InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life In High School. ❯ Life goes on. ( Chapter 43 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I Don't own inuyasha.
Rated M for further chapters
Recap: Rin looked up at Sesshomaru giving him a small smile. “Thanks I needed to hear that.”
Chapter 43: Life goes on.
All Kagome wanted was to be a normal teenager. Going to school, talking about boys with her friends, what life would be like after she finished school, but now she was living a life, she didn't ask for, living a life she really didn't want, yes she loved Inuyasha with all her heart, but she still wanted a normal life not two months pregnant.
At this points she wanted to be alone, with Kagura showing up Inuyasha won't let Kagome out of his sight, she wasn't aloud to be a long no longer then five minutes without Inuyasha running off to find her.
She loved the man, she was going to be married to him in a few days, Sango and Rin took up the job of getting the wedding planned, and all Kagome had to do was show up and say I do.
Kagome felt more left out then anything, she thought she would be the one planning her own wedding, not locked away. Sango and Rin went to school everyday, as Kagome stayed home with Inuyasha or Sesshomaru watching over her.
Sesshomaru and Inuyasha won't tell her anything about Kagura or why she really showed up in the first place. If they ever did talk about her, it wasn't in front of her. Whenever she walked into a room, everybody would stop talking and shoot questions at her.
Inuyasha phoned in a house nurse to take care of Kagome and the baby. She fought against him, but it only ended up with Kagome crying and Inuyasha yelling. Kaede would be moving into the house at the end of the week and Inuyasha and Miroku would be starting there jobs working with Sesshomaru.
After finding out Sango and Rin were pregnant as well, Kagome decided, to work for Sesshomaru after school and on weekends. Sango wasn't showing yet, Rin was only showing a little, only being a week pregnant.
Sango and Rin walked through the big house, trying to find Kagome, after having another big fight with Inuyasha about Kaede moving into the house. Kagome wanted to take care of herself and his child. Unfortunately, Inuyasha always had his way.
“Kagome are you in there.” Rin asked as she pushed opened a small door and lead into the library, Kagome was sitting in a small chair reading books about childbirth.
“Why did Inuyasha send you? Too chicken to come himself.” Kagome asked Rin and Sango.
“No, we can't find Inuyasha anywhere. We thought he might be with you.” Rin told Kagome.
“Were here to take you shopping.” Sango told Kagome.
Kagome quickly looked up from here book. “Really.”
“Yup, we need to get you a wedding dress.” Sango told Kagome.
“Does Inuyasha know about this?”
Kagome, Rin and Sango turned around to find Sesshomaru leaning against the doorframe. Kagome quickly looked down at her book again. “There goes that idea." Kagome mumbled.
Sesshomaru saw how sad Kagome got. “Rin, Sango, take Kagome and have fun. Just don't be gone to long.”
Kagome looked up at Sesshomaru. “Really, I can go.”
“If Inuyasha gets mad, don't worry I'll take care of him.” Sesshomaru told Kagome.
Sesshomaru walked over to Kagome and helped her up. “Go and have fun for once.”
“Thank you. Kagome whispered as Sango dragged her away. Rin walked over to Sesshomaru and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Thank you.”
“Make sure she has fun." Sesshomaru told Rin.
“Don't worry I will.”
Rin, Sango and Kagome walked around the mall picking up wedding items, dress and more, Kagome was having the time of her life, the only problem she was wearing big and baggie cloths hiding the fact that she is with child.
“What's wrong Kagome?” Rin asked.
“Don't worry it's nothing.” Kagome told Rin.
“Kagome I promised Sesshomaru that we would have fun, please tell me what's wrong.”
“I hate hiding the fact that I'm pregnant.” Kagome told Rin and Sango.
“I know. I'm sorry this will be all over really soon Kagome I promise.” Rin told Kagome.
“If I know Inuyasha and Sesshomaru they'll take care of Naraku as soon as they can.” Sango told Kagome.
“Sesshomaru really cares for you Kagome, he showed you that today.” Rin told Kagome.
“By the way how did you meet Sesshomaru?” Rin asked Kagome.
“Sesshomaru and Inuyasha's parents where close to my mom and dad, Sesshomaru would all was protect me, as Inuyasha would be off somewhere making trouble.” Kagome told Rin.
"I can see how some things never change." Sango mumbled.
Kagome, Rin and Sango turned around as they say Inuyasha walking towards them, he was angry she knew that, she could feel his anger, being mated to him, let her feel his emoticons with help of her Miko powers.
Kagome started to panic, before Inuyasha could reach the girls Sesshomaru walked in front of them. "Hello dear brother what are you doing here."
Inuyasha looked at Sesshomaru then Kagome. "Where you with her this whole time." Inuyasha asked his brother.
"Yes, as a matter of fact I was." Sesshomaru told Inuyasha.
Inuyasha walked passed Sesshomaru and walked over to Kagome. As Inuyasha was getting closer, she took a few steps back. "Inuyasha what's wrong?" Kagome whispered.
"I went to the house, and you where gone I thought something bad happened to you." Inuyasha told Kagome.
"I'm fine. Rin and Sango never left my side." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"And what about Sesshomaru." Inuyasha asked Kagome.
"What about him." Kagome asked.
"Did he stay with you at all times?" Inuyasha asked Kagome as he looked at Sesshomaru.
"Well no, we went into the bridal shop, so Sesshomaru stayed outside, we didn't want him to see Rin's wedding dress." Kagome quickly told Inuyasha.
Inuyasha seamed to believe Kagome. He then kissed her on the forehead before walking over to Sesshomaru. "She never leaves your sight." Inuyasha told Sesshomaru before walking out of the mall.
Kagome released a breath she didn't know she was holding in, as she started to fall over Sesshomaru caught her. "Are you all right."
"Ya, he scared me a little, I could feel the anger coming from him." Kagome told Sesshomaru.
"How about I take you ladies home." Sesshomaru said.
"That would be best." Kagome told Sesshomaru.
Not wanted to leave, but it was for the best. What if Sesshomaru didn't come when he did? Inuyasha would have carried her out, as he yelled at her for leaving the house. Kagome had to admit, when Inuyasha was angry he was scary, at any moment he could transform, he could turn all demon and hurt the people around her.
"Kagome are you alright." Sango asked.
"Ya, I just think we should go, Inuyasha was really angry, I know he won't calm down until I'm back inside the house, under his watchful eye." Kagome told Sango.
"She's right, it's best if we go." Sesshomaru told Sango and Rin.
"Kagome will come with me, as you two drive close behind." Sesshomaru told Rin.
"Ok." Rin told Sesshomaru.
Kagome gave all her bags to Rin and Sango as she walked with Sesshomaru to his car, the drive home was quick and sweet, before said a word. As Sesshomaru and Kagome got out of the car, Kagome thanked Sesshomaru for showing up when he did.
Inuyasha walked out of the house, and took Kagome's hand. "I'm sorry for acting like I did."
"It's ok, I understand, I should have told you first."
Inuyasha led Kagome into the house, with Sesshomaru, Rin and Sango close behind. Sango quickly ran to her room to put the wedding dress away, not wanting any of the men to see them.
"What did you guys do uptown?" Inuyasha asked Kagome as they sat down at the kitchen table.
"We bought all the wedding dresses." Kagome told Inuyasha.
"Would you like anything to eat Lady Kagome."
"Kagome I would like you to meet Kaede."
Kagome looked up at the old woman, she had long grey hair pulled back into a ponytail, and she wasn't that tall. "Hello, please don't call me Lady Kagome, Kagome will be just fine." Kagome told Kaede
"Ok, Kagome it will be." Kaede told Kagome.
"Would you like something to eat?" Kaede asked Kagome again.
"Yes please." Kagome told Kaede.
"Would you all like something?" Kaede asked everybody else in the room.
Everybody nodded there head. Kaede turned around and walked into the kitchen.
"She nice." Rin said.
"Where's Miroku?" Sango asked Inuyasha.
"He's around, he was here talking to some guy about the wedding before I left the house." Inuyasha told Sango.
Sango nodded before walking out of the kitchen to start her search for Miroku. Sango found Miroku in Kohaku's room.
Kagome and Inuyasha told Shippo like they promised that they where now his parents, that he would have a new brother or sister, Shippo was so happy to have a family again, a few days later they moved Shippo into a room closer to there's, Shippo wanted to be close to his new mother and father.
The day they told him, they took him out for supper, and then a movie, Shippo was so happy, he fell asleep during the movie, and Inuyasha carried a sleeping Kagome and Shippo to bed that night.
Miroku was the first to notice how lonely Kohaku had become. Shippo would spend more time with Inuyasha or Kagome than he did Kohaku.
"What's wrong?" Sango asked Miroku and Kohaku.
"Kohaku you should tell her." Miroku told Kohaku.
Kohaku nodded his head and looked up at his sister. "I miss hanging around with Shippo. He's never here anymore, he's always with Inuyasha or Kagome." Kohaku told Sango.
Sango walked over to her brother and sat beside him. "It's ok Kohaku, Shippo is just happy about having a mother and father, don't worry everything will be back to normal." Sango told her brother.
Sango, Miroku and Kohaku joined Kagome, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru and Rin in the kitchen for lunch. Kaede moved into a room close to Inuyasha and Kagome's room, so if Kagome needed anything Kaede would know.
Kagome and Kaede got along pretty well, Kagome was still mad with Inuyasha, Inuyasha has a great heart, and he was doing it for her well-being.
Kagome, Sango and Rin went to a beauty parlor for the day, with Miroku sitting outside the shop, Inuyasha's orders of course.
"I can't wait, we'll be married to the men we love tomorrow." Sango whispered.
"Sango why are you whispering." Rin asked.
"Miroku's out there." Sango told Rin.
Rin leaned over to Sango. "What's wrong with Kagome."
"Not sure, why don't you ask her." Sango told Rin.
"Kagome what's wrong." Rin asked Sango.
"Oh, nothing me and Inuyasha are leaving tonight, and I guess I'm going to miss you guys." Kagome told Rin and Sango.
"Where are you going for the honeymoon?" Rin asked Kagome.
"Inuyasha's taking me to Paris." Kagome told Rin and Sango.
"What about you, where's Miroku taking you Sango?" Kagome asked.
"Miroku's taking me to Italy." Sango told Kagome and Rin.
"Where's Sesshomaru taking you Rin?" Sango and Kagome asked at the same time.
"He won't tell me." Rin told her two best friends.
"Rin are you pouting." Sango asked.
"Maybe." Rin mumbled.
Miroku ended up phoning Kaede to pick up the girls. He then joined Inuyasha and Sesshomaru to pick up there tuxedos.
"Any word from Kagura or Naraku." Miroku asked Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.
"Nope not yet." Inuyasha told Miroku.
"I went looking for Kagura, I can't find her anywhere." Sesshomaru told Inuyasha and Miroku.
"What does Rin know about this?" Miroku asked Sesshomaru.
"Ya, I don't think she'll like you looking for your old girl." Inuyasha told Sesshomaru.
"I want to know, how she knows Naraku."
"That's been going through my mind as well." Inuyasha told Sesshomaru.
"So there getting married tomorrow."
"Find out where, and when."
"Why must you know."
"Inuyasha will not marry her, she belongs to Me."
"What am I to you. your whore."
"Do as I ask, or you will met your end."
"Your a real bastard you know that."
"Yes I know, find my sister as well and tell her to come home, I need her here."
Sango, Rin and Kagome, would be sharing a room, to keep away from Inuyasha, Miroku and Sesshomaru, Inuyasha would send Kaede to check on Kagome ever few hours.
"You don't like this do you." Miroku asked Inuyasha.
"What." Inuyasha asked as he looked at Miroku.
"God man, it's only for a few hours, you'll get to see her tomorrow on your wedding day...” Sesshomaru told Inuyasha.
"Shut up." Inuyasha yelled.
"What do you want more, a boy or a girl?" Rin asked Kagome.
"To tell you the truth I don't really care, as long as they have Inuyasha's ears."
"You and Inuyasha's ears." Rin teased Kagome.
"What about you, what do you want?" Kagome asked Rin.
"Me I want a little boy just like Sesshomaru, but a little girl will be ok." Rin told Kagome.
"What about you Sango." Rin and Kagome both turned to look at her.
"Me, I want a little girl." Sango told Kagome and Rin.
"I can't wait, till this house is full on kids."
Kagome. Rin and Sango turned around to see Miss. Higurashi walking into the room.
"Mama." Miss. Higurashi walked over to Kagome and helped her up. Kagome pulled her mother into a tight hug. "I've missed you."
"Me to baby."
"Did you bring Souta."
"He's with Kohaku, they were both asking for Shippo."
"Shippo's with his father right now, there getting ready for the wedding tomorrow."
"I'll be dropping Kohaku and Souta over there, Inuyasha phoned me."
"Oh let me say goodbye to them." Kagome told her mother.
"I'll go with you." Sango told Kagome.
Sango and Kagome walked together to Kohaku's room, both boys were sitting on the floor playing video games.
"Kagome." Souta jumped off the bed and ran towards his sister.
"Hey Souta how are you?"
"I'm great, I really missed you, mom told me about the wedding, I'm happy for you and Inuyasha."
"Hey Shippo, come here." Inuyasha screamed from the end of the hallway. Inuyasha watched as Shippo ran from his room, and stopped right in front of him.
"Ya." Shippo asked his father.
"Souta and Kohaku are coming, they will be staying here as well, they're going to help with the wedding, and they will be in the wedding as well." Inuyasha told Shippo.
"Ok, can they sleep in my room?" Shippo asked Inuyasha.
"Sure, if they want to." Inuyasha told Shippo.
"Go play, I'll tell you when they get here." Inuyasha told Shippo.
Shippo nodded his head and ran back into his room.
Kagome, Sango and Rin were still in the house, just not in the main house, they were about a five-minute walk away. Kagome and Sango didn't like there brothers walking by themselves, so Kagome asked her mother to take them, considering her mother would be joining them for the night, and to help the girls in the morning with there hair and makeup.
Inuyasha didn't like the thought of Kagome being so far away, that something would happen to her when he's not there to watch her. There where only two people in the world Inuyasha trusted to watch over his mate and baby, them being Sesshomaru and Miroku, and both of them were here with him.
Sesshomaru had to stop Inuyasha many times from trying to sneak out of the house, and finding Kagome. Miroku just sat back and watched the show, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru fighting was always a funny thing to watch.
Kohaku, Souta and Miss Higurashi walked into the room to see Sesshomaru holding Inuyasha in his demon form, his eye's where a bright red color.
"What's going on here?" Miss. Higurashi asked
Sesshomaru turned around still holding Inuyasha looked at Kagome's mother. "Inuyasha misses your daughter a lot."
"Inuyasha stop this at once." Miss.Higurashi yelled at Inuyasha.
Inuyasha slowly turned back to being a half demon, Sesshomaru watching him turn back, dropped him to the ground.
"Is she all right." Inuyasha quickly asked.
"She's fine, she asked me to bring Kohaku and Shippo over." Miss.Higurashi told Inuyasha.
Inuyasha pulled himself off the ground, walked over to a chair, and sat down. "I'm sorry I just don't like the idea of her being by herself without Miroku, Sesshomaru or I with her, If something happened, you girls won't be able to protect her."
"Inuyasha I understand, But Kagome just wants her wedding to go through without any problems, she doesn't want you to see her in till the wedding begins."
Inuyasha sighed and nodded his understanding. Miss.Higurashi walked over to Inuyasha and pulled him into a tight loving hug. "She'll be ok." with that she turned around and walked out of the house to return to her daughter.