InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My First, My Last, My Only ❯ I'm No Angel ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My First, My Last, My Only
Chapter Eleven: I'm No Angel
By: OhJoy
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I tossed the towel on the counter, that's when I saw it. Them. Shit. My heart shattered into thousands of shards.
There in the waste basket were two used condoms.
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I fell against the bathroom door with a hard `thud.' Staring at the trash can, my head started to spin. A gross nauseated feeling hit the pit of my stomach. That was when I began looking around the bathroom. I mean, really started looking.

The countertop had all sorts of make-up and hair care products. Two toothbrushes. Perfume. A women's brand of deodorant. InuYasha's brand. On the floor were a pair of red boxer shorts, a purple floral lingerie thing and a pair of black panties... which belonged to her.

Oh my Gods. Oh my Gods. Oh my Gods.

I slammed my eyes shut. Without even thinking, I thumped my head against the door. My arms were wrapped around me. Fuck. What the Hells was I doing? Why did I ever agree to have an open relationship with him? I banged my head harder. Because I would just die if I was without him. I felt the tears trickle down my cheeks.


Fuck. InuYasha. Shit. I refused to open my eyes.

”Love, what's going on?” he asked. His hands gripped my upper arms. “You're shaking, baby.”

Baby? Does he call her that?

He pulled me into his arms, enveloping me in his warmth. He whispered soft reassurances and stroked my hair. He began rubbing circles on my back to soothe away my demons. He lifted me up bridal style and carried me back to the bed. We sat at the edge of the bed, his arms still around me.

”Love, tell me what's wrong. Tell me, I'm here,” he whispered in my ear.

I hated how his arms offered me strength and security when in my mind's eye they were wrapped around her last night. Hells, this morning. A shudder quaked my body and I think I wailed or cried out or something.

”Kaggs, talk to me,” his voice was strong and solid.

I opened my eyes to look into his. There I saw his love, his concern and worry. The tears welled up in my eyes again as I took a deep breath.

”I-I... th-there's... fuck...” I stuttered. The words wouldn't come out, I was sobbing and lay my head defeated on his chest.

”Sshh, love,” he murmured, stroking my hair again. “I'm here. It's ok.”

I had no idea how long he let me just cry as he held me. When the sobs got really bad, he raised my head with both of his hands on my cheeks. Gently, he wiped away my tears. His amber eyes were filled with compassion, love and... something I wasn't quite able to define.

”I'm going to get you some water, okay? I'll be right back.”

He waited until I nodded to go to the living room for a bottle of water. He opened it for me and guided it to my mouth. I took a long sip. The water helped to subside my sobs. He placed the bottle on the night stand and gathered me back in his arms, leaning against the pillows. His warmth and strength fell on me like a blanket, protecting me from my own thoughts. He whispered soothing reassurances.

My heart just ached. The pain felt so real. I could barely breathe. Breathe. That's what I began to concentrate on, my breathing. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Slowly, my trembling body stilled and the tears stopped. If only for the moment.

”Inu... Yasha?”

”Yes, love?”

”Th-this... hurts.”

”What's `this'?” his warm arms pulled me closer, as if to brace himself from my answer.



'I-I saw the used condoms in the bathroom.” Whew, that wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be.

”Kagome...” his hand went to my chin and lifted my face to meet his amber gaze.

I shook my head and tears were threatening to fall again, “It hurts me. I don't like not being the only one...”

He kissed me. I guess that's all that he could've done. My heart hurt and he couldn't deny that he was the one that caused the pain. But that kiss... in that kiss, I experienced his love. His heart. He told me that he loved me, all the time. But it wasn't enough, was it? I wanted more, more than I had any right to ask, more than I was willing to give. That's what turned the knife in my heart, me. I couldn't ask to be his only when I was unwilling to have him as my only. I didn't want a long distance relationship, at least not an exclusive one.

”Kagome...” he breathed over my lips as we broke for air. He leaned back a little so he could look into my eyes and said, “I love you more than I can ever really say. And this hurts me too. But we can't be together for more than the moment. That's just how things are right now. No one, NO ONE, means more to me than you.”

I sighed into his embrace. “I-I want to believe you... but...”

”But what?”

”I'm afraid you'll fall in love with someone else and forget about me,” I said softly, curling my body closer into his. I felt so lost. No matter how often he told me that he loved me... Gods, what if he said the same thing to her? Whoever her was.

”I could never forget about you,” he responded.

But he didn't say he wouldn't fall in love with someone else. Sigh. I guess, that was something that he can't promise. Same went for me. I love InuYasha. I know I do. With every bit of me. The future just scared me. Hells, anything beyond right now scared the living daylights out of me.

I didn't want to be with him right then. Breathing got hard again. I moved away from him and sat up. He followed me in perfect tandem.


”I-I should get going...” That was all I got out before he pulled me back into his arms.

”No, you can't leave me,” he whispered fiercely.

I struggled in his arms, “InuYasha, please. I need to leave.”

”No,” his arms tightened, he flipped us and now he had me pinned underneath him.

The tears that were threatening to fall... fell. My heart was breaking and he needed to dominate, to control me. How wrong was that?

”Please, InuYasha,” I pleaded. I struggled against him. I needed to leave. I needed to get away from him. I needed space to just breathe.

”No, you are not leaving me,” his voice was hard, almost desperate. He held my arms over my head and began licking away my tears. All the while he was whispering, “I love only you.”

I didn't want to hear him saying that he loved me. How could he when there were used condoms in the trash? Did I really love him? He's no saint, but I'm no angel either. I mean, I had sex with Koga last night. I whimpered. I knew I did. I fought against him. I twisted and turned and pushed him. I grunted at the effort. I didn't gain any ground. I just managed to get us to lay crosswise on the bed, with him still on top of me.

He held both my wrists in one hand slightly above my head and an arm about my waist. He claimed my mouth in a brutal, branding kiss. It was bruising and demanding. He demanded I submit, to give in, to acquiesce. I moaned against him. I fought the assault, or at least I tried. Gods. No matter how hard I tried not to, my body reacted to his. His tongue. His warmth. His strength. His dominance.

Finally, I kissed him back and completely melted into him. I returned his kisses with just as much fire. I claimed his mouth. He was mine. I left my fears behind. I didn't care what was gonna happen tonight or tomorrow or next week. He was right. All we had was right now. And I wasn't gonna run scared.

”Kah... gooooo... may...” he moaned against my neck.

The arm at my waist moved to hold me closer. He adjusted his weight on me and lifted his head up, our eyes met and time stood for me. I gasped at the raw emotion I saw in them. All at once I saw his fear, his anguish, and his heartache.

”Gods...” I moaned. “I love you so fucking much.” I writhed under him and opened my legs to let him in, into my core. Into my heart. Into my soul.

In a heart beat, he entered me. I moaned. He moaned. Oh. Gods, how I loved this man!

”You have my heart,” he whispered in my ear. His hand still held my wrists captive while the other gripped my hip as he thundered into me. “You have my soul.”

”Aahh...” I cried out. Fuck, but did he feel amazing. He raised himself up a little more. I opened my eyes to watch him. His hand went to my breast, his palm nearly engulfing it, softly squeezing the mound. My hips met his in rhythm, in love.

”You are so fucking incredible,” he said breathlessly, his eyes took in mine, my eyes shone with love. His hand drifted to my necklace. His necklace. The symbol of our love. He ran his fingers over it before he dipped his head to once again claim my mouth in a soul-searing kiss. Gods. He tasted so delicious. His tongue was caressing mine in a languid, seductive dance.

”Innuu...” I moaned as we broke our sweet kiss.

He nuzzled my neck and ran his tongue along the column. Up, down, up and then back down to gently suck on his mark. His breath was hot and the small puffs on my skin set me ablaze.

”Gods, you taste so sweet,” he whispered. “I love the feel of you. I love how you make me feel. Do you feel how hard you get me?” With that question, he slammed so hard into me that I could feel him at my womb. His mouth once again plundered mine. Oh, how his kisses left me breathless!

Amazing. My journey to the Heavens was nearly complete.

”Well, aren't you two just cozy?” a feminine voice interrupted.

My eyes shot open and I struggled to break our lip lock. But InuYasha just grunted and held onto my mouth with an unyielding suction. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw... Oh, shit. It was Kikyo! She was livid. Her face was an ugly shade of... purple?

”InuYasha! Gods be damned!” she shrieked.

Finally, InuYasha broke our kiss. I'm sure I looked aghast. He... well, shit, he looked triumphant. He smiled at me and said in a tender voice, “I love you, Kagome.”

Once again he dipped his head for a kiss. Only this time it was lingering, loving. What the Hells? Did he not see or hear Kikyo? She shrieked again and slammed something down.

”Who the fuck are you fucking now?” she screeched.

His thrusts were steady and strong. I couldn't help but moan when he ground his hips a little deeper into me.

”Shut the fuck up, you idiot,” he barked at her. “Either sit down and watch or get the Hells out.”

My eyes widened at his order. Oh, my. He looked back at me and once again gave me a soft, loving kiss. I met his thrusts with a sweet sense of victory. I was actually turned on even more that someone had witnessed us. I heard the door slam and he just looked at me, love clearly evident in his eyes.

”Kaggs, you are the only one I'd ever want,” he whispered.

I lifted my head to capture his lips. This time I poured my heart into the kiss. Things could've gone a million different ways with Kikyo. He could've asked her to join us. Eew. He could've just stopped and tried to console her, explain away what we were doing. He could've disregarded me. But he didn't. He claimed me -- in front of her! He chose me over her.

I just moaned, I was lost. I felt my orgasm approaching. Gods, the coil in my loins wound ever tighter. All I could do was sigh, moan and grind my hips into his. He was taking me closer to the Heavens with each roll of his hips. Mm. I knew better than to even try to loosen his hold on me. I loved the strength he possessed just in his one hand. But I had to try. I especially loved how he reprimanded me. I had to hear it.

”Stay still, Bitch,” he commanded, his grip on my wrists became unshakable.

”AAAAhhhhh!” I cried out in rapture. That mouth, it just pushed me over the edge. “INUYASHA!!” I screamed out his name as the waves of pleasure crashed over my body.

My core held him tighter as he brought on his own climax. I wrapped my legs around him, drawing him deeper. He grunted from the effort. Beads of sweat dropped on me. He howled my name into the room.

Panting, we were wrapped in each other's arms. He rolled onto his back, taking me with him. I think that was the best part of having sex with him. I mean, besides actually having sex with him. The way he always held me and didn't pull out. He always waited until he went soft and just fell out.

He lifted my chin and said with soulful eyes, “I love you, Kagome Higurashi.”

”I love you, InuYasha Takahashi,” I melted into him.

We ended up taking a shower together to wash off all the sweat and sex goo. My Gods. We had such mind-blowing sex! In the shower, I went down on him. I filled my mouth with hot water and engulfed him. Between my mouth and my hands, he was moaning and holding my head. When he came in my mouth, I swallowed every delicious drop. I loved the taste of him. A little salty, a little tangy, all InuYasha.

I stood up to hug him, I assumed the shower was over and well... he just came, so... Was I wrong. His arms were at my waist and he drew me in for a hot, wet kiss. His hands went to palm my ass. And he slapped it! Ah, the heat from the water and the sting from his palm... Gods.

He moved me so I was facing the marble wall. He was behind me. His hands were running up and down, squeezing, cupping, mapping my body. His breath at my ear, “I want to be inside you.”

His arousal was right against my bottom. I just wiggled on it and bent a little forward and said, “Come on in.”

That was all the invitation my Puppy needed. He pushed me a little forward for his first thrust. My hands flew to the wall for support and leverage to meet his thrusts.

”My hot little bitch,” he murmured, his tongue and lips softly sucking his mark on my neck.

His hands clamped onto my hips as he pounded into me. Gods. I loved how it could be slow and sensual or hard and fast or strong and demanding with him. We went the full spectrum.

”Fuck! You feel so fucking good,” he breathed into my ear.

The feel of him... I burned that sensation into memory. He was overwhelming my senses. I felt that familiar coil tighten, spiraling into a loud pinnacle of outrageous pleasure. His climax followed shortly. I loved how he always made sure I came before he brought on his own pleasure.

Exhausted and blissful, he held me close to his chest. The waterfall of warm water gently cascaded down our bodies.

”I love you,” he whispered, just barely above the sound of the water.

”Mm...” I leaned further into his embrace. “I love you.”

After a few moments of standing in his arms, he fell out of me. I felt the slight gush from the evidence of our combined pleasure. What he did next floored me. He turned me to face the water stream and tenderly, lovingly he ran the water from his hand to my sodden, swollen folds to cleanse me. All the while, dropping kisses on my shoulders and neck, whispering loving words and some naughty ones.

Once he was satisfied that I was thoroughly washed, he shut off the water and began drying me off with those soft fluffy towels. My mind went immediately to the other night when Koga did the same thing. Other night? Hells, it was just last night yet it felt like it was a lifetime ago. I couldn't help but compare InuYasha and Koga. Sigh. Similar and yet so completely different. Being with InuYasha touched a place in my soul. And being with Koga, it was like I was just passing the time away... until InuYasha came back into my life. The best part of InuYasha drying me off? When he put his necklace back around my neck.

”You know, you can wear this in the shower and it won't get damaged or anything,” he stated as he fastened the clasp.

His hands lingered at my collar bone. He was mere inches from me, dripping wet and absolutely lickable. I looked up at him and the love in his eyes took my breath away.

“Really?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

He simply nodded.

”Good to know. I was worried what the water may do to the jewel.”

”This jewel is virtually indestructible,” he said softly.

Amused and amazed I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down for another breathtaking kiss.

”Mm,” he purred. “What was that for?”

”For being you,” I smiled brightly and went to the living room to hunt for my clothes.

”Back to reality?” he asked, a towel around his waist and another in his hands as he dried his glorious mane.

I looked over my shoulder as I snapped my jeans and slipped into my sneakers. I wasn't really sure what we were supposed to do. He had to talk to Kikyo at some point. And I really wanted to talk to Sango.

”Mm,” I responded. “I think there's a girl that would like to talk to you.”

His eyes widened slightly. I guess, maybe, he didn't expect me to be okay with what was really going on between us. Maybe he felt like he had to walk away from her to be with me. I didn't know, I wasn't a mind reader.

”Feh,” he rolled his eyes. “This wouldn't be the first time she walked in on me...”

He trailed off and I think my heart sank a little more. Who was he becoming? For some ridiculous reason, I felt compassion towards Kikyo.

”InuYasha,” I began. “Even though she may not mean the same to you as I do, she still has feelings. You're not leading her on, are you?”

He looked... surprised, taken aback, and slightly confused at the calm of my voice.

”I mean, she did call you her boyfriend.”

”I'm not her boyfriend. I don't do commitment,” he huffed and walked over to a dresser to pull out some fresh clothes.

Huh? Man, his heart was becoming colder by the minute. I crossed the room to wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his back, between his shoulder blades.

”InuYasha...” I sighed into him.

”Kagome... don't,” he said quietly, gently he removed my arms and took a step from me.

I just stood there as he pulled on a pair of khakis and a blue t-shirt. He seemed so distant. I didn't get it. He was being a jerk towards Kikyo and he was okay with that? He said this wasn't the first time she's walked in on him... and she had asked `who he was fucking now?' -- so it was a recurring theme between them? How could she put up with that shit?

”InuYasha, we're both adults here and we are definitely in an adult relationship,” I began.

”Look, Kagome,” he turned to me, his eyes cold and guarded. “I'm not about to sit here and talk to you about how things are with Kikyo. I have an understanding with her. That's it. End of topic.”

I nodded. I didn't want to further alienate him. I wanted him to know that I loved him no matter what, even when he's banging another chick -- no matter how much it broke my heart.

”Puppy, I wasn't about to dissect your relationship with Kikyo. Frankly, I don't want to know what is up with you guys. It's just that... it doesn't sit well with me that you treat her so badly,” I confessed.

His eyes widened slightly and I saw his wall drop, just a little.


I rolled my eyes. “That's your answer to anything that makes you stop and think. Whatever. Can I use your phone? I want to hook up with Sango.”

I didn't really wait for his permission. I just wanted him to know what I was up to. I sat down on the bed and spoke into the receiver, “Yes, hello. May I be connected to Sango Kuwashima's room? Yes, thank you.”

InuYasha walked back into the bathroom. From the reflection of the mirror, I saw that he was brushing his teeth and generally getting ready to go out too.

”Hey ya, Sango,” I greeted her.

”Kagome! Where have you been? Koga hasn't been able to get a hold of you all day.”

”I'm with InuYasha.”

”Figures. Are you still with him?”


”Can't really talk?”

”You got that right.”

”Shit! Girl, I want to know!”

I laughed at her enthusiasm.

”Ok, ok. Come to my room. The boys went to see if they can find a bar with the basketball game.”

”Yeah, okay. I'll be there in a few,” I answered. I hung up the phone and went to the bathroom, to InuYasha.

”Hey, I'm gonna go hang with Sango,” I said.

He just nodded. He still seemed a little distant.

”Puppy?” I asked as I approached him.

He looked down at the sink and just leaned on the counter. He was hiding his eyes from me. He knew that something entered our little tryst... the reality that there were other people in our lives. Other people we each shared a hotel room with, other people we were intimately involved with, other people with feelings.

I leaned against the door once again. Only this time it wasn't because I couldn't stand. It was because, for once in my life, I didn't want to touch him.

”I'm gonna go hang out with Sango,” I repeated.

No response.

”Ok, then, I'll just get going,” I walked out of the bathroom. I was halfway through the living room before he called out to me.

”Kagome,” he said in a quiet voice.

I stopped immediately and found him leaning on the door frame. The look in his eyes was so guarded and unreadable.

”I'm here until Saturday afternoon. I want to see you again before I leave,” he said, his eyes fighting to hold my gaze.

”Ok. I'd like that too,” I answered. I walked to the door. Looking down, I turned the handle and said just loud enough for him to hear, “I love you, InuYasha Takahashi.”

I ran all the way to the elevators. I so totally needed to talk to Sango. I needed to get my head on straight. I needed her strength, her wisdom, her experience, her warrior spirit.
To be continued...
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Thank you for reading my story!
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Ja ne!
:) Joy