InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My green Eyed Master ❯ Chapter1. Dreaming Of You ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Green Eyed Master
Chapter 1: Dreaming of You

Kagome moaned as a pair of smooth, velvety lips crushed against her own in a fierce kiss that left her mind swirling. Her body was constantly shivering from the electric shocks that pulsed through her body as rough, but gentle hands roamed over her over-sensitive flesh, rubbing and pinching her skin as they went, sending her body into sensory overload. A constant pooling of heat crashed around her lower stomach, and she cried out as one of the hands swirled around her hardened nipple, sending more shocks of pleasure up her spine. She had yet to see her koibito, but she knew that he was the one made just for her.

She threw back her head as the velvety lips suckled and bit at her breasts, her breath heavy and labored, and her body on fire. She moaned again as kisses roamed further south down her body, nipping slightly and making her arch her back up at the contact. Suddenly, the heated appendage slipped into her core, making her cry out in ecstasy.

The waves of pleasure swept through her and she screamed as her eyes locked on with a pair of emerald green ones and then….

…she bolted up off of the ground, sleeping bag tightly wrapped around her, and Shippou long ago abandoned her for the comforts of Sango and Kirara. She looked around quickly, the piercing green eyes imprinted to her memory. Inuyasha was once again gone, and Kagome sighed softly to herself, trying to catch her breath. There was a very prominent gathering of wetness in her pajama pants, and she groaned involuntarily as she pulled herself out of her sleeping bag and pulled out a pair of fresh pants from her backpack.

`Who was that? And since when have my dreams been THAT vivid?!' she shouted to herself, blushing furiously as she recalled the dream. Even just thinking of it was making heat form once again in her lower regions. She shook away the thoughts, but couldn't get those gorgeous green eyes out of her mind. It was unnerving, to say the least. Now that she was awake, she couldn't fall back asleep. She sat against a nearby tree in her sleeping bag, now dry, and just stared into the fire. She looked at her watch and saw that it was very early morning, and decided she would have to get up soon anyway, so she decided not to try and fall back asleep. She pulled out her math textbook and began to concentrate anew on her unfinished homework.


A girl squirmed beneath him, her body trembling from his ministrations to it. He couldn't believe how soft her skin was, and he leaned down over her to kiss her lush lips. The girl responded readily to his kiss, and she parted her lips, granting him permission to explore as he wished. Her mouth was clean and sweet, and it made him crave more. Even Youko wished to please this girl more than any other.

He broke the kiss only to trail it down his lover's body, tasting her sweaty, but delectably sweet skin. She arched up into him as he pulled a hardened nub into his mouth, biting gently. Her moans and screams filled his ears, urging him onward down her body.

His tongue trailed over her skin, questing down the valley of her stomach and finally coming to his destination. Her scent spiked exponentially in arousal and he had to hold himself back from taking her right then and there. He could tell she was close…oh so close, and as expected, upon his first taste, she came hard in his mouth and his eyes locked on with beautiful sapphire blue ones, and then…

…a red headed kitsune avatar bolted off of his bed, sweat rolling down his face, and an undeniable ache in his body. Youko was confused and he didn't know how to respond to the fact that everything he had just experienced was just a dream.

`Red…who was that woman?' he asked, not recognizing her from anyone he had ever met. And no one that Kurama had met either.

`I thought maybe you would know? I've never met her before in my life…but that was so…' he trailed off, as Youko filled in, `…intense. That was the most erotic experience I have ever encountered. Who knew you were such a sex machine?' he grinned, pulling up the image of the girl's face and eyes over and over.

Kurama groaned and rolled over, only to hiss out in pain. `You'd better take care of that, Red. Seems to me a cold shower would be in order.' Youko smirked, biting back laughter.

`Damn you, Youko. Damn you to hell. This is no laughing matter. Kami, who was that girl?!' he shouted out in frustration as he kicked off the covers and walked for his bathroom that adjoined his room.

At first drop, he shivered, but then relaxed as the water hit him, taking care of his problem, and waking him up enough to think more clearly on the dream he had. “Who was that girl?” he asked softly to himself, recalling her vivid blue eyes.

`She was very beautiful, Red. She was like no other human I ever met. Just our luck she had to be nothing but a dream.' He pouted, sulking in the back of Kurama's consciousness.

`Sure…a dream. That's all it was. A dream.' Kurama replied, trying to reassure himself as he turned off the water and stepped out of the shower to dress. Today he had school, and he didn't feel like being late.


Inuyasha returned to the campsite as the sun crept over the horizon, confusion on his face. `What is she doing up already?' he thought, looking to Kagome as she poured over her English book, reading a story that had been assigned to be read for the week.

He leapt to the tree above her, sending a leaf sprawling down to land on the book, and earning him a glance from the blue eyed girl.

He could see the hidden hurt in her eyes and looked quickly away, guilt taking up residence in consciousness. Kagome refrained from saying anything and closed up her book, pulling out the contents that would be used for breakfast, her heart clenching painfully.

`I won't let him get to me. I know where he was, but I won't think about that. Nope…not thinking about that at all.' She thought before green eyes flashed in her head. Without even blinking, those eyes had overtaken all thought processes, and she didn't even notice that Inuyasha had jumped down beside her.

“Kagome!” he shouted in her ear, now irritated at having to resort to yelling to get her attention.

“Sit boy!” she replied, narrowing her eyes angrily at being interrupted from her thoughts. Without fail the inu hanyou plummeted to the forest floor, his face meeting cold earth.

“Dammit wench, I was just trying to talk to you! What was that for!?” he yelled harshly, glaring up at her from the ground.

“Tap me on the shoulder next time, Inuyasha. What did you want?” she said calmly, putting a log on the fire, stoking it up in order to boil some water for breakfast.

“Forget it! It obviously isn't important!” he yelled back at her earning another deep glare from the girl.

“Fine, be that way, Inuyasha.” She sighed, poking at the fire sending a couple of sparks flying.

Sango yawned as she awoke to the sound of argument. She sighed and leaned back against the tree nearest her and watched the daily ritual of Inuyasha being sat for his mouth.

“What's that supposed to mean, wench!?” Inuyasha shouted, getting to his feet once more.

“Sit.” She said simply, as he went to the ground once more. Suddenly, a resonating crack shot through the clearing and Inuyasha and Kagome both looked before sighing and shaking their heads.

“Hentai houshi…” Sango muttered under her breath, putting up her bone boomerang for the moment.

Breakfast was uneventful, as was the rest of the day. They were following the trail of a rumored jewel shard, but ended up rescuing a village from an overgrown, but extremely weak bear youkai, which, of course, had an ominous cloud hanging over it to begin with, or so the monk said, so they were treated with the best food and drink as the village could afford.

Kagome fell asleep rather quickly, as did everyone else, except Inuyasha. He watched as everyone slept, waiting for the moment he could leave and go back to his un dead lover. As he waited, he smelt Kagome's scent spike with arousal, and he growled softly. It was unlike Kikyou's, with a live, fresh air about it. He hid a smirk as he thought that he was the reason for her pleasant dreams, but little did he know, he was no where near her dreams…

//Flowing lava rolled from between her legs as he thrust in and out of her tight body while she wiggled her vine-bound arms to try and get free to touch him. Her struggles only made the man above her to go deeper. She moaned as the feelings built within her, bringing forth sensations that was like nothing that she had felt before. The slight pain from his width was exquisite and the length filled her to the brim. The wonderful man above her was grunting and groaning from the force of his thrusts, his eyes closed, but never spoke a coherent sentence and she could barely hear the fragmented whispers, but the few words she caught just made more of her juices run. Suddenly he pulled out and flipped her over to where she was on her knees but her arms were still bound and her torso was on the black sheets of the bed. When he was sure she wasn't hurt by her restraints, and that she had her balance, he plunged back in her warm depths. Her breasts rubbed harshly against the sheets, the slightly rough texture making her nipples rock hard. He was thrusting harder and going deeper than before, rubbing that sweet spot inside her that made her scream.

Suddenly she finally heard his voice for the first time. “Look…in the…mirror…watch us…my love…” The deep, sensual voice gripped her even in this dream like state of ecstasy, and she couldn't help but comply with a moan as she turned her head and looked in the mirror on her dresser. She saw her lover thrusting into her, saw his rose red hair spilling onto her back tickling her with it's movements making her squirm more as the tightening sensation that was coiling in her belly got tighter with each hard thrust of her kitsune lover. As it was about to snap, her koibito's eyes opened just for a second to show those bright emerald green eyes laced with molten gold when…//

Kagome bolted up from her dream, panting heavily, and sweat dripping profusely from her brow. Her body was screaming with need, but she had no idea how to stop the tremors of fire that raced through her. Over and over those golden laced emerald eyes seared her to her soul, sending even more shocks through her, making her shiver with pleasure.

Tears threatened to overtake her as she tried to force the dream and those eyes away. A whimper escaped her lips as she got to her feet. “Not Inuyasha…Why is it not Inuyasha?” she sobbed softly to herself, the tears now coming in small rivers. These dreams were starting to scare her, and she pulled her knees up to her chest.

Shippou heard her soft words, and he refrained from going to her. He knew who she was dreaming of, but he would have to let fate take its course. The kitsune was very well known, but why he was in the body of a human was beyond the kit. He had been somehow brought into her mind when she began to dream, and he watched as his mother and the fox were constantly brought together. Even for a child, he understood the bond they shared, although he was sure that they had never met before. `Power calls to power, my son, as do souls call to other souls. You will know your mate by instinct, everyone does. Humans are just blind to the true force of soul mates.' His father had told him before they were so viciously killed. He knew that this kitsune was Kagome's soul mate, and that he would never hurt her like Inuyasha.

Kagome got to her feet, and walked over to her bag and brought out a bottle of water, taking a long drink. Her body was still on fire, and she stepped outside shaking her head and still trying to get control of her body.

The moon was shining gently down on her, and she couldn't stop her thoughts from circling around the mysterious kitsune once more. She laid back down in her sleeping bag and drifted off once more. Her dream this time was of a much different sort, and unknowingly to her, the kitsune she dreamed of was also dreaming of her…the same dream she was having…


Kurama sighed as he stripped down and slipped into bed. Finals were going to be the death of him. He had been cramming for a good seven hours straight, and his mind was thoroughly exhausted. Youko didn't pester him about all the studying, for which Kurama was extremely grateful. The kitsune expected perfection, and his counterparts studies were just one of those areas.

As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was gone to the land of dreams.

//His eyes flickered open slowly to be met by sapphire blue. “Hi…how are you feeling?” she asked, her soft, melodic voice floating over him gently.
“Fine…” he heard himself reply, his eyes threatening to drift shut again.
“Don't…not yet…” she whispered, bringing him back from his sleep.
“Why? This is just a dream…right?” he asked, confusion in his voice as he looked up again, only to see the girls eyes filled with tears. He was instantly up from her lap and he pulled her into a soft embrace, feeling her soft skin beneath his own hands. Her tears seemed to just intensify at that statement, and he pulled her closer.

“It's not a dream…” he said, more for his own benefit than hers.
She shook her head. “I don't know. I don't know what is dreams, or what is reality. I'm scared. I love another…or…so I thought.” She said softly, winding her arms around him and resting her head in his chest.

“Scared? You don't have to be scared of me. I would never hurt you.” He said softly, his heart aching at her fear.

“I know…I'm just confused. I experience things I have never felt before when I am with you. But I don't even know your name. Why do I feel these things? I thought I would dream of Inuyasha like I dream of you, but…I don't.” she whispered softly, sighing.

Confusion radiated through Kurama. “Maybe…there is something else.” He said, his heart stopping a moment before the girl shouted out, “No! This is not a dream! This is reality! What I feel for you is real! My body and mind tell me this is real. When I wake up, my heart tells me that I miss you, even though my mind tells me it is just a dream, my heart…my SOUL…tells me that this is real…you are real. I have never met you, but I know you are real.” She said, her voice softening as she embraced him tighter.

Kurama looked down at the still form in his arms, and he couldn't help but smile at her. He had not met her, but he would. He knew he would have to, or he would never be truly happy. Youko's voice rang through his head as a calm whisper of astonishment, “Soul mates…”

The girl looked up at him and gave him a small smile. “Kitsune…you are a kitsune…” she said, before he nodded.

The color around him swirled and faded, and in his room, Kurama sat up slowly in his bed. “I didn't even get her name…” he said softly, a frown in his voice. Youko smiled gently at his counterpart.

`You will meet her soon enough…she is your soul mate, and no matter how long it takes, she and you will find each other.' He said, embracing him gently.

`Not soon enough for me.' He said, a bit of a pout in his voice. Youko laughed and grinned, a Hentai smirk on his face. `You wish to make those dreams a reality? You really ARE like me…' he grinned as Kurama blushed deeply.

`I'm going back to sleep.' He said, before laying back down to enter the land of dreams once more.