InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My First, My Last, My Only ❯ The Birth of Cynicism ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My First, My Last, My Only
Chapter Eight: The Birth of Cynicism
By: OhJoy

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Sango wholeheartedly supported my open relationship with InuYasha. Somehow I knew deep down that we'd end up together. One day. Some day. Maybe.

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Lying on my back, I stared up at the ceiling. The rain hit the fire escape with a steady pit-pat rhythm. It was a bit gloomy out today. Perfect for staying in bed all day. It was midmorning already. I suppose at some point I should actually get out of bed. I smelled coffee brewing. Mm.


Even with Sango's enthusiasm for my newfound liberated sexuality, I was a little disheartened. Have I given up on love for the sake of my lascivious appetite? Have I truly become a wanton sex fiend?

"Mm... baby, you up already?" His breath warm on my neck as he nuzzled my ear. His arm pulled me closer to him, his hand softly caressing my side. That warm tongue of his ran along the shell of my ear.

Oh. Mm. Yeah. I had become a slave to my physical desires.

"Aah, Koga" I moaned and snuggled closer to his warm body. Gods. His body radiated such heat! And, man, did it feel amazing!

I felt him nudge my legs with his knee as he settled himself between them. I felt his hard arousal at my entrance. Mm... I reached an arm out to the side drawer and grabbed a condom. His eyes followed my actions and rolled over to put it on hastily.

"Thank you," I murmured when he returned to his favorite spot.

Just as he entered me, he said, "No, angel, thank you..."

We both moaned. Mm. Oh, how I loved sex. Just straight up fucking. I didn't even need foreplay to get me "in the mood." Whatever the Hells that meant. I just loved that delicious friction and being filled up to here with a hard cock. Oh. Sheesh. Did I just say that? Oh, for Kamis' sake! Forget wanton sex fiend. When did I become such a freakin' slut?

"H-har..der..." I panted, thrusting my hips.

"Aahh... don't like it slow, angel?" he breathed in my ear as he nibbled my lobe.

"No!" I wailed. "F-fas... ter... pleeease." Did I just whimper? When did he get so disciplined? Where did this control come from? Why is he going so slow? Is he torturing me? Dammit. Yep, that was me whimpering.

"Patience, angel..." he soothed. His pace was agonizingly slow, tender, unexpected. The pleasure spiral was building in tension, winding ever tighter with each push of his hips. Oh, it was exquisite. I take it back, I liked it slow too.

"Gods, angel, you feel so damn good," he said in my ear.

His voice wound that coil just a little tighter. I wrapped myself around him, my arms on his shoulders, my legs about his waist. The coil in my loins exploded, sending shivers of delight down to my toes. Mm. That was yummy.

"Aaaahhhhhhhh!" I cried out in rapture.

"That's my woman," he proclaimed.

He increased his pace as my shivers subsided. Ah, now that's what I was talking about! Gods. He pounded into me. Mm. He brought both of us to a loud crescendo of pleasure. He dropped to my side and pulled himself out of me with a heavy sigh. I heard the `plop' of the used condom as it hit the hardwood.

His arms pulled me to lay halfway on his chest. Nice. I enjoyed being enveloped in his warmth. I really liked sleeping in his bed. It smelled like him. Cool. Suave, with just an edge of recklessness. Mm. And fabric softener. Surprising for a guy, Koga always had clean sheets.

Koga and I have been having sex for the past two months, since Valentine's Day. What a sad day that was for me. Since it fell on a Tuesday this year, I guess that's why InuYasha didn't call me. Nope, instead he sent he me the obligatory dozen red roses. Eew. I don't know what he was thinking. I hated red roses. Especially on a trite overly commercialized holiday that demanded they were sent. He would've scored cool points if he had sent me Casablanca lilies. But then again, I think he knew that. So I guess, I started having sex with Koga in reaction to that. To somehow make up for that feeling of loss. I craved affection, attention, and love. Well, two out of three wasn't bad. No, Koga doesn't love me. And I didn't love Koga. But I did love fucking him. Gods, I was such a slut.

"So, angel," he said, idly twirling a lock of my hair.

"Mm," I answered. I was drawing random patterns of circles and ovals on his smooth, incredibly chiseled chest. He was in phenomenal shape. He had the most sexiest nipples. Ever. Even better than InuYasha's. Whoa. Did I just say... Mm. I twiddled with the farthest one. Yep, better than InuYasha's.

"You are coming with me tonight, right?" he asked. He was so cute. I looked up at him. He seemed almost shy.

I smiled brightly when I said, "Wouldn't miss it for the world." I dropped a kiss on his sexy mouth and snuggled a little more until sleep claimed us once again.

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Koga's hard work had finally paid off, he landed a prominent supporting role in an independent film. The premier was tonight at the Film Forum, in SoHo. It was a casual thing. Everybody concerned about looking hip and fashionable, I'm sure.

I checked my reflection one last time in the mirror. I fiddled with my necklace. It was a gorgeous piece that InuYasha gave me for Christmas. I shook my head. I gave him a lame present: A couple jazz CDs. So impersonal. Sigh. I remember when he gave it to me. It was at the airport, just as he was about to board his plane. He said it was a fragment of a rare jewel. He had it specially crafted so that the silver beaded chain went through the jewel. He told me that by me wearing it, our love knew no distance. Our love transcends time. The only time I ever took it off was when I showered or bathed. The jewel looked best against my skin. I took every opportunity to wear V-neck tops or button up blouses. Anything that would show the world the pink jewel, not that I ever told anyone what it meant to me. No one, not a soul. Not even Sango.

Tonight, I opted for a pair of low-rise dark denim jeans, a pale pink long sleeve fitted V-neck silk sweater and a salmon colored suede blazer-cut jacket. I finished the casual look with a pair of black three-inch sling backs. I caught a cab to Koga's apartment in Yorkville.

Koga's agent sent a Lincoln Town Car for us. It was an independent film, but the press would still be there since it had the well-known actress, Kagura Izumi, as the lead. The driver brought us straight to the red carpet where a man in a black suit and tie opened the door for us. For a second, I worried if I was underdressed. A squeeze on my hand from Koga erased any tension.

"C'mon, angel, your public awaits," he chortled, his voice heavily peppered with excitement.

I rolled my eyes in response, holding his hand we exited the car to a flurry of flashes from photographers. I smiled and ran a hand through my hair, stealing a glance at him. He was in his element. Koga loved the spotlight and attention. His cerulean eyes sparkling like the stars in the night sky. His smile was real and warm. Hells, it was a shit eating grin. He looked handsome in his faded jeans, crisp white button down and black leather car coat. I loved his black biker boots. He looked like he should be on a Harley. Mm.

We barely took a few steps down the red carpet when a blonde reporter, with a microphone that had a local news network logo on it, approached us, "Koga Matsuno!" The denim clad female flashed her pearly whites, "Koga, can we have a moment?"

"Absolutely," he said, returning her smile. His charm was just oozing. Bucket. I wanted a bucket to catch it.

"Great!" she turned around to her cameraman and gave a thumbs up.

I gripped his hand a little tighter and stepped a little closer to him. He dropped my hand after giving it a gentle squeeze and wrapped his arm around me protectively, drawing me closer to him. I snuck my hand inside his leather jacket and wrapped my arm around his waist, drawing on his warmth like a security blanket. There. That was better. I felt a little less nervous. I was gonna go blind with all the flashes going off though. And this wasn't even a big blockbuster premier. Man, not what I was expecting at all. Not at all.

"This is Erika Jones with channel 11 news," the blonde flashed her million dollar smile. "Tonight we're at the premier of the independent film `Two Hearts, One Mind.' I have the pleasure of speaking with Koga Matsuno and his lovely companion."

Koga's voice was rich and sultry, he said by way of introduction, "This is my angel, Kagome Higurashi." He placed a soft kiss on my forehead and squeezed my shoulder.

Erika Jones smiled, genuinely pleased she got my name? Hm... Gave me a brief nod and continued with Koga, "How was it working with the the famous Kagura Izumi?"

"It was a blast," Koga answered pleasantly, a small smile lighting his face. "Kagura is a very talented actress and made the time on set fly by with her jokes. Her quick wits and penchant for practical jokes really had everyone at ease."

Wow. I looked up into his azure eyes, absentmindedly stroking his back. He really was a good actor. I knew he hated her. He called her a wicked sorceress that was only capable of blowing hot air. All he did was complain about her and her uber bitchiness.

"This is a big departure from those underwear ads, Koga," Erika flirted. "Are you pursuing an acting career or will you continue with modeling?"

His laugh was infectious and I had to smile at the thought. Koga did look great in just a pair of boxers.

"Acting is my true passion. But those underwear ads sure got me noticed," he winked. He took a step forward, subtly telling Ms. Jones that the interview was complete.

She got the hint, "Thank you, Koga. Kagome. Enjoy your evening."

I smiled at her when I heard her say my name. Good memory.

Koga just laughed and said, "You bet."

We walked the rest of the way to the theater holding hands. We paused every now and then for photos or for Koga to sign an autograph. There were a few fan girls with "I LOVE YOU, KOGA!" signs that screamed like banshees when we walked by. They screamed all sorts of things like, "Dump that chick." And "I'll show you what a real angel is like!" I just snickered and shook my head. Ah, the life of a fan girl.

The after party was at a nearby restaurant. More photographers and news crews. They were really promoting this movie. Sheesh. Those damned flashbulbs kept going off. I swear, I was gonna see spots for the next week.

Koga was great that night. He stayed by my side the entire time. He introduced me to everyone as "his angel." Kind of endearing in a `I'm not calling you my girlfriend' sort of way. He exuded charm, wit and style. We cut it up on the dance floor. He hammed it up for the reporters. As always, he treated me like his queen.

That night we went back to his apartment and he took on that slow agonizing pace with even more determination. He brought me to a screaming orgasm. Amazing. I was beginning to get quite fond of Koga Matsuno.

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I was barely awake even though it was already noon. I was puttering in the kitchen, fumbling with the coffee maker. Coffee. Caffeine. Need. I just switched on the machine.

"Yes!" I declared victoriously.


"Hello?" I spoke into the phone and immediately pulled it away from my ear.

"OH MY GODS! KAGGS! YOU'RE ON TV!" came Arimi's screaming voice over the telephone line. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT YOUR KOGA WAS THE KOGA MATSUNO?! HE'S SUCH A HOTTY!"

I spoke loudly into the phone that I held at arm's length, "Arimi, please stop shouting at me."

"Oh," came the softer reply. "Sorry."

I put the phone back up to my ear, "No worries. Now, what the Hells are you talking about?"

"You! I'm talking about you on all the gossip shows and even the entertainment segment of the news channels! You're dating Koga Matsuno! When you said you were going out with a guy named Koga, I had NO idea that it was the Koga Matsuno! Oh by the Gods!" she gushed.

"Ok, slow down, Arimi," I said as I poured my coffee. "Look, I thought I told you he was an actor--"

"You didn't say he was the Calvin Klein underwear dude though!" she interjected.

"I totally forgot about that. He did that campaign way before I ever even met him," I retorted. Then it hit me. "Was I really on TV?" The biggest smile cracked my face wide open.

Arimi and I had the best conversation that afternoon. She told me to pick up any tabloid rag and my picture was in every spread with Koga. I laughed at that and told her how he was always doting on me. When I was with him he made me feel like I was the only woman on the planet.


Too bad that's not really the case. I knew he was seeing at least one other girl. A girl with long red hair. Her hair was always on the floor in his bathroom. I mean, it wasn't that obvious that there was another girl there. He kept his bathroom clean, but there was always a loose strand somewhere on the floor. That's when it hit me why his sheets always smelled so clean. He probably changed them a few times a week. But what could I do? My heart belonged to InuYasha. I didn't have any right to make demands on Koga. No, it was better this way.

That Sunday night, InuYasha called right on time. Sango answered the phone. I think she looked forward to his calls as much as I did. Well, almost as much.

"Talk to me," she said to the cordless receiver. "I'm doing fabulous, Yash. Thanks for asking. We just got back from seeing the new Sandra Bullock movie, `While You Were Sleeping'... nah, I don't think you'd like it. It's a total chick flick... How's school going?... Good, glad to hear it... Let me get Kagome for you."

She crossed the short distance from the kitchen to the living room and handed me the phone. I mouthed a `thank you.'

"Hey," I greeted him.

"So, how's the famous angel Kagome Higurashi?" he sneered, his voice cutting and cold. He emphasized `angel' as if he meant something quite opposite.

What the Hells? How did he hear about that?

"Uh..." don't react, don't react, "... great now that I'm talking to you." I hoped my tone was soothing. Don't get hooked in, he's just being silly and jealous. I mean, he's dating someone else too, right?

"I'm sorry, Kaggs," his voice was a little relaxed, but it still had that edge to it.

He sighed. I imagined him running a hand through his glorious silver mane.

"I was glad to see that you were at least wearing the necklace," he still sounded frustrated.

"I never take it off," I replied.

He grunted. Hm... yeah, I don't even take it off when I have sex with Koga. Eew. How wrong is that? When did I become such a freakin' slut?

"Look, Kaggs, shit," he started, "it was bound to happen sooner or later. I mean, us finding out that we were seeing other people. I just didn't expect to have to see pictures of you with another guy. Let alone see you on TV draped on the guy while he called you `his angel.' Fuck!"

CRASH. I heard him slam something. I didn't know what to say. I totally agreed with him. I didn't intend for it to happen like that either. Wait! Did he say `we were seeing other people'? He was dating someone else!

"Shit, Kaggs. I just didn't want to know if you dated anyone else," he sighed again. "But for Kamis' sake, why did you have to date a fucking actor?"

Pause. Awkward pause. Was I supposed to respond to that?

"He's older than us, isn't he?" he asked.

"...uh, yeah. He's twenty two." I answered. Short, nondescript answers. That's what I was gonna give him.

"Fuck! That's it isn't it?" his voice grew harsh again. "It's because he's older and a fucking model. Shit! He's a fucking underwear model... He was the guy that called the first night I was there. That was him, wasn't it?"


"Answer me, Kagome!"

"... yeah," my voice barely above a whisper.

Then there was silence. Total. Utter. Silence. Shit.

"Inu... Yasha?" I ventured cautiously.

"I'm here," he sounded defeated. "You don't love me anymore, do you?"

"What?!" I wailed. Where the Hells was this coming from? When did he get so insecure? "Of course, I still love you! I've always loved you. You're my best friend. How can I not love you?"

"That's not what I meant. Don't lie to me, Kaggs," he said. "I saw the fucking tabloid spread. I saw the red carpet interview. I saw that photo of him feeding you. I fucking saw it all! I saw what you looked like with him."

He sighed, again.

"You fucking looked happy. You like him more than me..." he ranted.

His tirade continued for a while. To be honest, I started to tune him out after a while. He was on a rampage and I wasn't going to let his piercing words hurt me. Whenever I heard him pause for more than a second, I jumped in with, "Anything else?"

"... no, well... yeah. I fucking love you Kagome and I hate that we're so far apart."

"Mm, ok. Anything else?"

"... no, that's it... for now."

"Ok," deep breaths, Kagome! On my exhale, I said, "I would never ask you to wait for me. It would feel too much like I put a leash on you. I want you to be happy and to laugh a lot. And I know that for the most part, it's not gonna be with me. I understand that. I just want you to be free to come back to me. I have no idea what the future has in store for us. But we have the rest of our lives to figure it out. Right now, this moment know that I love you, InuYasha Takahashi, with every bit of me. No one, and I mean NO ONE, will ever take your place in my heart - ever."

Silence. Shit. Did he hear all that?


"I'm here."

"Did you hear all that?" Please say yes, I didn't want to have to rip my heart out... again.



"Thank you," he breathed heavily into the phone.

Thank you? He's thanking me?

"Thank you for loving me, even when I'm being a jealous jackass when I have no right to be," he said. I swear, I could hear his smile!

"Oh, Puppy, I love you no matter what," I declared.

Sango was waving a piece of paper at me. I took it and read it:

Tell him that you're out of town next week!

Shit. I forgot about that. I mouthed a `thanks' to Sango and she bopped off again.

"Uh, Inu.."


"I'm going to be out of town next week. So I'm gonna miss our call," I said. Please don't ask me where I'm going or with whom! Please don't. Please don't. Please don't, I chanted inwardly.

"Oh... that's ok, Kaggs. I understand. Will you be back the following Sunday?" he asked.

"Yep." Thank the Gods he didn't ask for any details. Hey, chanting worked!

"I'll just call you then, okay? We'll catch up in two weeks and you can tell me all about your trip," he said pleasantly.

"Yeah, two weeks."

"I love you, Kagome Higurashi."

"I love you, InuYasha Takahashi."

We never said good-bye when we ended our calls. I think we were both afraid that it would jinx us if we did. Sigh.

Sango set a cup of tea down for me and flopped on the loveseat opposite of me. She curled her legs under her, taking a sip from her cup.

"So, he saw the piece with you and Koga on TV?" she asked.

"Yeah," I replied, running a hand through my hair. I grabbed my tea and sat back on the couch.

"I wonder how he heard about it... it's not like `Two Hearts, One MInd' is a big studio production. I don't even think they're gonna release it in Japan," she mused.

"Miroku probably told him," I took another sip of the tea.

"Miroku? Who's that?" she looked like she was rolling his name on her tongue. Oh, Sango, you player!

"Miroku Tsujitani. That's his best friend. He's at the University of Hawaii. He watches all those celebrity gossip shows. He's got a thing for Cameron Diaz. So, I'm sure he saw it and told InuYasha," I answered her question with just a little more detail than necessary.

"Mm... you know, Kaggs, it's only gonna get worse..."


"The exposure. This movie is gonna open a lot of doors for Koga. There's no way it won't," she paused to take another sip of her tea. "His performance was amazing. He's on his way to be an `overnight' success." She air quoted `overnight' with her fingers and a roll of her eyes. "Koga has been honing his craft for the past ten years. It's about time he caught a break."

Mm... that sucked. Well, I was happy for Koga. But it sucked for me. InuYasha is going to see the play by play of me dating Koga. Or maybe I could stop seeing Koga... well, there is always that option. But I liked Koga and InuYasha has no right...

"C'mon!" Sango cried, "Cheer up! We gotta pack! We're spending the next week in Milan!"

She bounced off the loveseat and dragged me down the hall, "Milan in April is amazing. You will love the fashion show."

She paused when we reached my bedroom. She gave me a little nudge, "Now go pack. And make sure to bring something sexy and something naughty. You get Koga all to yourself for a week!"

Koga. Sigh. InuYasha. Double sigh. My heart sank. How long till it just broke?

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I cranked my neck around and around in the little taxi cab. Sango was chatting away with the driver in the front seat, Koga held my hand as I practically had my nose against the window. We were staying at Le Meridien Gallia, in the heart of Milan's renowned Piazza Duca d'Aosta. Only the best for Sango.

My jaw hurt from being drug around behind me as I gaped at the luxurious hotel. We finally were in our room. I looked around. It was magnificent. The walls were a warm ivory. Rich mahogany furniture, a separate living room from our bedroom. The bed was a king sized wonder of fluffy sheets and pillows. I ran in and jumped on it and stared at the ceiling. I felt the bed shift as Koga climbed in next to me. He laid next to me, holding my waist and nuzzled my neck.

"Mm..." Koga sighed in my ear.

His hand began wandering as he tossed his leg over mine. I wrapped my arms around him and turned to face him, capturing his lips with mine.

"I'm so glad you came with us," Koga said.

"Mm, me too," I murmured just before I claimed his lips as mine once again. I really enjoyed the physicality of our relationship. He excited me and had my body reacting in ways I never even knew were arousing. Breathless, I asked, "What time do we have to meet Sango?"

"Sshh... we have plenty of time," he said as he took off his shirt and leaned over to pull mine off too. He trailed kisses along my collar bone, just to the swell of my breasts when all sorts of alarms went off in my head.

"Koga, wait, we need..." I began.

"I'm on it!" he said. He jumped off the bed to his luggage piece and pulled out his toiletry bag for a box of condoms.

I was kicking off my jeans and clogs when I noticed the size of the box, "Got enough there, buddy?"

He chuckled and smirked, "Oh, we'll use `em all, angel. Don't you worry." He dropped his jeans and I nearly swooned. His arousal strained against the silk of his boxers.

I was about to remove my bra, when he said against my neck, "Allow me."

Gods. His hands. They were always so warm, confident, gentle. After the last few times we got together, our rhythm was slow and unhurried; languid and beguiling. I never noticed the passage of time when his hands and mouth were on me. I knew better than to beg him to go faster. Nope, he had an iron will and set the pace to his liking.

He gave each of my breasts his full attention. His warm wet tongue ran around in ever narrowing circles until he hit my nipple. Aah. He took it fully in his mouth and sucked until it was throbbing. Gods. He didn't stop until its twin was throbbing too.

His mouth burned a sensual path down to my tummy. A quick lick on my belly button and my panties were gone. Mm... when he goes down on me, it's a sweet torture. Like everything else now, he enjoyed taking his time until my body fully quaked with pleasure. I moaned and tried to buck my hips up, he threw his forearm across me to hold me down. I just spread my legs a little wider and moaned a little louder. I looked down at him. What a sight! He must've felt my eyes on him `cause he looked up and our eyes met in a heated gaze. His usually bright blue eyes were nearly midnight. Mm, like the first time I met him...

"Gods! Kooooggggaaaaahhhh," I exploded in ecstasy. White lights engulfed the room, waves of pleasure ran through to every part of my body. My Gods. I didn't think I'd ever get such an intense orgasm with him.

He stalked up my body and dropped kisses from my shoulders to my neck. Ears. Jaw. Cheek. Mouth. Mm... finally. Patience, I was learning patience with Koga. Good things come to those who wait. Really really good things. Like mind-blowing orgasms. He slid off to my side and pulled on the condom. I lazily watched him, a fleeting thought of maybe I should help crossed my mind. He held me by my waist to him and I twisted so that he was spooning me. This is one of his favorite positions, I like to make sure I pleased my lover.

"Do you know how hot you get me?" he asked, his breath on my neck sending goose bumps down my arms.

I felt his arousal between my legs. He pushed my knee forward and thrust into me. We both moaned. Oh the feel of him! He cupped my bottom as he worked a slow pace.

"Mm... angel..." he breathed. "You feel so good. Wrapped around my cock..." I loved his play by play! He licked my neck up to my ear and nibbled on my lobe. His thrusts were steady and he pushed in a little deeper each time. It was a slow burn, that fire he set in me. Gods. That ever familiar pleasure coil in my loins wound tighter and tighter.

"That's it, angel," he breathed in my ear. "Tell me it feels good."

"Mm..." I moaned.

"Tell me," his voice firm.

"Ah... y-yes, so good..." I stammered. His breath on my ear, his moans punctuating his thrusts. My orgasm came out in a scream of his name.

"KOOOOGGGGAAAAAAAH!" I screamed. So damn good.

He flipped me on my back and repositioned himself over me. Aah. I just love that first stroke! His thrusts were gentle as he kissed my mouth, waiting until my breathing evened out a bit. I opened my eyes to meet his. The passion and desire in his eyes was almost overwhelming.

"Gods, you are amazing, Kaggs," he murmured, increasing his pace to bring on his own climax with a howl. He plopped down off to my side and tossed the used condom on the carpet. He gathered me in his arms and softly stroked my hair. Sigh. This was good.

I didn't know why or how it happened between us. But my orgasms just kept getting more and more intense. To the point where now they rivaled the ones I experienced with InuYasha. I didn't get it. How could that be? Was I developing feelings for Koga? Or was sex just sex? I mean, things are so different with Koga. I guess, once I stopped comparing his technique with InuYasha's, sex was really amazing.

My thoughts were abruptly ended when the phone rang. Koga reached over and answered it.

"Yo," he said.

I heard Sango's voice on the other end asking if we were done christening our room yet and how much longer till we eat. Koga laughed. I really loved his laugh. It was deep and throaty. I hugged him a little tighter.

"We'll be ready in about an hour. Did Takeda get here yet?... Good... and you were giving me shit about christening our room?" Another throaty chuckle. "How about we meet you guys at the hotel bar?" he suggested and they rang off after another minute.

We laid in each others arms. I was content. Koga enveloped me in his warm arms and I was content. Not deliriously happy. Not shout at the top of your lungs ecstatic. Just content. Content was good.

I took a shower first and got ready as Koga got stuck on the phone with his manager. Koga had yet to shower. But he was a guy, he'd be ready in fifteen minutes. I was already to go in a pair of low-rise faded jeans, a black V-neck form fitting cashmere sweater and my favorite black three-inch sling backs. I fingered my necklace, contrasted with the black sweater it looked like it glowed. I decided to pull my hair up in a twist, letting a few tendrils fall about my face. My hair wasn't playing well with the Milan climate.

"Hey, angel," he greeted me with a soft kiss on my lips. "Sorry about that."

"No worries," I replied.

His eyes swept over me, lingering on my breasts, then went down. A moment later, he brought his eyes back up to mine, a proud smile on his sexy mouth.

"You look great, angel," he said with admiration and a touch of lust.

"Thanks," a slight flush warming my cheeks. I couldn't hold his gaze anymore. Looking away, I pushed a tendril back behind my ear. I was always a little embarrassed at his obvious appreciation of how I looked.

"Why don't you take a look around the hotel?" he suggested as he walked to the shower and turned on the water. "I'll be ready in like fifteen minutes. No use just sitting around waiting for me."

My eyes lit up and I smiled. I squealed, "Ooh! That's a great idea!" I jumped up on my toes and gave him a tight squeeze. He chuckled at my enthusiasm and gave me one last lingering kiss. Mm. I sure did like those kisses. I was off to explore.

Once in the lobby, I twirled in wonder. I'm sure I had `American Tourist' written all over me. But I didn't care. The hotel was grand and luxurious. Really. Oh, the stories these walls could tell. I ran my hand along the rich granite walls. I made a note of which direction the bar was and wandered around some more.

There was a beautiful oil painting on a wall that I stopped to admire when I heard an irritated voice call out from somewhere off to the side, over the noise of the lobby. It grew ever more insistent. Hey, I think I know that voice. I scrunched my forehead trying to place the voice...

"There you are, wench!" the masculine voice said. "When the Hells did you find time to change into jeans?"

Man, that dude needs a chill pill. He sounded pissed. No, I don't think I knew anyone that rude! I shook my head.

Then I felt someone grab my elbow, "Wench, c'mon already!"

I snatched my arm back and turned to look at the rude man. Gasp. InuYasha! Our eyes met in confusion, just as recognition and realization flashed across his eyes, I heard another voice call out his name.


I turned around to look at the woman who called him. Gasp. Jaw dropped. I took a step back like someone slapped me. I felt like I was looking into a mirror. Only this reflection had paler skin with a lot of make-up and shorter, glossier hair. She had brown eyes instead of my gray-blue. Oh. My. Gods.

"Kikyo," InuYasha murmured.

Silence. Eeww. Awkward. Strained. Fucked up silence.

"There you are, Kaggs!" I heard Koga's voice come from behind InuYasha. Oh, shit.

Koga came up to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. I swear, I heard InuYasha growl.

"You ok?" Koga asked, stroking my cheek. "You're pale, angel."

I looked up at him. I nodded mutely. I was so confused. Hurt. Lost. InuYasha was with a woman that looked like me in Milan? I looked over at him. He didn't look like he was doing any better. My look-a-like had her hands on MY InuYasha. My stomach churned.

"Matsuno!" that sounded like Takeda. I looked over to see him and Sango.

"Hey, Kagome! There you guys are! I thought we were--" Sango cut herself off as she approached us, holding hands with Takeda.

"Kikyo," Sango said the other woman's name in a very cold voice. "What the Hells are you doing here? Jakotsu told me he sent your sorry ass packing."

"I'm here with my boyfriend," Kikyo snapped. "Sango, this is InuYasha Takahashi."

I was gonna be sick, she was practically on top of him! She called him her boyfriend! Gods. I fell against Koga and he just held me tighter. He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Inu... Yasha?" Sango looked bewildered and cast a glance at me. But she recovered way faster than I ever did. She shook his hand and said, "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Sango Kuwashima." Then she turned to me and Koga, "C'mon, let's go. I don't know about you but I could go for a drink."

She and Takeda led the way. Koga and I walked together, with his arm around my waist. I snuck a backwards glance at my Puppy. He had a scowl on his face. I shuddered at the thought that he was with that cold woman.

To be continued...

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Oh. My. Gods! Over 200 reviews! *blushes and giggles*

Thank you for reading my story!

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(thanks for reviewing even before you read the chapter!), erica6060, xxXDarkSlayerXxx, KHStennis01, Inu and Kag Love 4ever, scribblenumba4, Miss Kagosha, Kasha-TheInuFreak, inulova4lyfe, Kagome M.K, Orlando's Girl, xXlovablekdXx, inuyashasgirl12, lyn, RoxyBunny, Night_Miko, Luna The Destroyer, InuKag Fan, InuyashaGurl822, Terenity Rose, fruitcake, tashayar-chan (You get a cookie! You're the 200th reviewer!), renee, teyasa tabb, DragonMisstress325, George, kaffeine-buttocks, WaterGoddess9, unknown (poor thing, didn't your Momma give you a name? *snickers & giggles at anonymity*), Inudemoness15, mikkey hodge, Phil Good ( yah, right ) (anonymous reviewers crack me up!), code-wyze, HiEi JaGaNsHis FlAmE (I forgive, just don't let it happen again! *wink, wink, grin*), SesshysGurl08, lenyg, humble-bumble.

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w_j, Kagome_forever.

Ja ne!
:) Joy