InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My First, My Last, My Only ❯ Summer of Love, Part I ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My First, My Last, My Only
Chapter Thirteen: Summer of Love, Part I
By: OhJoy
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Who was I to say that what Koga was doing was wrong? Sigh. I rolled back to him when he rang off. How could I be mad at him when I was the same?

I laid there, in the warmth of his arms, wondering when I'll ever be in love again... with a man that said I was the only one for him? That I was more than enough?

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I sighed inwardly for the umpteenth time as I laid there. In bed. Naked. Held by Koga. Sigh. What was wrong with this picture? Oh by the Gods. Have I sunk so low?

What was InuYasha to me? What was Koga to me? Hells, what was I to either of them? What was love? Why did I freak out, albeit momentarily and silently, when Koga was so obviously involved with another chick? Did she call him? Or did he call her?

I scrunched my eyebrows. I thought back to how I woke up... I heard a noise, then his voice. Maybe it was the phone ringing. Hm. Or maybe he bumped the phone as he picked it up to call her.

Either way, they talked. And I heard. Sigh. Did I care? No really, did I care if he was involved with someone else that he called while he was naked next to me... hm... when I thought about it, I mean, really thought about it. I didn't care. Deep down, I didn't really care about Koga. He was a great guy. Sexy as all the seven Hells. And treated everyone well. He was a loyal friend and the biggest cheerleader for anything I wanted to take on, second only to InuYasha. But did I ever want to lay a claim on him? Hm. No, not really. I could never trust him. Could I?

Koga was beyond smooth. I swear, if I wasn't friends with Sango or I hadn't seen him with that blonde back in December... I'd have thought I was the only one. That he was totally into me. But then there was this chick he called `angel' too. Fuck! I just knew she was the redhead. Ayame. That's what he had called her. Note to self: Ask Sango about Ayame.

Okay, I got some breathing room around this perceived betrayal from Koga. And it was easy enough to just let go. I mean, really. I knew I wasn't in love with the guy. I had zero delusions about him ever falling in love with me. So, whatever. Then my thoughts went to InuYasha.


My best friend. My love. My life.

How did everything become so complicated? Why couldn't it just me and him? Sigh. What if it was? Could I trust him to honor me as the one he'd want to be with? The only one?

Then it hit me. Kikyo.

I was to Koga what Kikyo was to InuYasha. Ew. Not that Koga treated me like crap. But he definitely didn't cherish me. I guess, for Koga, that would make Ayame... me? This was giving me a headache. Did Koga love Ayame like InuYasha loved me? And I was just there to pass the time with? I mean, I guess that was how I thought of Koga.

I mean, did I have any feelings for Koga? If there were no other people involved, would I choose Koga? Maybe. Maybe not. I mean, would I ever be able to trust him enough to know that I was the only one? But I knew that InuYasha will always have a place in my heart. Besides, InuYasha was still in the picture. None of this was making any sense to me.

My head started to ache. What would Sango do? She'd pass me a glass of wine and remind me to take my birth control pill. I began to wonder if Sango would ever find true love. I started to think of my guy friends that I could set her up with... someone romantic and sweet... definitely not a player and someone who'd sweep her off her feet. Hells, I'd like a guy like that too. Huh. Did such a guy exist? A guy that was physically attractive and not a player. Mm.

Finally, I stilled my thoughts and succumbed to sleep.

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The rest of the trip was filled with a few more clandestine meetings with my Puppy. Delicious. I caught myself fantasizing about InuYasha when I was doing Koga a couple times. Uh, oops. I actually cried out `Inu' once... yeah. Well, Koga never brought it up and that's when it hit me. He called both me and Ayame `angel' -- so who the Hells was he thinking of when we had sex? Yeah, whatever. Guilt faded quickly.

InuYasha and I went back to our routine of Sunday night calls. I have to admit, I really enjoyed the friendship aspect of our relationship. It was so easy to talk to him. We would chat for hours at a time. I told him I really wanted to be a writer. His reply? `So just write already.' Typical InuYasha. He encouraged me to just get whatever idea I had down on paper and go from there.

That's what I loved so much about InuYasha. He was my biggest cheerleader. Anything I was interested in, and I mean anything, he was always enthusiastic about it for me and encouraged me to explore it and see what could open up for me. His studies were boring him and he loved to see my creative side. I was happy to hear that he took up Kendo again. There was something seductive about the idea of InuYasha and a sword. The hentai in me was always lurking, I know.

Finals were coming up fast. We were both going to be home for the summer. I was excited and nervous at the same time. I wasn't sure what to expect. But after many conversations with Sango, I saw that there was no way I was going to share InuYasha over the summer. I just had to be strong and stick to my guns about it. Sango agreed to come out for at least a month. She promised July or August since she probably wouldn't get much work around that time.

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Idly twirling my hair, I looked out the window and heard the pilot announce that we were quickly approaching Los Angeles International Airport. My stomach lurched. I think it was a combination of anxiety and motion sickness. A small bit of relief came to me when I remembered that my little brother, Sota, was going to pick me up. For whatever lame reason, I thought it was wrong to have InuYasha pick me up - especially since Koga had dropped me off... and man, that kiss he gave at the gate...

”I'm going to miss you,” Koga whispered in my ear. His breath hot, sending shivers down my back.

“But you'll be busy visiting your friend on set,” I answered quietly, keeping the sadness out of my voice. Nope, he never said who he was visiting, but I knew.

”That's not going to make up for not seeing you all summer,” he said in a low tumble. He pulled me closer to his warm hard body. “I may have to come visit you too.”

”Mm,” I said. Noncommittal. When I have no idea what to say, be noncommittal.

The announcement for the final boarding call came over the speakers.

”That's my cue,” I murmured against his throat. Gods, how sexy was his throat?

He lifted my chin with a gentle push of his finger and captured my mouth in the sweetest, loving... most tender kiss I had ever experienced with him. My knees grew weak and his arm held me steady. I heard an approving grunt from the back of his throat. Mm. Seductive. When we broke for air, his brilliant blue eyes shone with a depth and clarity I had never seen before. It nearly took my breath away. I saw flashes of light? I groaned inwardly. Some photographer was having a field day.

”Think about me every now and then, angel,” he said in a soft, tender voice. He flashed his thousand-watt smile.

”You too,” I replied in a whisper.

Sometimes, I swear Koga could be so sweet and romantic. Too bad I wasn't totally into him. Sigh. Koga. InuYasha. Shit. What was I going to do? Well, it wasn't like I really had to make a choice. At least not today.

Sota was waiting for me at the gate and we made our way to baggage claim without a hitch. It was nice to have a quiet dinner with my family. No one knew the exact date of my arrival. Why? I dunno. Maybe I wanted to be a woman of mystery. Maybe I wanted just some down time.

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”Kagome! I am so excited!” Arimi squealed. “We're gonna have such a rockin' good time tonight! Everyone will be there.”

Her voice was shrill as she bounced excitedly on my bed. She looked so cute... in a sexy dominatrix sort of way. She was dressed in a short black leather miniskirt, thigh high black leather stiletto heeled boots and a rhinestone studded red tube top.

”Oh, and I just so want to hang out with everyone,” I laughed. I began rummaging through my closet.

”What are you gonna wear?”

”I dunno,” I shrugged.
“Something hot, sexy and fierce,” she replied. I heard the hesitation in her voice when she asked, “Have you talked with InuYasha?”

”Uh...” I began. Taking a deep breath and tucking lock of hair behind an ear, I turned to her and said, “No, you were the first and only person I called.” I returned to surveying my clothes.

”Really?” incredulity seeped into her voice. “Oh, he's been here for at least a two weeks... wreaking havoc with Miroku.”

”Yeah, I know.”

”You did? And you didn't tell him you were here yet?”


”Huh... well, do you guys still... uh, you know...”

I threw her a glance over my shoulder, my eyebrows scrunching. It wasn't like Arimi to beat around the bush.

”Just say it,” I commanded.

”Are you guys seeing each other?” she asked, her eyes looking everywhere but at me.

”You know what's up with us. We see each other when we see each other. Nothing major,” I ran a hand through my hair. “I haven't seen him since Milan. I spoke with him last Sunday. If you're asking how things are gonna go this summer, I have no idea.” I returned to inspecting my closet and thought maybe I should just wear what I had on, I mean, who really cared anyway?

”Hm,” she was still beating around the bush. Never a good sign. “Well... you know about him and Nazuna, right?”

I spun around, alarmed. “What?!” Tears welled up in my eyes.

”Oh, sweetie...”

A black cloud fell over me. I felt like I was having an out of body experience. Sitting on my bed next to one of my closest friends, I had my heart ripped out of me. Arimi went on to tell me how InuYasha had hooked up with Nazuna as soon as I left for New York. Nazuna was all over him and they were at every party together. They were hot and heavy until he left for Japan. But she wasn't the only one. Nope, my Puppy got together with a half a dozen chicks from our graduating class that summer. Then she saw them together at someone's Christmas party. She also saw them just the other day at a local restaurant.

”Shit,” I sighed and leaned into her hug. I looked down at my khaki shorts and simple white V-neck t-shirt. “Are you sure they'll be at Houjo's tonight?”

”Oh, yeah,” she nodded. “Everyone'll be there.”

”Mm... then let's make sure I look hot, sexy and fierce,” determination flooded my voice. I wasn't about to look like a discarded thing.

I settled for a pair of tight, low-slung deep indigo jeans, three-inch black slides with a gorgeous tapered heel, and a beautiful ivory chiffon blouse that had a plunging V-neck. This was one of my favorite tops. It was soft and feminine, flirty and sensual. Just what I was going for tonight.

Arimi let out a wolfish whistle. “Oh, baby!” she said approvingly. “Sweetie, don't you stress over him or her. All the guys will be falling for you tonight. Hells, maybe even a few chicks.” She winked, her eyes sparkling.

I laughed with her. Arimi. Gods loved her! She was so outrageous. I glanced at the clock. The party should be at full swing. I took one last look at my reflection... a glimmer caught my eye... Sigh. I reached behind my neck and removed his necklace. I opted instead to wear a pair of beaded dangling earrings that Sango gave me. Somehow, the necklace just didn't mean as much anymore. Yeah, I had to admit it. I was a little bitter. Gods, he was such a player. He couldn't even wait a couple of weeks for me. Hrumpf. It was gonna take more than just a hello from him to get with me.

Arimi drove like a speed demon to Houjo's. When we got there, the party was in full tilt mode. There were people everywhere. Some familiar, some not. We made our way through the house to the backyard. Janet Jackson's “Escapade” was thumping from the speakers.

My eyes quickly found InuYasha. Or rather the side of his silver mane. He looked hot in faded jeans, flip flops and a black bitch shirt. He had Nazuna clinging on him. My stomach dropped. Ew. She was dressed like a slut. She wore a tiny red micro-miniskirt and a black tank top with a pair of ridiculous `come-fuck-me' four-inch pumps. Slut. They were talking to Miroku and some chick hanging all over him. No doubt a friend of Nazuna's.

I picked up a couple of Amstel Lights and found a cute guy to open them for us.

”Thanks,” we said in stereo.

”Anything for a smile,” the blond haired hotty said. “My name is Matt.”

”I'm Arimi,” she purred.

Arimi went in for the kill. I had to laugh. Ever since she and Hiei broke up, she was an even bigger player than Sango. I glanced over my shoulder at InuYasha. I saw him dip his head and kiss her. He was kissing her. He initiated the kiss. I saw his hand drift from her waist to her bottom. Ew. My heart condensed with something even colder than ice.


My head turned towards the male voice, just beyond InuYasha. Of course, I caught the flash of guilt in InuYasha's eyes. Fucking bastard.

”Kagome! I'm so glad you're here!”

It was Houjo. A smile warmed my face. He had grown a few inches and filled out... well, nicely. He was always nicely built as the all-star baseball player he was. But now... well, now he was quite nice. His skin was bronzed. He wore a pair of gray slacks, a white silk button-up shirt and black loafers. I walked to him, within a few feet of InuYasha.

Houjo gave me a warm hug. I'm sure he meant it only as friendly greeting. But I couldn't pass up the opportunity to show InuYasha that he didn't affect me. Maybe a little bit of me wanted to make him jealous. How could I not? Kissing Nazuna and copping a feel. Fucker. So, I pressed my full body length against Houjo and lingered in his arms a moment longer than necessary.

”Hi,” I breathed, my hand ran down from his collar to just the rise of his chest. Mm. Been working out?

A slight blush warmed his cheeks. I guess, in order to dissipate the embarrassment, he introduced me to the chick hanging all over Miroku, “Kagome, do you know Hitomi? She's Nazuna's cousin visiting from Seattle.”

I took a sip of my beer. Turning to her, flashed a wicked smile and shook her hand. “Nice to meet you.” I turned towards the small group and greeted everyone, “Hey guys.”

I noticed InuYasha's eyes drifted down to where his necklace usually was. Good. Point one, Higurashi.

”Kagome, you are looking lovely as ever,” Miroku broke the slightly awkward silence. I leaned towards him and gave him a small hug.

”Thank you,” I whispered into his ear.

A little more intimate than necessary, but I wanted to push the InuYasha envelop. InuYasha just stood there wearing a scowl and pink lip gloss. Ew.

“InuYasha, pink is a lovely shade of gloss. But I think it looks better on Nazuna than on you,” I smirked.

Higurashi, two. Takahashi, nothing.

His eyes widened slightly and he wiped his lips with the back of his hand. I shook my head slightly at his embarrassment. I leaned over to him, keeping my feet planted, and gave him the same small hug I gave Miroku. He doesn't treat me as anything special, then I won't treat him any different.

”Hey, Nazuna,” I smiled, as I ran a hand through my hair.

”Kagome,” she said tersely, her grip tightened around InuYasha's arm.

Geez, insecure much?

”Your hair looks great,” my voice oozed with sweetness. “Those highlights really enhance the brilliance in your eyes.”

”Thanks,” she said in a relaxed voice.

Her stance visibly softened. Easy. People were so easy. Like Sango said, just compliment them and they back down.

Higurashi, three points. Takahashi, nothing.

”You're welcome.”

Sheesh. Charm just spewed out of me, my smile grew wider. I took another sip of my beer. Fuck you, Nazuna. You're nothing to me. You're not going to make me work for him. He has to work for me.

”When'd you get back, Kaggs?” Miroku asked.

”Day before yesterday,” I answered casually, just before I took another swig of my brew. I watched InuYasha out of the corner of my eye. One, two, three...

”Day before yesterday?” InuYasha asked, he sounded a bit irritated. “And you didn't think about calling me?”

”Mm,” I raised an eyebrow. “Sorry.” Half-ass apology. Always pay lip service even if you didn't want to. “So, `Roku, how's Hawaii? Killer surf or what?”

”Hells, yeah,” he beamed. “Absolutely spiritual.”

Miroku loved riding the waves. He had always claimed that surfing brought on a level of calm that can only be experienced on a board in the middle of the ocean. That was Miroku, our philosophical player. He and InuYasha used to cut first period because they had been surfing since dawn.

”Kaggs!” a feminine voice squealed.

I looked for the source and found Eri and Yuka.

”Hey, girl,” Yuka greeted me with a hug.

”Oh by the Gods, Kagome,” Eri gushed as she hugged me. “I have to know what Koga Matsuno is like in bed.”

”Yeah, give us details. Length, width, girth. Details, girl,” Yuka added.

”You're going out with Koga Matsuno. The Koga Matsuno? Calvin Klein underwear model and actor?” Nazuna asked, she took a small step towards us.

I noticed her hand was off of InuYasha. It looked as if he was about to punch something. Oh. My. I couldn't have planned this any better if I scripted it. Perfect. Another point, Higurashi.

”Yep, our girl Kagome has been seeing the Koga Matsuno,” Yuka proclaimed. “For how long now?”

”Since I moved to New York last summer,” I answered, my tone light. Keeping InuYasha in my peripheral vision, I took another sip of my beer. Beer, mm, sipping it calmed my nerves a little. I wasn't expecting Nazuna to be a fan girl. Maybe tonight wasn't going to be so bad.

Suddenly, I was surrounded by my girlfriends from high school and some others I had no idea what their names were. I was bombarded with a deluge of questions.

”What's Koga really like?”

”How did you guys meet?”

”Is he coming to visit you here? Can I meet him?”

”What is he working on now?”

”Does he wear boxers or briefs?”

”I read that he's a cuddler. Does he hold you all night?”

”Why does he call you his angel?”

”Does he snore?”

”How does he take his coffee?”

”The latest issue of Star had you guys at a club. What club was that?”

Happily, and with an arrogant smirk, I answered the questions as discreetly as I could without giving any real details. And all with a bit of humor. I watched as InuYasha and Miroku walked away. It would appear that the topic of Koga Matsuno was not interesting to either of them.

The night was pretty boring compared to the beginning. Sigh. I managed to avoid InuYasha all night. We were never alone. Someone was always around, usually Nazuna. I found it funny how every other thing that came out of her mouth was a question about Koga. InuYasha just scowled or rolled his eyes. Man, this was even better than having Koga right next to me.

Sobriety was my friend, I only had the one beer and switched to bottled water. Mostly because I knew I had to remain sober if I wanted him to actually work for me. No matter how much I longed to be in his arms. Skin to skin. Breath to breath. Sigh. I slumped against the counter in the kitchen. The party was starting to thin out. It must be getting late.
“Hey,” Arimi's voice gently pulled me from my thoughts.

I smiled, “Hey.” I looked around. I ran a hand through my hair. “Where's your blond boy hotty?”

”Outside talking to Miroku. His name is Matt,” she explained.

I nodded. Not much else I could say. I wasn't a big fan of love right then.

”Are you ready to go?” she asked, stifling a yawn.

”Yeah,” I began to yawn a little too. “Let's say our good-byes to Houjo. I saw him in the living room.”

We found Houjo easily enough and said our good-byes. I didn't even bother to look for InuYasha. No doubt he was with Nazuna. I was saddened by the thought that he didn't disregard her for me as he had with Kikyo when we were in Milan. Was there something going on between them? I mean, like really? More than just the obvious sex. Did she mean something to him?

I went to bed with a heavy heart.

Just as I turned off the light, my phone rang. I frowned. It was almost two in the morning. It had to be for Sota. I picked up on the second ring.


”Why'd you leave without saying goodbye?”

Sigh. It was InuYasha.

”Oh, sorry,” I said softly. “I forgot. Arimi was really tired and just wanted to go.” A little white lie never hurt anyone.

”You looked great tonight, Kaggs,” his voice was softer.

I heard rustling. Ew. He better not be calling me when Nazuna was in bed with him.

”I miss you,” he sighed.

”Mm.” What the Hells was I supposed to say to that?

”Can I come over?”


”Huh? Aren't you with Nazuna?” I asked.

”Nah, she went home with her cousin,” he replied.

Ah, so that was it. He was working it for some late night booty call. Huh, well, not with me, buddy.

”So, can I come see you?” he asked.

”Not tonight, InuYasha. It's late and I'm already in bed,” I answered.

”Baby, I miss you,” he insisted.

Baby? What the fuck? He never called me that.

”Mm, listen, InuYasha...” I started. “I'm gonna let you go. I'm tired. It's late. I'm gonna go to sleep. G'Night.”

”Kagome,” his voice stern, commanding that I didn't end our conversation. “Why didn't you tell me you were back?”

”I dunno,” I said, truthfully.

”You know, it's not what you think between me and Nazuna,” he said. “She's just cool to hang with.”

”Mm, good to know.” You just like it when someone worships you, you fucking cheating bastard.

”She's not you. No one compares to you,” he breathed in the phone.

Fucking asshole. I saw you with her. Everyone saw you with her, not with me. I was starting to get bitter. Way bitter. Before I lost my temper, I knew I had to end this conversation now.

”G'Night, InuYasha,” I said and waited a moment before I hung up the phone.

Lying in bed, I stared up at my dark ceiling. Shit. Fuck. Piss. When did I lose InuYasha? Sigh. Let's face it, he hasn't been mine since high school. And that didn't last very long, did it? I mean, as soon as I left he went in full player mode. For once, he listened to me and didn't come after me. No, he had sex with over a half a dozen chicks from our class.

Man, this was going to be one long summer.
To be continued...
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Thank you for reading my story!

Okay, I know it's not quite the Koga hating chapter I hinted I was working on... just sometimes, I swear this story writes itself and has a life of its own. Wait... is this a lemon-free chapter? Hm, well, I hope you enjoyed it anyway. Soon... Inu-Kag fans will rejoice...

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Ja ne!
:) Joy