InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life In High School. ❯ A Long night Part 2 ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I Don't own inuyasha.
Rated M for further chapters
"i'm done let's go." kagome said before pulling Inuyasha out of the door, locking it before leaving.
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Chapter 13 A Long night Part 2
Miroku and Sango waited at Sango's house for Inuyasha and Kagome to pick them up to go dancing at a really hot club in town.
"We need to go to my house and pick up a car, we can't all ride on your motorcycle." Inuyasha told Kagome.
Inuyasha and Kagome walked over to Inuyasha's house, Inuyasha lived his older brother, Inuyasha tryed living on his own. but in a weird way he liked having his brother, Sesshoumaru around.
Kagome and Inuyasha both walked into the house and found Sesshomaru working in his study.
"Hey can I borrow a car for tonight." Inuyasha asked Sesshomaru.
"I wanted to take Kagome dacing tonight." Inuyasha told his older brother.
"You two are mates." Sesshomaru asked the young couple.
"Ya." Inuyasha said looking at Kagome.
"I have knowed Kagome and her family for years, I never thought you two would hookup, Did you tell your mother about you to?" Sesshomaru said.
"No, I havent see my mother for a while now, I havent talked to my mother since the day she kicked me out." Kagome told Sesshomaru.
"Why did she kick you out Kagome." Sesshomaru asked her.
"Your talking like you all ready know." Kagome asked Sesshomaru.
" Oh I just talked to her a few days ago, I told her that Inuyasha partially lives with you now." Sesshomaru told Kagome.
"Why were you talking to my mother." Kagome yelled at Sesshomaru.
" She was worried about you, you never phone her, you never visit her, When I told her about Inuyasha she was so happy that you ended up with him and not that Hojo guy." Sesshomaru told Kagome.
"Can we please just borrow a car, Sango and Miroku are waiting for as." Inuyasha told Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru never took his eyes off Kagome, Kagome walked over to Sesshomaru and pulled him into a hug.
"Thank you, I needed that." Kagome whispered in Sesshomaru's chest.
"You and Inuyasha were all was there for my family, I never really noticed, but you guys where there after my dad died." Kagome told both brothers.
"Hows my family doing." Kagome asked Sesshomaru.
"There doing great, you should visit them." Sesshomaru told Kagome.
Kagome nodded and walked back to Inuyasha, Inuyasha wrapped his around around Kagome's waist and pulled her to his chest, before turning back to Sesshomaru Inuyasha kissed Kagome on the forehead.
"Can I please borrow a car for tonight." Inuyasha asked Sesshomaru again.
"Yes, but not any of the good cars, Just pick one from the parking lot, oh and one more thing, if you hurt her, I'll kill ya." Sesshomaru told Inuyasha before walking away.
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Kagome and Inuyasha walked out of the house and down to the parking lot, Inuyasha picked a red mustang.
"Kagome over here." Inuyasha called to Kagome.
Kagome walked over to Inuyasha, and looked at the car he picked out.
"Nice car, my fave." Kagome said before jumping in.
Inuyasha and Kagome drove to Sango's place to pick there two friends up.
Kagome jumped out of the car and ran up to Sango's door and knocked, Sango opened the door.
"You guys ready to go" Kagome asked her.
"Ya where ready like half-an hour ago." Sango told her.
"Sorry about that, we went by Inuyasha's and picked up a car." Kagome told her.
Sango went back inside and got Miroku, Kagome, Sango and Miroku all walked to Inuyasha's car, Kagome jupmed in the front seat and sat beside Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku crowled in the backseat.
"Nice car, where did you get it." Miroku asked.
"It's one of Sesshomaru's cars, SO please don't make a mess." Inuyasha told Miroku.
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They arived at the club a few minutes later, Inuyash jumped from the car first and ran and opened Kagome's door for her.
"Well Thank you." Kagome said to Inuyasha then kissed him on the cheek.
Miroku and Sango followed Inuyasha and Kagome into the club, they walked around the club and found a table to sit at.
"Come on Sango, lets dance." Miroku said to Sango pulling her to her feet.
Sango and Miroku walked to the dance floor and danced to the music, after a few songs Sango pushed Miroku away and called Kagome over, Inuyasha and Kagome where dancing beside them, Kagome walked over to Sango,as Miroku and Inuyasha walked back to there table to watch Kagome and Sango dance.
"Lets give them a show." Sango whispered to Kagome.
Kagome nodded and walked closer to Sango and danced to the music with her, Sango and Kagome moved there hips together. Kagome could tell Inuyasha wanted her, Kagome should see the lust in Inuyasha's eyes.
"I can't watch this, I need a beer." Inuyasha said to Miroku.
Inuyasha walked up to the bar and ordered four beers, and returned back to the table, when Inuyasha trurned Miroku was gone, Inuyasha searched searched the dance floor and found Miroku sandwished between Sango and Kagome, Sango and Kagome moved there hips with Miroku's.
Inuyasha got jealous that Miroku was touch Kagome and Inuyasha walked to the dance floor and pulled Kagome away from Miroku and pulled her to his chest, Inuyasha swing his hips with hers.
The song ended and the two couples walked over to there table and sat down, Inuyasha picked up his beer and drank it with one sipe, Inuyasha sat up and walked back to the bar and ordered more drinks. Inuyasha sat beside Kagome, and slowly drank his second beer.
"Don't drink to much Inuyasha don't get dronk, if you do I'll have to call your brother for to pick as up." Kagome warned Inuyasha.
"Keh" was Inuyasha's response.
"I don't get dronk, remember I'm a half-demon." Inuyasha told Kagome.
The two couples have been at the club for the last three hours.
"Hey Inuyasha, I'm going to Sango's for a minutes, were just going to go and pick something up, we'll come back here when where done, so please don't drink anymore." Kagome said before kissing Inuyasha then took off with Sango.
"Hey why you leaving." Inuyasha screamed after Kagome but she was all ready gone.
"Were did Sango go." Miroku asked Inuyasha.
"Kagome said she was going to with Sango somewhere, Can't really remember." Inuyasha told Miroku.
"I wanted to sing and dance with Sango." Miroku whined.
"I think you had to many drinks." Inuyasha told Miroku.
"Oh and what song did you want to sing to her." Inuyasha asked Miroku.
"I'm just a love machine." Miroku told Inuyasha.
Inuyasha grabbed his stomic from laughting to hard." Your really fucked up when you drink." Inuyasha told Miroku.
Inuyasha walked back to the bar and ordered another drink, well waiting for his drink a girl sat beside him at the bar.
"Hey my names Ayame, Whats your." Ayame asked him.
"Inuyasha." Inuyasha told Ayame.
"Nice to met you Inuyasha." Ayame said.
"Do you wanna dance." Ayame asked Inuyasha.
"Sorry I'm married." Inuyasha told Ayame.
"Well not really married, see I'm a half-demon, so when I marked my mate, she is kinda like my wife now." Inuyasha told Ayame.
Inuyasha got his beer from the bartender and drank it then turned back around to face Ayame.
" But I'm pretty sure one dance couldn't hurt." Inuyasha told Ayame.
Inuyasha and Ayame walked over to the dance floor, the next song was about to start.
The song ( Don't cha ) played and Inuyasha and Ayame danced to the music, Ayame could tell that Inuyasha was dronk so she pulled Inuyasha tighter to her body, and wrapped her arms around Inuyasah's neck and moved her hips with Inuyasha's, Ayame pulled Inuyasha into a deep kiss.
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Kagome and Sango walked back into the club, they where both laughting and talking when Kagome stopped in her tracks.
"Kagome, Whats the matter." Sango asked Kagome.
Sango turned and say what Kagome was looking at.
Inuyasha and another girl where wrapped in each others arms kissing, Kagome
heard Sango's gasp, and took off running.
Inuyasha pushed Ayame away and say Kagome running from the club, he could smell her tears.
"Kagome wait, It's not what you think." Inuyasha yelled and ran after Kagome.