InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life In High School. ❯ Fighting with Koga. ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer : I own nothing but my own Fanfic

Chapter Five: Fighting With Kouga

As soon as the three got out of the car, they–or more specifically, Sango–were ambushed by the ever-amorous Miroku, who embraced Sango as if he hadn't seen her in years.


"So what?" Inuyasha grumbled.

"So, don't leave me in the Dark Ages over here! I smell tension! What happened last night? Dish." Everyone stared at him like he had a fungus growing out of his ears.

"...Nothing happened last night...but you should be more concerned about this morning." Sango cleared her throat. Kagome grabbed Sango's wrist and dragged her big mouth off to their first period, leaving Miroku to interrogate Inuyasha.

"Okay, then, what happened this morning?" Miroku grinned wickedly, rubbing his hands together once the girls were gone.

"Nothing, damn it!" Inuyasha yelled, trying to walk faster and get away from Miroku, but he merely dashed after him, deciding on a different tactic.

"So...our first class is Sex Education." Miroku knew he had his friend when he choked and went immensely red. "Why so shocked, Inuyasha?"


"Did something happen between you and Kagome? Because if so, you can always talk to your friend about it." Miroku assured him. Unfortunately for the rest of their day, who else but Kouga should be walking by, and upon hearing Kagome's name, he decided to intervene.

"You talking about my woman?" He questioned gruffly, glaring at Inuyasha.

"No, we're talking about Kagome. There's a difference." He drawled. "So get the hell outta here, ass-breath."

"I was her first, so that makes her my woman!" Kouga declared, off what basis of logic, neither Inuyasha nor Miroku could ever hope to understand.

"Didn't she dump you?" Inuyasha sneered smugly, crossing his arms.

"No, dog-shit, I dumped her after I tapped that." Kouga laughed stupidly. Inuyasha's eyes darkened and just as he was about to land a punch square between Kouga's eyes, the warning bell screeched in his ears.

"This isn't over, Kouga." Inuyasha growled, stalking off into the building with Miroku.

"Didn't you say you weren't going to tell Miroku about me and Inuyasha? Huh? Didn't you?" Kagome yelled at Sango, who grinned sheepishly, rubbing at the nape of her neck.

"Yeah...sorry about that, it just kinda slipped out. It won't happen again!" She assured, leaning her arm on Kagome's shoulder as they headed for their History class. "And speaking of happening again..." Sango muttered bitterly, and both girls groaned as Kouga approached them with a hungry grin on his face.

"So, Kagome...I see we have history together." He chuckled, snaking his arm around her waist. "Ah, it wouldn't be the first time, am I r–" The word came out as a wheeze, for Kagome had elbowed him right in the gut. He doubled over, his vision beginning to blur.

"That'll teach you to leave people alone." Sango snorted with laughter, and the girls sat down at the front of the class. With Rin, Sango, and Kagome forming a close triangle in the right corner of the desks, Kouga couldn't sit anywhere near her, so he had to settle for three desks away.

"Hi, guys." Rin greeted with her usual smile. "How was your summer?"

"Fine, thanks, and yours?"

"Oh, gosh, it was swell!" Sango and Kagome snickered at her Leave it to Beaver dialogue. "I met this insanely hot guy, and he's so nice, too!"

"Oh?" Sango and Kagome grinned at each other. "So who is this nice hot guy?"

"You know him, you love him–" Rin imitated a drum roll. "Sesshoumaru!"

"You're–that is so uncanny! You're dating Inuyasha's brother, and Kagome's dating Inuyasha!" Kagome growled, curling up a fist and slamming it against Sango's head.

"HEY!" She spluttered, clutching her pounding head.

"SHUT UP!" Kagome and the teacher said at the same time, and the class went silent, leaving Kagome somewhat confused.

The day seemed to be going by much too slow. In their shared classes, Kagome couldn't even look at Inuyasha without blushing, and he couldn't look her in the eyes. When it was time for lunch, everyone met up in front of the school. Kagome had been talking to Sango, caught off-guard when Inuyasha appeared beside her and put his arm around her shoulders. She jumped initially, then saw him and smiled.

"You scared me, you wacko."

"How's your day going so far?"

"Well–" Inuyasha cut him off with a deep kiss to her lips.

"...Better, thank you..." She murmured when he broke it off with a grin. By some ironic chance, Kouga had been coming out of the building, and was appalled to see Inuyasha holding and kissing his alleged woman.

"Hey, mufface, get your stinkin' hands off my woman!" He spluttered, stalking toward them menacingly. A fearful Kagome moved closer to Inuyasha, but was yanked away from him by an irate Kouga, who threw a punch at the hanyou. He avoided it, clenching his own fists in anger.

"What the fuck is your problem, you stupid bastard?"

"Kouga, stop it!" Kagome screamed, but of course, Kouga didn't listen, and merely jabbed Inuyasha in the stomach. He doubled over in a guise of pain, and once Kouga's guard was down enough, slashed Kouga's face. The wolf stumbled backwards, dazed from the sudden strike and the loss of blood, and Inuyasha would've let him go, had his youkai not surfaced, dramatically altering his appearance.

The strong demonic aura wafted into Sesshoumaru's senses as soon as he got out of class, and he knew it as soon as he detected it. Something had to be wrong. He dashed to the source of the aura to see Inuyasha brutalizing a wolf demon. The hanyou-turned-youkai was about to further mutilate the wolf, when Sesshoumaru grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and forced him out of the fight. Sango and Miroku had to stay behind and hold Kouga back because, despite his many wounds, he still refused to give up.

"Rin, get you and your friend out of here." He commanded.

"But Sesshoumaru, this is Inuyasha's girlfriend! If anyone could get him back to normal, it's her!" Rin protested. Before Sesshoumaru could retort in annoyance, Inuyasha wrenched himself out of his grip, grabbed Kagome by the waist, and took off in a flash. This annoyed the daiyoukai even further and with a barely audible growl, he ran after them.

Inuyasha stopped in front of Kagome's house, but didn't put her down, like if he did, Kouga would materialize out of nowhere and try to steal her again. She gazed deep into his blood-red eyes, and upon seeing the Inuyasha she knew was still there, kissed him gently. Gradually, his appearance returned to normal and with an apologetic sigh, he hugged her.

"I'm sorry, Kagome. Did I scare you?"

"A little, but I knew you wouldn't hurt me. Do you want to go inside? We don't have to go back if you don't want to."

"Okay." He nodded, and followed her inside. Both were shocked into silence when they heard a malicious voice call from the kitchen, "Kagome...I've been waiting for you."

EDITED AND BEATED BY Black Ice and Blood Rain