InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My First, My Last, My Only ❯ He's No Saint ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My First, My Last, My Only
Chapter Ten: He's No Saint
By: OhJoy

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Sex is sex, and love is love. Sometimes one goes with the other, sometimes not.

I buried my face in my hands. Oh, for Kamis' sake, what in the world am I supposed to do?

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I heard Koga stirring. He turned a couple times in bed, like he was either looking for me or trying to get comfortable. I looked up at the sky once again, the sun was brighter. The day had begun. I had no idea how long I was here.

Koga was out of bed. His beautiful raven hair was sexy and tousled. With only a lopsided smile on, he was gorgeous.

”Angel, what are you doing up so early?” he stepped closer to me. He lifted my chin up towards him when I didn't answer him. “Kaggs, why have you been crying?” He pulled a pillow to cover himself.

I just shook my head. Why indeed.

He pushed my bangs aside, and said softly, “Whatever it is, it'll all work out. Come back to bed, Kagome.”

I looked up into his warm azure gaze. He was stroking my cheek, coaxing me to return to bed. I nodded and he led me back to bed. He really had a cute butt. Damn my hentai thoughts! I kicked off my socks and pants and climbed in bed with just my t-shirt. He was right next to me.

”Uh-ah. Rule number one: No clothes in bed,” he said, quickly tugging the t-shirt off.

He settled back in the pillows and pulled me into his arms. Sigh. My head was throbbing from all the thoughts swimming in my head. As if by clairvoyance, he began to softly rub my temples, willing my headache away for me. I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the cadence of his breathing and the soothing feel of his fingers on my temple.

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What the Hells was that annoying noise? There it was again. Damn it! Someone shut that thing off. I cracked open my eyes. Oh, wait. That was the phone. Huh. I reached over to answer it.

”Hello?” I greeted the intrusion, my voice thick with sleep.

”Good morning. Or should I say good afternoon?” That was InuYasha's voice! I shot up into a seated position. I was naked in bed... alone? Oh, right. Hotel. Milan. Yeah. Memories of last flooded my head. The club. InuYasha... shit, Koga.

”Mm...” was my oh so intelligent reply.

I looked around the room. There was a note from Koga on the clock. The clock that read 12:18!

”Wanna meet for a cup of coffee?” he suggested. “I'd like to talk to you, face to face while everyone is getting fitted.”

”Mm... yeah, okay,” I said, leaning back against the pillows running a hand through my hair.

”I'll call in room service. Are you hungry?” he asked.

”You know it,” I replied.

”Okay, come to my room when you're ready,” his voice was calm, but now that I was coming out of my sleep haze, it sounded like there was an edge to it. He gave me his room number and general location from the elevators.

”Puppy, you okay?” I asked. I heard him growl quietly.

”We'll talk when you get here,” he replied.

Mm, now that was a curt reply.

”Okay, gimme half an hour to shower and change. I'll be right over,” I said and we rang off. I picked up Koga's note.

Kagome, My Angel,

We're off to be super models... dun, dun, dun! Ha! Just gotta get fitted for Friday's show. No clue how long they'll hem and haw. Or poke and prod. Hopefully, we'll be done by dinner. I'll call the room later when I know more.

Have fun sight seeing!

Sigh. I took a quick shower to wake up. Ok, off to figure out what to wear to see InuYasha. I settled on casual, not sexy. I pulled on my favorite faded and frayed jeans, topped it off with a solid forest green V-neck t-shirt. I quickly brushed my teeth and combed my hair, tossing a black hair elastic around my wrist just in case. I threw on a pair of socks and Jack Purcell's. Deep breath, I was on my way to have breakfast with InuYasha.

He opened the door after one knock. Mm. He was so hot in a pair of faded Levi's and a white bitch shirt, his feet bare.

”Hi,” I smiled.

”Hey,” he greeted me, opening the door wide and stepping aside so I could enter. I definitely noticed that he didn't return my smile. His eyes fell to the necklace he gave me. The edge in his stance softened, just slightly.

His room was similar to mine. It was just the mirror image of mine. Everything was on the opposite side of mine. How funny.

”Smells good,” I said as I began lifting the silver domes over the food. He had everything placed on the small table near the window.

”Have a seat. I'm starved,” he tossed the cover off his plate to reveal a fluffy omelette and bacon. On another plate, there were freshly cut fruit and toast. Under my dome, I found an omelette and bacon too.

I prepped my coffee with my usual sugar and cream combo. It smelled so yummy. I took a nice long drink. Mm, at least I'm not hung over.

InuYasha practically inhaled his food in one bite. I started taking slower, you know, human bites.

”Inu...Yasha?” I asked, he definitely did not look happy.

He pushed his plate back and stretched in his seat, running a hand through his glorious silver mane. His eyes spoke of heartache and longing.

”What's Koga to you?” he asked.

I scrunched my eyebrows. What the Hells? We went through this already, didn't we?

”Uh... what do you mean by that?”

He sighed, impatient. “I know you saw me watching you guys dance last night. What the Hells? We just had sex and next thing I know you're hanging all over him,” he growled, his voice laced with frustration.

I shook my head, “Where is this coming from? You know I'm seeing Koga, that I came here with him. And what about you? You're here with a chick that... that looks like me!”

”Leave Kikyo out of this,” he said in a low tone.

”NO! I will not leave Kikyo out of this,” I shrieked, jumping out of my seat. Fury unleashed. Arms akimbo.

”She's not important! I want to know what you're doing with Koga,” he stood to his full height, towering over me.

I glared up at him. The nerve of this guy!

”What do you mean she's not important?” I glared at him. “Do you tell her that?”

”Every chance I get,” he sneered.

Who was this guy? He looked so cold, so heartless.

”Now answer my question, Kagome,” he commanded. ”What's Koga to you?”

”I'm dating him!”

”And..?” he prompted.

I was getting completely annoyed. Where does he get off? “And what? What do you want me to say? That I'm having sex with him? Yes, I am! So don't even try to tell me you're not doing Kikyo!”

My voice echoed off the walls. Shit. Fuck it. Fuck him. What the Hells?

”We've already talked about this!” I was screaming. I was exasperated. He was so exhausting. “We're seeing other people. We agreed to that. You suggested it in the first fucking place with that Gods damned pinky promise!”

What was I thinking? That he'd just stand there and let me yell at him? Yeah, right. In an instant, he had me pinned up against the closest wall.

”Kagome,” he growled in my ear. “This is the last time I will ask you and I expect an answer immediately.”

He crushed his body against mine. Gods. I felt the warmth pool between my legs. I barely stifled a moan. Barely.

”What's Koga to you?” he rasped.

I swallowed and blinked back tears. “N-nothing. K-koga is nothing to me,” I stammered.

”Good answer,” he murmured over my ear.

I felt his hot breath on my neck. He nuzzled me and I nearly cried out in frustration. How can I be turned on by him intimidating me? But here I was, melting against him. Breathing was getting difficult. I fisted my hands in his hair. I turned my head, kissing his cheek.

”No one is as important in my life as you are,” I whispered.

He moaned and pressed his body harder against me. His mouth was on my neck. He quickly found the spot that he bit. His bite had left a faint scar on me. I derived a wicked sort of pleasure from knowing that he had marked me. I moaned and was gasping for breath when he stopped. He stopped. His body was no longer next to mine. He stood a a couple steps from me. I looked at him in a daze.

”Inu... Yasha?” I thanked the wall for being there as I leaned back against it.

”Kagome...” He ran a hand through his silver mane and turned away from me. “Why didn't you say anything after I told you that I loved you last night?”

His voice was quiet. I heard the anguish in his tone, the unasked question that lay beneath. Crossing the short distance between us, I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head down between his shoulder blades.

”Oh, Puppy,” I sighed. “It's not what you think.” His hands fell on my arms and gave a gentle squeeze, encouraging me to continue. “I don't want to say it back when we're not together. It's just so heart wrenching... I-I wish we could be together.”

Turning in my arms so we were face to face, I saw that his eyes shone with unshed tears. He held me close, his breath on my ear.

”We're together now,” he murmured. “And all we ever have is now.” He dropped butterfly kisses on my neck. “Right now.” Kiss, lick. “Right now.” Nip, bite. “Right now.”

I felt a hand drift into my t-shirt, softly caressing my back. Gods. His hands were so warm. He gently raked his nails up and down my back, creating the sweetest sensation. My body melted into his with a soft sigh. He pulled my shirt ever higher until I raised my arms so he could remove it completely. Fisting my hands in his shirt, I pulled him down for a kiss. Mm. The feel of his mouth on mine was heavenly. Velvety textured. And hot. Wet. Damn. That tongue.

”Inu... Yasha...” I moaned.

I tugged at his shirt. He got the hint , reached behind him and shrugged out of it. He wrapped me up in a tight embrace. His breath was hot on my ear. That delicious feeling hit the pit of my stomach. I felt the warmth pool at my core. Mm. He had my jeans unbuttoned and was pushing them down with his palms on my backside. They fell easily to my ankles. He held me ever closer, fully palming my bottom.

”Gods... I love your beautiful ass,” he breathed, his face buried in my hair at my neck.

The heat from his hands turned me to goo. He kissed me again. Oh, his kisses... they left me breathless and dazed. He stepped to the side of me, hands still on my bottom. Dropping kisses from my shoulders down my spine until I felt his breath on my waist. My panties ended up next to my jeans. He kissed and lapped his tongue on my ass.

I moaned when his fingers grazed my core. He continued kissing my cheeks while I felt his arm pushing me down, commanding I bend at the waist. I reached for the sofa's arm. I didn't know how much longer I could stand. He was behind me now. I felt his breath on me... oh, Gods.

”Fucking beautiful,” he whispered.

The feel of his warm tongue on me made my legs weak. Thank Gods for the sofa. He ran his tongue from my nub to the valley of my cheeks. Oh, my. He licked and kissed me like no other. He brought me to heights that I only knew because of him. The tightening coil threatened to explode. My Gods.

”Innnuuuu....” I groaned as my orgasm crested, electrifying blades of soul stealing power shot through me.

My breathing was totally coming out in heavy pants. I was in a euphoric fog. I didn't even notice that he had picked me up until I felt the bed on my back. I opened my eyes and I swear I was still in the Heavens.

He had removed my bra, socks and shoes as well as his clothes. His hard body was on top of me, his weight resting on his forearms, an amused look on his handsome face.

”Mm... that must've been one hellva orgasm, Kaggs,” he murmured.

“Hm,” was all I could muster with a small smile and nod. I lazily looked at him, my senses slowly returning.

”Spread your legs for me, love,” he whispered over my lips.

He nudged my legs with his knee. He didn't have to tell me twice. I raised my chin to meet his lips in a soul-searing kiss as he entered my honey pot with one roll of his hips. My hands were in his as we found our rhythm. His mouth branded me with his tongue and kisses along my neck and shoulders, always to return to the mark he left on me.

”Mm...” he moaned. “I've missed you. Missed this. You have the best tasting pussy. Mm... Gods...”

Huh? Best tasting? Is he comparing me... mine with some other chick's? Shit. Of course, what am I thinking? He was here with another chick. My heart sank.

”Love?” he asked. He stopped. We just laid there. He lifted himself up a little to look into my eyes, concern and worry etched across his handsome face. “What's wrong, Kagome? Did I hurt you?”

More than you could ever imagine. “Uh-ah,” I lied.

”Are you okay?”

I didn't know what to say. I just rocked my hips. I could lose myself in the moment and worry about this... later. Right now, I was with my Puppy. Gods only knew when I would be able to see him again. When I'd be able to touch him again. Or have him inside me again. No, I wasn't going to worry about who else he had sex with, because right now is all that matters. Right now was all we had.

He moved with me. Only this time his pace was slow and lingering. Almost soothing. Like he knew what was bothering me and instead of taking me hard and fast like last night, he showed me his heart. He showed me his love.

”Innuuu... Yaaahhh... ssshhhh... aaaaahhhhhh,” I moaned, my climax quickly approaching. I cried out in ecstasy, the wondrous white lights filling my vision. Bolts of pure energy shuddered through my body. Gods. That was awesome.

I felt InuYasha increase his pace to bring on his own release. He was pounding into me, pushing me further up the bed with each thrust until I reached the headboard. He grunted a broken version of my name, filling me with his seed. He rolled to his side, taking me with him. As always, he stayed inside me and held me close to him.

”I love you, InuYasha Takahashi,” I said softly, staring into his golden eyes.

”I love you, Kagome Higurashi,” he answered. His arms tightened around me. “Always. With all my heart.”

”Mm,” I whispered, laying my head in the crook of his neck. I traced random patterns on his chest. “Forever and a day.”

My breathing evened out, his became steady as well. I knew I had to ask him. What the Hells...

”Inu... Yasha?” I began hesitantly.


”H-how many other...” my voice faltered, I clamped my eyes shut. I couldn't get the words out. They got caught in my throat. Did I really want to know?

”How many other what?” he asked.

I lifted my face to look into his warm amber love. I saw the hesitation and caution in his eyes. I took a deep breath and bit the bullet.

”How many other lovers have you had?” There. I asked. I braced myself for an answer I really didn't want to hear. But I had to know, didn't I?

He sighed, closing his eyes, and absently stroked my back.

”Do you really want to know?”

Did I? Really? Did it matter what the number was? I knew of one and that broke my heart. Plus, how many women could he possibly have been with? In less than a year?

I nodded and whispered, “Yeah.”

”You first. How many?” he countered.

”Just Koga,” I readily answered.

”Kagome,” he breathed, holding me closer.

I felt like he was hesitating. Was it that many? Maybe I really didn't need to know.

”I'm no saint. You left me, you broke up with me. I-I needed to get my mind off you... We didn't talk for months until I came to New York. I-I...”

Oh, Gods. I really didn't want to know. I put a finger to his lips to silence him and I shook my head.

”Forget it. I don't want to know.”

”It's different for guys, Kaggs,” he said. “Those other girls... they didn't mean anything to me. No one compares to you. You have my heart. I love you with every bit of me.”

”I love you too,” I sighed and hugged him close to me, laying my head on his chest. A moment later, I reached down for the sheets and pulled them over us. I settled back into the warmth and safety of his arms.

That's when I realized how much I did love him. I knew we shared a connection. I knew that he loved me. Me. Not that Kikyo chick or anyone else for that matter. So, I guess, it didn't matter to me how many lovers he had or will have. After all, we weren't together. We didn't have a commitment. I just wished I could look into a crystal ball to see what the future had in store for us.

Our first year of college was almost complete. Just midterms and then finals. Will we see each other over the summer? How was the next three years gonna go? Do I dare dream that he'll still love me and want to be with me when we're done with college? And what if he didn't? Do I put my life on hold until he chooses to be with me? Not like I want to get married tomorrow or anything, but what about him? Am I what he would want for the long haul? I mean, I want a family one day. My mom is just dying to be a grandma. Will InuYasha be the one for me? Is this crazy love thing we have now going to last? Sigh.

His breathing was steady. I snuck a glance at him. My Puppy fell asleep holding me. A small smile fell on my mouth. I stroked his cheek. Gods. He was beautiful. Sigh. I loved him no matter what. I snuggled into him and closed my eyes, relishing the feel of him wrapped around me.

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”Mm...” I moaned. I felt hot. Gods. I was aching. I wanted to fuck. I bucked my hips up at my dream lover... whoa.

My eyes fluttered open and I cast a downward glance to see my silver-haired Puppy between my legs, greedily drinking in my nectar. Instinctively, I spread my legs a little wider and moaned. His gorgeous, expressive, loving amber eyes caught my gaze.

”Mm,” he moaned over me, between licks.

He nipped at my inner thigh and stalked up my body. He stopped midway, settling his body over mine. My breasts right in his face. Mm. He fingered the jewel that rested just above the valley of my breasts. I loved how he lavished his attention on my breasts! He kissed and sucked. Oh how he sucked on my nipples. Bit and pinched too. Until they tingled deliciously and were sore, just aching for more. Gods. His mouth. His hands. Everywhere. On me. Mm.

I needed him. Gods.

”Innuuu... Pu-puppy... please...”

He moved from my breasts to my throat. I felt his cock on my thigh. I squirmed, trying to maneuver him closer to my aching core. I needed him.

”Please what, love?” he breathed as he licked a hot trail along my neck.

I tilted my head to the side to give him better access. His mouth on my neck sent shivers down my heated body. I whimpered when he gently bit me. Gods. I needed him!

”Pl-please, Inu... you... need,” I panted.

”Mm... my Bitch hot for me?”

”Ye-yes,” I stammered.

Breathing was getting harder. Hells, so was thinking. I grabbed his hips and pulled them to mine. A deep throat growl landed on my ears. Gods, was that ever sexy!

”You need a good hard fuck, Bitch,” he declared.

”Gods, Yash! Take me!” I begged.

“Aahh...” he sighed as he thrust into me, burying himself to the hilt.

Mm. He felt so good. Nothing compared to the feeling when he first enters me. He filled me up.

“Ooh, Kaggs, baby...” he breathed in my ear. “You're my hot little bitch.”

He nearly pulled all the way out of me. The tip of his shaft teasing me for just a moment before he slammed hard. He was so deep, I felt his balls slap my ass with each thrust. Gods. He was so amazing. I wrapped my legs around his waist and locked my ankles, pulling him deeper into me. His pace was hard and fast, just like he promised. I came with a scream of his name. I laid there panting, my vision slowly clearing when I felt him lift my leg and adjust our position so he was spooning me. I was so amazed at how he didn't break our link. One arm under my neck, held my breast and the other at my waist moved to my tummy and pulled me closer as he pushed deeper into me. Mm. Gods, how I loved fucking him. He felt beyond incredible. He rammed into me harder and stronger. He kept pushing deeper. Eventually, I landed on my stomach, rolling my hips to meet his insistent thrusts. He grabbed my hips and raised me onto my knees. I rested my head on the pillow, hoping to stifle my screams. I felt his hand on my ass. Mm... I missed being spanked! The sting of pain mixed with pleasure was overwhelming. He slapped me with each thrust and I knew I was close. So close.

”That's it, Kaggs... let me hear you, baby,” he commanded.

Oh. My. All I ever needed was to hear his potty mouth. My orgasm racked my body. My knees gave out and I sank into the bed. He followed me down, stuffing a pillow under my tummy. He pumped me so hard. Gods. I loved fucking him. He came with such force that I'm surprised we didn't break anything. He laid on top of me panting, nearly crushing me. Then he rolled onto his side, holding me close.

”Fuck, Kagome,” he panted. “That was unbelievable.”

”Mm,” I murmured.

He was right. The sex just kept getting hotter and better. My orgasms were fucking unbelievable. I could only imagine what he felt.

”I love you so much,” he whispered and gave me a tight squeeze.

”I love you,” I replied.

We laid there until he fell out of me and I felt our combined juices leak out of me. Mm. The room smelled of sex and sweat. He reached over and pulled up the sheets we kicked around. I was exhausted. My eyes drifted closed and I knew a sweet slumber was only moments away.

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It was late afternoon, possibly early evening. I wasn't sure. A quick look at the window, sunset wasn't too far off. I padded off to the bathroom, leaving a softly snoring Puppy in bed.

In the bathroom, I was splashing water on my face to wake up. I blushed at my reflection as I patted my skin dry. I was glowing. I looked happy. I was happy. I was with my Puppy!

I tossed the towel on the counter, that's when I saw it. Them. Shit. My heart shattered into a thousands of shards.

There in the waste basket were two used condoms.
To be continued...

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Thank you for reading my story!

Sorry it took over three weeks to update! Interested in being my beta-reader? Drop me a line and your top three reasons why you'd be a perfect match for me: ohjoy (at) lovenplay (dot) com.

I received some very interesting reviews for this story and I apologize for mis-categorizing it. It is now properly categorized as `Angst/Drama/Romance' and in that order or priority. Think of this story as a dish of Angst, heavily peppered with Drama (if only in Kagome's mind) with a side of Romance. I created a clearer summary as well:

[AU.IK] Love, lust, heartache, and growing up. Kagome's story as she struggles with owning her femininity and becoming a woman according to her rules, not anyone else's.

I acknowledge the following people and all those noted on previous chapters for taking the time to review. Please know that by sharing your thoughts, opinions, rants and raves, you are a contribution to my writing.

E-mailed reviews


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angela, iLvsimplepln2, Nessa03, Kasha-TheInuFreak, erica6060, The Soultaker, inulova4lyfe, judif08, scribblenumba4, KnightAngels, Kagome M.K, sunshine22, spamster, fruitcake, Ae-lee, Miss Kagosha, SesshysGurl08, xXlovablekdXx, humble-bumble, foxfire730, Savannah Griffin, RoxyBunny, HiEi JaGaNsHis FlAmE, ss_dragon, Inudemoness89, DragonMisstress325, Queen of the Jean Purse/QJP, xxXDarkSlayerXxx, elementalobsession, Inu luvz Kag not that claypot, MoonlightHayou4, Karola, judif08, DragonMisstress325,Kagome-Chan-Girl, kaffeine-buttocks, Inu-Yasha-Lanalie, KoyomiMizuhara04, rossie.

Ja ne!
:) Joy