InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life Without You ❯ The Accident ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3
The Accident
Time seemed to pass by slowly for the young miko. But she didn't seem to notice. She was a walking empty shell not really feeling or experiencing anything. She stared sadly out the window at the lake as the rain streaked down the window pane.
“Come on kiddo, let's go somewhere!”
Kagome looked at her father and smiled saying softly, “Okay.”
The rain was pouring down and they sat quietly at the stop light waiting for it to turn green.
“Are you okay kiddo?”
“I'm fine.” She answered flatly.
“You sure?”
“Yes! Just stay out of my life!”
The light turned green and her father started pulling forward.
“I'm just asking because I love you, honey.”
She turned to look at her dad. There was screaming, a horn blaring and then the sickening crunch of metal.
When the miko woke up, there was the rain pouring down on to her. It hurt to move, hurt to breath. She was lying on the cold pavement a few feet from the car. Her father hung lifelessly from the open car door.
“Daddy?” She rasped out, fear swelling in her chest.
“Daddy? Daddy please answer me! Wake up! Daddy please it hurts!” By this point the miko's tears were mixed with the rain that already drenched her face. She coughed furiously, failing to notice the change of color of the rain that streaked down her face.
He never answered his daughter. The rain continued to fall and the miko faded into darkness the sirens in the distance just a little too late.
It was nearly three in the morning when the phone rang. Glancing at the caller id, Inuyasha groaned and decided to let the machine get it. The voice on the machine caused him to sit up quickly in bed, his heart racing.
“Inuyasha, you're probably asleep, but it's Kagome's mother,” the woman sobbed to the machine. “Inuyasha, there's been a terrible accident and Kagome was hurt-“
It took the hanyou two steps to cross the room and snatch up the phone, “Mrs. Higurashi!”
“Inuyasha, thank Kami!”
“What happened? Is Kagome alright?” The panic in his voice rose with each passing second.
“There was a car accident. Kagome and her dad…there was a semi, the road was really slippery, there was so much much blood…they were hit…”
“Oh my God…” Inuyasha felt his world start to cave in and numbly sat in one of the kitchen chairs, his free hand covered his mouth.
“Kagome made it, but her father…he didn't…Kagome's in a coma right now…they…they don't think she'll make it.”
“Excuse me?”
The woman behind the desk seemed to be completely ignoring him.
“HEY! I'm talking to you!”
He turned to see his best friend's mother racing towards him just in time to catch her as she launched herself at him, sobbing. He held her for awhile while she regained her composure, she was after all the mother he never had.
Once she had controlled her tears, Mrs. Higurashi pulled away from Inuyasha and smiled meekly. “It's good to see you again.”
“Where's Kagome?”
“Inuyasha! Mrs. Higurashi!”
“Sango, Miroku, you made it!”
The couple rushed over to the hanyou and the distressed mother, embracing her for a few seconds.
“Do you want to see Kagome?” The mother asked hesitantly.
Sango and Miroku both answered simultaneously, “Yes.”
They stared at the hanyou waiting for his reply, but none came. He suddenly felt very afraid to see his best friend. A million thoughts raced through his brain but were stopped when a small hand slipped into his. He looked down into the eyes of his surrogate mother.
“Kagome has already forgiven you Inuyasha, she holds no ill will against you.”
He glanced nervously at the others.
Miroku grabbed Sango's hand and started to pull her along the corridor, “Uh we'll go ahead.”
“Mrs. Higurashi, it's not that I'm afraid that she won't forgive me…I'm…I'm terrified to see her like this.”
“It'll be okay Inuyasha. Would you like to see her alone? Would that help?”
The hanyou shook his head tentatively.
He nervously made his way down the hall following Kagome's mother to her room. He stopped just outside her door.
`I can do this!'
Miroku and Sango opened the door to leave. Sango was crying into Miroku's t-shirt as they left.
`Fuck I can't do this!'
He stepped through the door and felt his world finally cave in. His beloved Kagome, his best friend, lay motionless on the bed. IVs were hooked up to her, a heart monitor beeped in the background, a respirator pushed air constantly into Kagome's lungs.
“Oh Kags…” he whispered.