InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart Will Go On ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. I want to but it's never going to happen.

Chapter One
I’m not okay

Throwing the yellow monstrosity, which she called her backpack over her shoulder, Kagome waved bye to her family and ran to the well house. Throwing the door open, she walked in and closed the door behind her. Looking down at the well, she smiled, Naraku had been defeated yet the jewel was finished. She was truly happy, because Sango and Miroku were now engaged; Shippo had found a kitsune family that didn’t live too far from the village so he came to visit and she could still travel through the well. Running down the stairs she leaped over the lip of the well and into the darkness which soon turned into a faint blue light.

Landing on the other side, she took in the fresh air and smiled. “Inuyasha..?” She called out in a calm voice; she knew he would be waiting for her. But she got no answer; her brow frowned and she began climbing the vines out of the well. Grabbing the edge, she lifted her self up and over. Landing on the soft grass she smiled, she was back, she just hoped Inuyasha wasn’t too mad she had stayed a day longer in her time. Standing she dusted her self off and stretched. ‘I wonder where he could be?’ She thought looking at the clear blue sky.

Her eyes traveled to the Goshinboku where she got the shock of her life. There at the roots of the tree sat Inuyasha and there in his arms was Kikyo. She couldn’t tell how long she stood there staring at them but she gathered her courage and walked over. “Inuyasha..?” She whispered. His ear twitched as did his nose and then his eyes cracked open. “I am just letting you know I am back.” She said with a weak smile trying to keep her eyes off Kikyo. ‘Has he already chosen?’

Inuyasha then looked up at her. “What took ya?” He asked acting as if Kikyo wasn’t there.

“Gomen…things came up.” Kagome replied. ‘Am I still needed?’ “Guess I will see you back at the village?” She asked with another weak smile.

“Keh…I’ll walk you.” He said going to wake Kikyo.

“Uh no it’s fine, really I’ll be okay.” She said stepping back and waving her hands.

Inuyasha cocked an eyebrow. ‘Something must be up…she isn’t even crying. Maybe she doesn’t care about Kikyo anymore?’

‘How could this happen? Did I do something wrong? Maybe I should have come back like I said I would?’ “Should I send for you when lunch is ready?” She asked and he nodded. “I’ll be sure to make enough then.” She turned and began walking to the village. ‘How could he?’ With that thought she quickened her pace and once out of sight she began running.

Kikyo then stirred. “She may have seen us but you do know you will have to tell her in words.”

Inuyasha sighed. “I know.” ‘I’m sorry Kagome.’ He then nuzzled Kikyo’s neck.

“Mm…will you send her home?” She asked.

“No…that I can’t do. If she wishes to stay then she may. I am not the only reason she is here.” He replied.

Kikyo nodded and all was silent both left to ponder their own thoughts.

Kagome arrived at the village and slapped on a smile. “Sango..?” She called running to the Taijiya and wrapping her in her arms.

“Kagome, your back.” Sango relied hugging her play sister back. “How is your family?”

“They’re good.” Kagome replied then looked around. “Where is Miroku?”

“He is with Shippo. Miroku is trying to help him fight better.”

“Why is he not learning from the kitsunes?”

“He is, but he trains with Miroku because as Shippo says Miroku is getting out of shape from sitting around all day.’ ”

“Oh.” Kagome replied. “And Kaede, how is she?” Last time Kagome was here Kaede was sick or as Inuyasha put it she was slipping away.

“We believe she doesn’t have much longer.” Sango said pulling back the door of Kaede’s hut.

There Kaede lay on a futon, her breathing was shallow, her hair was matted to her forehead and you could tell she had not eaten in days. Bed sores could be seen on her arms and were likely on her legs and back as well. Kagome’s eyes swelled with tears as she walked over, kneeled next to the futon and took Kaede’s hand in hers. “Sorry I’m late.” She began in a low voice trying her best to keep the pain she was feeling from being heard. “You have watched over and cared for us all and I still don’t know how to thank you for that. Your love and kindness is something that will always be remembered.” She then paused swallowing the lump in her throat and holding a little tighter to the elder mikos hand. “I am not sure if you know this, but Kikyo, well, it seems she will be the one watching over the village when you pass.” Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand she smiled sadly. “I came back and…there they were…in each others arms. I don’t know what to do, how to accept this. Kami, it’s hurts, I’ve never felt this pain before. How do I cope?” She asked tears following freely as sobs racked her body.

Sango had been standing by the door listening quietly, she could hear how much pain and heartbreak Kagome was expressing but didn’t know how to help. ‘Kagome…’ She thought to herself sadly. Knowing it was close to lunch time, she took it upon herself to go and get it ready, sliding the door aside, she stepped outside letting the door slide back into place leaving Kagome to grieve.

Shippo caught Kagome’s scent on the wind the moment she returned, he smirked at Miroku before he dodged an attack and then pinned Miroku down. “Kagome’s back, shall we end here for the day?”

“Hai…” Miroku replied from the ground, he felt Shippo stand and was then helped off the ground. Dusting himself he began following Shippo back to the village.

“Race you back.” Shippo replied before taking off down the dirt path.

“Hey…” Miroku called out before running after him.

Sango smiled as she heard Miroku and Shippo coming, standing from her kneeling position by the fire, she waved and almost laughed at the sight of a very tired Miroku chasing an over energetic Shippo. “How was training?”

“Great…” Shippo replied stopping at her side and looking back at a very out of breathe half way there Miroku. “I thought the women normally let themselves go when they find a lover, but he has once again proven another one of my theories wrong.” He said smiling with a soft chuckle at the monks glare.

Miroku was rather unhappy at the kitsunes comment but thought it best to ignore it, yet he sent a glare the pup’s way as he walked over to his fiancé. “Where is lady Kagome?”

Sango’s happy expression died and a sorrowful one fell. “She needs time…” Both nodded in understanding for they both had seen Inuyasha and Kikyo together on several occasions while Kagome was back in her time. “Lunch will be ready soon.” She added breaking the silence as she stared at the pot of noodles and the half roasting boar.

Tears still flowed freely down Kagome’s cheeks but her sobbing had stopped, the hand she held squeezed hers, sitting up she looked at Kaede who was slowly awakening. “Kaede..?”

“Ka-gome..?” Kaede asked wondering who was at her side, for even though her eyes were open she could not see.

“Yes, it’s me...” Kagome replied smiling softly as she wiped away her tears once more.

“He is not worth your tears child.” Kaede said turning her face in the direction of the young mikos voice. “This was destined to happen, you and he were never meant for each other.”

Kagome looked confused at the elder mikos words. “I don’t understand...”

“Inuyasha wasn’t the reason you were sent here…”

“What about the jewel?”

“That’s…half of it…” Kaede said her breathing becoming shallower.

“Kaede please…why am I here? What is my purpose?”

Kaede smiled and took a deep breathe. “To bring peace to the land, warmth and love to ice.” And then she was again unconscious.

“What?” Kagome asked trying to figure out what Kaede meant, she was just about to go and wake her, when a hand on her shoulder stopped her. Looking at the hand, she sighed and looked up at the owner.

“She needs her rest.” Miroku said squeezing Kagome’s shoulder reassuringly. “Lunch is also ready.” He added with a warm smile.

Kagome gave a sad smile back and nodded, standing she tried the last of her tears and walked out of the hut. “Mm smells wonderful Sango.” She complemented looking over at the fire and the food that was cooking.

“Thanks I just hope it taste as good.” Sango chuckled as she placed the ramen into six different bowls, while Shippo sliced the boar in to nice size portions.

“I’ll go get the Inuyasha.” Kagome said turning and began walking back to the god tree.

Sango and Shippo exchanged looks and watched her go as Miroku came out of Kaede’s. “She will pass during the night.” He said sitting beside Sango. “She has lived a fulfilling life, she will go peacefully.” He added as Kilala jumped in his lap.

Kagome wasn’t looking forward to seeing the couple but figured she would have to get use to it and it was now or never. Taking a deep breathe she walked over to them with a smile or as best of one she could give. “Hey lunch is ready.” She said stopping a few feet away.

Inuyasha looked up and smiled. “Thanks.” He said nuzzling Kikyo neck and purring for her to wake.

“Hmm..?” She asked slowly awakening.

“Lunch..?” He asked wondering if she was hungry.

“I’d love some.” She said sitting up.

“It smells good.” He said standing first so that he could help her up.

Taking his hand Kikyo stood and then notices Kagome. “Hello…”

Kagome smiled “Hey.” She replied getting nervous.

Before anymore words could be exchanged, Kagome felt a familiar aura “Kouga...” She whispered just before a dust cloud appeared and Kouga popped out.

“Kagome…” He said grinning at her.

“Hello Kouga…what brings you here?” She asked hoping he would try the whole be my mate thing right now.

“What I cant come pick up my soon to be mate?” He asked his eyes held humor

Kagome rolled her eyes “Kouga, Ayame’s not here..”

“Ayame’s not my soon to be mate either…” he said wrapping an arm around her waist and pulled her to him.

Kagome gave a nervous laugh and pushed against his chest. “Kouga, please, I have already told you that I don’t like you in that way, now please let me go.” She said turning her face from his when he leaned in for a kiss.

Kouga had no intension of letting her go but before he could protest he was picked up and thrown off her. Inuyasha growled as he stood protectively in front of Kagome who now was on the floor. “Kouga…” He said with a deep growl. “She has made it perfectly clear she doesn’t want to be your mate, now leave or I will force you to leave.”
Kouga chuckled as he stood slowly his eyes watching as Kikyo helped Kagome up. “This has nothing to do you with you; you’ve chosen your mate, now leave this between me and mine.” He growled his eyes slowly bleeding red.

Inuyasha’s growl slowly became a snarl as he realized he was being challenged. “Kagome is part of my pack and if she doesn’t wish to mate you, she doesn’t have to.” He flexed his claws and waited for Kouga to attack.

Kagome didn’t want to see a fight especially seeing as how she wasn’t going to be chosen by the one she loved. “Stop, both of you.” She yelled walking in-between them and glared at both as her miko power flared. “Kouga, I do not wish to mate you and I do not return your feelings, now leave.” She said hoping he would leave for if he didn’t she would have to purify him to get her point across.

Seeing that she was fairly serious, he nodded and bowed, before kicking up dust and disappearing with the promise of never bothering them again. Inuyasha relaxed as Kouga scent became farther away. Kikyo, was shocked that Kagome would step in like that but also was very proud of her reincarnation for doing something she knew she would have never done.

“Come on lets get going I am starving.” Inuyasha said to both the mikos, but while on began to follow the other didn’t, turning back he looked confused as to why she was standing there. “Kags?” but she didn’t reply she just keep her head down letting her bangs hide her eyes. Walking back over, he touched her shoulder “Hey are you alright?” He asked looking worried.

Kagome felt his hand on her shoulder and she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold back, looking up at him with cold eyes and facial expression like his brother she glared and he took a step back and released her shoulder. “No, Inuyasha I am not okay.” She said in such a deep cold tone it would have scared Sesshomaru. “I’m not sure if I will ever be again.” Inuyasha was rather shocked but he could seem to say anything for he knew what she was pissed off about. “The jewel is complete, Naraku is dead, Kikyo’s still alive and your intended, Sango and Miroku are getting married, Shippo has a new family and what am I left with.” She added looking up at him. A smiled appeared on her cold emotionless face and Inuyasha could have pissed himself. “Nothing, I am left with nothing. I can’t feel my heart beat, nor the breeze on my face. I am so numb.”

“Kags…” Inuyasha began thinking of something to say but really what was there to say.

There was a long tense pause and then she spoke again. “I wish to be alone.” She said turning from him and Kikyo, walking over to the god tree she sat down watching as they turned and left. Silent tears rolled her cheeks, she stared at the jewel, holding it tightly she cried out all her pain, praying that it would be taken away. And that’s how the gang found her some hours later, passed out and the jewel in one hand.

I know it took a long time to get this chapter up and it might take a long time for chappie two but I will get it up for the sake of my readers. Suteinu