InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My green Eyed Master ❯ Chapter 3. Vacation ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Green Eyed Master
Chapter 3. Vacation
A man with messy long rose red hair shot up in bed, his emerald eyes wide. His breath was coming out in short pants and his body was slick with sweat making his already messy hair stick to his back and chest while his skin glistened in the dull light of the moon that was shining through the opening between the slightly parted sheer crimson curtains.

He pushed away the dark navy blanket to reveal his nude form and uncovering his member which was erect. One could almost see it throb with need. The red head looked next to him, then around the room as if looking for something or someone with lust filled eyes. Not finding what he was looking for, for not the first time in the past two weeks, he sighed looking at his straining member with a disappointed look and started to reach out to take care of it, when a deep voice sounded in his head stopping him.

`Let me take care of this Kurama…you just remember that dream…' spoke a deep seductive voice in the red heads mind.

`Of course Youko…' agreed a slightly higher but still masculine voice.

The hand resumed it course and began to slowly stroke the thick muscle. The man's emerald eyes began to be overtaken by flecks of gold and his red hair took on a silver sheen as the two souls that inhabit the human body remembered their dream…

// her tongue flicked out tasting the bit of white fluid that had begun to seep from the tip of the long thick organ as she pumped it. He groaned at the light touch of her tongue and gasped as she took nearly half of him in her mouth suddenly. He had to force himself not to thrust his hips when she started to suck him gently, rubbing her tongue on the underside of his cock. She began to pump what she couldn't fit in her mouth, and then started bob her head in time with the pumping motions her hands were doing, as her large blue eyes stared at him with a lustful look. The electricity shot through him, drawing another moan from his parted lips. It only took a few moments of this pure blissful torture before he was ready to explode. As his peak came…//

Botan popped in his room out of thin air with that overly cheery smile that was always on her face.

“Kurama, Koenma says he has to talk to….you.” Botan face stilled when she saw Kurama staring at her with fury in his eyes, which now where more gold than green with a small touch of red as Youko got closer to the surface. Her eyes traveled down his nude form. Her arousal growing… until she reached where his hand was still on his member…which was no longer erect.

Kurama almost gagged on the sent of Botan's arousal and almost threw something at her to get that dreamy look of her face but he settled for a cough and a glare.

“Botan!” Growled Kurama menacingly, something that the kitsune avatar wasn't used to.

“Yes Kurama?” Botan said seductively, or at least, she tried to.

“Get Out…Now!!!” shouted Kurama, trying to get his anger under control before he threw her out by force, or worse, before Youko came out and made the Spirit of Death nothing more than a memory.

“Ye..yes Kurama.” And with that, Botan bolted out the bedroom

Kurama did his usual morning rituals and got dressed in a gold tank top and semi tight black pants and brushed his hair. Then he went to find Botan. When he found her she stared at him for a second before she opened a portal to the Reikai.

Kurama and Botan entered the portal and ended up in an office with a desk that was piled to the ceiling with paper work. Behind the desk was an annoyed looking toddler wearing indigo clothing and an indigo hat that said “Jr.” in black lettering on it. In his mouth he also had a pacifier. This Toddler was named Koenma and was actually the prince of the Reikai. Kurama looked around the room and spotted his other friends, and members of their Spirit Detective team. He looked to Yusuke who was wearing a forest green uniform, Kuwabara who was wearing a blue uniform, and Hiei who was wearing all black except for a white headband and a white scarf. Koenma glared at him and spoke in a stern voice, “Kurama, you're late.”

“Sorry Koenma I was…preoccupied.” Kurama spoke smoothly but with a hint of irritation.

“Well don't let it happen again.” Replied the demigod, his voice calming slightly.

Suddenly Yusuke spoke up in an annoyed voice, “Ok toddler, get to the point already, I've given up my nap time so this better be good.”

“Don't call me a toddler Yusuke!!” Screamed Koenma, his irritation returning full force.

After this Kurama decided to tune everyone out for once and chose instead to reflect on first time he met his Mate-to-be, Kagome in a dream he had had just a couple of nights ago. She had been visiting his dreams frequently since his first dream of the raven haired maiden, and since had learned almost nothing of her, except that her name was Kagome, and that she was indeed to be his mate.

//he was floating in a black void. The darkness was unnerving, but after what seemed like hours for Kurama, but was probably only a few minutes, the darkness finally faded to show a beautiful clearing with Sakura trees. There the blossoms fluttered in the light breeze.

There was a hot spring with large boulders at just the right height to relax and sunbath. His eyes widened to see the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen laid nude on one of the boulders; she had perfect skin that was slightly tanned from sun. His eyes roamed her body and he took in every inch of her. As he observed her, he noticed one particularly nasty scar on her hip. It looked as if something bit her, or something was ripped from her. He was surprised to find no other scars on her body, as he contemplated that her form was built for a fighter. Her body was toned, but it also held curves in all the right places. Her damp hair fanned out over the rock as small droplets of water trickled from it down the sepia surface, leaving streaks. Her eyes were closed making him wish to know what color they were.

Suddenly she stretched and sat up looking around with sleepy eyes…which had instantly widened the moment she saw him. He gasped when he looked into her eyes…they were stunning, a perfect shade of sapphire blue that complemented her dark hair and made her look like a goddess. She stared wide eyed at him a moment before she realized she was naked and screamed “Hentai!” before clamping her hands over her breasts, blushing a particularly cute shade of red. Her hands didn't do much good as little was left to the imagination, her silky breasts still somewhat revealed to him. His green eyes looked her up and down before finding her clothing laid carefully on the shore. He gave her a small smirk before walking up to the discarded clothing, and examined them…especially her bra and panties...which where light pink and lacy. Kurama smirked again just as the girl started to yell at him.

“Hey what are you doing…put down my clothes this instant!” the girl screamed at him while still trying to cover herself, but failing miserably.

“I think not my fair lady.” Kurama grinned, smiling mischievously. “If you want them…” he began, before picking them up. “…you have to get them from me.”

Kagome blushed and huffed, but she did get in the water and swim to shore. When she got to land, she walked out while trying to cover herself with one hand, reaching for her clothes with the other. Kurama was way too quick and in an instant her clothing were way above her head, certainly out of reach of the shorter woman.

“Ah, ah, ah...” Kurama wagged his finger like he was chastising a child “…you have to work to get your clothing back.”

“Work?” the woman asked worriedly, a slight fear in her eyes.

“Yes…answer my questions truthfully and I might just give you your clothing back…although…” he paused, looking her up and down once more and smiling gently to her. “…I still think you look MUCH better this way” He grinned, taking in her shocked expression that led to a deep blush.

The girl's blush intensified before she scowled at him. She shook her head before sighing softly, resigning herself to fate.

“Ask away…I guess…” she muttered, clearly unhappy.

“Well first things first…” he started, happy that she was agreeing to his terms, “…my name's Suichi Minamoto…but you my fair lady, may call me Kurama.” He said, his voice slightly husky and seductive as Youko poured his influence into his counterpart.

The girl's eyes widened at the name Suichi then narrowed in distrust. Kurama was taken aback at her glare. After a moment she spoke her voice laced with distrust and curiosity along with a bit of laughter.

“THE Suichi Minamoto…who has the best grade point average in all of Japan, The Suichi Minamoto who looks are said to be better then the best Brazilian model, The Suichi Minamoto with the most fan clubs…both male AND female…and has never gone on a date with any of the members?” the woman's bright blue eyes sparkled with laughter and she grinned as Kurama's eyes got wide in fright and his skin got paler and paler with every word she said. After a moment of him squirming under her piercing gaze, he pulled himself together.

“I didn't know I was that well known…” he spoke with a hint of nervousness in his voice and paused before talking again, an award winning smile on his face. “But…please call me Kurama…I would like it better coming from you…by the way…” he paused, a little more nervousness in his voice, “…can I get the name of the beauty before me?”

“You do know I'm not falling for your kitsune charms, don't you?” she laughed as his nervousness disappeared to shock, a grin forming on her face before she talked again. “But I guess my name couldn't hurt…My name is Kagome Higurashi. It's nice to meet you Suichi.” she smiled and stuck out her hand totally forgetting that she was naked. Kurama's eyes took her form in once more before taking her hand and kissing the back of it.

“I told you to call me Kurama…” he said with a look that showed he was disappointed in her before he stepped closer to the point where they where almost touching. He smirked when she realized she was naked once more and her blush ran from the top of her head to her breasts. He dropped her clothing carelessly. She raised her hand to strike him but he caught it when it was a just a little ways from his face, and silenced her cry of “Hentai!” with a kiss on the lips. She struggled as he pulled her closer to deepen the kiss molding his mouth over hers.

His tongue stroked her bottom lip as if to say `open up' and after a few seconds the squirming girl complied, putting her struggles to a halt as a wave of passion flowed over her. She wound her arms around his neck to try and pull him closer as their tongues battled for dominance of the kiss.

The kitsune easily won and explored every inch of her sweet cavern. The kiss continued to the point where both were breathless and gasping for much needed air. Kurama smirked at the dazed look in her eyes and on her face and couldn't help but chuckle. He loved the feel of her pressed against him and found himself hardening at the touch of her breasts against his clothed chest and the look of untamed lust in her eyes. Unfortunately for Kurama, that chuckle snapped Kagome out of her daze and she was furious, her face turning red in anger and her fists clenched at her sides, once more disregarding the fact that she was nude, letting Kurama look at her unadorned body once more. He winced as she shouted harshly, “How dare you!! That was my first kiss!! You Jerk!!” Kagome screamed in fury.//

Kurama was startled out of his musings when he felt a hand grab his shoulder. He growled and grabbed the offending hand, ducked down and in an instant had the offender lying on his back leaving Kurama with an expression that told he was ready to kill the poor person, his nails lengthening into claws, and his eyes tingeing red. Kurama looked down barring his teeth which where growing into fangs, only to see the offender was Kuwabara. The poor man was groaning in pain from the collision with the hard floor. At the sight of the orange haired boy, Kurama settled down, his demonic traits disappearing as he helped Kuwabara up just like the oaf had only tripped. With good reason the man stepped away from the kitsune avatar cautiously. Shaking his head of the last remnants of the blood lust, Kurama looked around, only to see everyone staring at him, confusion and distrust on their faces.

Yusuke had his hand in gun position, the tip of his finger glowing a bit with blue spirit energy that was ready to be released. Koenma was looking at him with a mixture shock and anger. The only one looking at him normally was Hiei, but even he had a smirk of amusement on his face.

`What was that all about fox?' the fire apparition asked, a hint of laughter in his voice.

`I was just deep in thought Hiei…he shouldn't have touched me.' He said, trying to defend his actions.

`What could distract you so much you reacted like that?' the apparition asked curiously, one of his eyebrows rising questioningly.

`Thoughts of our mate to be.' Youko answered proudly, beaming inside Kurama's mind.

`...mate to be?' Hiei replied, confusion and surprise in his voice.

`Yes Hiei…she's one in a million…' Kurama replied, a hint of dreaminess in his voice.

`Here's a picture…' Youko said before Hiei's mind was assaulted with pictures of Kagome, Clothed, unclothed, and in multiple positions. After the Fire apparition recovered from the shock, he glared at Kurama and cut of their link in time for Koenma to start yelling at him.

“Kurama!! Did you listen to a word I said!!! And WHY did you attack Kuwabara!?! He's your team mate for Kami's sake!” the toddler screamed at the unfazed Kurama who didn't skip a beat in his answers.

“Why Koenma…I'm deeply sorry that I wasn't listening and that I attacked Kuwabara, I'm under high amounts of stress right now, what with the finals coming up and such.” He said, his eyes holding no lie. Having the greatest thief in all of the Makai sharing your body taught one many tricks of the trade, including those oh-so-innocent eyes.

Koenma seemed to accept that well told lie as the truth, and the toddlers anger calmed slightly to just being irritated before he spoke again.

“Well I guess I'll just have repeat myself….my father's team will be taking care of everything for awhile. He though you needed a break so you're on extended leave until noted otherwise. Now I expect you all to be on your best behavior. You're still Spirit Detectives.” He said, as if he was talking to children. “Good bye.” He added, and with that a portal opened under each of the SD's and they fell through. When they hit ground Hiei and Kurama landed carefully on their feet, while Yusuke landed in a crouch position and Kuwabara landed on his head, probably losing what little brain cells he had left and gaining a large lump.

As soon as Kurama landed he started walking away, in the opposite direction of his house at a nice relaxed pace.

“Hey Kurama Where are you going? Your house is in the other direction.” Yusuke yelled at the kitsune. Kurama never stopped waling as he replied over his shoulder in a tone that left no room for argument, “I have some private matters to attend to, so don't follow me.”

“Hey wait…” Yusuke never finished his sentence as Hiei covered his mouth with one hand and said in a simple voice, “The fox is going to his mate to be…it would be suicide to interrupt him.” Hiei whispered harshly before smirking and adding, “Now that I think about it, go ahead.”

Before Yusuke could respond Hiei was gone, leaving behind a passed out Kuwabara and a frustrated but now understanding spirit detective.

He walked away, thinking of how he had been reacting to Keiko now that he was a demon before his eyes lifted as he looked to the sky.

“Kami help that poor girl.” He whispered under his breath, before walking off towards Keiko's house.


Kagome sighed again, shifting restlessly in Kaede's hut. She just couldn't get those brilliant green eyes out of her head. Ever since the first dream she had of him, she couldn't get him out of her mind. She growled in frustration as she realized that she once again was off topic, and not one of her Math problems were finished. Angrily, she tossed the book to the side, revealing Shippou's crayons and drawing pad underneath her English book. Her ire fading, she picked up the pad and pulled out a pencil, her mind now whirling with thought as she began to trace.

She curved the lead down and around, bringing out the shape of her mystery koibito's face. She was lost to the world as she furiously began to draw him as she remembered him so fiercely in her dreams. The deep, vibrant eyes, surrounded by the long silken red hair that screamed to be touched appeared next as her body began to react to the drawing, making her stop and pause, her hand shaking slightly from the emotions running through her.

Outside the hut, Inuyasha smirked slightly, smelling Kagome's arousal and assuming it was he who put her in that state. He walked away, a little spring in his step, as Kagome began to finish the portrait, pulling out her rarely used colored pencils and beginning to fill in the picture. She ended up frustrated once more as she tried to get the eye color just right.

“Golden…emerald…no darker!” she muttered to herself as Shippou walked in, looking quizzically to her. Once he saw what she was doing, he disregarded it. He talked to himself too when he was looking for the right color. Smiling, he pulled a coloring book out of Kagome's bag and began to color with the crayons.

Kagome gave up trying to find the right color for his eyes, and instead focused on the hair, which was a lot easier to color. Finished, she examined her work and sighed. It was comparable to her dream lover, but nothing could imitate that image of a god in her mind.

Shippou looked at her downcast face and frowned. “It's really good, Mama! You're a really good drawer.” He said, trying to perk her up.

She gave him a small smile and nodded, before saying, “Thank you, Shippou. Let me see yours now.” She switched topics as she stuffed the picture into her bag, focusing on the child drawing of herself, Shippou, Kirara, Sango, and even Miroku. Confused, she looked closer at the picture before asking, “Where's Inuyasha?”

Shippou looked guiltily away before jumping up on her shoulder whispering, “Can you keep a secret?”

Nodding, her heartbeat picked up speed slightly as the kit whispered, “Inuyasha isn't in this picture, because he isn't here. He's always with Kikyou, so I don't want him in my picture.”

Kagome fought down the tears as she felt tiny hands cling to her silken hair. She rose slowly to her feet and went outside, trying to feel the hanyou aura she was so used to feeling, but instead felt nothing but the air touching her senses.

“Home…I'm going home.” She whispered out, turning around and putting all of her scattered belongings back in her bag, tears coursing down her face. She put the enormous pack over her shoulders and kissed the kit goodbye, promising him that she would come back in a little while. She couldn't find Sango or Miroku, so she left Shippou to tell them where she went. He nodded and puffed up his chest at such an important responsibility.

Racing for the well, she jumped, passing through time as she had done so many times before to her own time, to the other side of the well, and far away from the one who continuously broke her heart.