InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life In High School. ❯ It's all my falt. ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I Don't own inuyasha.
Rated M for further chapters
Recape: "Right now, there taking her out of surgery, so only one of you can see her, she's sleeping right now." The doctor told Inuyasha.
Chapter 22: It's all my falt.
Inuyasha walked into Kagome's room to see her laying on a hospital bed, with tubs and wires everywhere.
"Oh my god." Inuyasha whispered, he ran to Kagome's side. Inuyasha pulled a chair up to the bed and sat beside her, took her hand in his. Inuyasha reached over and brushed the hair from Kagome's face and tucked it behind her ears.
"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault." Inuyasha whispered.
"Don't say that." Kagome whispered, Inuyasha watched Kagome open her eyes.
"How are you, Do you need anything?" Inuyasha asked Kagome.
Inuyasha sat on the bed beside Kagome. A few minutes later the doctor walked in.
"Good to see your awake." The doctor said to Kagome.
"I need to ask you some quick questions, then you can rest." The doctor told Kagome.
"Are you in any pain."
"Yes, not much but a little."
"Hows your breathing."
"Did you know, that you were with Child."
The doctor looked up from his chart and looked at Kagome's shocked face. "You didn't know. you were in your thrid week." The doctor told Kagome.
Kagome looked up at the doctor, "What did you mean by were, is the baby ok." Kagome asked Inuyasha.
"I'm sorry but, when you got stabbed, you lost the baby." The doctor told Kagome.
Kagome broke into loud sobbs, holding her stomach, "I didn't know." Kagome cryed.
Inuyasha pulled Kagome into a hug, Inuyasha turned around and looked at the doctor. "Why did you tell her, Why couldn't you let me, she all most died, and she just woke up, and you throw it in her face right away, her baby just died, do you have any fucking brains." Inuyasha yelled at the doctor.
The doctor stood there looking at Inuyasha, with shock writen all over his face, from Inuyasha's out brust.
Sesshomaru could hear all the screaming and yelling and ran down the hall to see what way going on, Sesshomaru turned around the corner to see Inuyasha throw the doctor out of Kagome's room.
"What's going on." Sesshomaru asked Inuyasha.
"This fucking piece of shite, told Kagome about the baby, she just woke up, he didn't even give her time to understand what happened. She's in a lot of pain right now, emotionality most of all." Inuyasha told Sesshomaru.
"I know, and i'm very sorry this happened to her, if you need anything me and Rin are here for her, I'll work on getting Kagome out of here." Sesshomaru told Inuyasha.
"Thank you." Inuyasha told Sesshomaru then walked back into Kagome's room and closed the door and locked it.
Kagome was laying down on the bed holding her stomach crying. "Did you know about the baby." Kagome asked Inuyasha.
"I just found out, last night when I brote you in, The doctor told me, I was shocked, I fell to the ground, I don't understand, why didn't I smell the baby." Inuyasha said.
Inuyasha pulled Kagome into a loving hug, Kagome cryed on Inuyasha's shoulder. "Well get threw this together." Inuyasha whispered.
"This is all my fault, I should have just stayed away." Inuyasha told Kagome.
"It's not your fault, I'm the one that pushed you out of the way, if it makes you feel any better it's both are faults." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"Can you please take me home." Kagome asked Inuyasha.
She didn't have to ask him twice, it took him a few minutes to move all the tubes and wires out of the way, then he wrapped a blanket around Kagome, then picked her up. Kagome wrapped her arms around Inuyasha's neck and hide her face in Inuyasha's chest.
Inuyasha kicked the door opened, the door fell from the hinges, Doctors and nurses ran to see what the noice was.
"What are you doing." Doctors asked Inuyasha.
"I'm taking my mate home." Inuyasha told every one that was standing there.
"You can't take her any where." A doctor told Inuyasha.
A man walked over to Inuyasha and tryed to take Kagome from Inuyasha, Inuyasha growed and backed up, doctors and nurses surrounded Inuyasha. Sesshomaru say this and ran to Inuyasha's side. "Let him pass, he will be taking Kagome from here." Sesshomaru told all the doctors.
All the doctors backed up when Sesshomaru walked Inuyasha threw the hospital. "Thank you." Kagome whispered.
"Anything for you." Sesshomaru told kagome.
Inuyasha and kagome waited outside then Sango,Miroku,Rin,Sesshomaru,Souta and Kagome's mother came outside. "Whats going on." Sango asked.
"Kagome doesn't want to be here, I'm taking her home, you all can come but I'm leaving." Inuyasha said before climing into the backseat of his car, Sesshomaru told them home.
Rin got a ride with Miroku and Sango, Inuyasha went stright to his room and kicked the door closed and put Kagome down on the bed, he walked over to the door and locked it.
"Do you need anything." Inuyasha asked Kagome.
"Just time." Kagome whispered.
Inuyasha climed into bed with Kagome and wrapped an arms around her, trying not to hurt her. " Whenever your ready tell me, whatever you want you can have."Inuyasha told Kagome.