InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My green Eyed Master ❯ Chapter 4. Dreams Reality ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 4
Dreams Reality
(warning Kurama is very OOC….and will be for the most part)
=Kurama telepathy=
--Youko telepath--
Kurama looked at the massive amounts of steps before him; they lead to his Kagomes house and also it lead to one of the best shrines in the city... the Higerashi shrine. Well known for its stories, the famous god tree, and for the “sick girl” Kagome. Kurama smirked at the thought as he started up the stairs.
“Kagome sick, that's a laugh” Kurama chuckled a bit
--I have to agree with you there red, it's so fake… no one human or demon could survive that amount of illnesses even if they where far apart.--
=agreed…I bet she goes to the past when she's ill=
--speaking of that…I wonder how she gets their?--
=Well we'll just have to ask her=
--after certain activities of course--
They kept talking until they got to the top. Kurama grinned as he saw no cars around as he walked to the main house only to see a note on the door. The note said:
“Kagome the house key is under the doormat for once, I'm sorry we weren't their to tell you in person but we went to Europe to visit some friends, we'll be back in about 3 months time and there's money on the counter for food. Have fun with your friends and give Inuyasha a kiss for me dear.
With love, Okaa-san, Souta, and Jii-chan.”
Kurama growled at the mention of Kagome giving a kiss to another and had to fight Youko who wanted to go into a youkai rage.
=Youko calm down=
--Why should I red…my mates mother wants her to kiss another--
=I know I'm angry to Youko, but we can't destroy anything…it would alert her to are presence and make her scared of us=
--I guess…but remember are deal we made earlier…you got her dreams I get dibs here--
=of course Youko=
With a grin Kurama got the key and went in the house…but not before replacing the key under the mat so as not to look suspicious. Once he was inside Kurama looked around trying to find a room that could be Kagome's, but since you cant smell dreams it was a little hard. Once he found a room that looked like a setting in one of the dreams he new it was hers. He looked around the walls where lavender with curled up dragon outlines in black and filled in with crimson. There was a mahogany dresser with a mirror on it. The bed was black sheets, with a dark blackish purple blanket and the pillow was blood red with a black curled up dragon in black on it.
After Kurama took a good look around he started to strip off his clothing as he walked to the bead. He took a large breath, taking in what he new could only be Kagomes sent and smirked as his member got rock hard. He got it the bed on top of the covers and laid down in a sexy pose that would be easy to get up from.
--red you remember the plan right—
=of course how could I forget=
After waiting for what had to been 45 minutes he hear the door open down stairs and a muffled sigh, by the smell it could only be Kagome. The steps started to creek, footsteps could be heard nearby and next thing he knew his beautiful mate was standing in the room staring at him in shock. He slowly got up as not to startle her, a predatorily grin forming on his face when she took a step back.
“'t be hear” Kagome stuttered
“Oh and why not…MY precious Kagome” Kurama purred putting the emphasis on `my'.
“I'm not YOUR Kagome!” Her fear forgotten, anger rapidly taking its place.
“You never learn Kagome...I've told you your mine” Kurama said stalking forward before disappearing.
Kagome panicked when he disappeared and tried to get out her door but strong arms grabbed her from behind tight enough so that she couldn't struggle but loose enough as to not hurt her.
“Now, now Kagome…you know you shouldn't run from your mate.” Kurama purred and nuzzled the crook of her neck
“Stop it!” Kagome yelled “Let go of me!...your just a dream!”
“Does this feel like one of those dreams” Kurama pressed his hard arousal against her firm rump. “Or this…” He nipped at her neck drawing a bit of blood, from his newly grown deadly sharp fangs. He lapped up the blood sensually, smelling her slight arousal. “And why should I stop, you seem to be enjoying me touch you.”
Kagome started to struggle madly, trying to get away from the insane kitsune. She squirmed at the feeling of his hard member against her lower half, and shrieked in shock of the feel of fangs lightly piercing her neck.
“Let me go!...just please let me go” Kagome screamed and whimpered almost hysterically.
Kurama nipped at Kagomes earlobe in response before whispering in a husky voice a word that shot lightning bolts of fear into Kagomes heart.
Suddenly to her shock Kagome felt the kitsune hands loosen and slip off her body. She felt him take a step back but she couldn't hear him move otherwise. She turned to face him in shock and confusion only to see that he wasn't there. Now even more shocked and confused and also very scared she started to back up slowly, her thoughts racing and her head flashing from side to side wildly as if trying to see the whole room at once.
Kagome thought she saw movement behind her in the corner of her eye and spun around quickly only to feel lips upon hers in a harsh kiss. Still in shock she stood there for a moment unmoving letting the lips and teeth nip and suck at her lips trying to coax them open. Finally she broke the kiss by throwing her head to the side and taking a step back….or at least tried to; for Kurama sensing her confusion and fear flashed her a stunning smile, that did just that to Kagome…it stunned her. It stunned her just long enough for Kurama to swoop down for another hungry kiss. He held her head still with one hand and reached in his crimson hair with the other, and he pulled out a tiny seed. He held the seed safely in between his thumb and pointer finger before ending the bruising kiss.
Kagome stumbled back a few steps with her hand over her mouth her pulse beating wildly in her ears. She finally got a good look of the kitsune before her when she backed up. Blushing wildly at the smirk on his face and his god like body she started to see things that where different from the first few glimpses she had of him. His once crimson hair was now a silvery-pink color, and his emerald eyes smeared with gold; Claws where forming on once clean cut nails and a fang poked out from his smirking lips. All in all Kagome had never been more scared in her life though seeing that he wasn't moving calmed her down a microscopic bit, but her body was still tensed to run at any given moment.
Kurama chuckled, his voice deeper from Youko coming to the surface, he laughed at her stance and the easily seen fear on her face…she was so cute when she was scared and he would have to tell her so. His chuckling stopped after a bit when he breathed in her sent. Why didn't he smell it before, Kurama growled lowly so Kagome would not hear, there was the smells of at least 4 males on her; three strong one very faint. He felt like shaking the answers out of her, but he knew he had to tread lightly on the subject so she wouldn't run again…no matter how fun it was to catch her, it was getting old.
He was broken out of his thoughts when he heard his Kagomes lovely voice; it shook slightly with fear making him smile a bit.
“Who…who are you…..and why are you imitating the man from my dreams?!” her voice was shaking.
Kurama just smiled lovingly and said “you know what?'re so adorable when you're frightened”
Kagome looked taken aback for a moment before she shook her head, fear and slight anger in her eyes.
“th…that doesn't answer my question”
“your right it doesn't, I apologize my sweet Kagome” Kurama then put a now clawed hand over his heart, a sweet smile still on his face where a hurt look should have been. “Though you should know my name, you've screamed it in pleasure more times than I can count….I guess I shall have to introduce myself once more” Kagome blushed furiously as Kurama bowed mockingly low European style the, forgotten seed in his hand sprouted quickly turning into a white rose with crimson veins and not a single thorn, just little bumps along the emerald stem. As he got up he held out the rose to her, he then spoke his voice deep and seductive “the names Kurama; Youko Kurama……and as a present for us finally meeting…a one of a kind rose for my one of a kind mate.
Kagome ignored the comment and just looked at the rose suspiciously as if examining it before taking it lightly and tucking it in her blue black locks behind her ear. She then stared at Kurama who was fighting back a grin, for little did Kagome know Kurama was feeding his youki into the rose so that one of the little bumps sprouted a little vine as thin as a piece of thread. Said vine was now weaving itself slowly, so Kagome wouldn't feel it, through her hair and around her ear so that it could stay in place so it could wait safely for its master's next order.
Kagome looked to Kurama with a wary look in her eyes, her instincts which where run by her fear told her to run from this kitsune, but her mind knew there was no way to out run a youkai with her own puny human speed. God did she hope that the male demon that stood before her in all his nude glory, would go away and stay away.
Finely after a minute or so she got the nerve to speak.
“well now that I know your name….what do you want!”
Kurama's lips turned to a smile that held a promise….a promise that Kagome never wanted to see come true. “what do I want……” Kurama drawled out slowly sending shivers of fear down Kagomes spine.
Kurama smirked before continuing his eyes shining in amusement. “You of course” he shrugged his hands palm up by his shoulders. They stayed there for a moment before falling back to “but that's the obvious answer and only most of the truth……the rest is quite simple, I want to know about those four other male's who have there scents on you”
Kagome just blinked her mind blank, Kurama's words fluttering through `four males…..?' after a moment realization crashed down on her “the only males I've been around lately have been…Inuyasha, Miroku, Shippo....that's three, now's whose the forth” with in a millisecond the last piece of the puzzle clicked into place “Kouga”
But little did Kagome realize that she had spoken the names out loud. Well at least she didn't realize it until she heard growling. It was low like a cat's purr…but the message behind it was clear…Kurama was pissed.
Her eyes refocused and her mind sharpened from the thoughtful blur, to see Kurama growing taller, his hair turned to platinum and it grew at least half a foot as large snowy fox ears sprouted on the top of his head. His eyes flashed and turned to molten gold, the orbs where boiling with barley concealed rage, though his face was calm as ice, lips barley curling in the rage of hearing the thoughtfulness and love in her voice while mentioning the purely male names. His skin paled a bit and the muscles tone evened out more becoming larger but not at all bulky. Nine long fluffy platinum fox tails sprouted from the kitsune's tailbone, each tipped with a snowy white.
Kagome took in each changing feature with wide fear full but still slightly curious eyes. She looked at him from head to toe but dared not move more than needed; for the silver god before her looked ready to attack.
She let out a small gasp as she accidentally laid eyes on a certain male body part, her fear spiking greatly as she saw the size it had become with the transformation. She new from her friends talking in this era that when this kitsune was in his human form that his member was quite a bit above average….but now it had to be at least…her mind then when blank the only thing running through her head was that he would most likely kill her with that thing! With that thought came another…one that her body was all too quick to agree on….. `I have to get out of hear…now!'
With that her body started to glow pink as her powers seeped through her pores from all her fear. The power swirled around her like a tornado wiping her hair around and making her short school skirt flutter every once in a while showing glimpses of innocently cut light blue panties.
Kurama watched, his anger ebbing a bit giving way to awe at the sheer amount of raw uncontrolled energy swirling around her. The pure energy sparked as Kurama took a step closer confident eyes locking with Kagomes glowing ones. Kurama smiled kindly at the look she was giving him….she looked like a caged angel; beautiful and pure with fearful eyes, ready to lash out at him if he got to close. That was what she was, Kurama decided, she was his caged angel. Beautiful and pure, kind but fiery….but he new she was trapped, trapped by human laws and morals. They ruined her beauty and clipped her wings; they had trapped her since birth setting her up with stupid morals and laughable responsibilities. They held her down with invisible ropes called laws and stereotypes. She would soon realize that he was her true mate, the key to her cage, the only one that could and would set her free.
Kurama had gotten about two small steps closer to his angel before he felt a sudden slash of burning pain through his side. He stumbled backwards a few steps and stopped to examine the now toasted flesh. As he looked he was pleased at what he saw, there in his side was a small gash; it looked as if acid ate away at the sides singing them and effectively stopping whatever bleeding should have happened.
After he was done examining the wound he looked to Kagome, smirking as her power started to fade and disappear all together leaving a tiered looking Kagome. Her eyes lids where drooping as she shook her head and tried to stifle a yawn, her tiered eyes still focused on him…or more importantly…his wound, witch to her sleepy shock was healing at a rapid pace, The flesh mending and coming together as he stood there watching her, her powers left not even a scar.
Kurama took a step towards Kagome, who even in her tiered state looked ready to bolt given the chance. His smile widened as she shook her head once more and covered her mouth in a large yawn, kami was she cute or what.
“Kagome…” Kurama spoke with a smile in his voice. He stepped forward and watched as she stumbled back a step.
“wh..what?!” she spoke to sleepy to sound frightened at the moment
“It's getting late, and your sleepy…we should get home so we can get to bed” his voice was deceptively soothing to Kagome's sleepy mind.
“but I am home…” as Kagome finished she raised her hand to scratch at an itch on her shoulder.
She scratched lightly but it wouldn't go away. Her head snapped to look at her shoulder to see what was causing the growth area of the slithering feeling.
Wait….slithering her eyes widened when she saw a vine like thing the thickness of her thumb, moving quickly. She followed the path as far as she could…it was coming from her ear! But more importantly…the rose!!! Before she could even think, the very next second she felt the slightly bumpy vines encircle each wrist tightly before they where pinned to her sides. More vines grew from the bumps on the emerald tentacles, they quickly started to slither over her torso effectively binding her arms to her sides and practically mummifying her from her torso to her coaler bone. Her head snapped to look at the kitsune smiling innocently before her. But before she could yell at him she gasped as she felt flat but wide ribbon like things swirl under her skirt and down her legs, dragging them together before binding her at her ankles straggly so that they where a few inches apart but unmovable.
Kagome wiggled a bit trying to stay balanced but it just seemed to make her more unsteady…and before she knew it, she was falling face first towards the rug covered floor. She scrunched her eyes closed when she was just about to make contact she stopped falling. She opened one eye and then the other only to see that she was suspended in mid air. Then she felt herself being pulled upright and turned around to face eyes of molten gold.
He was close…way to close for comfort. She saw his loving smile and wanted to smack that fang marred gesture right off his face, she would have to if her hands weren't pinned to her sides by vines that sprouted from a rose a man from her dreams turned real gave her.
Reality then crashed on Kagome like a large bolder making it hard to breath. She started gasping and panting harshly as if her lungs where blocked. Her vision started to blur as her breathing picked up. She felt herself being picked up bridle style as spots clouded her line of site. She felt a breeze pick up to large gusts of wind and she struggled weakly, the spots getting bigger and bigger as her mind fogged up. The last thing she felt before the darkness took over was a light caress of lips on her forehead. Then everything fell into a world of darkness.