InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life In High School. ❯ Come on where leaving now. ( Chapter 40 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I Don't own inuyasha.
Rated M for further chapters
Recap: "Another school day." Rin said, before getting up. Sesshomaru followed close behind, Miroku and Sango went to bed a few minutes after.
Chapter 40: Come on where leaving now.
Early in the morning, Inuyasha awoke, it was still dark out, he could see the shadow of her face, Inuyasha watched as Kagome moaned and rolled over placing her hands on her swollen stomach, he reached over and placed his hands over her. Inuyasha closed his eyes and let sleep over take him once again.
Kagome jumped when her alarm clock went off, Inuyasha rolled out of bed and help Kagome up. "Sleep well."
Kagome nodded. "Yes."
"If at anytime you wanna come home just tell me."
"Ok, thanks." Kagome told Inuyasha before walking into the bathroom, Inuyasha got dressed as Kagome jumped into the shower.
Rin and Sesshomaru were all ready down in the Kitchen, Miroku and Sango joined them a few minutes later, Rin and Sango cooked as Miroku and Sesshomaru talked about work, Miroku and Sango were going to start there new jobs soon, Miroku didn't want to take the job in till after School, but with Sango being with child, he wanted Sango and there baby to have whatever they wanted.
"Were's Inuyasha and Kagome." Rin asked.
"I'm here, Kagome's still in the shower." Inuyasha said.
"How she feeling." Sango asked
"We haven't talked yet, We went stright to bed, I'll talk to her later."
"Ok, but tell as the update later." Rin said.
"So your telling Shippo today." Sango asked Inuyasha.
"Yup, where are Shippo and Kohaku." Inuyasha asked.
"There getting ready for school." Sango told Inuyasha.
"Are you picking up Shippo from school, Or I'm I." Sango asked.
"Me and Kagome will pick him up." Inuyasha told Sango.
"Ok, I'll tell him." Sango told Inuyasha before going to his room.
Sango walked to Shippo's door and knocked on it, a few seconds later Shippo opened the door.
"Hey Shippo, Kagome and Inuyasha are going to picked you up after school ok."
Sango closed Shippo's door and walked over to Kohaku's.
"Hey, Sango whats up."
"Inuyasha and Kagome are going to pick up Shippo from school ok, So it will just be me you and Miroku today."
"Ok, so Inuyasha and Kagome are adopting Shippo right."
"Yup, but don't tell him, there going to tell him after school."
"Ok, cool."
Sango closed Kohaku's door and was talking by Kagome's room, when she heard quite sobbes. Sango opened the door and looked in, Kagome was sitting on the ground crying, her head was resting on her kness. Sango quickly closed the door and walked back into the kitchen, Sango quickly found Inuyasha.
"Inuyasha can we please talking in privite."
"Sure." Inuyasha followed Sango into the living room. "Whats up."
"I was walking by your room, and I could hear Kagome crying, so I opened the door, and she was sitting on the ground crying."
Inuyasha didn't say a word, he quickly turned around and ran to his room, when he got there Kagome was still on the ground crying, Inuyasha quickly closed the door and walked towards her. "Whats wrong." Inuyasha said in a small whisper.
Kagome slowly looked up at Inuyasha as tears ran down her face, Kagome lowered her head. "I can't do it."
"Can't do what." Inuyasha said as he sat beside her and wrapped an arms around her waist.
"Nobody know's I'm pregnant, What will my friends say." Kagome whispered.
"You can wear my cloths there really baggie on you." Inuyasha told Kagome.
"Thanks." Kagome whispered.
Inuyasha got to his feet and pulled Kagome up, Inuyasha walked over and grabbed a shirt and a pair of sweet pants for Kagome. Inuyasha gave the cloths to Kagome.
Inuyasha and Kagome walked into the kitchen, Inuyasha whispered a thanks to Sango, Sango nodded her head and finished getting ready for school.
Miroku turned around and looked at Kagome, she was wearing black sweet pants and a large black shirt. "What are you wearing."
Kagome looked down. "What you don't like it."
"You look good, I never thought I would see the day, you wore Inuyasha's cloths."
"Funny, I don't want anybody else to find out about me being pregnant."
"K, sounds good, Ok everybody get ready, we need to get going."
A few minutes later everybody was standing in front of there school, Mirkou and Sango, left ten minutes early to drop Shippo and Kohaku off at school.
"Ok, remember what I said, If you had enough just tell me." Inuyasha told Kagome.
Kagome nodded and talked with Sango and Rin to there first class, Miroku, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru walked the other way.
As Kagome, Rin and Sango walked into there class room, a few of Kagome's friends walked towards here.
"Kagome what are you wearing." Eri asked Kagome.
"Black is so not your color." Yuka told Kagome.
"Leave her alone." Sango yelled at Yuka and Eri.
Sango took Kagome's hand and walked to there table. "Thanks." Sango nodded and sat on one said of her ad Rin sat on the other side.
Eri and Yuka and over to Kagome. "Whats going on, you don't talk or hang out with as anymore." Eri asked Kagome.
"Lots has changed." Kagome told Eri and Yuka.
"It's Inuyasha isn't it." Eri asked Kagome.
"Please don't do this now, can we just talk later, here I'll give you my number." Kagome told Eri and Yuka, Kagome grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down her number and gave it to them.
Eri and Yuka nodded there thanks and walked to there table. "What are you going to tell them." Rin asked Kagome.
"I really don't know." Kagome signed and rested her head on the arms.
When there first period was over Kagome,Rin and Sango walked to there next class, Sesshomaru was in the class across for them, so Sesshomaru check up on the girls.
Kagome, Rin and Sango turned around and looked at Sesshomaru. "Hey."
"How you feeling."
"Were good, Kagome's a little tired." Rin told Sesshomaru.
"Do you want to go home I'll get Inuyasha."
"No I'm good just please don't tell him." Kagome told Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru nodded, he kissed Rin before returning to his class, as the girl walked into there's they were shocked to see Kikyo sitting there.
"Hello." Kagome said to Kikyo.
"Hi, didn't expect to see you here." Kikyo told Kagome.
"Ya, well I only got a few more weeks, then Inuyasha's taking me out." Kagome told Kikyo.
"Is he here." Sango asked Kikyo.
Kikyo knowing to who she was talking about. "No he's not."
"Thank god." Sango whispered.
"So how is the you no what." Kikyo asked Kagome.
Kagome, Rin and Sango walked over and sat down near Kikyo.
All the students looked up as the teacher walked into the class room. "Ok, students put all your books away, tosay we have a test."
"Oh shit." Could be heard all over the class room.
"Kagome, Rin Sango and Kikyo please come with me." The teacher said, as he walked out of the class.
The teacher turned around and looked at the four students. "You four have missed a lot of school, is there anything you want to tell me."
All four girl shock there heads. "Fine, but I'll give you girls one day to study, you'll do the test tomorrow." The teacher told the girls before going back into the class room.
"Thats was close." Sango whispered.
Rin and Kagome nodded before going back into the class room.
There third period class was Math, Inuyasha was in that class with them. When Kagome, Rin and Sango got there Inuyasha was all ready there. Inuyasha walked over to Kagome when she walked in. "How you feeling."
"I'm good." Kagome whispered as they walked to there seats.
"You look tired."
"Maybe a little, but I'm fine." Inuyasha and Kagome sat down and talked waiting for the teacher.
"Ok class, today will be a free day to study for the up coming test. Oh it's nice to see Kagome, Sango, Rin, And Inuyasha are back."
"Hey." Inuyasha said.
There third period class went good, everybody meet up outside and walked over to a tree and sat down to eat lunch.
"If you want, I can take you home." Inuyasha asked Kagome as she leaned against his chest. "No i'm fine."
Sesshomaru and Rin were still in the school, Inuyasha watched as Sesshomaru and Rin ran towards him. "Come on were leaving now."