InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life In High School. ❯ Somethings wrong. ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warning there is a lemon in this chapter
I Don't own inuyasha.
Rated M for further chapters
Recape: The two lovers collapsed together, in a tangle of arms, and legs, both panting, sweaty, and completely sated.
Chapter 26: Somethings wrong.
"Why arn't we grumpy in the morning."
"What the hell do you want Miroku."
"Just wondering, did Sesshomaru talk to you at all last night.."
"No, well ya, he said something about taking Rin out, why?"
"Will Inuyasha my man, were moving in the machion with you."
"What, and who's we."
"There's Sango and me of course, her brother's."
"I thought Sango only had one brother."
"Her mother adopted a little fox demon, Shippo's his name."
"Why are they here."
"Sango's mother and father, didn't want they any more, So she sent them down here to Sango, So Sesshomaru offered to help out, by letting us move in."
"That's just fucked up, and no not you guys moving in."
"Are you going to help or not."
"Ya sure, I'll be there in a few minutes, Kagome's still in bed."
"K, see you in a few."
Miroku hung the phone up and walked into the front room, Kohaku and Shippo are sleeping on the floor, with Sango on the coach, Miroku walked over to Sango.
"Sango, wake up, Inuyasha and Kagome are coming over to help out." Miroku whispered in Sango's ear.
Sango slowly sat up."What time is it."
"Ten, I just got off the phone, there be here soon."
"K, I'll wake the boys."
Sango woke Shippo and Kohaku up and told them that Inuyasha and Kagome are going to help them move.
Inuyasha hung up the phone and walked back over to the bed, to his sleeping mate. "Kagome, Kagome come on wake up, I got some good news for you." Inuyasha whispered in her ear.
Kagome moaned and flipped over so that she was facing him, Inuyasha looked down on her small plump tummy. Inuyasha smirked and rubbed her stomice.
Kagome opened her eyes and looked at Inuyasha. "Whats, this good news."
Inuyasha looked up at Kagome. "Were going to Sango's, were going to help them move."
"Where are they going, and why is that good news."
"There moving in here with us."
"Really, thats great, and Sesshomaru said yes to this."
"It was his idea, so hurry up and great dressed."
Kagome kissed Inuyasha and went to pull away, Inuyasha wrapped his arm around Kagome's waist pulling her to his body, Kagome moaned in Inuyasha's mouth. Inuyasha used his other hans and moved his hand up Kagome's thigh, They both broke a part for air, Inuyasha kissed down Kagome's neck, as Kagome moved her head to the side to give Inuyasha better excess to her neck. He slowly undid the button to her shirt. He slowly pushed the shirt off her shoulders. Inuyasha growled when he say that she was wearing an under shirt.
"You wear to many dame cloths." Inuyasha whispered.
Kagome threw her arms in the air, Inuyasha got the sign and moved to his kness, and pulled her shirt off, he kissed his way down her neck, Kagome arched her body to every touch.
Kagome quickly pushed Inuyasha off her, and grabbed her shirt and ran to the bathroom, she quickly closed the door behind her. Inuyasha jumped off the bed and followed her to the bathroom, he opened the door and found Kagome leaning over the sink.
"Are you ok." Inuyasha asked with concern in his voice
"Ya, sorry about that." Kagome whispered.
"Morning sickness, huh." Inuyasha asked
"Yup, I can smell breakfest, it hit me pretty hear." kagome said.
Kagome finished brushing her teeth. "Come on everybody's waiting." Kagome told Inuyasha.
Inuyasha signed and walked back to the bedroom, he qucikly got changed and waited for Kagome, Kagome finished changing. They both walked over to Miroku's and Sango's place.
Knock, Knock,Knock
"I'll get it." Kohaku said. Sango's brother ran to the door and opened it.
"Inuyasha, Kagome, your here." Kohaku said.
"Hey squirt."Inuyasha said, ruffling his hair.
Kagome looked at Inuyasha. "You didn't tell me Sango's brother was here." Kagome said.
Kagome and Inuyasha walked into the small apartment.
"Hey guys, thanks for coming in such short notice. And Kagome, I don't want to see you holding or carring anything heavy." Sango said.
"Hey don't worrie, if she does, she has me to be worried about." Inuyasha said.
"It's not a problem, Sango who's that, he's so cute." Kagome whispered.
"Oh, thats Shippo, Hey shippo can you please come over here." Sango asked.
"Sure." Shippo said, and walked over to Sango and Kagome.
Kagome picked Shippo up. "Your so cute." Kagome said.
Shippo blushed and looked at Kagome. Kagome was looking into Shippo's bright green eyes. Inuyasha walked up hehind Kagome and looked at the child in her arms.
"Hey, you must be Shippo, I'm Inuyasha, and this here is Kagome." Inuyasha told Shippo.
Shippo smiled and looked at Kagome and Inuyasha.
"Will you be living with as too." Shippo asked.
"Yup." Kagome and Inuyasha said at the same time.
Shippo smiled even wider, and laughed. "Can you be my new mommy and daddy." Shippo asked.
Kagome blushed and looked from Sango to Inuyasha. Kagome didn't know what to say, Kagome looked in Inuyasha's eyes. Kagome smiled, Inuyasha nodded his head. Kagome looked back to Sango. "I'll ask my mom." Sango mouthed to Kagome and Inuyasha.
Kagome looked back at Shippo. "Maybe." Kagome whispered to Shippo. Shippo nodded and moved closer to Kagome and rested his head on Kagome's chest. Kagome moved Shippo and past him to Inuyasha, Inuyasha put Shippo on the ground.
Kagome helped Sango pack all the bedding, and clothing.
"There thats all of it." Sango said.
A few minutes later a moving truck pulled up to the apartment building, Inuyasha and Kagome walked back home, as Sango, Miroku, Kohaku, and Shippo drove over, as the workers packed all there belongings into the truck.
A few hours later everything was moved into there bedrooms, all they needed to do was unpack the boxs.
Hey, Has anybody seen Sesshomaru or Rin today." Inuyasha asked.
Everbody shock her head. Inuyasha signed and walked to the other side of the house, to Sesshomaru's room. Inuyasha banged on the door over and over again, but there was no answer, So Inuyasha let himself into the room, Sesshomaru and Rin were laying on the couch completely naked, in each other's arms. Inuyasha quickly ran from the room, and went to find Kagome.
"So did you find youe brother."Kagome asked.
"Nobody answered so I left." Inuyasha quickly said.
Kagome helped Sango and Miroku unpack boxs, as Inuyasha helped Shippo and Kohaku.
Not that long after Rin and Sesshomaru walked into Sango and Miroku's room, Sango, Miroku and Kagome all turned around and looked at them. Rin had a big smile on her face.
"Hey, whats up." Sango asked.
"Ya, you look might happy today." Miroku asked.
"Were's Inuyasha, I don't want to say anything till he's here." Rin said.
"I'll get him." Kagome said. Kagome walked over to Sango's bed, everybody turned around and looked at Kagome, A few minutes later, Kagome was crying. She made no noice but tears where running down her face.
"Kagome whats wrong." Sango asked.
"Hey Inuyasha, Do you wanna play a game with us." Shippo asked.
"Sure, maybe later." Inuyasha said.
Inuyasha was carring a box full of cloths, when all a sudden Inuyasha's noise started twitching, he dropping the box and ran from the room. Something was wrong, Kagome needed him.
Inuyasha ran into the room and ran past everybody and kneed down beside Kagome.
"Whats wrong." Inuyasha asked.
Everybody behind Inuyasha started laughing, Inuyasha turned around and looked at everybody. Kagome started to giggle, Inuyasha turned around and looked at her.
"Whats going on." Inuyasha asked.
"I had some news to tell everbody, Kagome wanted to know, but I told her no, I wanted everybody to be here, so she started to cry." Rin told Inuyasha.
"So, your saying Inuyasha from being way on the other said of the house, you knew Kagome was upset and that she needed you." Miroku asked.
"Ya, I guess, I was talking to the boys, then all of a sudden, I felt something was wrong, and that Kagome needed me, I new she was crying." Inuyasha said.
"So whats the news." Kagome asked Rin.
"Me and Sesshomaru are getting married."