InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My First, My Last, My Only ❯ Summer of Love, Part II ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My First, My Last, My Only
Chapter Fourteen: Summer of Love, Part II
By: OhJoy
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Lying in bed, I stared up at my dark ceiling. Shit. Fuck. Piss. When did I lose InuYasha? Sigh. Let's face it, he hasn't been mine since high school. And that didn't last very long, did it? I mean, as soon as I left he went in full player mode. For once, he listened to me and didn't come after me. No, he had sex with over a half a dozen chicks from our class.

Man, this was going to be one long summer.

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The heat of the morning sun felt great on my back as I raced against my watch to get back home. My remedy for pretty much anything: Run. Okay, sometimes it wasn't just an aerobic workout. Sometimes I ran away from things that bugged me, from homework, from arguments, from life. You get my point.

A mind-clearing run was usually a reliable way for me to get a better perspective. Sigh. Just not today. I was still at a loss about what the Hells InuYasha was trying to pull last night. I hit the front porch steps and bent over, hands on my knees, panting. Damn. I must smell. Sweaty and gross. I needed a shower.

”Morning,” came that all too familiar voice as I entered the kitchen for some much needed water.

”Hey,” I greeted InuYasha with a schooled non-emotional expression plastered on my face as I opened the fridge for a bottled water.

He was leaning against the kitchen counter. Looking fine as all the seven Hells in a pair of carpenter's cut stone washed jean shorts, a white bitch shirt and black flip flops. His hair was slightly damp. Breathe, Kagome, just breathe.

”Sweetie, do you want some coffee?” my mom asked, scooping some grounds into the coffee maker.

”Actually, Mrs. H, I came over to see if Kagome wanted to go for breakfast,” InuYasha interjected.

”Mm, sounds great,” I said in a friendly tone, taking another sip from my water bottle.

Be friendly. We're friends. Just friends. He wasn't my boyfriend anymore. I caught the relief and touch of happiness in his eyes at my reply. Hm, nice.

”Oh, ok then I'll take that as a no,” my mom said, continuing with her task of making some coffee.

”Just lemme shower,” and with that I bounded upstairs.

The hot shower cascaded down my aching back. I didn't sleep well last night. I just tossed and turned. Mostly replaying InuYasha kissing Nazuna. Then imagining my Puppy getting together with all the chicks that had followed him around like fan girls all through high school. Nope, last night wasn't a night filled with sweet dreams at all.

The hot water felt great combined with the cool tile on my back. Mm. I grabbed the handheld shower head, adjusted it to a rhythmic pulse and aimed it at my happy button. I needed a little happiness this morning.

Despite the water from the shower, I was already wet. I was aching. I needed a good hard fuck. Man, it's not like I haven't had sex. It hasn't even been a week since the morning I had with Koga before my flight. But just being near InuYasha, I got aroused. He still set butterflies aflutter in my tummy. I couldn't help but react to his presence.

Mm. I imagined him in the shower with me. I replayed the last time we showered together. In Milan...

He moved me so I was facing the marble wall. He was behind me. His hands were running up and down, squeezing, cupping, mapping my body. His breath at my ear, “I want to be inside you.”
His arousal was right against my bottom. I just wiggled on it and bent a little forward and said, “Come on in.”
That was all the invitation my Puppy needed. He pushed me a little forward for his first thrust. My hands flew to the wall for support and leverage to meet his thrusts.
”My hot little bitch,” he murmured, his tongue and lips softly sucking his mark on my neck.

”Mm,” I cried out, my fingers moving in rhythm to my memory. I ran my thumb in a small circle over my button and the sweet tingles of an orgasm washed over my body.

Sigh. Masturbating sucked. Especially when InuYasha was in my house. So close. So yummy. So... much of a player. Fuck it. I gotta remember Sango's words, `He'll want you even more when he thinks he can't have you. Make him beg.'

Shaking my head, I tried to clear away the image of him kissing Nazuna and feeling her ass. I quickly dried off, wrapped my hair up in a towel and pulled on my bathrobe. I found InuYasha laying on my bed, hands behind his head, ankles crossed, flip flops tossed aside on the floor.

”Out. I need to change,” I commanded. Don't even try this shit with me, Takahashi.

He raised an eyebrow, “What? I always watch you get dressed.”

”Out,” I repeated, holding the door open for him. Geez, what was he thinking? My mom was downstairs!

”You're serious,” it was more of a statement than a question, sitting up and running a hand through his hair.

”You know it,” I gestured with my eyes that he needed to get out of my room.


I closed the door behind him with a shaking hand. For just a moment, I rested my forehead on the door and thought I was going to cry. Breathe, Kagome, just breathe.

Taking one last look at my reflection, I smiled. I went for casual, not anywhere near sexy. I wore a pair of comfy drawstring khakis, a white baseball-style t-shirt that had “Girls Rule” silkscreened across the front and a number one on the back with light blue three-quarter length sleeves, and a pair of pink flip flops. A flick of mascara and a dab of bronze gloss, I completed the look by pulling my still wet tresses into a high ponytail. I fingered his necklace on my dresser. Sigh. Putting it away in my jewelry box instead of putting it on, I wasn't sure if I could ever wear it again.

Sota and InuYasha were in the living room playing a video game. Looked like Sota was kicking his ass. InuYasha looked up when he sensed me and smiled. We said our goodbyes and headed out the door.

”Sweetie,” my mom called out as we hit the driveway.

I turned around to give her a smile.

”Don't forget, we're visiting with your grandfather this afternoon!” she said loudly from the doorway.

”No worries, I'm just going for breakfast. I'll be back in an hour or so,” I answered. Of course, the disappointment was evident in InuYasha's amber pools.

”So, what are you up for?” he asked as we pulled on our seat belts.

”Mm... eggs, bacon, potatoes... usual breakfast fare,” I replied lightly. Just stay friendly. Don't go all jealous girlfriend. Erm, jealous ex-girlfriend. We were friends first. No matter what.

”Cool, I can do that,” he said and we sped off to one of our old haunts.

I stared out the window during the whole drive. It was so odd to be home. It all felt so familiar and at the same time it felt different, almost heartbreakingly so. It felt right that I was in his car, that we were together. But we weren't together. It was like we were pretending. But pretending at what? What the Hells? What did I want from him? What did I want for myself?

”Kagome,” he said softly.

”Mm,” I said, still a little lost in my thoughts.


I felt his hand on my thigh and nearly jumped through the roof. Startled, I turned to him to find concern and a bit of hurt in his eyes. He quickly moved his hand.

”Love, we're here,” his voice soft and smooth, somehow reassuring.

”Right,” I looked around and took in my environment.

Freaky how it didn't even register that he had parked and shut the engine off, I shook my head slightly and exited the car. Thankfully, he didn't try to hold my hand. Although he did have a hand at my lower back, guiding me to the restaurant's front door. I so desperately wanted to lean into his touch. Hells, I wanted to press my whole body against his and claim his mouth as mine. Mine. He was mine. Gods be damned. I wanted him to be mine. Only mine. Instead, I quickened my pace and put some distance between me and his hand.

We sat at a table on the patio, the sun warming my face. I hoped it would warm my heart too. However futile that was. Sigh. Breakfast was anything but a lingering affair. I wolfed down my food as fast as InuYasha did and soon we were back in his car.

”Did you want to go do anything?” he asked, pausing before he started up the engine.

”Uh...” I hesitated. “Not really. I just want to get home. I'm visiting with Grandpa a little later.”

”Right,” his voice was flat. I stole a sidelong glance at him and his features were inscrutable.

The ride back home was in a strained, awkward silence. I became increasingly aware of the odd space between us. What were we to each other now? If we were friends, why was it so strained? Can we go back to being friends? Or did I totally screw up our friendship?

He pulled up into my driveway and we sat there for a moment, neither of us moving or saying anything.

Gods! I hated this.

”Inu...” I began, quietly slipping off my seat belt.

Silence. Icky awkward silence. He followed suit and removed his seat belt and turned towards me.

”Kaggs, what's up?”

Catching his gaze, I saw a bit of apprehension in those amber eyes that I loved so much. I sensed a touch of sadness. Huh? What did he have to be sad about? Shit, any way I looked at things, InuYasha was having his cake and eating it too. Fucking bastard. Damn player. Like a dog after a bone.

”Mm, what do you mean?” I countered. Denial, ah, I have a black belt in that art.

He hesitated, as if searching for the right words. He ran a hand through his gorgeous hair. Gods, how I wished I could do that. Stop it. Focus, girl. Big time player here.

”You've been distant. We barely talked at breakfast. You didn't even tell me you were back. You just showed up at Houjo's last night. You were all cocky and full of yourself,” he rattled them off like it was a shopping list.

”Cocky?” I huffed. “I was just hanging out with friends I haven't seen since graduation.”

”What the Hells do you call that damned smirk you wore all night while you talked about the Koga Matsuno,” he sneered.

Huh? Where was this coming from? He had Nazuna hanging all over him, all night long. What did he want from me?

”I can't help it if people are curious about what I've been up to,” I dismissed his jibe. I wasn't going to take his bait.

”Oh, please, Kaggs, it was so way more than that,” he rolled his eyes. “It was like you were shoving Koga in my face every chance you got.”

”What?” I was confused. “I wasn't doing anything of the sort. It was everyone else, not me. People were just asking me about him and I answered.”

”And you were loving every minute of it,” he leered. “That's what you want... isn't it?” He paused, looking at me with a strange undefinable expression. “You want to be the center of attention. You want people to notice you. Being with me wasn't good enough, now you had to date a fucking underwear model and actor. And get your face plastered in every tabloid.”

”Whoa... you are way off base, Takahashi,” I rolled my eyes, anger rising. “You are reading way too much into last night. All I was doing was being friendly with people I hadn't seen in over a year. And they were curious about Koga. That's it. End of story. Period.”


”Don't you `feh' me, Takahashi,” I cried out, totally exasperated. What the Hells? “Look it was obvious you were with Nazuna, so whatever. I'm not here to crowd you or cramp your style or whatever. I was just hanging out.”

”Crowd me...”

”Yeah, crowd you,” I took off running. “Look, InuYasha, I'm sorry I didn't let you know when I was gonna be here. Honestly, I didn't want you to know. I think a part of me wanted to see what you were like when I wasn't around.”

I took a deep breath, “It's like you're two different guys. There's this awesome guy that I've known all my life who knows me better than I know myself... that I shared everything with. My first kiss, my first boyfriend, my first lover.”

I felt the tears coming, but somehow I managed to hold them at bay. My breath caught for a moment, then I drove on, “Then there's this other InuYasha that I've only heard about until last night. They say he's a full on smooth operator looking to score with every chick... and he does. I'm not sure which one is the real you anymore. I never thought you would be such a dog when it came to girls. But I guess I was wrong.” I shrugged and looked out the window.

He was quiet. How come he didn't even try to defend himself? Or get me to see another side to this... anything... just not this awkward quiet.

”Inu... Yasha,” I sighed. “I don't want to ever not have you in my life. I just don't know how to have you in my life right now. I think it would be best if we were just friends. I mean, we're only here for the summer then we have to go back to our lives. I-I don't want to screw up our friendship by... well, by screwing you. I don't want to be your fuck buddy. It's just not worth it.”

”Sex with me isn't worth it?” he whispered.

”I-I don't want to lose you as my best friend,” I defended myself.

”Is that it?” he asked.

He had his wall up, he closed himself off again. “Kaggs, I told you that it's different for guys. Yeah... Hells, yeah, I like to fuck. And I'll get laid every chance I get, no doubt. But believe me when I say that it's different with you. We're more than fuck buddies. Way more. When I touch you... when I kiss you... when we make love... my soul mates with yours. You know that.”

He was close. I felt his breath on my face. Gods. I wanted to kiss that mouth, so bad. So very bad.

”So go on and think that I'm some sort of player. I won't deny it. I am,” he shrugged and leaned back in his bucket seat. “Just know that you're the only one that I've ever shown my heart. And that says something.”

He turned his head against the leather seat, locking eyes with me. His eyes were guarded. I was beginning to doubt everything we ever had. I was doubting him even now.

”You are my best friend and I will always love you. You are not like the others,” he said earnestly. “You are Kagome. My Kagome.”

Tears welled up in my eyes. My heart just broke. “I-I wish I could believe that...” I whispered.

He sat forward and held both my hands in his.

”I guess, these are just words to you,” he sighed. “But they are true. Let's revise our pinky promise...”

I looked up at him. Oh, Gods. That promise. What was he thinking now? He held out his pinky for me to hook onto.

”I promise to always tell you the truth and to always be your friend,” he promised.

My pinky grabbed his. “I promise.”

Somehow I made it out of his car and into my bedroom. I still didn't remember how. My tears fell easily. How did things get so twisted? He didn't even ask to see just me. It was like he didn't care about being with me like that anymore. No, it was more important to him to get laid as often as he could get it. I buried my face into my pillow. I screamed and cried until I was hoarse.

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True to his word, InuYasha was my best friend as I had always known him to be. It was almost like how it was when we were in elementary school. The stupid jokes, the ridiculously funny insults and the silly pointless arguments. Arguing just to debate a point that neither of us even cared about.

Oh, it was awesome.

But what really pulled on my heartstrings was how he didn't seem to be affected by being near me as I did him. My Gods, I never had masturbated so much! Pretty much by the time his car was pulling out of my driveway, I was pulling out my vibrator.

”I'm getting another soda. Anyone want one?” I asked my friends all sprawled across Miroku's living for what had become a Sunday afternoon ritual: Movie Marathon at Miroku's.

Various exclamations of drink orders fell on my ears. With a laugh, Arimi assisted me in bringing all the drinks back to our friends. We were placing the drinks on the coffee table when Miroku pulled out the video tape to put it into the separate rewinder machine and an entertainment gossip show came flooding into the room.

”... on the lookout for the hunky Koga Matsuno, this sweet clip was submitted,” a feminine voice announced.

To my shock and horror, the TV screen filled with a video of me and Koga the morning he kissed me good bye at the airport. Oh, my Gods. Thankfully there wasn't any audio. I saw myself hug him one last time as I ran to board my flight, tears evident in my eyes as I unknowingly passed by the cameraman. But what caught my breath was the next shot, the camera zoomed in on Koga. His hand just below his heart and another ran through his hair, his eyes normally bright blue were shining a midnight blue and he wore the most forlorn look. He stood there watching my disappearing form. The image faded to black.

”Wow, Erika, you say you know who the woman was that Koga's so smitten with?” the female anchor asked her companion on her right.

”Yes, Lisa, that's Kagome Higurashi. Koga has called her `his angel.' I had the pleasure of meeting her at the premier of `Two Hearts, One Mind' back in April,” Erika Jones said smoothly, looking straight in the camera. In a small rectangle over her shoulder, the clip from the premier played mutely. “She's a college student at NYU originally from Los Angeles. They're spending this summer apart as she's home for the summer and he's in Vancouver on location.”

”Mm, that's tough on any relationship. Looks like they were both very sad at the prospect of spending the summer without each other,” Lisa commented.

That was it. I couldn't take it anymore. These people had no idea what they were talking about. Shaking my head, I grabbed another video tape and shoved it in the VCR and pressed play. Immediately, the gossip ceased and the TV was filled with a blue screen as the tape rolled.

”Kaggs!” Eri exclaimed. “Hey! I wanted to see that! Why'd you shut it off?”

I shot her a death glare, “I'm not about to listen to someone who doesn't even know me comment on my life.” In a softer voice, I said, “They have no idea what they're talking about.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the now usual inscrutable look on InuYasha's face. Sheesh. Everyone just jumped to their own conclusions about everything. Gods. How did I tell my friends who have already witnessed InuYasha-the-player's conquests that I'm dating another player that is flying off to be on location with his other lover?

Man, how much more of a loser could I be? I couldn't even get one guy to be faithful and loyal to me. Tears welled up in my eyes. Life sucked. Love happened to other people.

Eri stood up and placed her hands on my shoulders, “Honey, I'm sorry. It's ok. I know you miss him.”

I closed my eyes and the tears fell. “It's not like that,” I whispered, walking to the bathroom so I could splash some water on my face.

Upon my return, I saw that Yuka had gotten up from her place next to InuYasha on the couch. I needed some love right about then. Even if it was platonic best friend love. I plopped down next to him, lifted his arm and wrapped it around me as I snuggled into him and curled my body about him. He had a quizzical look on his handsome face. I gave him a small smile and squeezed him a little closer to me.

Softly, he began rubbing his magical circles on my back. He kissed my forehead and gave me a reassuring squeeze every now and then. My body completely relaxed against him. I loved how he made me feel so safe and protected.

”It's okay to miss him, love,” he whispered.

Instantly, I stiffened. Yeah, even the great InuYasha Takahashi jumped to the wrong conclusion.

Lifting my head to whisper in his ear so I wouldn't disturb our friends watching the movie, I said softly, “It's not like that. Whatever you're thinking, it's not that.”

”You can't deny what I saw with my own eyes,” he whispered fiercely.

”Shh!” Yuka said, her eyes not leaving the TV screen.

”Maybe you need to get your eyes checked!” I whispered back just as fiercely.

”I need to get my eyes checked?” his voice rising with irritation, pulling away from me.

”Shh!” That came from Arimi this time.

”Yeah, either that or get your head examined,” I retorted.

”Listen, woman--”

”Enough!” Miroku called out, he had the remote in his hand and the movie was paused. “Take it somewhere else so the rest of us can enjoy the movie. Please.

InuYasha stood and dragged me out of the living room. We went through the kitchen, but he didn't stop until we were outside the sliding glass doors and near the pool.

”Kaggs, what the Hells? I'm just offering you a shoulder to cry on while you're pining away for your boyfriend... like the good friend you asked me to be,” he sneered.

”And I'm telling you that's not it!” my voice rising with my ire.

”Not it? What... that you're not pining for him or that I'm not your friend?” he demanded.

”I'm not pining for him!” I was so exasperated. Sheesh! I wasn't about to tell him that I was fool enough to be dating another player that didn't cherish me! “Just drop it okay? Let's go watch the movie.” I turned to take a step back towards the house when he grabbed me by my upper arms.

”Oh Hells no. You explain yourself and you do it right now,” his tone just asking me to be belligerent.

”No, drop it!” I twisted out of his hold and marched away.

”Kagome! I want some answers!”


”Kagome!” he tone was cold and demanding and I faltered in my next step. In an instant, he stood behind. I mean. Right. Behind. Me. With his arms wrapped around my waist, his breath was hot on my ear, in a voice filled with concern, he whispered, “What are you not telling me, love?”

Gods. How he could dissolve my determination. I leaned completely into him, my resolve and anger melting away. All that remained was the hurt in my heart.

”Oh, Puppy,” I sighed as I grasped onto his arms hugging myself. “I can't talk to you about this. You are my best friend, but you're also my ex-boyfriend and I... I just can't.”

The warmth of his body reignited the desire I had for him. I felt myself getting wet with each puff of his breath on my ear and neck. Closing my eyes for just a moment, I savored the feel of his body pressed against mine. My heart wrenching at the thought that he had become so platonic, so easily. Like all his desire for me vanished that day in his car.

For a second, I thought I felt him nuzzle my neck and inhale my scent. But I guess I was mistaken for he loosened his grip on me and took a small step back, turning me in his arms, to look into my eyes. His gaze was soft and loving, albeit a tad guarded.

“I'm sorry, Kagome,” he said quietly. “I overstepped my bounds. But I want you to know that I'm here if you want to talk. We're adults now and we can talk about this stuff if you want.”

He gave me a brotherly kiss on my forehead and my heart sank.

Giving him a small smile, I replied, “Thanks, InuYasha. I appreciate it, but I'll pass, okay?”

He took my hand and gave it a small squeeze. We wandered into the house and settled back into our place on the sofa to watch the rest of the movie with our friends. I snuggled into him and resigned myself to have him as my best friend. Thankful that I didn't screw that part up.

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It was the next week when I got a call from Arimi. I had avoided my friends all week after that incident with InuYasha. I felt like such a loser. Everyone thought I was the bomb having dated InuYasha and then moved onto the Koga Matsuno. No one, except for Sango, knew that I wasn't anything to either one of them. Sure I was great friends with both guys. But what did any of that matter when I wasn't enough to keep their heads from turning?

”C'mon, Kaggs,” Arimi chided. “Stop hiding out. Just come out with me tonight. It'll be fun. It's Hiten's crowd. I doubt we'll even run into Yash. And even if we do, you guys are friends, so whatever.”

”All right, come get me and help me figure out what to wear,” I said into the phone. I laughed at her squeal of victory.

She showed up dressed to the nine in low riding black leather pants, heels and an off-the-shoulder yellow top that not only showed off her shoulders but also her flat tummy. Man, where exactly were we going?

”Arimi, you look hot!” I declared as I led her into my room. “Where are we going tonight?”

”Clubbing in Hollywood!”

”What?! I don't have an ID,” I said as I sank on the edge of my bed. I felt like a high schooler all over again. Sigh. “How am I gonna get in?”

In New York, I got into all the clubs because of who Sango was and later because I got to know the bouncers at the door. But here at home... I was a little girl. I never went clubbing here. No one knew me here.

”Oh, sweetie, no worries. We'll be with Hiten and he co-owns the club,” she waved off my excuse.

”Oh, well then...” I launched off the bed like a rocket and turned to my closet, rifling through for something sexy.

”Let's see what you got going on here, girl,” Arimi pushed me over with a swing of her hips.

Sitting in her car, I smoothed down my hair. The clock on her stereo read 9:08 pm. Plenty of time to meet Hiten's crew before we headed out to his club. Glancing over my outfit, I had to smirk. Man, I looked hot without looking slutty. My legs were my best feature. Must be all the miles I've run over the years. I loved wearing skirts and tonight was no exception. I wore a short blood red skirt that hugged my hips and I topped it off with a rayon V-neck sleeveless blouse that matched it perfectly. It was like a kimono, but not really. It had this clasp just under my breasts and fell to expose a modest bit of my tummy when I moved.

”So how is it that you hang out with Hiten?” I asked.

Hiten Raidon was older than us. He was a part of Sesshomaru's crowd. Hot, rich, and popular.
The car zooming down the road, finding our way through the crowded streets to the Hollywood Hills. I watched as a slow salacious smile swept across Arimi's lovely mouth.

”Well...” she smiled, “I've gone out a few times with Katsuro.”

”Really?” I squealed. “Oh by the Gods! We're gonna hang out with Hiten and Katsuro!”

Wow, now I was impressed. Hiten and Katsuro were seniors when we were lowly freshmen and they were way popular too. Not that it matters now that we're out of high school, but still.

Turned out the pre-party at Hiten's was a full blown party. There were a couple dozen people in his house. Drinks were pouring freely. Man, this was going to be a fun night. Arimi led the way and I went into full party mode. We stopped off at the bar for a couple of drinks. Oh, yeah. I was ready to get my party on.

We made it to the main party room upstairs. People were laughing and dancing. Fun. Arimi was whisked away in Katsuro's arms. That was when a shimmer of silver caught my eye and my heart skipped a beat.


It was InuYasha.

He had on a black leather pants, biker boots, and a red silk button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to just below his elbows. He had his hair twisted into a loose braid. Hot damn, but did he look hot. Only he was leaning up against the wall, towering over a scantily clad chick in a black halter dress that barely covered anything. I recognized her as Yura, she was a couple years older than us. I think she was in Hiten's graduating class. Damn, girl, we all got the same equipment. You don't need to put it on display.

I ducked my head and went to the kitchen. No need to wear my heart on my sleeve. InuYasha and I decided to be just friends. I didn't have any claim on him. And he obviously didn't have any desire to lay his claim on me. He could do whatever he wanted. Sigh. How many more times did I have to say that before I could believe it? I stared at the unknown people in front of me and smiled. I guess I just needed to join the party.

”Kagome?” came a deep masculine voice from behind me.

I turned around and my breath hitched. Oh. My. Hiten Raidon. Wow. He was hot. He wore a silky black t-shirt, a pair of black dress slacks and wing tips. Knowing Hiten, everything was probably designer, like Armani or something. In each ear, he wore an earring. Nice. His hair was a rich chocolate brown that fell to his shoulders in a spiky shag that reminded me of Koga.

”Hiten,” I greeted him with a breathless whisper as I took a sip of my cocktail. “Nice place you have here.”

Slowly, he made his way closer to me. Mm. Wow. Breathe, Kagome, he's just another boy. A cute hot boy.

”Thanks,” he said with a charming smile.

His hand brushed some hair off my shoulder and lingered there for just a moment. Electric, mm... nice.

”Let me show you around.”

He grabbed my hand and I followed him. I kept ridiculously close to him. What the Hells? Let's flirt with a cute boy tonight since InuYasha wasn't interested in me.

Leaning into Hiten, I pressed my chest against his arm as he looked over his shoulder announcing whatever room we stood outside of. I just smiled, nodded and took another sip of my cocktail. His hand was warm and he was running his thumb over my knuckles. Huh, just like Koga. That was sweet.

We wandered throughout his home. I didn't really remember how many rooms or whatever. My drink was a lot more potent than I thought. We were in a hallway when he leaned into me and breathed in my hair. He whispered in my ear, “You smell nice.”

His warm breath on my ear sent shivers down my back. Mm, I guess it had been a while since I got any action. Almost instinctively, I leaned into him and I felt his arms wrap around me, drawing me closer. I ran my hand up from his waist up to his chest. Nice. He was in amazing shape. Lean and defined. Mm.

His mouth trailed along my jaw line and found my lips. Oh, man. It had been a while since I was kissed. He tasted sweet, like candy, like minty something or other. I kept tasting his mouth, trying to decipher the flavor. Whatever it was, it was yummy. I felt a hand on the skin of my lower back. He traced a random pattern just above the waistband of my skirt. Mm. His hand was warm and strong. Pleasure definitely rested in those hands.

My mind was whirling. Maybe it was from the alcohol. Or maybe it was from the excitement that this was Hiten Raidon: Sexy bad boy, older sexy bad boy. I was such a nerd my freshman year and now look at me... making out with him in his house. Mm. I wrapped my arms around his neck, a hand fisting in his shoulder length hair. Almost as long as Koga's. Hm. I wonder what else he's got that's like Koga's...

I heard a guy clear his throat.

Mm. An interruption, that's good. My mind was making its way quickly to the gutter. Even though it had been a while since I got any action, I didn't need to put out the first time a cute guy hit on me, for Kamis' sake.

”Yo, Hiten,” it sounded like Miroku.

We broke our lip lock and I dipped my head down, running a finger over my lips relishing the feeling of being kissed before I looked up to see why we were interrupted.

My eyes met amber heat. Uh, oh. InuYasha had that same inscrutable expression on his handsome face as the slut hung on his arm. Ew. He stood next to Miroku with a small crowd behind them. Thank goodness I was still in Hiten's arms. Take that, Takahashi. Some guys do think I'm hot.

”What's up, Tsujitani?” Hiten asked, not bothering to move away from me or his hands from the inside of my shirt.

”Uh, it's already ten-thirty. We were gonna head out,” Miroku replied, an amused grin on his face.

”Right,” Hiten agreed. He looked down to catch my gaze, softly caressing my cheek, “Are you up for some dancing?”

I nodded. We held hands following the crowd outside to the cars. Arimi saw us and I told Hiten I was riding with her. In the car, Arimi grilled me for details. We talked like we were back in junior high crushing on upper class men.

Hiten's club, Kaminari, was awesome. Once we got there, I had another cocktail before I resolved to only drink bottled water. Sitting in a booth with the rest of the chatting crowd, I watched Hiten work the room. It was funny how the place was abuzz when he entered. I guess, that's how it goes when an owner showed up.

Sigh. I couldn't wait for a night when I could get ripped. But I knew how I was when I got drunk. I always got silly horny and needed to get fucked. No way was I gonna do Hiten. At least not tonight. I didn't have many options available to me. Koga was off doing his redhead on location. And InuYasha... well, InuYasha was acting like my friend... shit, just as I asked. Imagine how annoyed I was when he had the nerve to lecture me!

”Kaggs,” he whispered in my ear as I stood at the railing, watching the dance floor below.

Gods, he was hot. I leaned into him, even if it was just for a moment. His hand on my upper arm tightened just a bit.

”Mm,” I turned to look into his golden eyes.

”Watch it with Hiten. He's usually just after one thing.”

What? You've got to be kidding me!

”Huh?” I rolled my eyes. “I can handle myself. I'm not a little girl anymore, InuYasha.”

“Don't I know it,” he drawled.

He twirled a lock of my hair between his fingers and looked me up and down, for just a second I thought I saw lust in his eyes. But it disappeared before I could be sure. Gods. How I wished he wanted me.

”Hiten's a big time player, Kaggs,” he warned.

I cocked my head to the side and gave a rueful laugh, “Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?” A little bitterness seeped into my voice, “I don't need you playing the role of my protector. Besides, maybe I want Hiten.”

”You're kidding me,” he took a small step back from me.

Instantly, I missed the heat from his body. Man, how could he turn it off so easily? Didn't he miss me? Miss us? My heart went a little colder. I seriously started to wonder at what we shared. Maybe it only meant that much to me.

”No, I'm not. Hiten's hot. So we'll see what happens,” I tossed off flippantly.

”Your call, love,” he replied and then disappeared into the crowd, leaving me in a wake of want.

The night was fun enough. I danced up a storm and flirted shamelessly. All the while my heart ached just a little. I watched as InuYasha and Miroku worked the room. It seemed like an endless parade of girls they were with. Man, how did I ever walk away from him? How was it that he didn't want us back? Shit, life went on and so did InuYasha. I sought refuge in Hiten and he was more than willing to keep me company. Why were all other boys so easy to hook except for InuYasha?

My resolution for remaining sober went flying out the window. I had a few more cocktails to sort of numb my pain. We were headed for InuYasha's for the after party. Man, this crowd was a riot. Pre-party, party, after party. I thought as I rolled down the car window a bit for the cool breeze to hit my face.

”Arimi,” I sighed.

”Yeah,” she answered, turning the volume down on her stereo.

”I've got a lunch date with Hiten next week,” I declared triumphantly.

”Nice,” she said approvingly. “We'll have to go shopping.”

There was only a dozen or so of us that ended up at InuYasha's. More drinks were passed around. Man, my tolerance was getting higher with each party. I couldn't even remember how many I had that night. Four... five? Probably more. It was getting hot in the room. I slid open a French door and stepped out onto the terrace.

My mind began wandering back to InuYasha. A crease formed on my forehead as I racked my brain on how much my plan had back fired. I thought if I played it cool, he'd want me. If I played hard to get, he'd be up for the chase. But when I asked us to be just friends, he readily complied. Not a word of argument. Nothing. I didn't even remember a `feh.'

Sigh. I felt an arm wrap around my waist. Lost in my misery, I assumed it was Hiten.

”Mm, take me to bed,” I murmured with my eyes closed, curling my body into the heat.

I relished the feel of a strong arm about me. I wanted to fuck. I needed to feel the weight of a hot body on top of me. The warm arms held me closer to him and nuzzled my neck. Arching my back to crush my chest against his, I wrapped my arms around his neck to fist my hands into that shoulder length hair.

Imagine my surprise when I hit a loose braid instead. Braid? Long?

Oh. My.

”C'mon, love, let's go to bed,” InuYasha whispered in my ear.

To be continued...
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Thank you for reading my story!

* OMG! Over
400 reviews! Phew! Lotsa fans of lemony angst. :) *

Japanese translations:
Kaminari: Thunder, lightning, and thunderstorms; literally means “rumbling of the gods.”
Katsuro: Victorious son
Raidon: Thunder God (describes the hotty Hiten, ne?)

E-mailed/IM reviews

Orlando's Girl, GeorgeyGurl

Media Miner . org
Night_Miko, Aitu (I'm not giving away anything!), crazydontcoverit.

Fan Fiction . net

kaffeine-buttocks, toboe's-Fan, xxXDarkSlayerXxx, sunshine22, Jade Catseye, inulova4lyfe, Kagome-Chan-Girl, elementalobsession, MoonlightHayou, Bram, Egyptian Kiss, inu-gurrl, bitchgotgame, Tarzan, thetaisho'sbothersmate
(you totally crack me up!), DeMoNMiKo192, loud_mouth63, yasha21, xXlovablekdXx, Mini Nicka, erica6060, pirate-miss (Thank you for your ideas! Very much appreciated in moving the plot along. Your e-mail listed on FF bounces. Read my blog and search for yourself.), InuyashaCaseClosed, caliste07, DragonMisstress325, Jojo, MAripose-6482.

Ja ne!
:) Joy