InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My One and Only ❯ The Bet ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay, as you all may know, I had two chaps of the same thing up, well that's because I saved all my chapters really weird. I have no order in my life, and I was half asleep when I posted it, so if you all will forgive me, I'll love you forever. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy this chapter
Chapter 3: The Bet
“Sango is it really that bad?” Kagome asked as Sango pulled her down the halls towards their row of lockers.
“He doesn't know how to keep those lecherous hands to himself.” Sango answered still pulling her along.
“But does he do that to other girls?”
“Okay, lets try another approach, who does he touch more?”
“Do you see the answer now?”
“What answer?” Sango asked stopping in front of their lockers.
“He likes you, dummy!” Kagome said as Sango let go of her arm.
“He likes you. He only touches you more.”
“Yeah, the lecher.” Sango folded her arms.
“Okay, let's make a deal. If I can get Miroku not to touch you for one week, you have to go on a date with him.” Kagome said hopefully.
Sango thought about it for a minute. She really thought about it. Miroku was cute, yeah, but it was just that hand of his. It was like it had a mind of its own. Then again, she liked the way he complimented her all the time. She really wanted that date. `Kill two birds with one stone.' She thought. `Even if it is only for a week.' “Okay.”
“What?” Sango had said it so quietly that she was hardly able to hear.
“I said okay, I'll go.”
“Yay!” Kagome jumped up and down hugging her friend. Kagome settled down straightening herself up. Still with a big smile on her face she said, “I will go and get right on your date.” And she left skipping down the hall.
Inuyasha and Miroku were talking about football when Kagome came running up to them.
“Dude, no it wasn't. He fumbled the ball I don't know how many times.” Miroku said getting up about to demonstrate what happened.
“No he didn't.” Inuyasha argued.
“Miroku, Miroku, Miroku!” Kagome shouted.
“Well, someone's happy to see me.” Miroku answered turning to her.
Inuyasha only looked on as if in shock. `I don't get it. Why would she be happy to see him?'
“Miroku, you will be so proud of me! Actually, I'm pretty proud of myself considering how hard it was to get through to her.” Kagome mused to herself.
Miroku's ears perked up, and his eyes flashed at the mentioning of her. “Who Kagome?! Who is her?” Miroku asked hurriedly. (Is he that desperate for a date? *shrugs*)
Kagome looked at him confused before remembering. “Calm down Miroku.” She waved him off.
“KAGOME! Who is her?!” Miroku yelled exasperated with waiting.
“Well fine, if you want to yell at me, I guess I could call it off.” Kagome crossed her arms and tilted her head up in a defiant manner.
“I'm sorry Kagome.” Miroku said grabbing hold of her hands. “I just really want to know because I know what you can do when it comes to persuasion.”
“Awww, Miroku, you're so sweet.” Kagome smiled.
`What the fuck?' Inuyasha growled.
Miroku smiled back. “Now, would you tell please tell me what you were going to call off, and who is `her'?”
“Well… I was going to call off your date with Sango, but…” she said directing her eyes elsewhere and smiling.
Miroku stood in shock before happiness started to light up in his features until he was in a full blown smile.
“Thank you!” He smiled kissing and hugging Kagome.
“Hey! Watch it, Miroku.” Inuyasha called seeing his best friend being showered with `friendly' love by the lecher.
Kagome smiled and hugged Miroku back. “On one condition though.” Kagome said pulling back and holding up her index finger.
“What? I'll do anything.” Kagome looked at him.
She closed her eyes. “You have to keep your hands off Sango for a week.”
Miroku's smile started to fade. `One week?' he thought. `I don't think I can do that.' And he said as much to Kagome.
“Miroku, you have to. That's the agreement.” Kagome pleaded.
Miroku thought it over.
“I'll tell you what.” Kagome was willing to do anything to get these two together. They've denied it for so long that…well, Sango denied it for so long, that this was her big chance, so it couldn't hurt right?
“I'll let you grope me that entire week…”
“Hey!” came from a very angry hanyou. She was his dammit. She just didn't know it yet.
“…Providing you'll get hit every time you do.” Kagome went on ignoring Inuyasha.
“Hey! Is anybody listening? No groping Kagome!” Everyone turned to look at the hanyou.
“Why?” Kagome asked. Inuyasha became flustered.
“Well…uh…because! Just because.”
“Well, that's no plausible excuse, so what happens if I do?” Miroku interjected with a smirk.
“Then you'll find my fist in your face, got it?” Inuyasha growled holding up said appendage to further prove his point.
“Got it.” Miroku shrunk back, hiding behind Kagome, who rolled her eyes.
“Anyway,” Kagome stated getting back to the conversation. “Miroku, will you do it?” Kagome asked clasping her hands around his and giving him her best puppy dog eyes.
`I can't resist that look and she knows that. But it is worth it to go on a date with the beautiful Sango.' Miroku came out of his thoughts and let out a breath. “Of course I would.”
Kagome's eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas. `I finally got them together!' she thought. “Yeah!” she screeched, “Thank You!” and hugged Miroku. “Thank you so much Miroku!”
“I should be thanking you, Kagome.” Miroku said as he hugged her back.
“Come on Kagome, we have to go to class.” Inuyasha said grabbing Kagome's hand and pulling her to class, leaving Miroku to walk to his.
The bell rang, and each person took their seats.
“Okay class,” the teacher said, “Today, we are going to talk about the Warring States Era.”
Inuyasha got a bored look on his face. `Again?' he groaned. So, to have an excuse not to listen, he decided to pass notes to Kagome. He scribbled something down on a piece of paper folded it neatly, and passed it to Kagome.
Kagome looked at the paper that just landed on her desk. Looking in the direction that it came from, she opened it and read the note.
Why did you get Sango and Miroku together?
Kagome wrote a reply and sent it back.
Inuyasha opened the paper and began to read.
~I really wanted to see those two together. It was just getting annoying with nothing happening between them and we all know that they like each other.~
Inuyasha was about to write back when someone coughed. He looked up and saw the teacher.
“Ms. Higurashi and Mr. Takahashi, would you two like to teach the class, seeing as how you know what I've been covering since you are ignoring me?”
“No sir,” Kagome answered for them both.
Then will you please stop passing notes and pay attention to the lesson?” he turned back around to the board and began his lesson over again.
Kagome paid attention while Inuyasha slept the rest of the hour.
Okay! All done with this chapter! I shall see you all next time. Luv ya!