is my friend InuYasha. InuYasha, this is Jinenji," I said introducing the guys.

"Hi," InuYasha shook his hand and gave a brief nod.

Jinenji's gentle nature shined through when he said, "Any friend of Kagome's..." He shrugged and moved the velvet rope letting us in without another word.

I mouthed a `thank you' as I passed. We entered the club, hand in hand, and we checked in our jackets, hats, gloves, scarves. You get the picture. I made a beeline to the bar.

"What do you want to drink?" I asked, my mouth on his ear. I giggled when he quirked an eyebrow. My head was slightly bopping to Real McCoy's "Another Night." I was getting sick of this song, it was really overplayed on the radio. But it had a good beat.

"Whatever you're drinking is fine by me," he drawled.

Ah, the safe answer, Takahashi. I see how you are. I replied with a breezy, "Ok!"

I scoured the bar looking for my dude in the `do rag. There! I bellied up to the bar with InuYasha standing right behind me. I mean. Right. Behind. Me. Possessive, much?

"Hey, Kagome!" Renkotsu called out from behind the cash register, giving me a wickedly cool smile.

I waved in response. That's when I swear, I felt InuYasha growl. Felt, not heard. Man, he was always so jealous!

Renkotsu sauntered over with his arrogant swagger and smiled at me, looking over InuYasha. Looking into my eyes and leaning on the counter to wipe it with a wet towel, he said, "What can I get ya, babe?"

"Sex on the beach. Rocks. Two," I answered with two fingers up. I felt another rumble from InuYasha's chest. Only this time it was a pleasing feel.

"Reminds me of last spring," he whispered into my ear. I loved his bedroom voice. Husky. Sexy. Delicious. His arms wrapped around my waist and I melted into him. For just a moment, I wished time would stand still. Memories of us on the beach, a comforter wrapped around us as we had steamy fun. Mm.

Renkotsu's voice shook me out of my reverie, "Here ya go, Kagome." Two high ball glasses were scooted up towards me. InuYasha reached over me with a twenty dollar bill standing between two fingers.

"This round's on me," Renkotsu dismissed the money, slightly rolling his eyes. "Have fun."

We each grabbed a glass. InuYasha stirred his and quickly discarded his straw. It's so funny how he hated straws. A while ago, he had said that he doesn't suck on anything without a heartbeat.

"Who's that guy to you?" he asked when we found a table near the dance floor.

Oh, InuYasha. You had your hand down my pants just a few hours ago. I declare my love for you constantly and yet you're still jealous? Instead, I replied with, "One of Sango's boys." Slight omission, but he didn't really have to know right? Of course, the complete sentence was that Renkotsu was one of the guys that Sango wanted to set me up with. We just never actually found the time to go out. InuYasha accepted that answer and didn't question me further. The DJ spun in Crystal Waters' "100% Pure Love."

"I love this song!" I declared and pulled my Puppy on the dance floor.

Now, one of my favorite places in the world was in InuYasha's arms. Anywhere. Doing anything. But dancing with his arms around me as our curves meshed... that was just this side of the Heavens. He dug his hands into my back pockets and brought me closer. He moved with such grace. He has rhythm in and out of bed!

My breath hitched... out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw... I fully turned my head. No. Huh. I didn't think Koga was here. I didn't see any of his pack. And it was rare, if ever, that he went to a club without all his friends.

"What's the matter?" InuYasha asked. His voice filled with concern.

"Oh, nothing!" I laughed off his question. He eyed me but dropped it and we kept on dancing.

I had so much fun with him that night. We danced. We drank. And we danced some more. We left the club around one am and headed home. To have more yummy sex!

A quick cab ride home and a short jaunt on the elevator and we were home. We shot to my bedroom like an arrow through the night. I was a little buzzed. I had two cocktails and a soda at the club. My alcohol tolerance wasn't exactly high.

I'm not sure exactly how, but I found myself laying naked on the bed with InuYasha's hands freely roaming my body and his mouth following closely behind them. Oh, man.

"Mm... Yash..." I moaned, looking down at him licking my breast.

His beautiful honeyed eyes bore into me. My body heat rose even more under his attention. I wanted to taste him, to give him as much pleasure as he gave me. I pushed him on his back and kissed a hot trail down to my destination. Gods. This was what drove me wild. This thick hard shaft. He smelled so good. Tasted even better. I took as much of him in my mouth as I could, while I clamped my fist around the base. Mm. I moved down to his sack and gave his balls a gentle shake. Kinda like a pair of dice. I laughed inwardly. I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate me calling his balls dice. It usually took him a while to climax just from my mouth and my jaw was getting tired. So I stopped and straddled his waist. My hands flat on his chest, I felt his muscles quiver at my touch. He had his hand on his erection and slowly slid inside me with a low grunt.

He tossed me onto my back. I'm always astonished at how he never breaks our physical connection when he moves me. Rarely has he slipped out. He kept his weight off me by balancing on his forearms. His fingers intertwined with mine, my arms slightly pulled over my head. His thighs were on top of mine. Hey, wait. He had me pinned down! Mm. That's hot. I thought I'd test it. This may not have been on purpose. So I moved my arms.

"Uh-ah, Bitch," he growled in my ear.

Oh. My. That was hot. Mm... just one more test... I tried to move my legs.

"Stay still, Bitch," he panted. His thrusts grew harder. He was giving it to me. Hard. Gods. This was incredible.

"You feel so fucking good," he murmured. "I love being inside you."

Oh, yes. Me too. "Aahh," I wailed. I have no idea how long we were at it. But my Gods, was it ever hot. He kept that scrumptious push/pull action that had my senses reeling.

"Oh, Inuuu..."

"That's it, Bitch... cum for me," he commanded. And I was his good bitch and came with a scream.

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Turned out that I had InuYasha for a magnificent four-day sex-fest. I knew he was still worried that his temper got the best of him that first night. But once I told him that he was unbelievably sexy when he was angry, he got over his concern of hurting me. We explored the tamer versions of bondage and discipline. Much to our surprise, I really did like being spanked. And, well, InuYasha liked spanking me. He left more bruises and kissed every one of them every morning. I can't even begin to explain how much I loved waking up in his arms each morning. It just felt so right to be with him. I didn't care that he was nearly seven thousand miles away from me on any given day. I didn't care that I had no idea when I was going to see him next. I didn't care that he's probably seeing someone else. I didn't care that our lives took separate paths. All I knew was that he loved me and I loved him. And that's all that mattered. Or so I kept telling myself.

Sango returned a couple weeks after InuYasha left for Japan. Kohaku was home for all of one day before he headed back to school in Connecticut.

I was in the shower when I noticed that my bruises were fading. A wave of sadness washed over me. For Kamis' sake, don't cry! I just had no idea when I was going to be in his arms again.

We got back to our habit of Sunday night calls at nine. Like clockwork, he called every Sunday night. I really enjoyed just the friendship aspect of our relationship. We talked about school. Even though I was only now in my second semester, I decided on my major as English and American Literature with a minor in Creative Writing. That was broad enough. I figured, I could either teach or write. Or maybe both. No big surprise when InuYasha said he hadn't decided. But he knew it would be either Economics, Political Science or something like that.

We talked about everything under the sun except for one thing. I never asked him who he was seeing or dating or whatever. And he never asked me. I guess, it was an unsaid rule between us.

I was just so stoked that he always honored our calls. Surprisingly enough, our conversations never went sexual either. At the most, he'd just say that he missed me. The best thing about our calls was that we always ended it with "I love you. I'll talk to you next week."

I was torn in half. One half was ecstatic that I had InuYasha back in my life as my best friend. Even over the phone, I felt safe and cherished when his voice came across the telephone line. I knew I could tell him just about anything. He has always accepted me just as I am. He never made me feel like I had to put on some act or pretend that I'm something that I'm not. I liked to think I did the same for him. Scratch that, I knew I did the same for him. No matter what, I did love him as he is and how he is not. After all, isn't that what love is? Totally accepting someone? Knowing someone, all his strengths, weaknesses and faults and loving it all?

Sigh. But it wasn't like sophomore year in high school. No, that was before I had InuYasha as my boyfriend. Now our love is romantic... and sexual. Very sexual. That's where the other half had a field day.

The other half was torturing my heart with my vivid Technicolor imagination that he was dating and fucking every hot chick in Tokyo. I wanted to know. And at the same time I didn't. I hoped that maybe he wasn't seeing anyone yet. Maybe he was so busy with school that he couldn't possibly meet any girls. But then in my mind's eye, I'd envision the crowded streets of Tokyo and there's no way any red-blooded female wouldn't take a second look at him.


I never did return Koga's call. But since he was friends with Sango and Takeda, I eventually ran into him. About a week after Sango returned, we all went to dinner and a night of dancing. He wasn't even the least bit concerned. I think maybe he knew. I never did ask him if he was at that club that night I was InuYasha.

After hanging out with him in a group setting a few more times, he asked me out again. We continued seeing each other. I didn't make him a priority, but I did enjoy his company. We never spoke about commitment or what was next for us.

Sango wholeheartedly supported my open relationship with InuYasha. Somehow I knew deep down that we'd end up together. One day. Some day. Maybe.

To be continued...

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Thanks for reading my story!

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Ja ne!
:) Joy