InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Hatred, My Obsession ❯ Unwilling Obedience ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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My Hatred, My Obsession
Chapter 11 - Unwilling Obedience

Everything was going according to plan, and he congratulated himself for being so clever. His demon was a bit weaker than he expected, but it had done the job well enough. Even now, Inuyasha and his company lay dead beneath its massive weight, having been unable to dodge the creature that was renowned for its speed. The miko lay a few feet away, unharmed for the most part. Her injuries were not foreseen, but they were not serious ones and did not bother him so much. He had gotten her out of the way, and as long as the body could move, he was at ease.

He once again brought his hands in front of him and tugged the girl into a sitting position thorough the strings that bonded their auras. The elation was overwhelming at seeing her comrades finally destroyed, and he couldn't resist a wide smile. There were only a few things left to do before he could kill the girl, and then his revenge would be complete.

“Come to me, child…”

He bent a finger and flexed his arm and the girl stood up, walking towards him with her eyes still closed. He could feel her soul fighting him, and was surprised. He had known that she was powerful, but he hadn't suspected that she would resist him. His brows drew together in a frown, and he concentrated harder on making her move. He stood up when she reached him, putting a finger under her chin and leaning down next to her ear.

“So obedient…” his mouth turned up in a lecherous grin, “…so complacent…you did well, my miko…” He leaned over, his mouth nearly touching hers… but he should have known that things could not go so well…

There was a scratching and grunting underneath the dead and rotting corpse of the creature, and he flinched back from the sudden and large explosion. The magnitude of it caused him to lose his focus and the girl dropped back to the ground, limp as a rag doll. He jumped back, landing several yards away on a tree branch. Disbelieving eyes watched as the hanyou blasted the corpse into pieces with his accursed sword. The monk and taijija were unharmed, having used the woman's boomerang to shield themselves from the weight of the demon.

He growled viciously, unable to suppress his rage.

“I will kill you…eventually, everything will fall into place…” He started when the hanyou looked at him, but felt relief knowing that he could not see him. Only the miko had that power, and he had her in check. Despite everything, his legs tensed and he jumped higher into the canopy of the forest, making his retreat and knowing that it was best to return when things were not so chaotic.

(……………1……… ;…..)
(…………….1……… ….)

“Oh, my head…” Kagome sat on a rock not too far away from the recent scene of battle. In her hand was her bottle of water, freshly refilled from a nearby stream. She held it against her forehead, feeling the pain dissipating slowly. Her arm and leg were wrapped in a ripped shred of her uniform, painfully pulsing. She thanked Kami that she had her jeans and t-shirt freshly washed. They were proving rather useful now.

“What were you thinking, baka? You could have been killed!” Anger mushroomed in her chest, and indignation at Inuyasha's ungrateful behavior rose.

“Oh yeah? Well I didn't see you making much progress!” Their noses were touching, the most telling sign that their argument would get violent. Sango and Miroku stayed back, knowing that it would be futile to simply try to break them up. Shippo perched on the monk's shoulder, shaking his head at the two.

When will Inuyasha grow up? Can't he see that Kagome is already upset?

All three sighed in unison, hoping that the battle between the two would end so that they could move on with their search. Alas…it was not to be. It was as if the couple had missed out on this, and they were now trying to make up for lost time.

“Why do you always do such stupid and reckless things? You're so clumsy!”

“Clumsy? I was just trying to help, Inuyasha!”

“Help? Do you realize that things could have been much worse?”

The trio of bystanders knew that the argument was reaching its climax. Soon, Kagome would subdue the hanyou, there would be some more yelling, and then things would return to a nearly normal state - that is…if the two ignoring each other and sulking could be considered normal.

“I already said that I was sorry, Inuyasha! So just lay off!”

“Lay off? Lay off? How am I supposed to lay off when you're always putting yourself in danger and scaring the shit out of me?”

Ah…the blissful pause…Kagome looked up, her hand falling to her lap; the water bottle rolled to the floor. Her eyes were confused, the anger momentarily diffusing.


Then again…perhaps there would be no “sit” this time…

“Kagome…” the hanyou sent a dirty look in the trio's direction and they took the hint, turning away and mumbling excuses to scatter. He turned back to Kagome, and she had to acknowledge again that Inuyasha had changed. She gasped when he took hold of her shoulders in an almost painful grip. “Do you have any idea how scared I was?” By the look in his eyes, she guessed that he was referring to her disappearance. “Don't ever do something like that again.” The stern, berating sparks he sent flying her way made her bristle, despite the warm and loving heat that pooled in her heart.

“You can't keep me in a bird cage, Inuyasha. I come here to be by you…to help you. I want to defeat Naraku just as much as you do, and you know perfectly well that I won't stay out of it.” She was shocked that her challenge was met with a lopsided grin. Her heart melted.

“I know, Kagome, and that's the problem.” She could tell by the faraway look in his eyes that he was remembering unpleasant things. She suddenly realized what position they were in and blushed, stepping back as if shying away from feelings she knew were not returned. Oh, how she wanted to indulge, even for a moment, in a fantasy where they were together! But she knew that doing such a thing would be foolish and irresponsible, and that she would only end up being hurt again.

“You were careless and stupid, Kagome. Promise me you won't do something reckless like today again.” She turned her face away, knowing that he always made her guilty when she had to turn him down. “Kagome…” his warning tone made her flinch, “promise me.” But the defiance in her was never one to stay out of anything. She looked at him full in the face, eye to eye -

“No.” He growled at her, but she was unfazed, her anger stemming from her frayed nerves and his statement. “Osuwari.”


(…… ;………..1………..)
(……… ;……..1………..)

He thought the interaction between the two rather interesting. He hadn't counted on the girl being in love with the hanyou, or the boy having feelings towards her. It was certainly an amusing development in the situation, and he considered how he could put it to use. He was lost in his thoughts when -


He looked up, startled. The hanyou was on the ground, muttering muffled curses at the girl. She had a smug look on her face, her face flushed with anger and her arms crossed on her chest to emphasize her annoyance.

“Damn you, Kagome!” Her lips opened, and she uttered the one thing that would damn both her and the hanyou.

“Osuwari!” …that word could be useful…


“Shit! Kagome! What was that for?” He saw the girl's eyebrow twitch, and felt the anger that made her aura flare.

“For being overbearing!” He chuckled silently in his mirth at seeing two allies going head to head this way. Yet there was an air of intimacy - of closeness - around them that he knew could be turned against them both. There was bitterness in the girl's aura as she spoke to her hanyou, and he decided to take the opportunity now that it presented itself. He waited for her aura to still, looking through memories and picking out what he needed.

The hanyou was getting up, dusting himself off and growling. “Overbearing? How was I being overbearing? I was just trying to keep you safe, Kagome!” It was obvious that she hadn't expected him to say that. Her heart skipped a beat in doubt and confusion, and he tugged on their bond. She would be his now once again.


Kagome gasped when she felt her body pulsating. Her heart exploded in pain and she nearly doubled over from the horrible feeling of being torn in half. Inuyasha was at her side in an instant, holding her up and asking if she was alright. She felt her body shaking, her senses desperately trying to reach out and find the enemy. She leaned on Inuyasha's forearms, looking around her, almost certain that she felt a presence. She cursed silently when she felt her body going numb.

“Inuyasha…someone…here…danger… ” But she could say no more. Her lips closed, and no matter how she tried to open them, they would not listen. She felt the uncomfortable sensation of being moved against her will, and she automatically remembered fighting Menomaru when he had tried controlling her. She struggled uselessly, terrified of being trapped within her own body.

Miko…my lovely miko…I will leave you your vision, for now, so you can see the demise of those most dear to you…

Who are you? Get out of my head!

Don't fret and relax…I will let you go soon enough…once you've carried out my wishes, you will be free to do as you wish…

She wasn't going to give up! The voice whispered that it would be easier on her if she was to let him have his way, but she refused, kicking and screaming, and biting at the ropes that held her captive. The barrier holding her still sizzled and sparked around her, sending wave after wave of pain rolling through her body. The more she struggled, the more it hurt. Everything was happening in a blur. She watched herself hug Inuyasha and saw the knife that appeared within her hand. He must have felt that something was wrong, for he jumped backwards and out of her reach. His face was angry and he was yelling something, but the voice in her head blocked out all sound. She watched the knife elongate into a sword and her body lunged forward, preparing to impale the hanyou.

No! Not again! Please! No!

He was jumping back, leaping to try and avoid her impossibly effective attacks. She was so close! Any second now and he would die! She pulled and pulled on her arm, but only managed to slow her body a little. Her emotions were disappearing - she was disappearing. Her fear was being changed into anger that made no sense, an anger that she thought dead. Voices were reminding her of her most painful moments with him, of her most terrifying and horrid memories that she had buried when her love for him was born.

I'm sorry, Kagome…I've chosen Kikyo…

No! Don't say that!

You will always mean so much to me, Kagome…I never trusted a soul until I met you…but Kikyo…we were separated, but I still…

No…no…don't say it, Inuyasha…

…I still love her more than I could ever love anyone…she means the world to me…

NO! I don't want to hear it!

It was like having salt rubbed into her wounds. She dimly realized that these were not real memories, but the pain of hearing those dreaded words from him erased that suspicion as if it had never even existed. She was torn, confused, angry…and soon, she realized just how pissed off she was. The scenes of him kissing Kikyo were swimming in her head, making her furious. He was always worried for her, always looking for her, and always abandoning Kagome to go to her! How dare he? He would pay!

Her attacks became more vigorous, more motivated, and more dangerous. Now that she wasn't fighting the voice, she felt lighter and stronger. If she had sought to only nick him before, now she was going in for the kill. She could tell that he was having a hard time dodging her, for he didn't want to hurt her. But didn't he know that it was too late - that she was already a living wound, and that no matter what happened, none of her pain could be patched up?

Why do you think he keeps you around, miko?

He cares about me… He does, doesn't he?

Try considering the possibility, miko, that he only feels what he does for you because you look like his beloved…because you have her soul…

No! That's wrong! Inuyasha would never do that!

But wasn't he the one that mistook you for her? Did he not see you as her for a long time?

You're wrong…he doesn't feel that way… Does he?

Aren't you angry, Kagome? Don't you want him to feel your pain?

The fury was surfacing, the rage consuming her like evil did a sinner. She was powerless against it; for so long the pain had dwelled on the edge of her mind; but she didn't want to let it loose. It was wrong…but the voice whispered that it was alright to be angry…that it was alright to hate Inuyasha for what he did…

She was so enraged that she gained speed, ramming into him with her body and carving deep gashes on his back with her claws. He winced and pushed off the nearest tree, trying to stay out of the way. She felt herself laughing a sick, twisted laugh.

“Heh…how long are you planning to run from me…fight me, Inuyasha!” She leapt up to a high branch and used her momentum to shove herself away and jump head-first into him, diving down like a bullet. He barely missed a move that would have decapitated him, and she laughed again. Oh yes! This was wonderful! She lunged again -

Something sprang up in front of her and she felt a jarring of her injured arm. She hissed at her attacker and whipped around, shocked to see someone she hadn't expected. It was Sesshoumaru! His eyes were unreadable, as always, but within their depths burned a fire that stopped her in her tracks. The voice screamed for her to continue, but she was frozen to the spot.

His look was almost condescending.

Fight him! Don't let him near you! Wasn't he the one that nearly raped you? Wake up and kill him!

She saw red and swiped at him with her rapidly elongating claws. She heard Inuyasha scream something from behind her, but was too focused on Sesshoumaru to pay him any heed. His speed, as predicted, was incredible. He moved around her in circles, making her follow him up and down. It was making her dizzy…

Fool…does he think he can match you in your power?

There was a blinding pain in her gut before she started attacking again, this time with a speed no slower than Sesshoumaru's. It was obvious that he hadn't expected such a development, and his surprise allowed her to stab him in his shoulder. He was quick to react, though, backhanding her into a tree; she was forced to let go of her weapon. Her head hit the wood with a sickening crack, but the beast inside her soothed away all the pain.

Focus, miko…show him how much he hurt you that night!

She shook her head and smirked, throwing her body forward to attack again.

“Feeling nice today, Sesshoumaru? Not up to trying to kill me?”

Swipe. Slash.

“Or maybe you're just getting soft.”

She reveled in the feel of his armor breaking beneath her claws. It was a magical thing to take revenge. Somewhere, in feebly glowing embers of her sanity, she registered that something wasn't right. There was a presence lurking in the corner of her senses. She could barely make it out, but she knew where it was. Before she could properly focus on searching, however, Sesshoumaru had thrown her into the dirt. If she didn't do something soon, she would lose any sort of control she had over her soul.

Once again, her insane self rolled sideways and up and was once again on her feet. There was an abrupt stab of pain in her leg before she fell back to the ground, cursing. She was shocked to see blood covering her entire left pant leg, but strangely, the pain was being repressed.

I'm helping you take what you want…remember your scars, miko…remember his fangs digging into your flesh…

“Aaarg!” a vicious snarl escaped her lips again, and Kagome leapt upwards to where Sesshoumaru patiently waited. She was almost at his throat, her claws extended and ready to tear him to shreds, before she was knocked sideways. The world spun in a whirlwind before she was hitting a large branch with her side. She scratched and clawed at her attacker, realizing that it was Inuyasha who had knocked her away.

“Get off me!” He held her as best he could while she squirmed out of his grasp. There was a stinging as her back scraped down the side of the tree. He jumped away from her, joining Sesshoumaru in the air. She saw him yelling something to the Taiyoukai and felt her annoyance peak. They were plotting something. She decided to take her chances and pounced, her main target being Sesshoumaru. Her right hand was nearly piercing his flesh before her wrist was trapped in his palm. She heard flesh burning and hissing and screeched, realizing that he was singeing her skin. Although she tried to take back her arm, it wasn't working. His grip was too tight.

“Let go, Sesshoumaru, or I'll rip you apart!”

Release your power, miko!

She didn't have a choice. Blue light surrounded her, begging to be released. But Sesshoumaru wasn't moving. His poison stopped burning her, but he held fast. She was struggling with herself, suddenly very much unwilling to hurt him. She growled in frustration digging her claws into the hand that held hers. She thought it would make him let go, but she was wrong.

“Get away!” Tears pricked at her eyes, the anger slowly dissipating into fear for his safety. Her sanity was wriggling to the surface, trying with all its might to banish the sinister presence within her. Her other arm was lifting, getting ready to release its power. Roaring with frustration and madness, she plunged her teeth into her jerking arm.

No! Get out of my head!

Inuyasha came out of nowhere, grabbing her by the waist and holding her still. She tried to fight him, but to no avail. It was obvious that he wasn't letting go this time. There was nothing she could do! They would both be purified at this rate!

“Get away! I have no control! Purified…you…”

And I, too, will be killed at this rate…I will return, miko…have no fear…

There was a sickening lurch in her gut, as if her innards were being pulled out. Her senses caught the presence running away and she desperately let go of Sesshoumaru's arm and with her free hand hurtled all her built up power at the source of the negative energy.

(…………….a……… ;……..)

Sesshoumaru watched with rapt attention as the miko's power zoomed by his cheek and hit the bushes. Something dark screeched and jumped out, and his brother tore after it, slashing at the figure with his claws. It jumped away like liquid before disappearing altogether. He would have followed if it wasn't for the miko.

Her eyes were retuning to their normal hue, the red haze of madness leaving rapidly. Her pupils dilated from their previous form of shrunken slits until her eyes were nearly all black. The color was draining from her face, her eyelids falling like heavy curtains over her eyes, and she dropped down in a dead faint. He caught her, his mind buzzing with the turn of events. His nose itched with the familiar smell of the invisible enemy he had fought before. The figure was lithe, just as they had been, and as he looked at the miko's face, a drop of blood trickled from her nose.

He was suddenly terrified for her, the feeling unfamiliar and alien. Jumping to the ground, he put her down, moving her face to the side to see if her ears were bleeding again. His brother landed heavily in the other side of her, grasping her hand and shaking her. Sesshoumaru sent him a stern look.

“Do not move her. You will spread the poison.”

He dared to look at him with defiance, and Sesshoumaru felt his patience wearing thin.

“Why did you help her?” His eyes narrowed and he briefly looked at the miko. Help her? Had he really done that? No…he refused to believe that she had induced such an emotional response from him.

“I did not help her. I was merely pursuing an enemy that had been causing trouble on my lands.” The ground shuddered and Inuyasha got to his feet in a flash, ready to fight. But he was stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening, when he saw who the enemy was.

“Sesshoumaru-sama! Sesshoumaru-sama!”

The Taiyoukai felt an irritation towards the child. She hadn't obeyed his specific orders to stay put. There were other footsteps getting closer, and by the ringing sounds emanating from their direction, he guessed that it was the monk and taijija. He was proven correct -

“Inuyasha! Kagome-sama!”

They were going to run towards Kagome, but halted, apparently on the edge at seeing Sesshoumaru. The taijija spoke first -

“Sesshoumaru-sama…what is the meaning of this?” He immediately thought her impudent, annoyed at having been questioned. So…they suspected that he was responsible for this.

“Oy! Sango, Miroku! Where were you?” The taijija looked concerned for a moment, her eyes telling of her guilt.

“There was a barrier! We tried to get through, but even Houshi-sama couldn't break in!” Inuyasha looked a little put out. “It seems that the enemy wanted only you and Kagome-chan here.” Sesshoumaru felt his brother's eyes on him and turned on his heel to walk away. This was interesting. Perhaps this situation could be useful in finding out more about this new enemy.

“Oy! Sesshoumaru! How d'you get through?” He stopped, deciding that it wouldn't hurt to explain something to his brother in this case.

“Do you believe such a pathetic barrier could stop this Sesshoumaru?” He walked the rest of the way to his charge, glaring down into her face. She had risked her safety by coming here. “Rin, did I not tell you to remain where I stationed you?” The child looked guilty, and he once again felt that stirring in his lungs.

“Yes, Sesshoumaru-sama.”

“Then why did you disobey my instructions?”

“I'm sorry, Sesshoumaru-sama! But I was scared for My Lord. I felt something bad and I…” By this time, the girl was wiping tears from her eyes and sniffling.

“Stop, Rin.” The crying was immediately put to an end.

So…she must have felt jaki from all the way back there. Interesting…

He shifted his body to look at Kagome, his mind already filling with possibilities.

If that creature was controlling her, she must know something about it. She will tell me, then.

He was satisfied with his decision, knowing that it was the best way to gain some valuable information. However, staying here with these humans would prove to be a burden. He wanted nothing to do with his brother or his comrades. He walked back to where the miko lay, his steps slow and deliberate. By the time he was several feet away, his brother was growling.

“Don't come any closer, Sesshoumaru.” The insolent whelp! He dared to speak to him this way after he put effort into eliminating an assailant that would have killed him. He arched an eyebrow.

“If you are so anxious for her safety, brother, why did you not subdue her earlier?” He felt proud to be able to get a rise out of Inuyasha. But then again…he was a hanyou - weak and unable to refrain from showing emotion.

“I couldn't just jump her without hurting her, unlike you! How could you - ”

“That is where your mistake lies. Had she been under the spell any longer, her soul would have been devoured. It was better to injure her than to let her die.” In the wake of his words, he came to the conclusion that he was more than just displeased. He couldn't deny the fragmental feeling of terror he had felt upon seeing her fall into his arms. His brother would have been helpless to stop her, for he was too weak-hearted and physically inferior to her controlled power to do so.

He wasn't sure how he made the next decision, but he would remember the impatience with his brother's helplessness that drove him to it.

“Inuyasha…you have proven once again your incompetence as a hanyou, and your failure as a guardian.” He flexed his fingers and released his trademark poison. Before the hanyou could grab Kagome, Sesshoumaru sent him flying back with his whip. In a flash, he had his mane wrapped around his resisting body, and even quicker, he sent him flying into a cluster of trees. His body hit a boulder where the roots originated, and he saw with satisfaction how the rock cracked. He was unconscious. The taijija set her feet apart, moving quickly into a defensive position. The monk did the same. He noted briefly that he didn't see the large cat demon that usually accompanied the demon slayer.

With an ease and calmness of movement that surprised everyone, Sesshoumaru lifted Kagome into his hold. Putting two fingers to her forehead, he felt for the presence he had sensed before. Although most of it was gone, there were still feeble traces of it in her aura. He released more poison - careful not to hit her skin - into her energy field, wondering if he could drive it out that way.

“What are you doing? Let go of her, Sesshoumaru!” It was the demon slayer again. She was getting ready to throw her large weapon, and Sesshoumaru wondered if she was stupid. The monk tried to stop her, but she seemed too engrossed in the thought of hurting him to care. “Give her back! Hiraikotsu!” The huge boomerang moaned as it tore dangerously through the air and he suppressed the urge to smirk. She really was stupid. He dodged it neatly, jumping over it and landing next to Aun. Rin had her eyes covered with her hands, and she opened them when he came near.

The taijija caught the weapon as it came back to her, and was getting ready to throw it again when the monk finally succeeded in stopping her. He whispered something in her ear and the enraged look on her face turned to one of concern. He signaled Aun - telling Rin to hold on - and used his youki cloud to take to the air.

“Where are you taking her? Come back!”

He spared her a look over his shoulder.

“There are some questions I need answers to.” That said, he sped up, the dragon lazily following behind him. As he flew, he reassured himself that this was the best way to seek out information without having to deal with his bastard brother and his friends. But there was a derisive voice arguing this point, and telling him that he simply wanted to keep an eye on her himself.

(R 30;………1…….)

Thank you everyone again for all your feedback! I got some great ideas and questions from everyone! Thank you!

Next Chapter Sneak Peak:

Chapter 11 - Revelations of Darkness!

Sesshoumaru has more to worry about than a human suddenly staying in his domain. The rebel group has attacked once again, decimating important resources and crops needed to sustain the Western Lands. What use is there in fighting an enemy he cannot see? Kagome is not recovering, her injuries more serious than he suspected. Yet while he searches for an answer, another village is destroyed. The Western Lands are in a dark hour indeed, and Sesshoumaru realizes that there was only one thing he can do…

He must bind the miko to him.