InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life In High School. ❯ Trip To The Hospital ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I Don't own inuyasha.
Rated M for further chapters
Recape: Sesshomaru looked over at Kagome and say nothing but sadness. "Your still pregnant."
Chapter 24: Trip To The Hospital
"What the hell are you talking about?" Inuyasha yelled at Sesshomaru.
" Why would you say that, the doctors at the hospital said the baby died." Kagome cryed.
"The hospital just phoned, and they said, Kagome, you, are still Pregnant, Yes I'm sorry to say, you did lose a child, you were Pregnant with twins, one baby died. but one still lives in you." Sesshomaru told Kagome and Inuyasha.
Inuyasha climed into bed with Kagome. "Are you sure about this." Inuyasha asked.
"Tomorrow, I what you to take Kagome back to the hospital." Sesshomaru told Inuyasha.
"We need to know, how the baby is doing, I didn't tell anybody else, thats up to you and Kagome." Sesshomaru told his brother.
Crying was the only thing Kagome could do, tears of sadness for the lose of a child, Tears of happiness for the child she carries now.
"So, I'm still going to be a mother." Kagome said.
"Looks like it." Inuyasha whispered to Kagome.
"I love you so much, and I'll love this child." Inuyasha said.
"I love you." Kagome whispered to Inuyasha.
"Can I please talk to you outside, Inuyasha." Sesshomaru asked.
"Sure." Inuyasha said.
Inuyasha kissed Kagome on the top of the head, before walking ouside of the bedroom with Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru turned around and looked at his brother. "You can't let her out of your sight, When Naraku finds out she's with child, he might try and kill her or the child."
"I know, when I see that Bastard again, he's dead, He all ready killed one of my babys, he won't do it again."
"Kagome will go to school, she will not hide from him, if she does, Naraku will find out."
"Are you crazy, she just got out of the hospital."
"Not now, you dume ass, on Monday, thats six days."
"Fine, but me or you will all was be right beside her."
"Fine." Sesshomaru said, before walking away.
Sesshomaru went back downstairs, Inuyasha went back with Kagome, When Inuyasha went back inside, Kagome was sleeping.
Inuyasha climed into bed, and pulled Kagome's back to his front, he didn't sleep, but he let her.
Sesshomaru walked back into the dining room, everybody turned around and looked at him.
"What happened." Sango quickly asked.
"Who phoned." Miroku asked.
"Is there something wrong with Kagome." Miss.Higurashi asked.
"Everythings fine, you will all found out soon enough." Sesshomaru told everybody.
Sesshomaru walked over to the couch and sat beside Rin.
Rin threw her arms around Sesshomaru's waist.
"Everything will work out." Sesshomaru told Rin.
Miroku and Sango went home, after talking with Sesshomaru, Miss.Higurashi and Souta stayed at Sesshomaru's place, Rin stayed as well.
Inuyasha was still awake, when Kagome woke up, Inuyasha watched her face as she opened her eyes.
"Morning angel." Inuyasha whispered.
Kagome smiled, "Morning baby."
"Are you hungry."
"A little."
"Do you want to come down, or I can bring it to you."
"I'll come down."
Kagome and Inuyasha climed out of bed, and walked slowly downstairs, Sesshomaru,Rin,Souta and Kagome's mom, were all ready in the kitchen eating breakfest
Kagome and Inuyasha walked into the kitchen, the smell of the bacon and eggs, hit Kagome fast, she quickly turned around and ran to the bathroom, Inuyasha followed behind her, wondering what happened.
"Morning sickness." Kagome whispered.
Inuyasha nodded and walked back to the kitchen to tell everybody that she's all right.
Kagome walked back to her room, and climed back into bed, she was so dizzy to stand, Inuyasha walked into the room to see Kagome lieing down.
"You all right." Inuyasha asked.
"Ya, just a little dizzy."
"I'll get your things, I'm taking you back to hospital." Inuyasha told Kagome.
"I don't what to go right now." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"Thats to bad, your going." Inuyasha said.
Kagome moved more into the bed. "I'm not going."
Inuyasha walked over to the bed and picked Kagome up, blanket and all.
"Put me down." Kagome screamed.
"Inuyasha, put me down."
"Not going to happen."
Inuyasha walked downstairs with a screaming and kicking Kagome in his arms.
"Please Inuyasha, I don't what to go, I don't what nothing to happen to my baby." Kagome cryed.
Inuyasha stopped and looked at her, do you really think, I would let anything happen to our baby, I all ready lost one, I won't let that happen again, thats why I'm taking you, I what to make sure, the babys ok, then I'll bring you back here."Inuyasha said.
Kagome stopped kicking and screaming and barried her head in Inuyasha's shirt. "I'm sorry." Kagome whispered.
"It's ok." Inuyasha said, kissing her on top of the head.
"Where are you taking Kagome." Rin asked.
"I'm taking her back to the hospital." Inuyasha told Rin.
Sesshomaru walked in front on Inuyasha. "I'll take you, Rin stay here with kagome's family." Sesshomaru said.
"Stay here, I'll the car." Sesshomaru said, Inuyasha and Kagome waited inside for Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru pulled up in front of the house, Inuyasha climed into the front seat, With Kagome sitting oh his lap.
They arrived at the hospital, Inuyasha climed out and walked into the hospital, Sesshomaru was right behind him.
"Can I help you."
Inuyasha and Sesshomaru turned around and looked at the doctor from last night. "Yes, I got a call last night, telling me that Kagome was still pregnant, and I wanted to make sure, there right." Inuyasha said.
"Ok, bring her this way, I'll get a nurse for you." The Doctor told Inuyasha.
Inuyasha and Sesshomaru followed the doctor into a small room, Inuyasha and Sesshomaur walked in. "Stay here, Somebody will be with you shortlee." The doctor said before closing the door.
Inuyasha layed Kagome down on the bed, and leaned against the bed, as Sesshomaru leaned against the wall.
"How you feeling." Inuyasha asked Kagome.
"Fine, I guess." Kagome whispered.
Naraku walked back in forth in his bedroom as Kikyo sat on the bed looking at him.
"What happened." Kikyo asked her brother.
"I attacked Inuyasha, but Kagome pushed him out of the way, and I got Kagome, I don't even know if she's dead or alive, Inuyasha and the monk took her to the hospital." Naraku told Kikyo.
"Then go to the hospital." Kikyo told Naraku.
"Are you stupid, If Inuyasha's there, I'm dead when we were fighting he was a full demon." Naraku told Kikyo.
"I'm going to kill Inuyasha, I just don't what Kagome there." Naraku told Kikyo.
"What you can't kill him, I what him." Kikyo screamed.
"What." Naraku screamed back.
"I what him, he's really cute." Kikyo told Naraku.
"Fine, whatever, but if he gets in the way, he's dead." Naraku told Kikyo.
A nurse walked into Kagome's room. "Ok I need you to leave, as Kagome changes into a Hospital gown." The nurse told the two man.
"I'll leave, but Inuyasha can stay, he's her mate." Sesshomaru told the Nurse.
Sesshomaru and the nurse left the room, so that Kagome could get changed. Kagome removed all her clothing as Inuyasha told Kagome to put her arms in the air, as Inuyasha slipped the gown on her.
"Thank you." Kagome whispered.
"Anything for you angel." Inuyasha whispered in Kagome's ear.
Kagome shivered as Inuyasha's hot breath on her neck.
knock knock. "Are you done in there."
The nurse walked in, with a machine.
"Whats that for." Kagome asked.
"Oh this, it's to see the baby, it will tell as if the babys heathly." The nurse told Kagome.
"Ok." Kagome whispered.
"You don't need to be nerves, it's not going to hurt, it's just going to be cold, I'll be putting this jelly on your stomach, then his little scanner, will put a picture on this Monitor, then we can see your baby." The nurse told Kagome.
Kagome nodded as Inuyasha sate beside Kagome on the bed, Kagome grabbed Inuyasha's hand and squeeze it.
"Your going to be ok, so is the baby." Inuyasha whispered to Kagome.
Kagome nodded and jumped when the nurse put the cold jelly on her stomach, Kagome and Inuyasha watched the Monitor.
"You see this." The nurse pointed to a small spot on the Monitor.
"Yes." Kagome and Inuyasha both said.
"That there is your heathly baby." The nurse told Kagome and Inuyasha.
Kagome cryed and wrapped her arms around Inuyasha's neck. Inuyasha pulled Kagome into his lap. "Thank you." Inuyasha told the nurse.
The nurse nodded and walked out of the room. "Come on, i'll take you home." Inuyasha told Kagome.
"As your getting dressed I'm going to ask the nurse a few questions, but don't worrie, Sesshomaru is outside the door, if you need anything." Inuyasha told Kagome.
"K." Kagome whispered.
Inuyasha walked out of the room, Sesshomaru was leaning against the doorframe.
"How is she." Sesshomaru asked Inuyasha.
"pregnant." Inuyasha told Sesshomaru.
"Cam you stay here, I need to ask the doctor something." Inuyasha asked Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru nodded and Inuyasha walked off.
"Hey doctor, can I ask you a few question." Inuyasha asked the doctor.
"My wife is pregnant, so I was wondering."
"So you were wondering if you could still have sex." The doctor finshed for Inuyasha.
Inuyasha blushed and nodded his head.
"Yes, of course, most woman when there pregnant they demand sex." The doctor told Inuyasha.
"Thank you." Inuyasha said to the doctor, Inuyasha walked back to Kagome's room to see Sesshomaru and Kagome waiting for him.
"Ready to go." Sesshomaru asked Inuyasha.
"Yup, how about you." Inuyasha asked kagome.
"Yup, I just what wanna go to bed." Kagome told Inuyasha.
Inuyasha picked Kagome up, and walked back to the car.