InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life In High School. ❯ Sesshomaru and Rin. ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warning there is a lemon in this chapter
I Don't own inuyasha.
Rated M for further chapters
Recape: Inuyasha picked Kagome up, and walked back to the car.
Chapter 25: Sesshomaru and Rin.
On the ride home Kagome fell a sleep against Inuyasha's chest, Inuyasha carried Kagome up to there room and placed her in bed, and removed her clothing and threw a blanket over her.
Inuyasha joined his brother in the kitchen a few minutes later.
"How's Kagome doing." Rin asked Inuyasha.
"She's still pregnant." Inuyasha said.
Rin, and Kagome's mother looked at Inuyasha. "What." They all said at the same time.
"Kagome was carring twins, she lost one of the baby's,The other baby is fine and health." Inuyasha said.
"Thats great news, I am so sorry for your lose." Rin told Inuyasha.
"The baby is going to be half-demon, so it's going to grow faster then a normal baby, so we all need to look out for Kagome." Inuyasha said.
"That won't be a problem." Rin said.
"I'll go phone, Miroku and Sango, and tell them to come over." Sesshomaru said.
"Thank you." Inuyasha said to Sesshomaru.
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"Hey Sango."
"Oh, Hey Sesshomaru, whats up."
"Get your ass, and Miroku's over here."
"Why, whats going on."
"Inuyasha and Kagome, just got home from the hospital."
"K, were on our way."
Sango hung up the phone and ran into the bedroom to wake Miroku up.
"Come on get your ass out of bed." Sango yelled at Miroku.
"What why, I don't what to." Miroku cryed.
"Kagome and Inuyasha just got home from the hospital." Sango yelled.
Miroku jumped out of bed, and pulled a pair of pants on. Sango grabbed Miroku's car keys and ran to the car, Miroku ran out of the house carring his shirt. Miroku took the keys from Sango and jumped in the car, Sango ran to the other side and jumped in.
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A few minutes later Rin opened the door for Sango and Miroku.
"Where is she, is she ok." Sango asked right away.
"Kagome's sleeping." Inuyasha said.
'She's fine, she's just pregnant." Sesshomaru told Sango and Miroku.
"What really." Sango asked.
"But I thought." Miroku said.
"Yes, one baby died, she was carring twins, one lived." Inuyasha told Miroku.
"I'm so happy, your going to be a father." Sango said, hugging Inuyasha, Inuyasha hugged her back. "Thank you.".
"Can I see her." Sango asked.
"She's still in bed." Inuyasha told Sango.
"I'll go check on her, you stay here." Inuyasha warned Sango.
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Inuyasha walked into the bedroom, Kagome was still sleeping, the blanket fell from her upper body. showing her chest. Inuyasha blushed and went to move the blankets up, when Kagome woke up.
"What do you think your doing." Kagome said to Inuyasha, when she say his hands going towards her chest.
Inuyasha jumped back, and looked at Kagome. "It's not what you think, I was covering you." Inuyasha said quickly.
"This time, I might just belive you." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"Oh, I all most forgot, what did you ask the doctor today, at the hospital." Kagome asked Inuyasha.
Inuyasha blushed and looked away. "Nothing." Inuyasha whispered.
"Tell me." Kagome asked. "Please."
"Fine, I wanted to know, with you being pregnant, I just asked, if we could you know." Inuyasha said, turning all different shads of red.
"Is my big man blushing." Kagome said to Inuyasha.
"The doctor said, yes by the way." Inuyasha whispered in Kagome's ear.
Kagome giggled and moved out of Inuyasha's arms, and walked to the door. "We have guests." Kagome said before walking out door.
she stuck her head back in the room. "Oh and my the way, your a horndog." Kagome laughted and quicky ran down stairs.
" Come back here you little bitch." Inuyasha yelled.
Kagome was all ready in the kitchen, by the time Inuyasha got there, Kagome was sitting and talking with Sango.
"I'll get you for that later." Inuyasha mouth out to Kagome. Kagome understood every word.
"So what would you like to do today," Miroku asked Kagome.
"Me, I would love to stay in bed all day, I'm so tired." Kagome said.
Inuyasha quickly turned around and looked at Kagome, Inuyasha quickly walked over to Kagome and picked her up.
"Hey. put my down." Kagome yelled.
"Your the one that said, you whated to stay in bed, so bed you go." Inuyasha said to Kagome, as he walked to there room.
Sango and Miroku couldn't help but laugh.
"Inuyasha, I am warning you now, Don't touch me." Kagome told Inuyasha.
Kagome was on, one said of the bed, with Inuyasha on the other, Inuyasha was chasing Kagome around the bed.
"Come here, Angel, I no you what me, I can smell that your aroused." Inuyasha said.
Kagome stopped running and looked at Inuyasha, she was blushing, then she just relized she shopped running, Inuyasha grabbed her around the waist, and pulled her on top of him on the bed.
"Inuyasha please, I'm not fully healed yet, Yes have a child from you in me, is making my body heal faster then normal, but it still hurts and I'm really tired." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"Fine, we sleep. but you own me." Inuyasha told Kagome.
Inuyasha climed off the bed and turned off the lights, and pulled his clothing off, and climed into bed, Inuyasha pulled Kagome's body to his. "Night Angel." Inuyasha whispered to kagome.
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"What do you think there doing up there." Miroku asked.
Sango turned around and hit him over the head. "Just stop thinking all together." Sango told Miroku.
Sango's cell phone rang.
"Hey, sis."
Kohaku is that you."
"Where are you?"
"The airport."
"Why did you tell me you where coming, I'll be right there."
Miroku turned around and looked at Sango. "Who was that."
"My boyfriend, My brother you stupid ass, I told you about him befor." Sango told Miroku.
"Can I come with you." Miroku asked Sango.
"Sure." Sango said, grabbing her things.
Sango and Miroku left to the airport to pick up Kohaku.
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"Rin, would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight." Sesshomaru asked Rin.
"Sure, I would love to."
"Inuyasha and Kagome need some time to there selfs." Rin said.
Sesshomaru phoned and made plans for tonight, tonight was going to be the night, Sesshomaru would tell Rin, his feelings for her. Sesshomaru was nerves, he might not show it, but he really is.
"We didn't go to school today, but we all have to go tomorrow, if we don't well all be in trouble." Rin told Sesshomaru.
"I know, Inuyasha and Kagome don't start in till Monday, But the rest of as should go." Sesshomaru said.
"Will, I'll see you later, I'm going home, to get ready for tonight." Rin said, Rin ran to Sesshomaru and kissed him. "See you later."
"I"ll pick you up at 7." Sesshomaru told Rin.
Rin nodded and walked out.
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Sango and Miroku arrived at the airport to see Kohaku waiting outside. Sango jumped from the car and ran to her brother.
"I missed you so much." Sango told her brother.
Sango looked behind her brother to see a little boy hiding behind him.
"Hows your friend." Sango asked.
Kohaku stepped aside, "This is Shippo, he's a demon, he's only seven years old, his parents died, so I asked him, if he wanted to come with, mom and dad took him in." Kohaku told Sango.
"Why didn't mom and dad tell me." Sango asked.
"I don't know, but who cares you know now." Kohaku said.
Sango hit her brothers arm playful. Sango kneed down to Shippo. "Your so cute." Sango said.
Sango picked Shippo up, and looked at his bright red hair and shinning green eyes. "Oh Kohaku, this is Miroku, my boyfriend, we live together." Sango told her brother, not taking her eyes off Shippo.
"Hi, It's nice to met you, Sango told me a lot about you." Miroku said.
"Don't belive everything you hear." Kohaku told Miroku.
"So, Kohaku, Shippo how long are you guys staying for." Sango asked.
"Hoping on moving here, Mom and Dad are never home anymore, there all was working or training." Kohaku told his sister.
"Can we live with you." Shippo asked Sango.
"We'll see." Sango told them.
"So what do you boys feel like doing." Sango asked.
"Do you still hang around Inuyasha and Kagome, oh what about Inuyasha's brother Sesshomaru." Kohaku asked.
"Ya, I see Kagome, Inuyasha and his brother all the time, when you phones, thats where we were when you called. Inuyasha and Kagome live with Sesshomaru, Kags and Inu are together and having there first child." Sango told Kohaku.
"Wow, thats great, I never thought those too would hookup." Kohaku said.
"Can we go over there and see everybody." Kohaku asked.
"Sure why not." Sango told her brother.
Sango, Miroku, Kohaku and Shippo walked into the kitchen, Sesshomaru was sitting at the table reading.
"Kohaku, it's been a long time, since I seen you." Sesshomaru said.
"Sesshomaru can I use your phone, I need to phone my mom." Sango asked.
Sesshomaru talked with Miroku, Kohaku and Shippo, as Sango used the phone.
"So where's Inuyasha and Kagome." Kohaku asked.
"Kagome's not feeling very well, so there in bed." Sesshomaru told Kohaku.
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"Hey mom."
"Oh, Hello Sango, how are you?"
"What the hell is going on, why did you send Kohaku and Shippo here." Sango asked her mother.
"I can't take care of them right now, I don't what them right now, its only for a couple of years Sango, Your his sister." Sango's mother said.
"What, I have school, I work, hows going to look after them, I don't have that kind of money, mom, mom are you there."
The phone was dead, she hung up on Sango. Sango put the phone down and walked back into the kitchen.
"Hey, how did it go, what did mom say." Kohaku asked.
"Can you please go outside, you can show Shippo around." Sango asked Kohaku.
"Ok, sure." Kohaku told his sister, Kohaku understood that Sango needed to talk with Sesshomaru.
"Ok, whats wrong." Sesshomaru asked Sango.
Sango turned around and looked at Sesshomaru and Miroku, she had tears running down her face.
"Mom said, she didn't what Kohaku and Shippo back, she doesn't what them back, for a couple of years, she wouldn't tell me why, she just hung up on me, how am I going to take care of two little boys, I don't have the money, I work and go to school." Sango cryed.
Sesshomaru looked at Sango, and say how sad she was. "Why don't all four of you move in here, theres more then enough room." Sesshomaru told Sango.
Sango quickly looked up and looked at Sesshomaru. "Really."
"Really, have you not seen how big this place is." Sesshomaru said.
"You two can have a room, Kohaku and Shippo can have a room each, and there's still a room for Inuyasha and Kagome's baby." Sesshomaru said.
"Thank you, so much, I'll have away to pay you back, You all was help me when i'm in trouble." Sango said, she quickly ran over to Sesshomaru and pulled him into a hug and cryed on his shoulder.
"Would you guys need any help moving in, or are you just going to do it." Sesshomaru asked.
"We can do it, I'll asked Inuyasha for a little bit of help." Miroku said.
"i'll need to take Kohaku and Shippo shopping, they don't have anything." Sango said.
"You don't have to worrie about about any furniture, all the rooms have everything you'll need." Sesshomaru told Sango.
"Oh, and take this." Sesshomaru said.
Sango looked at Sesshomaru, he was holding up a credit card. "Bye the boys what they need." Sesshomaru said.
"Sesshomaru, are you sure about this, you have done so much all ready." Sango said.
"Sango, I own a million dollar company and I still going to school. Here take it and have some fun." Sesshomaru told Sango.
"Oh, and where do you work." Sesshomaru asked Sango.
"Me and Miroku both working in the locial mall, we get $!0 an hour, so we make it by." Sango told Sesshomaru.
"I what both of you to come and work for me, I'm looking for some help, and you two are prefect for the job, it pays $35 an hour, and most of the work you can do from home." Sesshomaru said.
"Doing what." Sango asked.
"Paper work, and phoneing around." Sesshomaru said.
"I'm in."Miroku said.
Same here." Sango said.
"Most of the work you can do from home, but you both have your own office." Sesshomaru said.
"I'll go and tell Kohaku and Shippo." Miroku said, walking outside living Sango and Sesshomaru to talk.
"Sango, I all was thought you as a sister to me, so I would do anything to protect you, I would never let you get hurn, same goes for Kagome, both of you have all was been in my life." Sesshomaru said.
"Thank you." Sango whispered before going outside with Miroku.
Miroku walked back inside. "Thank you for everything, and I mean everything, I'll fine some way to pay you back, for looking out for Sango." Miroku said before walking out and closing the door behind him.
"I better tell Inuyasha about this." Sesshomaru told himself.
Sesshomaru walked to Inuyasha's room and opened the door, both Inuyasha and kagome, were in a deep sleep, Inuyasha's arm is wrapped around Kagome's waist, holding her close to his chest. Sesshomaru looked at the clock on Inuyasha's wall and quickly closed the door, he had to pick Rin up in a couple of minutes. Sesshomaru quickly got dressed and walked outside to fine Sango.
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Kohaku and Shippo couldn't wait to move into there new house. Shippo and Kohaku were playing around the garden, as sango and Miroku talked.
"Sango." Sesshomaru called from the door.
Sango turned around and looked at Sesshomaru. "Ya." Sango called back as she walked towards Sesshomaru.
"Do you mind moving in tomorrow, I told Inuyasha he could have the house for most of the night, I'm leaving in a few minutes, I'm taking Rin out tonight." Sesshomaru said.
"Sure thats not a problem." Sango told Sesshomaru.
Sango, Miroku, Shippo and Kohaku all left to Sango and Miroku's place to pack there things, Sango took everybody shopping after they finished packing.
Sesshomaru knocked on Inuyasha's door. Inuyasha climed out of bed, walking to the door, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, moving slowly across the room, trying not to wake Kagome up.
"I'm leaving now, you have the house to yourselfs, I'm taking Rin out, Well be back later tonight." Sesshomaru told his brother.
"K, Thanks."
"Oh, and we need to talk in the morning." Sesshomaru said before walking away.
Inuyasha closed the door, and went back to bed.
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Sesshomaru left the house, ten minutes to Seven and Picked Rin up, Rin was wearing a black dress, with two slits on each side, showing off her legs. Sesshomaru took Rin to a nice fancy french restaurant.
After dinner Sesshomaru took Rin dancing, they went to a really nice club, for members only, they stayed out all night just having fun, in joying each others company.
IT was late when they returned to the house, they quickly and quietly walked to Sesshomaru room, Sesshomaru room was the biggest room, in all the house, it had everything, from the bed a couch.
Sesshomaru walked over to Rin, and dropped to one knee, Rin smiled and new what was coming, happy tears ran down her face.
"Rin, will you make me the happiest man, will you marrie me." Sesshomaru asked.
Rin laughed, happy tears standing in her eyes as she crushed her mouth against that of her boyfriend- no, fiancee. She abandoned her weight to him, using him to support her. The suddeness of it caused Sesshoumaru to faulter in his balance, and so both he and Rin wound up in a tangled mass on the sofa.
in rained kisses over Sesshoumaru's face, down the smooth white column of his throat, and across his shoulder and collar bone; the salty wetness of her joyful tears mingling on her toungue with the taste of his skin.
A deep chuckle could be heard coming from her silver haired lover, and it reverberated through his neck and chest. Sesshoumaru took hold of her chin gently, moving her head back slightly so that he could better access her mouth and then moved his face closer to hers until their lips were merely a hairs breadth apart, his mouth tugged in to what could only be termed a gentle smirk, before he allowed his mouth to fuse with hers.
The kiss quickly turned from lovingly passionate, to white hot and burning. Rin instantly felt the heat from Sesshoumaru's carresses pooling between her thighs.
She could also feel the way his stiffening member was grinding against her leg, through the clothing that they both still wore. She wanted nothing more than to rid them of the only barrier between them.
The battle was clearly drawn; clothes were the enemy, they were standing in the way of what she wanted... of what they both wanted. The clothes had to go.
In an impressive show of speed and dexterity Rin rid both their bodies from their cloth confines.
here was nothing between them now... skin moved against skin, in an exquisite torture that could only be called pleasurful.
But what she wanted right then wasnt foreplay. She just wanted him, inside of her... NOW.
Rin's small hand moved between their bodies to take hold of the throbing shaft of her pale lover, as she wrapped her legs around his waist, and guided him into her core.
Rin moaned as she felt Sesshoumaru begin to move inside of her, demanding that he delve deeper, move faster,thrust harder, and to every command he complied.
Rin could feel a tension build up inside of her, causing her muscles to contract, as she orgasmed; her inner muscles convulsing rhythmically around Sesshoumaru's member, milking his seed from him.
The two lovers collapsed together, in a tangle of arms, and legs, both panting, sweaty, and completely sated.