InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life In High School. ❯ Life after everything else. ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I Don't own inuyasha.
Rated M for further chapters
Inuyasha moved in front of Kagome. " Will you marrie me."
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Chapter 17: Life after everything else.
It took Kagome a few minutes to understand what Inuyasha just said, Kagome jumped to her feet and looked down on Inuyasha, Kagome fell uncastions, Inuyasha caught her before she hit the ground, Inuyasha picked Kagome up bridal style, Inuyasha walked back towards Sango and Miroku.
"What happened." Miroku asked Inuyasha looking down at the sleeping girl in his arms. "Wait a minute you asked her didn't you.
"Ya I did." Inuyasha told his two bestfriends, without any word of a lie, Inuyasha looked them stright in the eyes.
"What did she say." Miroku asked Inuyasha with happyness in her voice.
"She didn't answer me, she passed out right away." Inuyasha told Miroku.
"What are you guys talking about." Sango asked Miroku and Inuyasha.
"Inuyasha asked Kagome to marrie him." Miroku told Sango. Miroku watched as Sango's face turned to happyness.
"You guys are all ready mates arn't you, so do that mean you're all ready married in the demon world." Sango asked Inuyasha.
"Yes we are all ready marrid in demon standers, but for Kagome, she's only human she dersives to get married her way." Inuyasha told Sango.
"Does Kagome know anything about demons and mating." Sango asked Inuyasha with a little worrie in her voice.
"I really don't know, I never told her anything." Inuyash told Sango with a little dissapointment in his voice, why can't his friends be happy for him, why can't they just leave it alone. yes he forgot to tell kagome about when humans say yes to become Demon's mates that means there married.
"So she doesn't know, that she's all ready married to you by demon laws." Sango asked Inuyasha with a little bit of anger in her voice.
"No...I didn't tell her, I didn't know how she would take it." Inuyasha adminted to Sango.
"What happends if she says no." Sango asked Inuyasha.
"Then...I'll release her from the bond that we share, I will release her from me." Inuyasha told Sango and Miroku.
Inuyasha walked past his friends and layed Kagome down on the blanket, Kagome moaned and moved but didn't wake.
Miroku and Sango ran into the water." Come on Inuyasha the waters great, Kagome will be fine, let her sleep it off." Miroku yelled out to Inuyasha.
Inuyasha signed and looked down at the sleeping girl in his arms. Kagome moved to get more comfortable in Inuyasha's arms, Kagome moved her bottom on Inuyasha's hips, Inuyasha moaned from the sudden movement from Kagome, Kagome opened her eyes and looked up into Inuyasha's amber eye's.
"What happened." Kagome asked Inuyasha.
"You passed out, don't you remember. Inuyasha asked Kagome with sadness in his voice. Inuyasha's ears lowered to his head.
Kagome blushed and looked away from Inuyasha. "Yes I remember what happened." Kagome responded.
"Can we talk about this later, I don't feel very well." Kagome told Inuyasha, she didn't really like lieing to Inuyahsa, but she didn't want to talk about it rigth now.
Inuyasha new right away that Kagome was lieing to him, he didn't want to say anything about it, he nodded at first." Sure, I'll take you home." Inuyasha chocked up to Kagome.
Kagome nodded back to Inuyasha, then got up and walked over to Sango and Miroku. "Why are you leaving."
"I don't feel very well. Inuyasha's going to take me home, I'll see you to, at school tomorrow." Kagome said to Sango and Miroku, Sango pulled Kagome into a hug.
"Ok, I hope you get better soon." Sango said to Kagome.
Kagome walked to Inuyasha's car, Inuyasha stayed behind to pack all his stuff. Inuyasha walked over to Sango and Miroku.
"Why is she really leaving." Sango asked Inuyasha. Worrie writen all over her face.
"She doesn't want to marrie me." Inuyasha told Sango and Miroku.
"Did she tell you that." Sango asked the very upset Hanyou.
"No, but I can see it in her eyes, by the way she was looking at me." Inuyasha told his two worried friends.Inuyasha's head was down, his eyes where covered by his long hair, Sango say tears running down his face, Sango pulled Inuyasha into a hug, Inuyasha was shocked at first then hugged her back.
"I'll talk to her." Sango whispered to Inuyasha.
Inuyasha could only nodded, then quickly pulled Sango into another hug. " Thank you." Inuyasha whispered into her ear.
Inuyasha whiped his eyes, then turned around and walked back to where Kagome was waiting for him, Inuyasha jumped in the car, The ride to Kagome's place was silent.Inuyasha would look at Kagome from the corner of his eye ever few minutes. Kagome looked out of the window to busie thinging her own thoughts to notice Inuyasha looking at her.
Inuyasha pulled up to Kagome's place, Kagome hesitated before getting out.
"Can I come in." Inuyasha quickly asked Kagome before she closed the door. Kagome turned around and looked at Inuyasha, she nodded, Inuyasha jumped out of the car, and followed Kagome inside.
Kagome went stright to her bedroom. she walked out of her room wearing her P.J's. Inuyasha's eyes followed Kagome threw the house.
"We need to talk about this." Inuyasha told Kagome.
Kagome stopped what she was doing and looked at Inuyasha, Kagome walked over to Inuyasha and sat beside him. He turned and looked at her she nodded her head.
"Can we talk." Inuyasha asked her again.
"Ok." Kagome told Inuyasha without looking at him.
"You don't want to marrie me do you." Inuyasha asked Kagome. Inuyasha turned around when he heard her gasp.
"Its not that." Kagome said.
"Then what." Inuyasha asked Kagome.
"I'm to young, I love you and love what we have, I'm just not ready." Kagome told Inuyasha with tears in her eyes.
"I understand that, I love you and love what we have, I really want to spend the rest of my life with you, I asked you to be my mate and you said yes, I can wait in till you are ready. So please don't cry." Inuyasha told Kagome wrapping her tears away.
"Inuyasha I think we should slow this down, I love you, I really do, but your talking about getting married, We just met, not really but we just started going out, Yes you asked me to be your mate and I said yes, I want to be with you, were still young we have a long time to be together, so we don't have to rush things do we." Kagome said.
Inuyasha looked at the gorund, feeling his heart being wrapped to pieces. "Theres something I need to tell you." Inuyasha said without looking at Kagome.
"Ok." Kagome answered.
"When I asked you to be my mate, I marked you, you said yes, so we are all ready kinda married, In demon laws.Inuyasha told Kagome, still not wanting to make eye contact with her.
"So what your telling me, is it were all ready married, were you ever going to tell me." kagome asked Inuyasha.
"Yes." Inuyasha answered her.
Kagome looked at Inuyasha, Inuyasha was still looking at the ground, Kagome pulled his chin up so that he was looking at her, " Why didn't you tell me." Kagome asked Inuyasha with nothing but sadness in her voice.
"I didn't know how to tell you, So I just thought I would ask you to marrie me, I thought you would say yes, So I wouldn't have to tell you." Inuyasha told Kagome.
"I do love you, I do what to marrie you, just not right now, there's still school, college and I might go to america, please don't be mad." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"I'll wait." Inuyasha whispered, if Kagome wasn't sitting by him so won't have heard him.
"What if I'm gone for years Inuyasha, I can't let you wait for me, You might met somebody else." Kagome didn't get to finish what she was saying, Inuyasha pulled Kagome into a tight hug, Pulling her body close to his chest. "I'll wait for you, I love you so much, will you wait for me, If you do go, I'll go with you." Inuyasha whispered in Kagome ear.
"You would really everything you have behind to come with me. And I would wait hundres of years for you." kagome said to Inuyasha.
"Of course, your my woman." Inuyasha told Kagome.
"But I would ask you one question, please don't leave." Inuyash asked Kagome.
Kagome pulled Inuyasha into a deep kiss, "Thats why I love you." Kagome whispered in Inuyasha's ear. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her down on his lap, Inuyasha and Kagome fell on the coatch. Kagome giggled at Inuyasha. "Whats are you laughting at wench." Kagome pulled Inuyasha into a deep heated searching kiss. " Don't talk." Kagome whispered into Inuyasha's ear.
Kagome quickly jumped off Inuyasha, she pulled down her coths before answering the door, Inuyasha was leaning on his elbones looking to see who was at the door.
"Hey Sango. whats up." Kagome asked her bestfriend.
"How you feeling." Sango asked Kagome with worrie in her voice.
"Oh hi Inuyasha." Sango quickly said.
"Hey." Inuyasha responded.
"Can I quickly talk to you." Kagome asked Sango.
"Sure." Kagome and Sango walked out side, Kagome closed the door behind her, They walked a few feet away from the house, with Inuyasha's good hearing, Kagome didn't want Inuyasha hearing what they were going to talk about.
"Whats wrong Kagome." Sango asked.
"Did you know."Kagome quickly asked Sango, Sango quickly stopped walking and turned around and looked at her bestfriend.
" Did you know that me and Inuyasha are all ready married because of the demon laws." Kagome asked Sango. Kagome looked at Sango and watched her face drain of color, Sango looked down and nodded her head. " I'm so sorry." She whispered.
Kagome's face fell. " Why didn't you tell me." Kagome asked Sango.
"I'm so sorry, I know I should have told you." Sango said without looking at her friend.
"I'm really conserting saying yes to him, I really do love him. Thats it I love him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him." kagome told Sango.
Sango watched Kagome's face light up, Kagome didn't say another word to Sango, she turned around and ran back home, she threw the front door open and ran into Inuyasha's arms." My answes yes." Kagome whisperd to in Inuyasha's ear.
"I love you so much, I promise you won't regret this." Inuyasha told Kagome pulling her into a hug.
"I promise you'll have the wedding of your dreams." Inuyasha told Kagome.
"Marring you, is all I really want." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"Thank you." Inuyasha whisperd to Kagome. Inuyasha dropped to his kness and pulled a small box from his pocket, she gasped, he opened the boxs showing a big dimone engamint ring. "will you marrie me, Kagome Higarashi."
Her eyes fulled up full of tears."Yes." tears ran down her face. Inuyasha place the ring on Kagome's left hand ring finger. He stood up wrapping her tears away. "You just made me the happiest man."
"We are getting married after school." Kagome warned Inuyasha.
"Of course." Inuyasha told Kagome.
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Sango walked home after talking with Kagome, Miroku was waiting for her, After there fun day at the beach, Miroku helped Sango pack her stuff, she moved in with him.
"So how are the love birds." Miroku asked Sango.
"kagome said yes." Sango told Miroku.
"Good for her, nobody will love her more then him." Miroku told Sango.
"I just think she scared, remember Naraku, do you no the real reason they broke up." Sango asked Miroku.
"No, What happened." Miroku asked Sango.
"Kagome and Naraku dated for about six months,They didn't sleep together or anything like that, He asked her to marrie him, she said no, so he beat her. Then he left town." Sango told Miroku.
"Does Inuyasha know." Miroku asked Sango.
"No, if Inuyasha knew Naraku would have been dead the first time he met him." Sango told Miroku.
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Sesshomaru walked into the quite part of the hospital, the morge. Sesshomaru walked over to Naraku's body.
"Get your ass up, I know your not dead." Sesshomaru yelled at Naraku.
Naraku didn't move, Sesshomaru punched Naraku in the face, Naraku jumped out of the hospital bed. " What did you do that for." Naraku yelled at Sesshomaru.
"You deserved what happened to you, this is the last time, I'll tell you this, stay away from my brother and his friends, and stay away from Kagome." Sesshomary said before walking out of the hospital.
Naraku jumped off the bed, and walked out of the hospital. "I will have her."
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Inuyasha and Kagome layed on the bed talking about everything and anything, wanting to know everything about each other.
"Tell me your deepest secret." Inuyasha asked Kagome.
"There's somethings you don't know about me, and I don't think you'll like them." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"You can tell me anything." Inuyasha told Kagome pulling her into a tight embrase.
"There about Naraku." Kagome quickly told Inuyasha. " You might not like what I tell you, The things he did." Inuyasha growled at his Name.
"What did he do, you can tell me." Inuyasha quickly told Kagome. "I won't get mad."
Her eyes fulled up full of tears. "There not happy memories." Kagome told Inuyasha. Inuyasha was shocked to smell the fear coming from Kagome, and to see her crying.
"What happened, did he hurt you." Inuyasha asked Kagome, Kagome say the worrie he had for her, and she felt happy to know that he really loved her.
"Yes, A long time ago, he tryed to take everything away from me." Kagome told Inuyasha, she lowered her head, and looked at her feet not wanting to make eye contact with him.
Before Inuyasha could ask her what really happened, the phone rang, Inuyasha walked over to the phone and picked it up.
"Hey it's Sesshomaru, we really need to talk."
"Can't it wait, I'm in the middle of something." Inuyasha told his brother.
"Naraku's still alive." Sesshomaru quickly told Inuyasha before he hung up on him.
"What." Inuyasha yelled.
"Just got back from the hospital." Sesshomaru told Inuyasha.
"K. Thanks, I have to go." Inuyasha said before hanging up on Sesshomaru.
Inuyasha walked back to Kagome. "You need to tell me what happened between you and Naraku." Inuyasha asked Kagome.
"Whats wrong, Who was one the phone." Kagome asked Inuyasha.
"That was Sesshomary, he just got home from the hospital.
"Oh my god, what happened, is he all right." kagome quickly asked Inuyasha. Kagome jumped to her feet and walked over to Inuyasha.
Inuyasha looked at Kagome and say nothing but fear in her eyes." I got some bad news, but remember one thing, I'm here for you, I'll all was protect you." Inuyasha quickly told Kagome.
Inuyasha pulled Kagome into a hug, "Kagome Naraku's still alive, I need to know what he did to you." Inuyasha asked Kagome. Inuyasha quickly backed up and looked at Kagome, he could smell the fear and he whole body was shaking. "I don't know why I'm acting this way, I never showed any fear around him, or when people talk about him, I never let it bug me before." kagome told Inuyasha.
"What did he do to you." Inuyasha asked with more force in his voice.
"I really don't want to talk about it right now, Naraku doesn't bother me, I don't let him." Kagome quickly told Inuyasha.
Inuyasha wanting to change the topic quickly pulled Kagome into a hun. "It's late, lets just go to bed."
Kagome nodded her head, and walked to the bedroom with Inuyasha, Kagome jumped into bed, Inuyasha quickly joined her. "Do you think he'll be there tomorrow." Kagome quickly asked Inuyasha. Inuyasha pulled her back to his front. " I really don't know, Don't worrie I won't let him hurt you."
"Night." Inuyasha whispered into her ear.
"I promise, when I'm ready I'll tell you want happened." kagome told Inuyasha before felling into a light dreamless sleepy.
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Naraku walked down the street, stopping in front of a small house. "You will be mine again Kagome, your little half breed can't stop me." he told himself over and over again. "I see you tomorrow." He whispered before walking home.
"I'll help you, if you help me." Naraku told his sister. She walked out from the bushes.
She nodded and walked with her brother home. " I knew you would be here." She told her brother.
"A long time ago, he told me he loved me."
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Sesshomaru walked back and front in his office." What does he want from Kagome? Why won't he leave her alone?" Sesshomaru tryed to understand Naraku better.
When he met Naraku years ago, he was a hard working person, not letting people get in his way, him and his sister wern't into getting to know people they all was sat back and did there work. "what was her name again, oh right Kikyo."
Didn't she have a thing for Inuyasha, he all ready knew Naraku wanted Kagome. " I have to tell Inuyasha that Kikyo might be back in town to, when Naraku dissapered, so did Kikyo. She might have something to do with this." Sesshomaru said.
Sesshomaru walked over to the door and opened it, there standing there was Rin, "Hey what are you doing here so late." Sesshomaru asked Rin.
"Are you going to ask me in." Rin asked Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru nodded and steped aside to let Rin in. Rin walked past Sesshomaru, when he turned around to ask her again why she was there, she pulled him into a deep searching kiss. " I missed you." Rin whispered in Sesshomaru's ear.
"I missed you to, Sorry for not calling you, I had to do something." Sesshomaru told Rin.
"Can I ask you a quick question, do you know a girl named Kikyo." Sesshomaru asked Rin.
It took a few minutes, then Rin nodded her head. "Yes I know Kikyo, she left a few years ago, with her brother, what was his name again, oh my god Naraku." Rin said.
"Ya, but there's some bad news there, Naraku's still alive, and I think Naraku and Kikyo are back in town, and there both different, will Naraku is, He should be dead." Sesshomaru told Rin.
"Will I should go, we have school tomorrow, I'll see you tomorrow." Rin said before kissing Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru pulled Rin into a hug, "I see you tomorrow."
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Inuyasha was the first to wake up, Kagome was still tight to his chest, he watched her sleep, Inuyasha quickly sliped out of bed without waking Kagome. Just as Inuyasha was walking out of the room, Kagome's alarm clock went off.
Kagome jumped out of bed, she ran past Inuyasha and went stright to the bathroom, she turned on the shower then jumped in, she had a very fast shower, by the time she was down, Inuyasha had breakfest ready.
"You didn't have to do this." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"Ya I know, but I wanted to." Inuyasha told Kagome.
Kagome walked over to Inuyasha and pulled him into an embrase, Inuyasha hugged her back. "Thank you." She whispered in his ear.
"Another day at school, not looking forward to it." Inuyasha told Kagome.
"We can go through it together." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"I told Sango that I would met her in front of the school." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"K, Hurry up, then we'll leave, I still need to go home and get my school stuff." Inuyasha told Kagome.
"Why not go, I'll met you there." Kagome suggested.
"I would really like if I went with you, Naraku might be there." Inuyasha told Kagome.
"Ok, sure when were done, we'll both walk over to your house." kagome told Inuyasha. Kagome sat down at the table, Inuyasha put her plate in front of her. " In joy, I made your favorit." Inuyasha told Kagome.
After Kagome and Inuyasha finished eating, kagome walked into her bedroom and grabbed her school bag. " Ready." kagome told Inuyasha, waiting at the front door for him.
Kagome and Inuyasha walked over to his place, Inuyasha opened the door and they both walked in, Sesshomaru was getting ready to walk out when they walked in.
"What are you two doing here." Sesshomaru asked.
"Just getting my stuff for school." Inuyasha told his brother.
"Do you two want a ride to school." Sesshomaru asked.
"Sure." Kagome and Inuyasha said at the same time.
Inuyasha ran up to his bedroom, Kagome and Sesshomaru waited for him. Kagome looked over to Sesshomaru leaning against the door frame. " So... Is Naraku really still a live." Kagome asked Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru was a little taken back from Kagome's question. "Yes... He's still a live." Sesshomaru told Kagome.
Kagome and Sesshomaru both looked at each other for awhile, then Kagome walked back towards the staires to wait for Inuyasha.
Sesshomaru watched Kagome walk away, he say her left hand, there on her ring finger was a ring, Sesshomaru walked over to Kagome and turned her around so that she was facing him. "Did Inuyashsa asked you to marrie him." Sesshomaru asked Kagome.
"Yes." Kagome told Sesshomaru. Inuyasha ran down the stairs to see Kagome and Sesshomaru talking, "You guys ready." Inuyasha asked his brother and mate.
"Yup." Kagome said before walking outside with Sesshomaru. "You guys stay here, I'll go get the car." Sesshomaru told Inuyasha and kagome.
Kagome and Inuyasha waited for Sesshomaru to bring the car around, Sesshomaur pulled the car around, Kagome and Inuyasha jumped in.
They pulled up to the school, after Sesshomaru parkred the car, they all got out, Kagome could see Sango and Miroku waiting in front of the school, they were talking about something cause, Sango was holding on to Miroku, she was laughing. Kagome knew she would upset the woman when she told her about Naraku.
"Hey Kagome over here." Sango called out to her.
Kagome walked to Sango, and Pulled her into a tight hug." I'm so sorry." She whispered into her ear.
Sango pushed her away, "Whats wrong." Sango asked Kagome.
" I really need to talk to you, Can we talk right now." Kagome asked Sango.
"Sure." Sango told Kagome. Sango turned around and told Miroku that Kagome needed to talk her, Miroku nodded, Kagome and Sango walked over to the back of the school.
"So whats wrong." Sango asked Kagome.
Before Sango could say anything else. "Naraku's still a live." kagome yelled out. Sango quickly shut her mouth and looked at her bestfriend. "Are you sure." she manged to ask.
"Ya, Sesshomaru told Inuyasha last night, he went to the hospital to see." Kagome told Sango.
"There's something I need to tell you." Sango told Kagome. "Do you remember Kikyo. I remember her having a thing for Inuyasha, and Naraku had a thing for you, I think Kikyo might be back in town, and I think she might go after Inuyasha, just like Naraku's going after you." Sango told Kagome.
"Didn't Inuyasha and Kikyo date." Kagome asked Sango.
"Ya a long time ago, but it didn't last long, he broke up with her, he said that she was moving to fast for him." Sango told Kagome.
"There's my woman."
Kagome and Sango turned around to see Koga walking towards them. " What do you want." Sango asked Koga.
"I came here for my woman, It's time you dumped that half breed." Koga said.
"I thought I told you last time to stay away from Kagome."
Kagome,Sango and Koga turned around to see Inuyasha standing there.
"She's not yours." Koga screamed at Inuyasha.
"No she's mine." They all turned around to see Naraku standing there with Kikyo at his side.
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