InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life In High School. ❯ And so it begins Part 2 ( Chapter 46 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I don't own Inuyasha.
Rated M.
Recap: "This woman, Kagome she's with child."
Chapter 46: And so it begins Part 2
"What." Naraku yelled.
Everybody in the room backed up a few steps to get away for the angry man, Kikyo and Kagura gasped as the words left the man's mouth.
"Oh god." Kikyo whispered.
Naraku turned around and looked back at the man, "Get back to work, I'll deal with this later."
The man nodded and ran from the room, Naraku turned and looked at Kagura and his sister. "Did you little bitch's know."
"No" Kagura told Naraku.
Naraku turned and looked at Kikyo. "And you."
"No." Kikyo whispered.
Naraku walked over to Kikyo and whispered in her ear. "Your lieing."
Kikyo went to backup, Naraku grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her towards him. Kikyo screamed in pain, when Naraku dig his nails into Kikyo's skin, blood ran down her arms.
"Naraku let her go." Kagura screamed.
Naraku released Kikyo and threw her on the ground. "How long."
Kikyo looked up at Naraku as Kaugra helped her to her feet. "What."
"How long has she been pregnant for." Naraku yelled.
"I don't know." Kikyo yelled at her brother.
Kagome, Rin and Sango sat down and relaxed as Miss.Higurashi worked on there hair and makeup.
"So were all taking the jet." Sango asked.
"yup, you and Miroku are getting dropped off first, then Me and Sesshomaru, then Kagome and Inuyasha." Rin told Sango.
"Did Sesshomaru tell you anything yet." Sango asked Rin.
"Nope." Rin told Sango and Kagome.
"I hate flying." Kagome mumbled.
"Is it even safe to be flying being that pregnant." Rin asked as she pointed at kagome's stomach.
"Yup, Inuyasha said it would be ok, with the baby being half demon and all." Kagome told her friends.
"Thats good." Kagome's mother said.
Kagome nodded and looked up at her mother. "Thank you momma."
"For what."
"For everything."
"Your very much welcome, I'm just glade I got to be here for your wedding."
Inuyasha, Miroku and Sesshomaru sat in the small room, it would only take them a few moment to get ready, waiting for the wedding, Inuyasha fought with Sesshomaru more then enough time, he wanted Kagome, and he wanted her now, staying away from her this long killed him, never again would he do this.
"Will you just get over it all ready." Sesshomaru told Inuyasha.
"Ya, you'll be seeing her in a few hours, You'll be marrying her in a few hours." Miroku told Inuyasha.
"Leave it alone." Inuyasha told Sesshomaru and Miroku before walking away.
"Stay out of trouble." Miroku yelled.
Inuyasha walked threw the house, watching people running around setting up the wedding that would be taking place in less then six hours, outside had tables and chairs, as the inside was full of food and drinks, for the small party before the Newlyweds lifted for there honeymoons.
He walked threw the house, before stopping at a door, pressing his ear to the door, He could hear her voice, as she talked to her mother and friends, Inuyasha singed before walking back to the pervert and his brother.
Sesshomaru looked up when Inuyasha walked threw the door, "Did you have fun."
"Shut up bastard."
Inuyasha walked over to a chair and sat down beside Miroku.
"Myoga will be here in the next hour to help with the wedding." Sesshomaru told Inuyasha and Miroku.
"Why the hell is he coming here." Inuyasha asked Sesshomaru.
"He's been a part of this family for years, I invited him to the wedding." Sesshomaru told Inuyasha.
"I haven't seen him in about fifteen years now."
"Same, but when I told him we were getting married, he was happy, I thought it would be a good idea to invite him to the wedding."
"What is he helping with."
"Pictures, He was all was good at taking pictures,and he brought a few friends with him." Sesshomaru said with a smirked.
"Ok, whats that look for."
"I mentioned Kagome and Rin being with child, and Naraku."
"You didn't, the army must be here."
Sesshomaru started walking to the door, looking over his shoulder. "Maybe."
"Come back here you bastard." Inuyasha yelled.
"How is Myoga really." Miroku asked Inuyasha.
Taking a deep breath. "He took after me and bastard after our old man died."
The sun moved over the mountains, giving the back yard a shine, as man and woman ran around the house and yard, setting up the million dollar wedding, three couples getting married with friends and family from all around arriving the world, co-workers from the million dollar company.
Not knowing that danger larked around every corner, as Naraku's man moved into the wedding guests, talking to friends and family of the couples. that waited for there wedding to began.
Three man moved into the living room of the house, as the older of the three pulled a cell phone from his pocket. hitting speed dial.
"Were in the house, there still setting up the wedding, there's guard all around the house, about five or six at the woman's room."
"Very good, keep an eye on the girl, don't let her out of your sight, I'll be there in about half an hour."
"Yes master." The man said before hanging up the phone. The man turned around and looked at the other two man standing there. "Ok we have our orders, Naraku will be here in half an hour, our orders are to watch the girl."
The other two man nodded and followed the older man from the room, working there way upstairs, were Kagome, and here two best friends, were getting ready for there wedding.
Sango, Rin and Kagome's mother helped Kagome into her wedding dress, as her hands rested against the wall holding her up.
"Oh Kagome you look beautiful." Sango told Kagome.
"Sure, with his stomach." Kagome said pointing down to her plump stomach.
Rin and Sango starting giggling.
"You won't be laughing when you look like this." kagome warned her friends.
"It's not a bad thing, I just wish I didn't look like this on my wedding bad." Kagome quickly added.
"Thank you for helping me with my dress."
"Were glade to help, you would do the same for us." Sango told Kagome.