InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Little Ninja ❯ Breakfast @ Kagome's ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Little Ninja

Chapter Eight: Breakfast @ Kagome's

By: OhJoy

InuYasha looked down at the yellow sticky and rubbed his chin. "This is the place?" He pulled onto a street that was lined with warehouses, a Starbucks, a Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and office buildings. "How many coffee houses do they need on one block? This is a business district. Does she live here? Or is she meeting me at her office?"

He parked his car outside and walked towards Kagome's. Delicious aromas of fresh brewed coffee, bacon sizzling and warm toast waft through the air. Teasing his nose and his smile grows even wider, as he makes his way to Kagome's. InuYasha had a breakfast date with his sexy little ninja.

"What the hell? Am I actually nervous? Who'd've thought?" He growls and chuckles. Then knocks on the door.

Kagome opens the door and the delicious aromas he had smelled fell on him like a ton of bricks.

"Good morning. Come on in. I hope you're hungry. I made breakfast." She stepped aside and gestured him to enter.

She just got out of the shower and was dressed in a small pale pink form fitting t-shirt that clung seductively to her still moist body... "Nice tits," InuYasha thought. Her cropped baggy pajama pants with a pattern of white puppies and red fire hydrants were hung low on her hips, revealing the gentle curve of her abdomen. Her hair was still wet and it looks like her shirt was soaking up as much of it as possible.

Kagome lived in a loft. It was more or less one large, open room with a high ceiling. Directly ahead was the kitchen. The deep granite counter tops complimented the cherry stained cabinets. An island counter, with four stools stood in the middle, being convenient to use from all angles of the space.

To the left was an artist's studio. Paints, brushes, canvasses, papers were strewn haphazardly on shelves and on a long table. Along the same wall as the front door was another desk with an unbelievably large computer display, computer, printer and other peripherals. "Huh... I wonder what she does for a living." On the wall were four paintings of... something... in varying states of completion. At the end of that wall was a spiral staircase leading up to... "her bedroom?"

"I meant for us to go out for breakfast," InuYasha was a little embarrassed.

"Oh, no worries. I love to cook."

Then the scent hit him... her arousal... only it was slightly different from last night... it was coming from over there... "The bathroom?"

"Uh, Kagome... may I use your bathroom?"

"Sure, it's over there," she gestured to his right. On that side of the loft was the living room space. A large burgandy sofa flanked by a blue denim over-sized chair faced a 60" plasma flat screen TV with a DVD player, VCR, PlayStation, Game Cube and an XBox hooked up to it. At the end of the wall was a spiral staircase much like the one on the other side. Her finger was pointing to a door in the corner nook where steam was softly drifting out.

"Cool, I'll be right back." He made a beeline to further investigate the scent. He closed the door behind him and went straight to the bathtub. He sniffed at the drain. "Gods! She reached an orgasm while she showered! Mmmmm... what a delicious scent." His cock hardened. "This is going to be a great breakfast..."

Not really needing to use the facilities, he just flushed the toilet and rinsed his hands in the sink. Emerging from the bathroom, he saw her next to the counter lifting eggs out of a pan and placing them on a plate.

"Have a seat," she motioned him to choose a stool. She placed a plate of scrambled eggs with cheese, hash browns, and bacon, along with a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee before him. A separate plate with several pieces of toast was off to the side. "Would you like cream and sugar?"

He nodded and watched her take out a carton of Half & Half from the fridge placed it on the island and pushed forward a small ceramic container from the center. She smiled.

He was completely mesmerized. He couldn't remember the last time he had a hot breakfast let alone a hot breakfast cooked by a hotty. That's when he nearly lost it.

She smiled and brushed some of her wet hair that was resting on her chest back behind her shoulder. Her wet shirt clung to her nipple and nearly half of her breast and he saw the lusciously dark erect peak. He licked his lips and gupled.

Completely oblivious to her actions, Kagome said brightly, "Let's dig in!" And settled next to him with her own plate of yummies. She poured nearly half the bottle of Cholula on her eggs.

InuYasha commented, "I don't think you put enough Cholula on your eggs."

She smiled, "I like it spicy."

"Don't I know it." He smirked and attacked his own breakfast.

"Good Gods, Woman. You can cook."

They enjoyed a comfortable silence as they ate.